Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Perception
[X] Evasion
[X] Stealth

My understanding is that we need a successor for AM and a replacement for AS and AC.

Perception aims at the AM successor.

The main thing AS gives us is some mobility and melee fight boosts. I'd like to replace it with an art that has better synergy with SCS and the ephemeral shadow stuff instead of lightning jumps.
Something to point out that I think is relevant, regardless of whatever arts we get added into our unlearned section I don't think training them next month is a good idea and I won't be making plans that train them right now. The reason is that we have SCS, personal cultivation and EPC to work on along with missions and duties for sect points and other consumable resources.

It's a case of having core things that need to be taken care of before we can get to the stuff that supplements the core, like a hypothetical successor to AM. Because we can see the levels of an art early we'll be able to better judge how useful an art is for Ling Qi. This leads into a thought that we might not like what we find, which is somewhat unlikely, but fine because we do have other options. As I said it is unlikely, and I expect we'll like what we find.

Put it all together and I would be far happier with working on the unlearned arts after we master the current level of SCS and get to Appraisal, so month three at least.

E: To dig into this deeper since I feel I am some what unclear.

With SCS where it is, one of our core elements is not completely up to par with Ling Qi's cultivation level and it's next level provides some nice stuff. It is also just useful to have around as an option. So, getting it up to par seems like an entirely reasonable idea.

We also need to get to Appraisal to unlock all our other arts like TRF, PLR and FVM and such as well as being less vulnerable to being gimped by a higher Green. You all know how it is. This is connected to EPC, because EPC is one component in our cultivation engine along with Appraisal itself letting us really abuse Green stones for massive gains. Physical is also going to be needed for the last levels of SCS, which is why I'm letting it go after we master the next level. We likely won't be able to train that next SCS level until month four-ish, it depends on our physical progress.

Then from there we have the consumables like rare pills, core tutoring and such like which require sect points and contribution points will be relevant for when we want to start climbing the ranks. So we have to do missions. Additionally, missions mean we explore the Inner Sect, which is how we find tasty tasty goodie vaults.

That makes month two a bit full with central stuff.

After that, after getting into Appraisal and getting the next SCS level I am much more okay with getting to the unlearned arts in month three.
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My understanding is that we need a successor for AM and a replacement for AS and AC.

Perception aims at the AM successor.

The main thing AS gives us is some mobility and melee fight boosts. I'd like to replace it with an art that has better synergy with SCS and the ephemeral shadow stuff instead of lightning jumps
I would argue we need none of those things. We want a new perception art, yes, but there is no need for that to be AM+ and quite a few reasons why it shouldn't.

AS and AC don't need to replaced because that implies they are currently fulfilling critical roles in our build. AS gives us nothing but passives because we don't use it. Trying to "replace" its techs thus doesn't do much. There is some value in having the ability to spike up our damage when needed ala PC, but there are a lot of options there. That would fall under either stealth or support arts I would say.

I'll believe it when I see it in an update. At this point I'm of the opinion to require extraordinary proof.

Yeah. First combat chance we get I want to try stealth strats. We need to know if it's viable.
I am a bit confused now. Do you want us to vote for unique sets of three keywords, and then the five or six unique sets of three that get the most votes will be accepted? I'll go change my vote to three options, but I do admit I find that odd and counterintuitive. Would it not be better to separate votes by line so that the keywords that people prefer most rise to the top, regardless of whether they share identical set-of-three-keywords?
votes will be separated by line, but if i let everyone vote for six, then I have a strong suspicion that voting would solidify into camps that might as well be plans anyway.
Music is used in determining Hit and Penetration while using arts with the Music keyword.
I just noticed this bonus in Ling Qi page.
Since our Music skill is at C, does that mean that our spiritual offense is actually Hit: B17 and Penetration: B15 instead of:
Base Spiritual Offense
Hit: B17
Manipulation C, Woodwind A Unqualified Bonus: Equip 5, +12 Music Arts
Qualified Bonuses: +3 on Darkness Arts, +5 unaware, +5 Dark and Moon Arts
Penetration: C5
Presence F, Woodwind A Unqualified Bonus: Equip 10, FSS 5
Qualified Bonuses: +3 on Darkness Arts, +10 on Cold Arts
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Dec 3, 2018 at 4:07 PM, finished with 2687 posts and 69 votes.
[X] Connection
[X] Darkness
[X] Stealth
[ ] War

I think Perceptiveness and Wind are pretty sure winners so I'm voting for these three.

I'd like to see War too but not at the expense of the other 3 I have voted for.
"Your going to have to make it clear that this isn't going to be easy,"
From their she received directions up to the room that her friend was currently occupying.
It's center was dominated by a heavy polished table surrounded by nearly a dozen chairs.

"Xiao Fen can be trusted," Bai Meizhen said with finality. "Though we are both younger than usual for this pairing."
Oh wow, so I was wrong on two fronts. Xiao ended up being a Bai branch and Meizhen is getting her ninja maid this early. Guess I shouldn't be surprised the Bai would trust no one but family, still find it odd Fen's here now but perhaps fostering strong ties early was thought best when Meizhen plans to stay in a foreign court post sect.

"I will be in your care," Xiao Fen replied, if she had been less self controlled, Ling Qi thought she would have grimaced. "Do you have any advice for success in this… Sect?" Despite that it was clear, to Ling Qi, that the words came to her with difficulty.

Ling Qi thought back over the previous year and everything that had happened. "Find some people you can trust and stick with them."
Dong Fu, I hope we made you proud!

[x] Yin
[x] Wind
[x] Perceptiveness
[X] Perceptiveness
[X] Connection
[X] Wood

This is a strategic vote. my main priority is to ensure that we get a perception art or commander art, since that is what I think would be the most useful thing we can get out of this level of archive. Resist could work with either art, and I don't think the archive is a great place to look for moon, music or cold related arts. we have our own sources for those.

E: replaced resist with wood after discussion. some wood side arts seem to have merit.
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After that, after getting into Appraisal and getting the next SCS level I am much more okay with getting to the unlearned arts in month three.

I just want to reiterate this.

We should not jump on the first arts we see. Even after next month, we'll still have a million things to do, with epc, scs, fvm, and trf begging to be mastered. On top of AG and our base cultivation.

What we want to do is keep doing our research and discussing our options. See what's available, and what would work well together.
No, because Woodwind is Music's A rank descendant and acting in it's place.
That seems to make the bonus irrelevant since Hit and Perception already consider mastery as baseline:
Hit: The characters accuracy in combat, divided into physical and spiritual. Uses dexterity and an appropriate mastery for physical. Uses manipulation or wits plus mastery for spiritual

Penetration: How hard a characters attacks hit in combat, divided into physical and spiritual. Uses Strength and mastery for physical, and Intelligence or presence plus mastery for spiritual

It seems the bonus is simply the default way hit and perception ratings are calculated... Like a bonus that says "your archery mastery is now used in determining hit and penetration when you use a bow".
Am i reading it wrong ?
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I just want to reiterate this.

We should not jump on the first arts we see. Even after next month, we'll still have a million things to do, with epc, scs, fvm, and trf begging to be mastered. On top of AG and our base cultivation.

What we want to do is keep doing our research and discussing our options. See what's available, and what would work well together.
Yeah, though as I said I am muuuuuch happier with starting unlearned arts in month three than two, because I feel like we could fit it in there since we likely won't have SCS to train until we get Appraisal Bronze because it's funny like that.

Also month two will likely have some pretty robust discussion on the matter so I'm somewhat hopeful. Kinda comes down to if these other arts are worth it.
That seems to make the bonus irrelevant since Hit and Perception already consider mastery as baseline:

It seems the bonus is simply the default way hit and perception ratings are calculated... Like a bonus that says "your archery mastery is now used in determining hit and penetration when you use a bow".
Am i reading it wrong ?
I'm not sure where your misunderstanding lies. Basically there are two pieces, a stat, and a mastery when determining a derived attribute. The bonus we got was that we could use Music as a mastery at all. Going Music + Woodwind for hit or penetration calcs would be using the same mastery twice.
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