Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I didn't get the impression that she was pure spirit before. After all we could actually grab her.

Could we, though?

You can grab snow, you can feel wind.

For all we know Zeqing had techniques facilitating playdates, and providing defenses for what's hers.

For example, there was definitely an effect that caused her to see her father's frozen prison as a merely pale skinned cultivator.
One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

Ling Qi and allies within close range receive a free dispel attempt against effects which would force them to act directly against someone with whom they have at least 2 ranks of positive relation
This insight is likely to get in the way of us getting mind control. Or at least many kinds of it.
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This insight is likely to get in the way of us getting mind control. Or at least many kinds of it.

I'd really say some kinds, but unless you have a reading of I'm not seeing most of the stuff it would cut off are self targeted DoubleThink effects which are already excluded by AM Insight.

There's a good chance it would exclude us using loyalty effects on our subordinates.

To me, this is a feature, not a bug. I have no desire to be Desus.

Edit: Oh, duh, this isn't an Exalted Thread.

Desus is a character in the back story of Exalted who was a great hero who developed effects to make him more powerful as his reputation grew, to spread his reputation, and to let him know when people who thought he was a hero were in trouble (or causing trouble)

As he got more powerful, these effects grew into a worldwide mind control/illusion effect that made everyone in the world see any of his actions in the best possible light.

He could push an innocent man under a stampeding 30 meter tall bull, and bystanders would think that he tried to warn the guy who tripped, or that if he hadn't the bull would have trampled over a nearby orphanage.

He could (and it was implied he did) beat his wife into a bloody pulp in the middle of a party in front of all their friends:the greatest heroes in the world, and everyone would chuckle like it was a slightly Akward but cute spat between an old married couple.
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I'd really say some kinds, but unless you have a reading of I'm not seeing most of the stuff it would cut off are self targeted DoubleThink effects which are already excluded by AM Insight.

There's a good chance it would exclude us using loyalty effects on our subordinates.

To me, this is a feature, not a bug. I have no desire to be Desus.
Well we should not be surprised if Covetous Wraith's Yearning can't give us an insight anymore.
Ranking wise, I am not sure Ji Rong will necessarily overtake us in the next few turns.
From my reading, he previously was more mono-focused than Ling Qi and I don't think you can push through the ranks by going pure face puncher.
Even more, we have seen him researching, in the library (... admittedly, that did seem to end in face-punching, too...). I suspect he is trying to broaden his skill set and bring other skills up to par for challenges. Similar to what we are doing.
For Kang Zihao, I don't know if he has the chops for much more. So far, he has impressed exactly no one. He is from a Count-tier family close to the Empress, but there are other Count tiers around. He's certainly a great Cultivator, talented and powerful, but that is literally everyone in the Inner Sect. Maybe he'll stall out. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't and actually pulls ahead in the next few turns.
Yan Renshu is also interesting. I believe he *does* have the chops to be fairly successful in the Inner Sect and raise further, quickly. At least for a while. On the other hand, Wen Cao (or whatever his name was) hasn't forgotten about him. Direct suppression in the Inner Sect isn't allowed, but Mr. I-use-pretty-shady-books-and-upset-everyone doesn't exactly have many friends or good will from the faculty and I am pretty sure if Wen wants hard enough he can screw with Renshu to some degree. So I suspect Yan Renshu won't have an ideal time.

The current rankings of our friends/contacts are pretty amusing, though. I guess Meizhen and Liling will continue with their, ahhh... 'friendly competition'. I wonder if Meizhen will challenge Liling directly? It would be a pure grudge match, their rank difference is literally minimal. And Liling might have prepared a new (temporary) trump card if Meizhen does that, purely for prestige. So, I don't think it would be a good move from Meizhen. She still has the reputation from 'crushing' Liling in the tournament, that should serve her better.
... And I have no idea what's up with Xuan. I guess he finished a major project and then challenged high? And got a favourable match up? Very impressive jump. We should ask him and take notes :3

Incidentally, that means that huge jumps in rankings might be rare, but aren't unheard of so it's "fine" if we don't challenge for a few turns, build our strength and then suddenly challenge 50 ranks higher.
Note that the "preventing them from attacking her" effect does NOT stop defensive actions, nor does it stop them from attacking allies. So that effect is not a stun equivalent; it is a defense equivalent.

The way I see it, the point of the ability is to prevent Hanyi's target from being able to take advantage of Hanyi's relatively weak defenses while at short range.
It's a taunt/defence active tech, yeah. LWM is really good, but FSP is also really good.

The interesting thing is that it does give Ling Qi the opportunity to stealth/hunt enemies while Zhengui/Hanyi play tower control, with Hanyi taunting and then Zhengui disabling.
It's a taunt/defence active tech, yeah. LWM is really good, but FSP is also really good.

The interesting thing is that it does give Ling Qi the opportunity to stealth/hunt enemies while Zhengui/Hanyi play tower control, with Hanyi taunting and then Zhengui disabling.
Correct. With that formation there are now two major threats on the battlefield.

The entirely self sufficient and forced battle combination of Zhengui and Hanyi, who combined form a functional Party just between the two of them.

And the absurdly hard to kill Area of Effect Suppressor and Skirmishing specialist Ling Qi, who can also buff the other party trivially while being just as deadly on the offense as the other two.

Then there's Sixiang who's wind element means she'll be able to get a much longer reach as she progresses further.

A fight against Ling Qi requires someone to come loaded for bear against an entire group of powerful opponents. Its basically a proper Boss Fight or Raid Encounter. Barring the absurd, among her peers a solo battle is ill advised to say the least.
You know, we should probably really lose an AP to training Hanyi and Zhengui.

Plus, @yrsillar has already made it so we don't have to spend AP on challenge research anymore, so it's fair enough.
Hanyi's Mom was a snow woman on a mountaintop. Hanyi will keep up the tradition, but her mountain is more alive.
I think people who are worried about our skill at governance when we leave the Sect are putting the cart way ahead of the horse. The thing that matters the absolute most right now is fulfilling the task that Shenhua gave us because if we fail, we're pretty much done. Secondary skills that are useful for that purpose (exploratory skills and diplo skills) are good for us now but Government is basically worthless with the task that we have right now.

I like the plan btw I just wanted to put out that we should absolutely not be thinking about being a fantastic administrator when we get out of the Sect when we already have this huge task in front of us.
It would be nice to be at least C ranked in all skills, but not required. However it would fit into our Bard archetype. Jack of all trades.
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Now I want to see if we can get CWY and juggle enemies between Hanyi and us (where all they end up doing is running back and forth as each taunt has them switching targets)
I find it amusing just how built for terror Ling Qi is at this point. Darkness, Cold, Music/Sound, Wind...
There are probably others that are more short term scary (Hard to beat a massive fire demon or snekgaze on that front) for for sheer abject terror? Well, let's just say that if Ling Qi went into a whole bunch of mortals, they'd probably start dropping dead of terror without actually ever being damaged. I'm placing a strong bet on her getting some form of Demon moniker later on when exposed to the world.
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Could we, though?

You can grab snow, you can feel wind.

For all we know Zeqing had techniques facilitating playdates, and providing defenses for what's hers.

For example, there was definitely an effect that caused her to see her father's frozen prison as a merely pale skinned cultivator.
Hanyi is solid:
With her movement so limited, and Ling Qi's ability to hide, it was almost too simple to find a higher place and leap down in ambush, landing feet first on the annoying girls back and leaving her facedown in the snow with Ling Qi sitting on her back. Normally Ling Qi would feel terrible about doing something like that to a child, but the chase had not inclined her toward the spirit. "Got you," she said a trifle smugly as she lowered her flute. "That makes two."

She clamped a hand on the little girls shoulder even as she moved to let her up. Unsurprisingly, Hanyi didn;t look very happy. A dark blue, nearly purple flush of exertion and anger coloring her childish face. "No fair! You cheated! How could I run away like that! You're just being mean cause you don't want to play anymore!"

"You said there weren't any rules, "Ling Qi replied, not releasing the girl's shoulder despite the way her fingers were starting to feel numb. "I played with you, now you have to do what you promised and let me through," she replied sternly.

Her turning to snow is like Ling Qi turning to shadow to dodge. Its part of her dodge skill, which is maxed, and probably about to evolve.
She IS cold enough to give frostbite though
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