The end of this sentence is missing.
Still nerded out whenever she inadvertently messed with the Cell thoughDang. That might actually work. He could even get a similar rescue by having his jetpack fail, and which is why Pyrrha rescues him and not Jaune (since she sees someome trying to rescue him already).
Also we dressed Jaune too swankyly to catch Pyrrha's attention. He looks less like a clueless dork and more smooth talking businessman.
One, I thought it was pretty obvious that Leathers was Pyrrha's replacement goldfish the moment you actually had a civil conversation with him, though I will admit, the temptation of just having a carbon copy of Jaune who actually did scam his way into Beacon like in canon was very, very tempting, two-It's simple.
Who, out of all the characters we've seen, would be best able to fill the role Jaune had in canon?
-Doesn't recognize her celebrity
-Forms a relationship through tutoring, indicating some personal deficiency that she can help with.
-Dense as a brick, allowing the romantic tension to build.
Obviously, Leathers is the only possible choice, combining the triple threat of ignorance of public figures, ignorance of academic matters, and ignorance of interpersonal matters.
Abababababa- he had a launching strategy.Exactly! They're practically indistinguishable, except that Leathers is more competent- he had a landing strategy already prepared!
Theeeeeere's the landing strategy.Dang. That might actually work. He could even get a similar rescue by having his jetpack fail, and which is why Pyrrha rescues him and not Jaune (since she sees someome trying to rescue him already).
Well, if that's the worst wrong with a 7k wordcount chapter, I'm
Lumen is a guy, name notwithstanding. I've actually called a lot of male OCs in this quest feminine names, and I don't particularly understand why. Just sounded better at the time, I suppose.Why are peeps voting for the Blindfold option again? They do know there are Grimm about right? And Glynda just got a scroll blown in her hands, while Ozpin got soul something-or-other'd.
Is this just relying on Protagonist bias? Because Jaube might still survive but poor smelly-fingers just might die. Especially when she was in such a panic jist a short while ago, which is Grimm Bait.
Confirmed by author?One, I thought it was pretty obvious that Leathers was Pyrrha's replacement goldfish the moment you actually had a civil conversation with him, though I will admit, the temptation of just having a carbon copy of Jaune who actually did scam his way into Beacon like in canon was very, very tempting, two-
See, that's still one step better than canon Jaune.Abababababa- he had a launching strategy.
Saying he had a landing strategy implies he can think more than two steps ahead without smoke coming out his ears.
Zog is a generic orc curse, like 'fuck' in english. Presumably, his makeshift jetpack had some flawsWhat was Leathers screaming as he careened into the distance, anyway? And why?
He's a living reference to the Orks in Warhammer40K, in which they're essentially bloodthirsty football hooligans who want nothing more than a good foight' and whose equipment run on mild reality warping. 'Zog' is just a curse word for that race, so he uses it here.What was Leathers screaming as he careened into the distance, anyway? And why?
Fungus bioweapon, pretty much every single one runs on the desire for a good fight, with their greatest trait being the "WAAAAGH" which is somewhere between a hivemind and consensus reality. If an Ork believes something, their belief has a bit of weight in the WAAAGH, and thus on reality. Get enough Orks believing it/a large enough WAAAGH and you start getting things like Orks rolling down the windows on a space ship so they can shoot their personal weapons at opposing ships, and it fucking works. Or things like a box filled with random bolts actually working as a gun when you pull the trigger. Or want it to shoot if the mek in question didn't bother installing a trigger. Or being able to, as happened in the last chapter, build a jetpack out of duck tape some metal scraps and alcohol as fuel.See, I was hearing "Zoog" with the double o sound and I also am nowhere near as into Warhammer as I'd need to be to know more about orks than the fact that they're basically a fungus that's weaponized that hive mind thing that football fans get during the really big games.
I'm not seeing anything that makes my statement wrong here. But yeah. I wonder why he's cursing his jetpack. I mean he tested it and everything. </sarcasm>Fungus bioweapon, pretty much every single one runs on the desire for a good fight, with their greatest trait being the "WAAAAGH" which is somewhere between a hivemind and consensus reality. If an Ork believes something, their belief has a bit of weight in the WAAAGH, and thus on reality. Get enough Orks believing it/a large enough WAAAGH and you start getting things like Orks rolling down the windows on a space ship so they can shoot their personal weapons at opposing ships, and it fucking works. Or things like a box filled with random bolts actually working as a gun when you pull the trigger. Or want it to shoot if the mek in question didn't bother installing a trigger. Or being able to, as happened in the last chapter, build a jetpack out of duck tape some metal scraps and alcohol as fuel.
Also important, but not relevant here, as Orks survive and win fights, they get bigger/stronger/fastr/more powerful belief wise both individually and as a WAAAGH(which in addition to being their psychic effect is also their name for any group of orks). If they get big enough as individuals and as a WAAAGH they start evolving either back into a Krork(now they're all superhumanly intelligent and disciplined as well as having actual science so the waaagh energy that used to be for making the guns work despite reality saying it shouldn't is now making the guns more powerful.), or they start evolving into a Beast, where they start becoming more powerful psychically, disciplined, with science, more powerful on average, and the top tiers are nigh immortal.
to put the last bit into perspective, the Beast is the only thing ever in the history of Warhammer 40,000 to ever get the Eldar, the Imperium, the Necrons, and Chaos to work together trying to kill something.
Glynda's a veteran hunter. Dropping the ball when you're unexpectedly injured is a great way to get murderized by Grimm.Glynda's currently picking glass out of her hands, and those launchpads throw you high enough to divebomb flying birds.
Like I said, perfect storm of bad shit happening all at once.
I think it's less surprise and more the fact that Glynda needs her hands to use her Semblance, and Aura does need to be actively called. You don't typically expect attacks to come from your cell phone, and now her hands are fucked and she can't use her Semblance.Glynda's a veteran hunter. Dropping the ball when you're unexpectedly injured is a great way to get murderized by Grimm.
I'm not saying the current even shouldn't have happened, but rather that it would have been immensely more believable if Ozpin and Glynda were physically much, much farther from Jaune when it had. As a result, I as of the moment have about zero investment in the developing arc (hah, get it?).