Trust and verify.
- Location
- Philmont
I will admit, the revelation thatJocelyn's potential plot arc with the Tyrfing shit apparently has gotten thrown out the window because she had a bad roll despite us throwing the book at salvaging her, and she's potentially now eternally stuck at hired help status
Yeah you think that plot arc is dead? No. It's just waiting in the reefer for when I hit a mid-quarter dry spell, like half the bloody plot threads I plan.
I am honestly tired of trying for this, and I did try my hardest. Better luck to you in the future.
We're now in the predicted situation of it being impossible to outfit all the girls effectively because we don't have the workshop and it being impossible to upgrade the workshop because we're stuck cranking out trash items and building upgrades
I'm very sorry the system is working as designed. It's almost like the QM can do math too in order to set up his game state and progression so there's story and gameplay integration! There's no critical dice roll, no magic stratagem, no omake bonus; nothing that can try and shim the reality that you are climbing out of abject poverty one bootstrap at a time with wagon train of homeless vagrants behind you holding onto your coat for guidance.
Maybe we should start charging the magical girls in labor as was done with Calypso. Want trinket/wand/costume X? Pay it off in helping expand the motel.
That's honestly a thing I'm more liable to do for earmarked items. Most of the girls who live at the hostel have decent bankrolls now (40-70 Stuff) though and vagrant girls are normally flush with cash anyway since they can't liquidate easily.