Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
What I think is really interesting about our domain is our lack of control over it. And I don't mean in the general sense, where it's hard to shrink and it leaks away from us. No I mean in how raw and connected it is to us. It is us, very much so in a physical way. We made no choice in that last sequence, as sweet as it was. There was no true conscious decision, and the way it manifested was also extremely interesting. More than that, the mist felt better to us even with a close ally in it. And as people have brought up, this is only a rank 3 bond as well which leaves me so curious what it'd do with our rank 4s.
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Cai Renxiang paused as well when she spoke, and for a second, Ling Qi thought she had overstepped herself again. Then, there was the faint ringing of bells, and Cai Renxiang was bathed in light. Her face an imperious and featureless mask of liquid metal and light and her gown empyreal armor forged from radiance. She looked daunting, inhuman, perfect, and serene.

She was so very alone.

"Hmm?" Cai Renxiang murmured in surprise and glanced down to see a child formed from mist and fog gently grasp her fingers. The child had familiar dark features, hair that could not be tamed, and ice blue eyes.

Ling Qi let out a squeak of morbid embarrassment, and like that she pulled her domain back in, the Mist vanishing in an instant. Cai Renxiang armor and radiance flashed away as well, leaving only two girls staring awkwardly at each other.

…The tea was easily the most uncomfortable time she had experienced in awhile.


This is easily the cutest thing in this entire story.

Qi's Domain subconsciously formed a Chibi Qi Phantasm to hold Ren's hand because she looked lonely.

That's a thing that actually happened.

I cannot even. It's too adorable to even describe. Ren is amazing and she needs all of the hugs and Qi is now strutting around with her very own Passive Hug Field.

Bond 4 Effects
  • The Mist is warm and inviting, it embraces and bolsters, it soaks up harmful effects into itself. Most of all, it reminds your friends that they are not alone.

And it's even sweeter at Bond 4. I really want a scene where our B4 loved ones experiences this for the first time and it just hits them so hard. Qingge would absolutely start crying out of love.
[X] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling)

I'm curious to see Ling Qi's fresh perspective on Loneliness as applied to the household's servants, who must still be adjusting to leaving their d lives behind. Especially with this barbarian stuff.
As for my read on the current votes, I have a theory:

while both happens, picking the order is kinda picking which one is more important to us, and therefore, to Ling Qi. Which one she prioritizes, and maybe, if we are literal, which one Ling Qi wil lbe eager to go and be there early and spend more time with, and to which one she will go, but be late to, because she was more invested in doing the first one.

Picking [] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling) earlier means the reunion will take place during the day/morning, meaning bored Biyu will be there and will want to play with floofy tail. It wil llikely either be Biyu focused, or it will have the girls split more in a "LQ chats with Mom while Biyu pesters Su ling in an endearing way". One way or another, I expect Su Ling to become Biyu's favorite non-family, non-servant person sooner or later, especially if this pick happens early.

Picking it later will mean this reunion will take place later at the afternoon, or even at night, which means Biyu will be sleepy or asleep, and the focus of the reunion will be Qingge, and perhaps a Qingge- Su Ling bond might appear. It might be a more emotional/feels-y scene, rather than an amusing, silly one. The scene itself might be shorter, especially with less time to actually chat with Su Ling, due to her having to go back home because it's getting late.

As for the other choice, I feel like going early will mean more bonding with Bao Qian, and maybe establishing some sort of steadier foundation for our business or relationship with him. Being early to a business meeting is prosperous and causes a good impression, while being late to it will give less time for the business part of things to happen. Kinda like the difference between "Miss Ling Qi, thank you so much for agreeing to come meet me this early in the morning" and "Miss ling Qi, greetings. It was no problem waiting for you/ making room to meet you at this late hour". Early pick means more business, therefore more Bao Qian.

Late pick likely means we spend our nightly hours training with our spirits and seeing their progress, letting them see ours and enerally catching up with them, with Bao Qian being a more secondary priority.

This is all conjeture and speculation, of course and I may be enirely wrong, but until someone changes my mind, my read of these votes is:

1 [] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling): Biyu x Su Ling shenanigans, Ling Qi and mom catch up with stuffs. Then after that, bonding/training time with our spirits with minimal Bao Qian presence.
2 [] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian) : Qingge x Su Ling feels, LQ perhaps increases bonds with either mom or Su Ling, ideally with both, but more likely, with just one. Then, business/bonding with Bao Qian, with our spirits being there and halping, either being adorably earnest (Zhengui, Mostly Gui being a good boi), or messing with Bao Qian in a troll-ish way (Hanyi being a cheeky brat, Zhen being overprotective, and Six just being Six and trolling Ling Qi instead, with witty remarks that fluster her while talking to the young man).

What do you think of my little overthinking?
[X] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling)

It's been a while since the last family scene, and seeing the effects of our domain in a non-violent setting sounds like a good idea, since the war efforts will be our focus for a long time after this.
[X] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian)
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[X] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian)

I'd like to talk to another high-ranked cultivator before we go in among mortals and mom with our newly flexed domain.
As for my read on the current votes, I have a theory:

while both happens, picking the order is kinda picking which one is more important to us, and therefore, to Ling Qi. Which one she prioritizes, and maybe, if we are literal, which one Ling Qi wil lbe eager to go and be there early and spend more time with, and to which one she will go, but be late to, because she was more invested in doing the first one.

Picking [] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling) earlier means the reunion will take place during the day/morning, meaning bored Biyu will be there and will want to play with floofy tail. It wil llikely either be Biyu focused, or it will have the girls split more in a "LQ chats with Mom while Biyu pesters Su ling in an endearing way". One way or another, I expect Su Ling to become Biyu's favorite non-family, non-servant person sooner or later, especially if this pick happens early.

Picking it later will mean this reunion will take place later at the afternoon, or even at night, which means Biyu will be sleepy or asleep, and the focus of the reunion will be Qingge, and perhaps a Qingge- Su Ling bond might appear. It might be a more emotional/feels-y scene, rather than an amusing, silly one. The scene itself might be shorter, especially with less time to actually chat with Su Ling, due to her having to go back home because it's getting late.

As for the other choice, I feel like going early will mean more bonding with Bao Qian, and maybe establishing some sort of steadier foundation for our business or relationship with him. Being early to a business meeting is prosperous and causes a good impression, while being late to it will give less time for the business part of things to happen. Kinda like the difference between "Miss Ling Qi, thank you so much for agreeing to come meet me this early in the morning" and "Miss ling Qi, greetings. It was no problem waiting for you/ making room to meet you at this late hour". Early pick means more business, therefore more Bao Qian.

Late pick likely means we spend our nightly hours training with our spirits and seeing their progress, letting them see ours and enerally catching up with them, with Bao Qian being a more secondary priority.

This is all conjeture and speculation, of course and I may be enirely wrong, but until someone changes my mind, my read of these votes is:

1 [] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling): Biyu x Su Ling shenanigans, Ling Qi and mom catch up with stuffs. Then after that, bonding/training time with our spirits with minimal Bao Qian presence.
2 [] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian) : Qingge x Su Ling feels, LQ perhaps increases bonds with either mom or Su Ling, ideally with both, but more likely, with just one. Then, business/bonding with Bao Qian, with our spirits being there and halping, either being adorably earnest (Zhengui, Mostly Gui being a good boi), or messing with Bao Qian in a troll-ish way (Hanyi being a cheeky brat, Zhen being overprotective, and Six just being Six and trolling Ling Qi instead, with witty remarks that fluster her while talking to the young man).

What do you think of my little overthinking?
I don't think that the bit about timing makes sense.'s not early meetings or anything.
I don't think that the bit about timing makes sense.'s not early meetings or anything.

Well, we were told that the order in which we picked things mattered. I don't think it's as literal as I wrote in the post, with each scene beling alloted a time of the day. They both will likely take place in different days and have no connection among each other. But the order will still be a matter of priorities, and which characters get more or less focus.
[X] Family Ties (Qingge, Biyu, Household, Su Ling)
honestly both are fine but i like Su ling more then Bao Qian, is that a good reason. No its not but its what i got.
[X] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian)

I'm way more invested in the other one, which is why I want Ling Qi to practice and get comfortable with her Domain first. A scene where she can't properly express it for her family is way less interesting, and there's a genuine safety concern until she gets some practice in.
[X] Work Out (Zhengui, Hanyi, Bao Qian)

I think I want this, first. Our interactions with the Bao have been somewhat intriguing and I want to see what else the Bao boi has to offer. Plus, it might encourage Ling Qi to start working on creative things again. Like making more of those music-recording artifacts. Or formations.