Since no one else is asking...
What would happen if the WF got 20's on both rolls?
Would you really just let Weiss fucking die?
If she dies, she dies.
Ok but no let me clear something up- I was
comfortable enough with how improbable the exact roll needed to just straight up dome Weiss was that I figured keeping it in was worth the risk.
In order for her to just straight up buy it, no save, do not pass go, do not collect 2,000 Lien, I would have needed to roll, in order, a 1, a 20, and a 1. 1 for the Event roll, now the
exact worst possible event in this situation is underway, a 20, that sniper has had a monk-like devotion to his craft for the entirety of his life for the sole and exact purpose of making Weiss and JFK a matching set, and a 1, the Transistor just
lags for a second and never sees it coming, neither do you, and neither does Weiss.
Now, assuming getting 3 20s in a row is the same probability for getting any three specific numbers in a row, that's 0.0125%, or 1:8000, which are worse odds than my chances of getting struck by lightning.
So yes, the chance was
there, but suitably low enough that I didn't feel particularly
scared by it.
second worst would be severe brain damage, but, you know, you have the panacea of all ills on the phone. It would be incredibly unpleasant for Weiss, probably severely traumatising, but she'd be alive in the end.
Anyway, with that bit of horrifying information out of the way, let's move on-
Also, killing the sniper wouldn't be the best idea in the world, and I don't like the sound of collateral damage.
Also also - how did the Fang find Jaune and Weiss?
There's a waiter in the restaurant who had his tail amputated traumatically. Coincidence? I doubt it. Even if he isn't a member, I have no doubt that he wouldn't spread the word if the SDC was involved in that trauma at all.
Killing the sniper is just a side-effect of the sheer power that would be needed for a laser to reach him from that distance. The Process isn't exactly capable of
finesse, just yet, but right now its options are 'non-lethal, possibly permanently damaging,' and 'what body?'
Not car chase. We would be riding a Process Hovercycle, I think. Or maybe motorcycle, that would fit better.
Nothing that complex, unfortunately, though maybe in the future. No, more... giant, amorphous amoeba of Process goo that can slip through any space large enough for you two.
It will look
terrifying, but damn if it won't get the job done. It does also have some
miiinor collateral damage, on account of, you know, creating a sphere-shaped hole in the ground, but you can fix that later, it's not a
huge deal.
@Prok can The Process use its Processed Matter feature to get us underground? That would keep us fairly safe while the Process works, though Weiss might not be happy about being stuck underground.
This is possible, as an offshoot of the terrain mastery option.
[] Burrowing- Use Processed mass to dig a small hidey-hole underneath your fort, and wait it out until people actually qualified to deal with this get here, or the LLDs and Process units deal with it. (Immediate, removes sysadmin and priority target from the battlefield- no longer able to personally affect outcome of battle.)
Good thought. If we can get under the street, then we can just wait in safety for the cops and/or any passing Hunters to bring these clowns down.
Could the Process imprison the four gunmen near us? Put them into little enclosed time out boxes until the authorities arrive?
edit: alternatively, can Processed mass be aerosolized into a concealing mist/dust cloud and then clump back together on top of the WFs?
This is an option that can be deployed, but it does have a chance to fail, depending on how things go. For the sake of convenience I'll be using Mastigos' method of dispersal. Which, is also how it has a chance to fail.
[] Imprisonment- Modify long-range cannon plans for short-range Processed mass dispersal, which will then reconnect in large masses around assailants.
Could we use the Processed matter to give Weiss a weapon? It won't be Myrtenaster, but it'll be better than nothing.
Unfortunately, no, basic Processed matter isn't very good for weaponry, it's too light. She'd have more luck just breaking off a chair leg and having at them that way.
"hohes Mantel", best as I can guess. Alternatively "Mantlisch", but that doesn't flow very well to me, so I'd suggest the former.
Technically, it means "White. Snow.", with the two words having no context towards each other. "White Snow" would be "Weisser Schnee", though that doesn't exactly sound like a feminine first name, or a real first name at all for that matter rather than a title of some sort.
I mean hey, one letter off isn't too bad. Mantal is a deliberate decision, though- none of the different languages are exact 1:1 copies of real-world languages. Atlesi is
like German, bog Mistrali is
like Creole, highland Mistrali is
like English. Either way, I'll meet you in the middle- fix the legitimate mistake, keep the proper noun as is.
Still, thank you for the correction, I honestly never would have known that was wrong if you hadn't told me.