Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] Training! You can get in some individual training in your backyard before you meet up for team training! You have dummies that have gone un-punched for too long.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[x] Training! You can get in some individual training in your backyard before you meet up for team training! You have dummies that have gone un-punched for too long.
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[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.

We're going to be training with our team anyway, may as well check up on our friends. We may not get much of an opportunity to meet up later on.
Should we really test out Hercules Punch at Daisuke's home? Game Ninjutsu with only 2 uses per day, so that already implies a strong move. Yet it is also the reward for Superhuman Physical, and named after a divine superbeing.

Personally, I suggest testing it somewhere that Daisuke won't accidentally annihilate his own stuff. Be awkward if Daisuke ended up destroying Brick-chan with it, and all the replacement/repair costs...
[x] Just because you would be early for training doesn't mean that you can't head over there now. Head back to the training ground and see if you can get some work done.
"I-" you say, voice coming out in a foul croak. You stop, clearing your throat, and continue as everyone's eyes lock onto you. "Alright. Fine. I… I was back in an alleyway," you say haltingly. "With… with someone. Someone that I used to trust, and whose opinion I used to respect. We fought again."

Your teammates look confused, but Kurenai-sensei only nods along. Of course she already knows your history. You press on, ignoring thoughts on who knows what. It's not important.
Of course she knew.

The silence stretches on for another heartbeat before Kiba speaks up. "Damn it," he curses. "I can't let someone else talk and not do it myself. Make me less of a man. Alright, my genjutsu wasn't about fighting or anything like that. It was... really it was kinda pathetic."

Kurenai-sensei moves to say something but Kiba just plows on ahead. "It really was. See, we-" he gestures to himself and Akamaru- "were in a field hunting something. Don't even know what it was but it was something Akamaru really wanted to hunt. And when we cornered it I let it get away."

Kiba's staring off into space as he talks, eyes blank as he looks back into his memories. "It was so stupid. I made a mistake. It happens. But it was the end of the world, and Akamaru let me know it. He let me know I wasn't good enough to be his partner. That he would rather be somebody's housepet than work with me and-"

Akamaru's heard enough. The tiny dog rears back onto his hind legs and pros himself up, forelegs on Kiba's chest. From his new position he wastes no time in unleashing a barrage of licks and concerned noises to his partner's chin. Kiba grins and his hands move automatically to scratch at the ninken's ears. "Yeah buddy, I knew it was stupid. You'd never do that to me. Really!' His words sound hollow and forced. He knows in his brain that Akamaru would never do that to him. But in his heart and his subconscious apparently, he still needs to be convinced.
-Primary: Fear of abandonment
-Secondary: Fear of Failure

Pretty personal, but I guess he doubted himself?
"I was being eaten by rats," Mariko suddenly says.

Everyone turns and stares at her. "I was… was just being eaten alive. There was me, there were rats, there was biting. They did it slowly. I couldn't feel everything; I don't know why. Maybe because I've never been bitten by a rat before? Is that it?"

"That's it," Mariko says boldly, unrolling from her ball and stretching her legs. "Rats. I was there. They ate me alive. They kept going and going until there was no more me. I was gone. Barely anyone noticed. You would have thought they would notice that many rats but nope. Everyone was around me, walking away and doing their own thing, and I was just there. Being eaten by rats."'re no psychologist, but you're almost a hundred percent sure that Mariko's real greatest fear that she just mentioned wasn't the rats. But it's not your place to comment. Kurenai-sensei moves over to Mariko and offers her the same comforting hand, though the platinum blonde only accepts it for a fraction of a moment before shaking it off. "I'm fine!" she protests. "Fine. It wasn't real. None of it was real."
-Primary: Fear of Isolation
-Secondary: Fear of rats

Well now that was particularly fucked up. And explains why she hated us so badly. We were stealing her friends away, we were taking away the spotlight of attention. She was good at genjutsu, then we showed we're her better. She was good at fighting and then we turned our group into tween terminators.

Everything to press her trigger buttons.
She looks up at Kurenai-sensei, who nods cautiously. "The jutsu can't make your brain replicate sensations it hasn't felt before. So if you've never been in a specific circumstance it will simply attempt to get as close to the effect it's generating as possible. But that's not important right now. Are you-"
That quite limits what the jutsu can do, since well, the target had lived through it before. It'd be a distraction and a strong one, but unlikely to cause lasting damage unless you've been Itachi'ed, Orochimaru'ed or something before.

That also makes it horrifyingly realistic. Theres nothing you can do to convince yourself its not real, its taking directly from your memories. It'd be exactly as accurate as your memories are.

After checking on Mariko again Kurenai-sensei resumes her place at the front of the group. "Thank you," she says softly. "Thank you all for having the courage to not only endure your greatest fears without giving up, but also having the courage to tell us all about them."

She sits back down in front of you. "And in the interest of full disclosure," she adds. "Mine was drowning."

Your head perks up. "Excuse me?" you ask.

"My fear," she clarifies. "Back when I was sitting right where you-" she points at Kiba "-are now. When my Sensei put my team under that Genjutsu, my greatest fear was that of drowning."

"You were tested the same way, Sensei?" Mariko asks cautiously.

"I was, as was my sensei before me and his sensei before him. And I will be honest with you all; I did not handle it nearly as well as the three of you are. I was a wreck for days. It was nearly a week before my team could undergo proper missions. I am impressed, truly."
Somehow I suspect it wasn't drowning. But she's probably not lying about her reaction to it.

Kurenai-sensei nods approvingly. "An important question. This was a test of three stages. The first part, the party itself, was to test two things. The first: how well you planned for a mission with vague objectives. As for the second, it's very simple: you all have some difficulties getting along with your teammates, correct?"

Mariko pauses then holds up a finger. "I love Akamaru!" she offers.


Kurenai-sensei holds a hand over her mouth for a fraction of a moment, just long enough to hide her laugh, and continues. "My mistake. You all have difficulties getting along with your human teammates. The party tested if you had the ability to put that aside, to forget it for one night. And you did. You all passed that stage of the test with flying colors."
Everyone loves Akamaru. He's the heart of the team!

"The second part was the Horror Made Flesh, and it was far simpler. It was keyed to your minds and had one and only one escape besides running it's entire course: surrendering to it. If you had given up, if you had let the illusion win, it would have broken, and you would have failed. But by struggling forward and showing your wills, you passed the second part of the test. And that brought you to the third and final part: our conversation here."
...and wow, thats a savage exit clause. The better your skill at Genjutsu the harder you'd fight against it and so it gets to trap you longer.

But if you hit a civilian with it it'd probably end almost immediately.
Actually that sounds tailor made to test people with.

"To see if you would admit your fears. Because in order to face them, in order to overcome them, first you have to acknowledge that they exist."

You trade a look with Kiba and then one with Mariko. None of you seem to understand, which Kurenai-sensei picks up on immediately. "The worst thing you can possibly do with a fear is to lock it away and pretend that it doesn't bother you. If you do that, you'll never work at overcoming it. Like any wound or injury, a fear can fester. I have seen good shinobi, strong shinobi refuse to overcome their fears and let themselves be overcome in turn."

She looks at you all, meeting your eyes with a ruby stare. "I will not train a shinobi who will not fight their fear."
Ooo, that sounds like a Kakashi Teamwork level hangup alright...

Out of all of you, Kiba seems the least affected. Maybe he's just the best at bluffing though.
Naw, its the doggo.
Best doggo.
[X] Training! You can get in some individual training in your backyard before you meet up for team training! You have dummies that have gone un-punched for too long.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[x] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Training! You can get in some individual training in your backyard before you meet up for team training! You have dummies that have gone un-punched for too long.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Training! You can get in some individual training in your backyard before you meet up for team training! You have dummies that have gone un-punched for too long.
[X] Training! You can get in some individual training in your backyard before you meet up for team training! You have dummies that have gone un-punched for too long.

Sorry Ino, someone wrote an omake on how Brick-Chan feels abandoned. Ves won't confirm that she has feelings, but I know the truth.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.
[X] Your friends were tested either yesterday or this morning too. You should check up on them and see how they all did.