Maybe it is just a quirk of mine, but I do not want to let an argument I disagree with go unchallenged, even if (it isn't the case here, but it is other times) it agrees with my vote. The reason is not purely ideological, if it goes unchallenged, it could take root into the thread conciousness and affect a future vote before I get the chance to get involved to the discourse. Besides, I enjoy a good debate in any scenario, and if I am lucky, maybe I'll even be proven wrong and thus learn something.
However, since we are talking about whether this vote can lead to pidgeonholing, It should also be noted that even indirect influence can sometimes make someone suppress their true talent, out of duty and obligation, even if the other party is well-meaning. I desire a book cuz it grants her the most agency, as knowledge could work for a thousand different builds and development routes. Similarly, I oppose any gift that is geared towards a single activity because it could cause a certain degree of strain. Mind you, I do not think that'll actually happen and even if it does, the thread will likely run full speed to reverse the negative effects. As such, I am not arguing more passionately for my vote, nor am I that invested on the results of this one, I am just voting and arguing on principle.