Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Personally I think all the blatant supernatural stuff, like the Cobra Unit, and Valk!Boss were way to much, I still liked the ending.

I think it would've been more reasonable with just AI!Boss, the Snakes, Mantis, and Volgin, but that's just me.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

Kona has conditioned me to pick all blue options.

I blame all the MHA soundtracks.
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[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

I think the morotirian is up. Also going to sleep now, it's like 4am over here see ya.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

I just can't accept sacrificing Ahab after everything we've done. I'm sorry Ishmael.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

Lets finish the mission.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

I just can't see this ending any other way, given who Ahab is.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

Time for the mission to end.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

"Naked Snake...what do you know of your fear of death?"

"I...don't have an answer to that. Am I going to die?"

The old man smiled. "Do not fear death Snake...Death is always at your side. If you fear it, it strike at you faster then light, but if you are not afraid it will cast its eye gently as you enter infinity."

The Star of the orignal Big Boss is ready to go out.

A Shooting star streaks across the sky as a new desteny is born.

Jack looked at the nuke and smiled... "Its time." He closed his remaining eye and felt the warm glow take him.

"This is good...Isn't it?" he said as the world became light.


When he opened his eyes, he saw her, waiting, sneaking suit and all, at the gates of hevan.

"Boss How?" She CQC hugged you, tears streaming down her face.

"Welcome home Jack."

The end.
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[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

OK I'm voting for this because I think that Psycho Mantis is here and that he was responsible for this whole shebang of drawing in various feelings onto the Lord of Dust. Which means that if the feeling felt by either Big Boss as they leave Dite is: "no don't do this you need to live" ,then I think Mantis will oblige. Of course the only problem is that we didn't take that option with Quiet so if it's Ishmael that's sent back it will result in problems. Sigh. Oh well I'm crossing my fingers and hoping RNG gives us Ahab.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

For better or worse, we have to try.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

Nope, not taking chances. I understand wanting to save Ishmael and I even agree with the reasoning. But I can't pick otherwise. Ahab has to get home.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

yeah no

we being playing Ahab boy as the blue ball of fluffy good

this is in character more then the other option
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

I am conflicted. I do agree that Ahab would at least try, but. But. He has, in his mind, so many other people counting on him. Waiting on him. Wishing for him. None of them know about Ishmael, except for the MSF guys who evac'd. Ahab would struggle but, ultimately, it's Ishmael's choice to die for Ahab. Ishmael's right to choose when, where, and how he dies. Ishmael has chosen to roll the dice on Ahab, to put all his faith in his brother in all but blood, the man who has surpassed him.

So for me, and in my own mind, for painful as it will be, as hard a choice as it will be. Ishmael came here fully intent on doing whatever it took to finish the mission. But he doesn't want Ahab to die with him, or for him.

Ishmael has had his turn, being saved.

Now, it's Ahab's time.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

Guys this is the character were playing with next, we should pick Ahab as were using him.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.
[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

I want to keep playing as Ahab/Venom Snake. Let's go home to Quiet, DD, and the rest of the Diamond Dogs.