I mean our primary hope for her is that she'll have a talent for spending huge amounts of time sitting still and cultivating. While we shouldn't try to overwrite her personality it would be good if we got her acclimated to both an active life and quiet introspection. The most important thing is to give her a balanced set of outlets for her passion.So since Dancing Shoes are doing well, I want to expand on why Dancing Shoes are in fact a great choice.
Biyu is an incredibly energetic, rambunctious girl. She is well loved, happy and bright. Compared to Ling Qi who is very Yin, Biyu is more on the Yang side of things, and Dancing is a more of a Yang type of Expression. Yang is Movement and Creation, and Dance, which is about Moving your Body to express yourself fits this quite well. Dance will allow her to use the energy she has to express herself in interesting ways.
It also gives another outlet for her to use her energy. Sitting around reading, while great in its own way, doesnt quite fit as well with the rambunctious nature of hers that she has so far.
I mean our primary hope for her is that she'll have a talent for spending huge amounts of time sitting still and cultivating. While we shouldn't try to overwrite her personality it would be good if we got her acclimated to both an active life and quiet introspection. The most important thing is to give her a balanced set of outlets for her passion.
I don't think she'll have any problems with expression or lively spirit. She'll still be a wild child running about with her furry dog, she'll just also love learning.
We have WoG that LQ will have to do most of the work on this herself. Otherwise it would exceed the 1-3 red stones price rangeAtm going with the pretty pictures book. Who knows, maybe in a few months Biyu will know more about the region than LQ (or at least we do).
personally i want dancing shoes so lq can play music for her while she learns and zhengui dances with her and hanyi laughs at how ridiculous he looks while sixiang encourages her. and gives tips
A curse. You call it a curse.We need to teach Biyu the family gift of music.
What do you call one of these?
The problem with that is, the more divergent she is from LQ, the harder it will be for her to progress.
The Ling clan isn't exactly an old clan with a a large library. The corner stone arts of the clan will almost certainly be passed from LQ to the others in her clan. It's either that or work with mostly sub par arts.
Really though. This isn't a modern society. There isn't so much social mobility that you can basically just do whatever you want, the family you are birthed in will heavily affect your options in life.
Comparing House Ling with House Cao at this point? One has just been created, its matriarch is Early Green/Early Bronze with a whole other cultivator at Early Red/Nothing; the other is the Ducal house for the Emerald Seas, its elder is a White and it has many cultivators, including CRX who is already stronger than our strongest (and I don't see that gap being bridged any time soon). I think we need to grow our strength before diversifying to shore up our weaknesses as a clan. The flute has the advantage of being part of family history, what with Qi have learned the basics from Qingge herself, so it helps in bonding. It's fine if she does pick up other arts, but I don't think we should be encouraging her to do the Loose Cultivator thing and have to piece her Way by herself. Leave that for when she reaches Green/Bronze.
Dance improves ones dexterity and awareness of their body, the limits and the possibilities. It's energetic and fun and will give Biyu something to do outside of running around looking for things. While there may be styles of dance that are looked upon disfavorably, there will certainly be versions that are acceptable and even promoted.Dancing Shoes? Dance is like, a lowborn non-aristocratic thing. We're intentionally putting that discriminated-against style onto Biyu?
Why tho
Dancing Shoes? Dance is like, a lowborn non-aristocratic thing. We're intentionally putting that discriminated-against style onto Biyu?
Why tho