La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

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[X] Plan Random

Not fond of the rifles. Especially not if we don't take the time to train our troops in the use of the new weapon.
The Whites in Their Eyes (AvidFicReader)
The Whites in Their Eyes

Severin resisted the urge to scratch at his newly-healing scars. A notable notch in his right ear, a crease along his shoulder from a graze, and various cuts from bayonet and blade alike. Scars might be a soldier's badge of honor, but while healing, they itched like devil was tickling him from the inside out. Thinking back to the battle, Severin could attest to the Prussians' valor, until he had plunged a rapier into the flank of their formation. Few men could take a musket volley from a dozen paces with a bayonet charge right on its heels. He remembered how painfully slow the march up onto the flank felt. Many men had fallen back on uttering "Hail Mary" and other catechisms, and he did not fault them. At some points they had nearly been in arms' reach of the melee, and it would take a zealot or a man with a death wish to not be nervous.

In his opinion, death would come for them all in time, and only the Lord above knew when that would be. No use worrying when there were things to be done. Soldats didn't train themselves after all. Thinking back on its, having a few companies of chasseurs would have helped a lot at the bridge. The extra range would have let defenders from across the river lend their fire against the Prussians overrunning the defenses, and an enemy without officers and sergeants put up much less of a fight. He remembered the Germans liked to draw on hunters for their Jaeger light infantry, and the Americans employed long-rifles quite effectively. They'd have to fight in loose order or from earthworks. Need to protect them from cavalry and line infantry. As to personal safety, well they say God helps men who help themselves, so something to plan for. Maybe a vest of sorts, with metal plates sewn or riveted on, to protect against splinters and blade? Might not stop a ball, but it'd be better than nothing. Best to keep it under the coat for uniform regulations, and the extra weight would be good training!

A good deal more men would join the day's tally of casualties, along with his bedamned hat. His soldats had fought like lions today, proven themselves from the fresh-faced green boys he had taken to task mere months ago. So, he would sponsor a round of drinks, to celebrate their success and to send off the fallen. Hopefully that wouldn't involve setting afire boats in the Rhine. Higher officers didn't seem to receive such suggestions well, for some reason. As for him, Severin had enough of blood and smoke for the day. After seeing to the army's supplies, he would have his fill of spirits. He had heard good things about Germans and alcohol, after all.

A/N: Why no, of course Severin isn't thinking about dressing like Joakim from Sabaton, that would be absurd! Also, a shoutout to CGTM2002's After Action Report, and Severin's mourning thoughts about that hat he certainly doesn't l-like, baka!
The Whites in Their Eyes

Severin resisted the urge to scratch at his newly-healing scars. A notable notch in his right ear, a crease along his shoulder from a graze, and various cuts from bayonet and blade alike. Scars might be a soldier's badge of honor, but while healing, they itched like devil was tickling him from the inside out. Thinking back to the battle, Severin could attest to the Prussians' valor, until he had plunged a rapier into the flank of their formation. Few men could take a musket volley from a dozen paces with a bayonet charge right on its heels. He remembered how painfully slow the march up onto the flank felt. Many men had fallen back on uttering "Hail Mary" and other catechisms, and he did not fault them. At some points they had nearly been in arms' reach of the melee, and it would take a zealot or a man with a death wish to not be nervous.

In his opinion, death would come for them all in time, and only the Lord above knew when that would be. No use worrying when there were things to be done. Soldats didn't train themselves after all. Thinking back on its, having a few companies of chasseurs would have helped a lot at the bridge. The extra range would have let defenders from across the river lend their fire against the Prussians overrunning the defenses, and an enemy without officers and sergeants put up much less of a fight. He remembered the Germans liked to draw on hunters for their Jaeger light infantry, and the Americans employed long-rifles quite effectively. They'd have to fight in loose order or from earthworks. Need to protect them from cavalry and line infantry. As to personal safety, well they say God helps men who help themselves, so something to plan for. Maybe a vest of sorts, with metal plates sewn or riveted on, to protect against splinters and blade? Might not stop a ball, but it'd be better than nothing. Best to keep it under the coat for uniform regulations, and the extra weight would be good training!

A good deal more men would join the day's tally of casualties, along with his bedamned hat. His soldats had fought like lions today, proven themselves from the fresh-faced green boys he had taken to task mere months ago. So, he would sponsor a round of drinks, to celebrate their success and to send off the fallen. Hopefully that wouldn't involve setting afire boats in the Rhine. Higher officers didn't seem to receive such suggestions well, for some reason. As for him, Severin had enough of blood and smoke for the day. After seeing to the army's supplies, he would have his fill of spirits. He had heard good things about Germans and alcohol, after all.

A/N: Why no, of course Severin isn't thinking about dressing like Joakim from Sabaton, that would be absurd! Also, a shoutout to CGTM2002's After Action Report, and Severin's mourning thoughts about that hat he certainly doesn't l-like, baka!
@Plausitivity we've got another good ole omake for the thing.
At the current moment the most geopolitically sensible allies to France completely ignorant of internal and ideological factors are:

Denmark-Norway as she brings a strong navy to the table while also achieving the same general goal of locking the Baltic down that having Sweden would achieve along with having a significant land border and the capacity to meddle within the HRE with justification because of Schleswig and Holstein. Allying Sweden also antagonizes Russia unnecessarily.

Russia OR the Ottomans, the Ottomans are far from their prime but not yet the pitiful corpse they would become later and they are still a powerful meatshield against Austria, the Russians since they can be a threat against both Prussia and Austria, but Austria is allied with Russia so that complicates matters.

Bavaria which is constantly terrified of Austria as well as having aligned with France in the past.

The Netherlands because a very legitimate nationalist claim exists towards the Flemish part of the Austrian Low Countries and a fairly clean line exists between that and the Walloon part which France could eat with relative ease if it so chose.

The United States of America because oh boy oh boy is Louisiana Spanish right now and a tempting target as well as the remains of British North America, although the fact we just essentially sanctioned and coopted a Haitian slave revolt could be an issue with a closer relationship.
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[X] Plan Random

The rifles are a bit of chrome that looks silly on such a small force as ours. Sure, they improve your skirmish line and scouts, but now is not the time to tweak minor improvements. First build a Grande Armée.

My one reservation with plan random is the personal development. Therese has to cover the basics of command. Having a malous on attack is a severe limit for any general.
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Haitian slave revolt could be an issue with a closer relationship.
Very much this, the South won't have it.
That said, with Old Man Neutral as head of State, an alliance is dead in the water no matter how good we're doing.

If you want the US to allign with Revolutionary France, you have to ratchet up their internal politics. Washington dying earlier can help.
The republic needs to be shakier.


I'm writing an Omake for the US. The Citizen Genet incident should be happening in the next 5 days. That gives me something to work with.
They've had it too good for too long.
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Very much this, the South won't have it.
That said, with Old Man Neutral as head of State, an alliance is dead in the water no matter how good we're doing.

If you want the US to allign with Revolutionary France, you have to ratchet up their internal politics. Washington dying earlier can help.
The republic needs to be shakier.

It may not be shakier, but things are happening.
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3.4 - Q2 1793 News
Le Nouvel État – 1793 2nd Quarter (April - June)
>Napoleon: 98 (Crit! That's Napoleon for you!)<

Hundreds of Corsicans flock to Napoleon following news of his brilliant uncovering of a royalist conspiracy and subsequent defeat of Paoli. Napoleon gains much reputation and soldiers loyal to him. Getting back to the port of Toulon not long after cleaning up Corsica of most problematic royalist threats, the captain smells something is up, and it's not the harbor...

The execution of Louis Capet caused an uproar in the city of Toulon, where Napoleon was headed to make his report in Paris.

Many of the city's inhabitants took up arms against the republican forces as they returned from Corsica, manning the guns of the city's batteries and threatening to open fire on the docked ships.

They did not know that Napoleon foresaw such betrayal through unknown means. Some say he had an ear in the city before any of this took place; some say he simply deduced the revolt from evidence gathered back in Corsica. Regardless of the reason, he took a detachment of his men off the coast, twenty miles to the east of the city under the cover of darkness. In a swift gallop, they arrived at the city by daybreak.

The guards saw them as reinforcements from the Vendée when they repeated the codes only the rebels would know, and allowed them into the city.

This was a mistake that cost them greatly. Riding swiftly into the range of the cannons mounted upon the walls, Napoleon set up his own batteries, in range of the enemy guards and barracks, and fired. His men fired at key locations and surgically dismantled the enemy garrison and commanders. With his own reinforcement from the French fleet, Napoleon took the city by force, preventing further damage of the settlement by executing the ringleaders and getting his forces onto land before enemy reinforcements had arrived.

The navy commenced a skirmish with a British flotilla which had arrived to bring the city under British occupation. Unbeknownst to them, the British expected support from the shore guns to destroy the French ships, but received a nasty barrage from those very guns. The numerical superiority of the French fleet proved to be enough to turn the battle even more to the French side.

British vessels were all destroyed or captured by nightfall.

Reward: Napoleon has taken Toulon from the Reactionary forces conspiring with British naval forces, with minimal casualties. The British fleet sent to scout out and establish communications with Toulon was destroyed. The Army it was escorting is fleeing back to Gibraltar.

>Disaster Roll: 5 (Oh no)<
Vendee is going to hell.

Hundreds of thousands of militia, civilians and armed citizens took the fighting to the streets. Junior officers that had deserted the French army named themselves generals. They led their ragged militia, ravaging the countryside, fighting, looting, and destroying the once-fertile fields of France.

That, however, was as close to good news as one could get in this situation.

The bad news was that British soldiers were training, drilling and arming the Royalists. It was unclear how they got into France. One theory was that their failure in the South turned their focus westward, to Aquitaine, around Spain. Their supply ships have been spotted and fired upon along the Loire River, found with shipments of armaments carrying the heraldry of the British royal family.

Nevertheless, they are organizing, and this news has rapidly spread throughout France.

This has caused much debate and fear within the National Convention. With France's heartland under threat from another enemy, the Convention has decided to establish a committee to better oversee the nation and war effort in a more direct and efficient manner, with more authority in these desperate times.

Aux arms, citoyens!

Reward: British advisors are organizing the Vendée rebellion into a true army and fighting force. The National Convention is establishing a committee to oversee public safety, both within and without.

(Welcome to the Grape fields ladies and gentlemen.)

>Prussia: 15 (Epic fail)<

The Prussian military has entered a state of disarray, their plans for invading France by way of Metz has been shattered, with thousands of Soldiers still fleeing into Prussian and Austrian territory.

Reward: The Prussian Military is redrawing its tactical and strategic plans and still trying to recollect what remains of Brunswick's invasion force. Their army on the Rhine River, save for the one under General Yorck, is in tatters. The general is moving his troops to secure their side of the Rhine and make up for the temporary weakness in the Austrian-French border.

>L'Armée De Norte: 1D100 => 27 (Failure)<

The Austrian army of the Low Countries, along with the Prussian army in the north, has routed several divisions of the Army of the North in decisive battles across the southern Netherlands.

The Battle of Brussels saw 15,000 Frenchmen die in bloody defense as the rearguard, holding down the combined forces of Prussia, Austria, and Spain in a valiant struggle, allowing the rest of the army to escape back into French territory with allied forces from the Dutch Republican government. The campaign to force the Austrians out of the Netherlands has been a failure.

Reward: The Army of the North is in retreat, and a combined 100,000 Coalition forces are pouring into the Belgium region, reversing gains in territory from the previous year. The generals are plotting a defense of the homeland as the enemy concentrates their forces in the north to compensate for their defeat down south.

>GB: 15 (Epic fail)<
Britain, despite being able to get advisors and supplies into the Vendée, is facing struggles tactically. Their fleet at Toulon was annihilated, the army shattered and retreating back to Gibraltar. Other fronts, such as the Netherlands are facing more success, but not enough to turn the tide in anyone's favor.

Reward: The British lost a sizable fleet at Toulon. Their forces are spread far too thin to make any lasting success, and when they do, they severe casualties. They will be providing limited supplies to the rebels in the Vendée.

>Haiti: 61 (Decent pass)<

Slavery is officially abolished in the colony.

Monarchists of Britain and Spain, ever so aggressive in holding onto the old ways and opportunistic, have invaded the French half of the island of Saint-Dominique with skirmishes at the border, and naval landings are spotted in the northern ports.

Former slaves led by charismatic military leader l'Ouverture and the Revolutionary Commission headed by Sonthonax are working together to delegate objectives. Several trained battalions are formed and armed to fight alongside Republican forces in defending the island against the combined forces of Great Britain and Spain.

The Revolutionary Commission makes haste to placate the populace while promoting the security of the island as paramount before all else. Special privileges are being negotiated for former slave families who contribute to the war effort, while plantation profits are temporarily seized by the Commission for funding the military. Protests from plantation owners arise, but they quickly temper themselves when faced with the alternative of wrath from those they once considered property.

With the royalist plot mostly dealt with, republicans gather to the defense of the island, taking up positions in the rough terrains of the north and border with the Spanish half of the island to ambush and conduct raids on enemy advancements.

Reward: Hati is now becoming a fortress in the Caribbean. If the British or Spanish come, they will face a people determined, free, and French.

>Russia: 53 (meh pass)<

Catherine "the Great", though in her later years, managed to direct state resources into solving the famine issue, opening the grain stores for peasants in starving villages. With summer coming, efforts are put into making agriculture a heavy focus for the serfs this year.

Reward: Russia is now in a state of normalcy again, and is mustering its forces to secure its borders inside and out, while they look from their neutral stance and ponder if they wish to join the Coalition or not.

>America: 100 (great crit!)<

The National Bank Act of 1794 allowed a nationalized federal bank charter to pass and stay for a total of 30 years, heavily regulated by the Congress, which can shut it down at any time if it fails in its duties, at the insistence of Thomas Jefferson. The trade deficit turned into a ten million United States Dollar surplus thanks to a new trading deal with Spain, France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire.

The Americans also managed to secure several annexation contracts with several civilized native tribes, including the Iroquois Confederation and the Cherokee, with stipulations preventing settlement of their lands unless granted state citizenship by the nation's ruling government.

The State of Iroquois in the north and the State of Seminole to the south have already joined the Union as territories, pending on Statehood after the next census, as per the Constitution.

While many in Congress are leery to allow the natives into the Union, the leaders of the tribes were pragmatic, believing that if they were to survive the coming years, they could not fight the white man, but coexist with them. Or at very least, learn to tolerate each other's existence after nearly two centuries of animosity, while defending their lands, rights, and traditions.

Congress has yet to vote on the statehood ratification, and the State of New York is petitioning for permission to annex the Iroquois Confederacy's territory. However, after a passionate speech from Chief Joseph Brant, and the agreement of several stipulations, Congress may indeed reach a verdict for statehood.

In other news, gold deposits have been found in Georgia, with newspapers and rumors spreading far and wide of a potential motherlode waiting for those keen—and lucky—enough.

Reward: The United States is in for confusing and unprecedented times, as the Iroquois and other Westernized Native American nations have started the process to join the union, as their own states, separate but integrated into the Union.
The federal government has also founded a bank, with some very thick strings attached to them, because if they don't follow the rules, the charter is void.
There's also is a gold rush in Georgia, thanks to divine intervention and/or pure luck.

A/N: Thanks to @Magoose for writing most of this up! Some rolls were really wtf-y, but that's what he rolled, so who am I to judge the will of Chance?
Yes, enemies are closing in from all sides, including from within, so no matter what path you take, it will be beneficial to the Republic, in the end!
A/N: Thanks to @Magoose for writing most of this up! Some rolls were really wtf-y, but that's what he rolled, so who am I to judge the will of Chance?
Yes, enemies are closing in from all sides, including from within, so no matter what path you take, it will be beneficial to the Republic, in the end!
I would say WTF... but at this point, we're just going to have to enjoy the fucking ride.
What are those rolls?! Almost everyone rolled low except for, of course Napoleon and Washington. And damn, 100, 000 troops in Belgium with the Vendee on fire. We still have Yorck to contend with too. I guess celebrations will be muted.
With the upper Rhine secure, any advance into Belgium by the enemy just makes it easier for us to sail down the Rhine and cut them off.
"We must smother the internal and external enemies of the Republic or perish with it; now in this situation, the first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror."
so what about the ottoman empire do we have to be careful about them(i know they have declined significantly but still they are a sizable force)

X] Plan Quality over Quantity
X] Plan Quality over Quantity
The Ottomans are just taking up a bunch of land to the east of Austria right now, kinda just... there. We'll see how they develop as they are not yet important in this part yet.
Do the thing where you put a [ at the front so your vote gets counted!
Just don't invade Egypt. Seriously, it's completely pointless.
Imagine being the breadbasket of the Mediterranean and being written off just because the enemy is too scared of the water :V
so who wants to bring the revolution to the balkans
Well they're under Ottoman rule so you'd have to go through all of Northern Italy and Austria to get there.
Nice! +10 for you. Very nice...
We have The Other Davout

I know it's not the right trope, but I'll be damned if I change it now.
"Ah, this Davout. You mean the guy who sounds a lot like Davout in the north?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Okay, just keep them apart so we don't get mixed up in case of drills or something."
Considering that Egypt's always been a major agricultural center, I don't think the economy will do that bad without tourism. The losses for the study of history will be a shame, though.
There'll be plans, as Magoose has mentioned.
Not fond of the rifles. Especially not if we don't take the time to train our troops in the use of the new weapon.
I'll say that if you take training along with the new weapons, your troops will be trained in using those weapons to a basic, workable level.
The Whites in Their Eyes
Nice! +15 for you!
Why no, of course Severin isn't thinking about dressing like Joakim from Sabaton, that would be absurd!
Of course, that's incredulous! Severin would need to break both his knees with his fists to get that cosplay right!
Also, a shoutout to CGTM2002's After Action Report, and Severin's mourning thoughts about that hat he certainly doesn't l-like, baka!
Plot twist: the hat is the real tsundere.
They'd be most likely neutral or receptive, since they eventually help out in the Second Coalition war.
Russia OR the Ottomans
Russia is neutral and likely to not help France, considering their pacts with Prussia and Austria at the moment.
Ottomans are dealing with their Janissary (you know, the dudes that controls most of their military) problem atm, so it's a bit busy.
Yeah, they'd be down to brawl if you honey your words enough.
The republican Dutch government is on your side already, they just need you to get them their rightful nation back from the ravenous clutches of those darn monarchists, of course!
The United States of America
They'd be hesitant at first, but some common enemies like Spain and Britain and some delicious land might convince them, since Canada (still under British control) is right on their doorstep, and we all know how 1812 went down...
My one reservation with plan random is the personal development. Therese has to cover the basics of command. Having a malous on attack is a severe limit for any general.
Yeah, well, as Sun Zi said, there's ways to win a battle before it even starts.
Washington dying earlier can help.
Them's fighting words! I knew I smelt some royal fragrance coming off you when you entered! :V
Thanks, your timing is impeccable....
No problem, I try.
So how bad is the Vendee compared to OTL?
A little badder because of British intervention, but that's considering that Toulon and the south is secure for now, and Therese has dealt with the Eastern front for the moment.
What are those rolls?! Almost everyone rolled low except for, of course Napoleon and Washington. And damn, 100, 000 troops in Belgium with the Vendee on fire. We still have Yorck to contend with too. I guess celebrations will be muted.
What the hell is going on in America these days... it's going to be a sad day when they stop being blessed.
What the fuck America.
Perhaps success will make them overconfident.
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer...
they'll invade Scotland
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
The logical stepping stone towards the British Isle is Iceland and then Ireland, since the two places are one letter away from each other, and due to proximity.
At this rate, the National Convention might just ask Napoleon to stroll on to Vendee to fix their problem considering the guy looks like a miracle worker.
Detective Napoleon: Fireworker Extraordinaire, coming to a theatre near you!