There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

[x]Plan: Damageing Czerka
I think we could take the hit to end this fast if necessary however Im hopping that the Core special mission would help negate that somewhat.
After a single year their morale is down to 55% if we go all out we might destroy them completely.
My main objection to this plan is the lack of an investigation on the Outer Rim - we know that's where the next lead is from our prior probing, so it seems like a good idea to pick up the lead even if we do also start ploughing Czerka into the ground.

[Edit]: Well, also secondarily that pure aggression isn't IMO a great Jedi tactic, and we shouldn't view our assets so expendably.
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This is such a bad idea right now. Even with our forces concentrated on 3 partol areas, we still failed two of our events. With them spread even further, that might just send us down a death spiral.
That's a bit of a hard assertion for me to accept, since we don't have the behind-the-scenes involved - it could've just been two disaster rolls, or rolls where the specific stats of the people we assigned totalled very low because it was all low stats in one category, and we've been doing pretty well up until now. Additionally, we're likely soon going to get more padawans from initiates.
That's a bit of a hard assertion for me to accept, since we don't have the behind-the-scenes involved - it could've just been two disaster rolls, or rolls where the specific stats of the people we assigned totalled very low because it was all low stats in one category, and we've been doing pretty well up until now. Additionally, we're likely soon going to get more padawans from initiates.
This is more or less why I want rolls to be visible. So we can get a general idea of if it's down to just bad luck, or that we stacked the odds against us due to bad planning. It feels like going in half blind sometimes.
This is such a bad idea right now. Even with our forces concentrated on 3 partol areas, we still failed two of our events. With them spread even further, that might just send us down a death spiral.
Agreed. We should avoid the Colony patrol. We definitely shouldn't do Colony patrol and extra-risky special mission all at the same time.

[x]Plan: Damageing Czerka
We need to investigate whatever Czerka is up to in the Outer Rim, don't forget.
[X] Plan Cautious Optimism
-[X] Reinforcements: You don't really need back-up, but you also don't need to shower-- it is, however, a preference of yours. (+1 for Event Combat Checks) (30 PP)
-[X] Investigators: Not all of your Jedi are Sentinels-- having some professional detectives from the various Republic law enforcement agencies around would help a great deal in this current war. (+1 To Event Skill Checks)(30 PP)
-[X] Defenses: If Czerka attacks the Praxeum or the Academy, your primarily non-combatant students will be put in grave danger. While you already have protection on Dantooine and on Telos, the Republic could spring for more. (Reduction to Jedi casualties in event of facility attacks, One-Time Bonus to Dantooine/Telos Development) (40 PP)
-[X] Colonies Patrol: The Colonies have proven themselves something of a weak point in the Republic's defenses-- it is where most of the successful attacks took place. The Republic would be very happy if you helped beef up their defenses, even if you only send a Padawan or two to help out. (Gain Colonies Patrol) (+30 PP)
-[X] Leave as is (0 PP)
-[X] (Core) Protect against Czerka Activity (Keep your people safe)
-[X] (Colonies) Protect against Czerka Activity (Keep your people safe)
-[X] (Mid-Rim) Damage Czerka Assets (Break their stuff, free their slaves, and hear the lamentations of their stock-holders)
-[X] (Outer-Rim) Investigate Czerka's Plan (This whole thing started because Czerka had some sort of aggressive plan, on their end at least. Figure out what it was)
-Total spent: 70 PP

Here's the thinking with this plan. It does not take the Colony Patrol or the Special Mission because we're told the wartime missions are already dangerous and I don't want to both increase the danger even more with a special mission and simultaneously spread ourselves out so we have higher odds of casualties or mission failure on a given route. We also sort of just started a possible war with the Hutts and we might need to have people free to respond to that.

It does take Reinforcements, Investigators, and Defenses because blanket bonuses are really nice, and they're cheap.

It protects the Core because that's where most of Czerka's attacks have been centered, and where attacks likely have the most morale impact.

It investigates the Outer Rim because we got a clue last year that's where they're up to something. We can't pass that opportunity by; Czerka is up to something big and we need to interrupt it before we get a nasty surprise.

It attacks in the Mid-Rim because we have a free hand to get aggressive there.

Overall, the idea here is to fulfill our objective of making progress against Czerka while minimizing our chances of losing any Jedi or taking critical morale hits to the Republic's side. I'd like the Jedi to have a war where, for once, they don't lose anyone. We're well on our way there, we just need to keep it up.

Edit: Plan modified to include Colony patrol for defense, since that was rightly pointed out as a serious weak point.
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This is more or less why I want rolls to be visible. So we can get a general idea of if it's down to just bad luck, or that we stacked the odds against us due to bad planning. It feels like going in half blind sometimes.
Oh good, then it's working.;)

More seriously, I do always want there to be an element of "We can't be sure what is the absolute best idea" both for the sake of gameplay and maintaining interest, and because the Star Wars galaxy is one where a whole fucking Empire can appear out of nowhere, or a bunch of infrastructure droids can rebel and take over a sector, or your long-lost son can appear and blow up the Death Star, or...

Well. But you get my point, right?
Vigilance- Awareness and resposiveness to growing threats. This will be how you discover Pirate bases, secret Dark Jedi Enclaves, etc. A minimum amount is required for the Core, Mid-Rim, and Outer Rim. Higher than minimum will help in defusing certain threats-- but on the other hand, it also forces you to deploy more Jedi on rigid patrol.

You guys think maybe we've neglecting a core stat as being relatively useless - I personally have just been treating it as a minimal threshold to be met, not considering it as a useful stat.
Vigilance- Awareness and resposiveness to growing threats. This will be how you discover Pirate bases, secret Dark Jedi Enclaves, etc. A minimum amount is required for the Core, Mid-Rim, and Outer Rim. Higher than minimum will help in defusing certain threats-- but on the other hand, it also forces you to deploy more Jedi on rigid patrol.

You guys think maybe we've neglecting a core stat as being relatively useless - I personally have just been treating it as a minimal threshold to be met, not considering it as a useful stat.
I've been trying to exceed the minimums by a fair margin when I do route planning. Seems like a good idea.
It protects the Core because that's where most of Czerka's attacks have been centered
Pretty sure that's the Colonies, actually.
The Colonies have proven themselves something of a weak point in the Republic's defenses-- it is where most of the successful attacks took place.

There is a reason people want to go to the Colonies as well. I'm pretty sure it's an investigation hotspot, too.
Mission 1 (Kador, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, and Zez, The Core)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
So, we still couldn't tell you exactly what Czerka's plan is, but it apparently involves a lot of companies, because according to this they've been investing in just about every exploratory mission they can get their hands on. Outward Vision? Few billion--yes, that's with a B-- credits. Varnal and Sons trade co? Few hundred thousands, mostly in raw goods rather than traceable currencies of any sort. West Unknown Corp? Sithspit, they're the biggest investor there, if "only" a plurality.

Now, I like colonies as much as the next guy-- but I sure don't trust anything Czerka might be inolved in, I'll tell you that.
(Intel, +5PP)

Now, I don't think we can handle a special mission and a Colonies route in our current state, but we should be able to handle one, and I think the Colonies is (it's a singular region, so 'is', right?) much more important than a special mission. Could be wrong though.

Regardless, plan up. Hopefully it's not too late.

[X] Plan Inspector Jedi, Hoo-Hoo!
-[X] Reinforcements: You don't really need back-up, but you also don't need to shower-- it is, however, a preference of yours. (+1 for Event Combat Checks) (30 PP)
-[X] Investigators: Not all of your Jedi are Sentinels-- having some professional detectives from the various Republic law enforcement agencies around would help a great deal in this current war. (+1 To Event Skill Checks)(30 PP)
-[X] Defenses: If Czerka attacks the Praxeum or the Academy, your primarily non-combatant students will be put in grave danger. While you already have protection on Dantooine and on Telos, the Republic could spring for more. (Reduction to Jedi casualties in event of facility attacks, One-Time Bonus to Dantooine/Telos Development) (40 PP)
-[X] Colonies Patrol: The Colonies have proven themselves something of a weak point in the Republic's defenses-- it is where most of the successful attacks took place. The Republic would be very happy if you helped beef up their defenses, even if you only send a Padawan or two to help out. (Gain Colonies Patrol) (+30 PP)
-[X] Leave as is (0 PP)
-[X] (The Core) Protect against Czerka Activity (Keep your people safe)
-[X] (The Mid-Rim) Damage Czerka Assets (Break their stuff, free their slaves, and hear the lamentations of their stock-holders)
-[X] (The Outer Rim) Investigate Czerka's Plan (This whole thing started because Czerka had some sort of aggressive plan, on their end at least. Figure out what it was)
-[X] (The Colonies) Investigate Czerka's Plan (This whole thing started because Czerka had some sort of aggressive plan, on their end at least. Figure out what it was)

Remaining PP: 55
Pretty sure that's the Colonies, actually.

There is a reason people want to go to the Colonies as well. I'm pretty sure it's an investigation hotspot, too.

Now, I don't think we can handle a special mission and a Colonies route in our current state, but we should be able to handle one, and I think the Colonies is (it's a singular region, so 'is', right?) much more important than a special mission. Could be wrong though.

Regardless, plan up. Hopefully it's not too late.

[X] Plan Inspector Jedi, Hoo-Hoo!
-[X] Reinforcements: You don't really need back-up, but you also don't need to shower-- it is, however, a preference of yours. (+1 for Event Combat Checks) (30 PP)
-[X] Investigators: Not all of your Jedi are Sentinels-- having some professional detectives from the various Republic law enforcement agencies around would help a great deal in this current war. (+1 To Event Skill Checks)(30 PP)
-[X] Defenses: If Czerka attacks the Praxeum or the Academy, your primarily non-combatant students will be put in grave danger. While you already have protection on Dantooine and on Telos, the Republic could spring for more. (Reduction to Jedi casualties in event of facility attacks, One-Time Bonus to Dantooine/Telos Development) (40 PP)
-[X] Colonies Patrol: The Colonies have proven themselves something of a weak point in the Republic's defenses-- it is where most of the successful attacks took place. The Republic would be very happy if you helped beef up their defenses, even if you only send a Padawan or two to help out. (Gain Colonies Patrol) (+30 PP)
-[X] Leave as is (0 PP)
-[X] (The Core) Protect against Czerka Activity (Keep your people safe)
-[X] (The Mid-Rim) Damage Czerka Assets (Break their stuff, free their slaves, and hear the lamentations of their stock-holders)
-[X] (The Outer Rim) Investigate Czerka's Plan (This whole thing started because Czerka had some sort of aggressive plan, on their end at least. Figure out what it was)
-[X] (The Colonies) Investigate Czerka's Plan (This whole thing started because Czerka had some sort of aggressive plan, on their end at least. Figure out what it was)

Remaining PP: 55
That's well spotted about the Colonies being a weak spot. I missed that; I saw the Senators being targeted and thought Core. If people don't object I'm willing to amend my plan. The only difference I'd go with is defending in the Colonies instead of investigating.