[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.
I am conflicted. I do agree that Ahab would at least try, but. But. He has, in his mind, so many other people counting on him. Waiting on him. Wishing for him. None of them know about Ishmael, except for the MSF guys who evac'd. Ahab would struggle but, ultimately, it's Ishmael's choice to die for Ahab. Ishmael's right to choose when, where, and how he dies. Ishmael has chosen to roll the dice on Ahab, to put all his faith in his brother in all but blood, the man who has surpassed him.
So for me, and in my own mind, for Ahab...as painful as it will be, as hard a choice as it will be. Ishmael came here fully intent on doing whatever it took to finish the mission. But he doesn't want Ahab to die with him, or for him.
Ishmael has had his turn, being saved.
Now, it's Ahab's time.