Original Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Magical Girl Home Base Description
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Magical girls are massively empowering people who spark hope, push back the dark, and defeat fear for others. The problem is, to do this they are soldiers. They go out, they fight, see horrors of war, and then they come home back to the World and then it's like nothing happens. There's no recognition. A bit of tin and a scrap of ribbon, a recognition of what they do, anything to help them hold onto their humanity under the pressures of their enviroment is what they need, but by the curse of their service being in secret, they can't get it. Magical girls are above all else, human. It is this humanity that lets them inspire hope, and it is this humanity that forces them to run away, seek shelter and like-minded people, to try and survive together against this darkness.

And then they fail, because they are soldiers. Their lives are blood and tears and destruction. The homes they crave, the communities they need- to build them, they would need to beat their swords into plowshares. Against the unending tide of threats, the weekly monsters and yearly threats to vast swathes of the world? That is a luxurious end that does not compute to the grognards. The institution and traditions of the Magical Girls themselves cannot comprehend it.

Enter the outsider, enter [you]. [You] cannot fight, being too crippled to hold a weapon against the tide, but you can still help, aid, assist. Because [you] never took up arms, there is a latitude to [your] thought, to [your] actions, and with that to [your] effects. Rare is the Magical Girl who understands more than what rituals and sorcery it takes to maintain her equipment, stealing from the remains of her enemies to cover the costs of life alone after her old home failed her. What [you] can do will make waves, instill courage, bring forth the hope that the Magical Girls have needed. Living memory is short, and heroes cannot live forever in the hearts of men without bards to pass the tale on. But, for a structure of hope, an arsenal of dreams, and a light at the hilt of the Sword of Mars?

That could be enough to change the world.
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