Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)

Anyways, I don't mind going this direction
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)

Get the support a durable tank, useful immediately, plz. Ty.
[x] Follow Yu Nuan's plan, circle through the clouds herding Thunder beasts toward her performance. (Guaranteed Normal Success)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[x] Follow Yu Nuan's plan, circle through the clouds herding Thunder beasts toward her performance. (Guaranteed Normal Success)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)

Go big or go home.
So now that I have a second, the reason I went for the ambitious option is because of the shifted focus of the sect

Nuan is no longer mostly obsolete competetion, she's a comrade in arms.
Instead deep in a misty valley of pacified spirits, between the Inner Sect mountains, there was a series of great monoliths of white jade, on which names were carved, each name glittering a color of the rainbow. Elder Guan Zhou's name blazed violet, dark and brooding, but his was not the only name carved during the ceremony. Seventeen names in pale and faded Green marked the monolith, fifty eight in ephemeral yellow, and one hundred and sixty four names in dull and somber red. Ling Qi had not heard anyone count the mortal casualties.
Hmm, nothing between Green and Violet.
Targeted assassination then, with an extremely expensive diversion
"The time for competition and games among yourselves is over," the elder cultivator's voice still cracked through the air like a whip despite that though. "As of today, the challenge system is suspended. Sect services will continue, but your rank will be determined by your contributions to the Sect. There is no need for such proxy conflicts at this time."

It said something about the Sect Head's presence that there was not even a murmur of discontent among the five hundred disciples. Ling Qi glanced ahead looking at the back of her Liege's head. What that meant for them and the Duchess' challenge… She could not imagine that Cai Shenhua would let a little thing like a border war alter the parameters.
Well, think Ling Qi might actually be more comfortable with raising rank via Sect Contributions. Certainly more interesting!
"Are you sure you want to be doing this now," Yu Nuan said, glancing over at her warily.

"Would you prefer that I forget for a month again?" Ling Qi asked tiredly, as they walked the steep mountain path, ascending toward the peak and the clouds.
Not doing so much to pretend to grace anymore now?
Too tired to keep up the facade I guess.
However, Zhengui was still in a restorative sleep. The way he had forcibly broken through to the next stage and forced the evolution of his techniques all at once had exhausted him, her poor little brother had not stayed conscious for much longer than her. The sheer quantity of diseased ichor that had stained him didn't help matters, weakening his regeneration a great deal. The Sect's physicians had assured her he would wake within two days however.
He's a shonen protagonist!
Thats a lot of poison though.
She had already visited her family, hugged her trembling mother and oblivious little sister. It was a bit ironic, no physical danger had come near them, the soldiers assigned to her home had come at her Mother's call to kill the thing that had tried to crawl out of the basement, but with things remaining safe otherwise, Biyu's distress seemed wholly born from sensing their Mother's. Mother on the other hand… being awakened, she had been able to sense just enough to know that something was terribly wrong. Ling Qi would return in the evening, once the chaos in town had subsided and hear their story in full.
I kind of wonder if the subterranean attack got through by being an oversight or just too difficult to cover all the angles. They aren't unknown after all.
Suyin was busy, dragged off to collaborate with several remarkably high realm disciples, including a member of the core, Gu Xiulan was with her sister still, the battle and her extensive use of qi having agitated her injury. Meizhen was dealing with inquiries from her clan, and her liege was corresponding with the capital. The mountain was a hive of activity.
Suyin's probably going to be skyrocketing in rank...and delaying her cultivation again.
Her specialty is suddenly super relevant to lots of people.
It didn't help that her wound still throbbed even now, even with Gu Yanmei's intervention, a great deal of flesh had been ruined, and the physicians had to cut it away and induce the growth of new flesh to replace it. Her throat had been saved by the sheer concentration of qi which moved through it, thanks to her specialties. Yanmei's healing did have a downside however, the raw solar qi poured into her veins as misaligned her cold and dark meridians, leaving those techniques difficult to use for a time. It would pass in a few days, but it still left her feeling itchy and intemperate.
"I was, but if you're helping…. I might as well get ambitious," Yu Nuan replied, giving her a curious look. Ling Qi noticed then that she had slipped back into more common modes of speech. She really was tired. "I want to bind a Thunder Beast," the other girl said with finality.

"Oh? The thing's that'll nest in your navel if you sleep outside too often?" Ling Qi asked, amused.

"That's just a dumb story," Yu Nuan huffed. "They're powerful, aligned with wind and thunder, can even grow to cyan now and then. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not much of a fighter. I need something that can keep enemies back while I play. It's not like I'm gonna find a qilin or a dragon so a Thunder Beast is my best bet."
INB4 Ling Qi finds a Qilin.
She hadn't seen Luck yet.
"What were you looking for before then?" Ling Qi asked curiously.

"Was trying to attract fairies, wind and sun types," Yu nuan admitted as they reached the top of the path. "Thought I had time to experiment, find something compatible. Your little… Hanyi bumbled right through and broke the attraction formation I'd bought."
So...she attracted a fairy. Hanyi is Wind elemental and her disposition chosen was Sunny-ish in the end
Ling Qi hummed, she wished the girl would stop being so leery of her, but…. It was to be expected she supposed. On the other hand was there a better way? 'What do you think Sixiang?'

To her chagrin, silence was her answer. She felt her shoulders droop a little, Sixiang hadn't spoken since she woke up. She could still feel her muse, they were healthy and hale, just…. Turned inward. Ling Qi shook her head. Sixiang would speak when they were done cultivating, she was sure.
Six is going Never Again on undispellable poison?

[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
I feel like now is not a good time to shoot for the stars. We're wounded and Six is MIA. People say that we can just try again, but that's another month from now at the least. Yu Nuan could be called into action at any time, she needs guaranteed support. Also, it's not like she isn't already getting an upgrade from what she originally wanted. The default guaranteed success is already a powerful spirit that she wouldn't be aiming for without Ling's help in the first place.

[x] Follow Yu Nuan's plan, circle through the clouds herding Thunder beasts toward her performance. (Guaranteed Normal Success)
I think now is a good time to shoot for the stars. Business as usual resulted in Zhou dead. The Sect is not at peace, and neither should its members be content to peacefully cultivate to the limit that they know they can handle. Believe in your ability to grow to meet the challenges that are too great for you. Embrace uncertainty.

[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
Nuan: im just saying, a favor from Lady Ling will likely end up as a tribulation 99.9% of the time.

Friend: so that why your hair is so fuzzy wuzzy.

Nuan: Die. Shenlong bite this fool. Please.
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)

Going big sounds cooler, and a very Ling Qi thing to do.
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
I wonder if there are clans in the empire that do harvest resources from their dead?

[X] Suggest your own plan, carrying Yu Nuan up into the Clouds so that she could face her potential spirit in their own realm. (Success not guaranteed, potential Greater Success?)
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Six is going Never Again on undispellable poison?
My guess is the same, though whether they are going for "I need to notice this before it happens", "I need to be able to prevent this from taking effect", or "I need to be able to stop this if it happens again" method of addressing it is going to be the interesting thing to see.

The first would likely focus on Six's wind-based ability much like Brother Wind from TehChron's omake, the second would probably be a focus on isolating and containing the poison's effects for a time delaying their onset until we are either out of the fight or can get medical attention, and the last would likely focus on how to neutralize it but also likely be the most costly ability.

My guess if the third one, as a Qi/Action weighted power that allows Six to Perfect Defense an effect like Poison or some such would be both incredible and on theme so far with their relationship with Ling Qi.

I wonder if there are clans in the empire that do harvest resources from their dead?
Probably, but it likely only really happens with specific families and the deceased cultivator's Way, and require that the family do a lot of artisan work while having the infrastructure to make quick use of the corpse to avoid anything going missing or rot and corruption setting in. I can certainly imagine that bones and hair of a high realm cultivator would be even more useful to a family member depending on their Way, while the rest of the corpse is likely burned per tradition.