As An Eagle Flies (A House Arryn Quest)

Lots of people cheered so that is good. Now who exactly cheered is the question. Vale lords obviously. Ironborn to show they still support Targs. Crownland lords is possible because of being directly ruled by the Targs. Maybe a mix of Dornish, Riverlands, Reach and Stormlands but most likely Targ loyalists. Can't really know for sure. Tywin looked grateful though.

Anywhere close to right?
[X]Your Father: He was reading a ledger. "Arstan… I think it's time I tell you the truth about the Blackfyre's in the east. And this plague may be a sign of things to come. We have grown complacint."
[X]Lord Greyjoy: The Ironborn was smiling. "I have a great thanks for His Grace, may he rest well… but I need to make sure that we are in agreement on something… We must continue to raid the East."

While it hurts me to ignore the Tywin option and the IceZombies and the Plotters are important, establishing a longterm symbiotic relationship with the Ironborn needs immediate attention so that we can bring in this wildcard faction to our table while trying to deny outside parties to exploit their reaving tendencies.
[X]Tywin: He was drinking. "Arstan… Thank you for keeping Joanna… in the same company as the other great queens."
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nenshou Yuuki on Feb 21, 2020 at 8:51 PM, finished with 31 posts and 21 votes.
[X]Your Father: He was reading a ledger. "Arstan… I think it's time I tell you the truth about the Blackfyre's in the east. And this plague may be a sign of things to come. We have grown complacint."
[X]Your Father: He was reading a ledger. "Arstan… I think it's time I tell you the truth about the Blackfyre's in the east. And this plague may be a sign of things to come. We have grown complacint."
[X]Tywin: He was drinking. "Arstan… Thank you for keeping Joanna… in the same company as the other great queens."

Getting Tywin together enough to help with his Stark in-laws and maybe help run the realm would be extremely helpful.
[X]Tywin: He was drinking. "Arstan… Thank you for keeping Joanna… in the same company as the other great queens.
[X]Tywin: He was drinking. "Arstan… Thank you for keeping Joanna… in the same company as the other great queens."
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nenshou Yuuki on Feb 23, 2020 at 2:07 AM, finished with 39 posts and 28 votes.
Alright lads, I'm going to be taking a break for the next few days on this quest, to recharge.
[X]Your Father: He was reading a ledger. "Arstan… I think it's time I tell you the truth about the Blackfyre's in the east. And this plague may be a sign of things to come. We have grown complacint."
The Great Council: The New World Order
The Great Council: The New World Order:

Your father was drinking a bottle of wine as you entered his office. The stress seemed to age him visibly day after day from the meetings and from the speeches he gave. "Arstan… thank the gods, we need to talk."

The ledger on his desk was filled with names, people… places. Along with asset guestimations and troop counts. It was like he had detailed information on numerous enemy details.

It was like he was preparing for war.

"Yes father." You sat down on the bed. "What is it?"

Your father sighed. "Arstan… I think it's time I tell you the truth about the Blackfyre's in the east. And this plague may be a sign of things to come. We have grown complacent."

You raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean father?"

"The Blackfyres, under Bittersteel and his leadership, and later the Blackfyres themselves, many many friends in the east, during their exile and before their extinction in the Disputed lands." Your father started before he took a drink from his wine. "Those friends were very powerful shadows within Essosi politics. Bankers, merchants, pirate lord's, even the merchant families in all the cities." He paused to take a slow breath. "These people… for centuries have ruled the east with an iron fist, keeping the status quo that has plagued Essos since the fall of Valyria."

"How do you even know about them?" You asked. "And why are they against Westeros?"

"How I know about them." Your father laughed. "When I was around your age, I wanted to see the world, and I requested my father to allow to travel the east. I did so, with Lord Tytos, Lord Tyrell, and Prince Duncan the Small. We were sent to retrieve Ser Duncan the Tall, from his exile and reinstatement to the Kings Guard and a knight of the realm. Unfortunately, these men had decided to wound the king, by killing Prince Duncan. Ser Duncan saved him, by stopping the assassins… and after a lengthy interrogation… we received information on who tried to kill him. When we raided the house of the said fiend, we discovered ledgers, with names, places, money… This conspiracy was out to maintain a capable and profitable status quo… but that had run into a snag."

"The Iron Throne?" You guessed.

"Not just the Iron Throne, but of the Targaryen Dynasty itself. When Daemon the Rouge Prince Destroyed the Three Daughters as a Political institution, they realized that as long as the Targryens were able to maintain a peaceful and stable realm, there was nothing that could stop us militarily. So they sought to destroy us economically. Which they succeeded until the Great Spring Sickness killed many of their agents and supporters in Westeros. Pushing back their plans… significantly."

"All this came from this one man?" You asked.

"No, that information came afterward, when I led a raid on a merchant house in Myr, of one of their more long term and earliest supporters." Your father replied. "So Aegon the 5th, requested men of honorable and deadly caliber, to fight back… many of them you've never even heard of for we have sealed their names and actions, turned them into nothing more than bandits or renegades to preserve Westeros honor in diplomacy… We called ourselves his Majesties Secret Service, as a joke. But the name stuck. For years, before I had you, I had several adventures in the east… doing as much as I can to stop this cabal from destroying the Iron Throne."

"Why? What point is protecting the Iron Throne?" You asked. "You had duties of your own, didn't you? Why not do those and place yourself in danger?"

"Because, if the Iron Throne falls, far worse things are in store for us, then just economic upheaval." Your father stated. "As much as Aegon the Conqueror has his detractors… He did something extraordinary in unifying this continent. And it took only now to realize the power that this kingdom… all seven kingdoms have when working together can do to this world. This cabal knew it, and is trying to tear apart piece by piece because they cannot control it… so they must destroy it?"

"And the Plague on Kings Landing?" You asked. "That was them?"

"Yes. We didn't expect them to do something so… terrible. But they must be scared. For they see now, that we are at a precipice… some men I heard during the war, only called themselves Westrosi, for working with their neighbors in the fellow kingdoms. Only a few men… but think about this. What if everyman felt the same way about the Iron Throne… then their own kingdoms?"

"It would be chaotic… insanity."

Your father smiled. "Indeed. There are millennia of grudges between all peoples of Westeros… if it began to heal for the first time in thousands of years? What than? What force in the world… could stop us?"

You smiled. "Dragons? Snarks? Grumpkins?"

"Only fairy tales." Your father replied. "That is why they are afraid."

"Why are you telling me this?" You asked. "I might become Consort soon."

"Indeed." Your father replied. "I'm telling you this so that you can decide what needs to be done. Rhaella for all her skill will need you by her side, helping her along the way."

"I will." You stated.

"I know you will Arstan." Your father gave you a hug. "I know you will."

Who is Crowned:

Steffon:1D100 => 39+20 (War Hero)+30 (Lord of Storms End)+20 (With Heirs)-5 (Grandson of Targaryen)-10 (A Member of the Dynasty still lives)=94

Rhaella: 1D100 => 98 +50 (Brillient Speech by Arstan)+20 (Lady of the Eyrie)+10 (Last Targaryen)+10 (With Heirs) -40 (Woman)=148

It was damn near-unanimous.

All but Steffon and many of the Stormlords voted for Rhaella to become Queen, and Steffon only voted for himself out of not appearing weak to his vessels.

The cries for Queen Rhaella were deafening.

A New Era would Begin for Westeros.

And you would see it through.

AN: Alright everyone, so right now, I am putting this quest on hiatus, as this is a good natural stop for this to be the case. I really wanted to continue, but I'm board, and wish to write something new. I'll be back, eventually. But until then, Thank you for reading, and enjoy.
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Alright we did it. Our Wife Rhaella is Queen. Technically without our speech bonus Rhaella still would of won but it would be much closer.

Who voted for Rhaella and who stayed Neutral? Sounds like some of the Stormlords voted for Rhaella but who exactly?
Who voted for Rhaella and who stayed Neutral? Sounds like some of the Stormlords voted for Rhaella but who exactly?
Almost everyone voted for Rhaella, save for Steffon and his lords, but Steffon had to vote for himself or risk losing face.
All hail Rhaella, First of Her Name.

Also rolling a nat 98 before the bonuses kicked it? Your dice really are nuts.
I know.

Welp, since this quest has stopped for now, time to start a new one. This time with villains! Or other anime nutjobs.