Because this plan not only gets Sound Processing and two MEM upgrades but also the Range one. Come on people, it has been stated many times by the QM that if Jaune is ever separated from the Transistor he'd be fucked, no reason not to take some precautions against that.
The plan also has Defense to make Best-Sword sturdier in proper swording action, which for Jaune probably equates more to a stronger last-ditch defense really.
[X] Plan Interactive Memory
-[X] MEM- Upgrades the Transistor's MEM capacity. Allows you to keep more Functions running at once, and more heavy-duty Functions at all. (5000 Lien for 4 MEM, 5000 after this purchase.) Current MEM: 12/64
-[X] Sound Processing- … Fuck it, the secret's out anyway. Time to give your sword a voice. (7000 Lien)
-[X] Hardlight Projection- Do you really want to give your sword the ability to smack you whenever necessary? (11,000 Lien)
More MEM free as a gift from the family and letting our sword interact with the world. Maybe with this they could actually open doors instead of breaking them down!
Ah, I though that we had 12 of 64 mem used, but 12 is our current amount, while 64 is the maximum we can upgrade too. My bad. Still want the Transistor to have a voice though.
It's always a little difficult telling apart Creme's, Jaune's and Lumen's lines during the chatroom bits. It feels like the colors are a little too similar.
And then you got Ada who's just this dark red.
As for my vote though...
I want at least one MEM upgrade, and the voice processor.
[X] Plan MEM Up
Looks good! Time to buff our MathBlade
It's always a little difficult telling apart Creme's, Jaune's and Lumen's lines during the chatroom bits. It feels like the colors are a little too similar.
And then you got Ada who's just this dark red.
As for my vote though...
I want at least one MEM upgrade, and the voice processor.
[X] Plan MEM Up
Looks good! Time to buff our MathBlade
[X] Plan MEM Up -[X] MEM- Upgrades the Transistor's MEM capacity. Allows you to keep more Functions running at once, and more heavy-duty Functions at all. (5000 Lien for 4 MEM, 5000 after this purchase.) Current MEM: 12/64
-[X] MEM- Upgrades the Transistor's MEM capacity. Allows you to keep more Functions running at once, and more heavy-duty Functions at all. (5000 Lien for 4 MEM, 5000 after this purchase.) Current MEM: 16/64
-[X] Sound Processing- … Fuck it, the secret's out anyway. Time to give your sword a voice. (7000 Lien)
-[X] Defense Up- Upgrades the Transistor's Durability, allowing it to withstand more punishment before it breaks. (2750 Lien}
-[X] Range Up- Upgrades the Transistor's leash. (2500 Lien, adds 10 metres with each purchase.)
I'll try to keep this spoiler free, but if you don't trust me, keep scrolling until you see fluffy boys. Er, you'll know what I mean when you see it.
It feels, in more ways than one, like Toby took what he learned from Undertale in terms of charm and endearing characters, and took it back to his Earthbound ROMhack roots. In general, the game is already much more polished compared to its spiritual predecessor, in everything from animations to general aesthetic. Everything moves- the little animations in battle really bring the combatants to life, from Kris posing like a JoJo character to Ralsei wrapping himself in his scarf like a little goat burrito, to even just the little head bobs of enemies or the constantly shifting purple wireframe in the background, the entire game's been brought alive in ways Undertale simply wasn't.
It's a project by Toby Fox. Of course the music's great.
Combat's been overhauled with the addition of two other characters to order about in battle, and it feels a lot better because of it. Undertale as a game may have been a love letter to the SNES RPG, but Delta Rune simply is one. The menus are sleek and well-organised, and the whole aesthetic of the world falling away and being replaced with abstract background noise kind of puts me in mind of Earthbou- waitaminute.
Kris is the only one capable of ACT movements, both Susie and Ralsei can only fight or cast magic, though he can (and you should) drag the others into ACTions, since instances of that become their own little scene worth trying at least once or twice. I didn't have much experience with the actual fighting side of combat, as you can imagine, but it seems to be the same deal as Undertale, press the button when the thing is over the thing to deal massive damage. The bullet hell mechanics are back, alongside some sections where you have to dodge area hazards, though for some reason it does feel a little more difficult than Undertale. Whether that's because I have the reflexes of a dead cat may be a little rusty, or because of some other design choice, I'm not sure.
I can't find fault in any of the characters, major or minor- the absolute bottom of the scale starts at 'pretty good' and only skyrockets from there.
Of the main three, Kris fills the silent protagonist role with so much more personality than it normally gets, Ralsei is an absolute sweetheart, and Susie is the kind of bully I can get behind, and their chemistry, thanks to Toby's fucking black magic of making silent protagonists actual characters, is honestly the best thing in this game. Lancer's a loveable little goofball, each of the enemies are just as charming as their predecessors, and the final boss manages to be terrifying- all the conviction of Asgore to kill you, with none of the pain or internal conflict to mellow him out.
Far and away, every character's most important contribution to the game is to the dialogue- Toby Fox knows how to make a character solid in your mind with just a few words, and make you fall in love with them with just a few more.
Small tip- every item, weapon, and armour piece has different flavour text depending on which of the non-Kris protagonists they're used on, so adventure game logic the shit out of your party members if you're not short on healing items, and try to heal Kris in battle if you can.
That, or just git gud.
I had to keep reminding myself that this was just the first chapter of the game, which already clocks in at about 3 hours of playtime, because without that reminder, the plot did feel a little too much like a straight sprint to the finish line, but considering the last-second twist was so violent and jarring it immediately turned my cervical vertebrae into gravel, I'm willing to forgive it for a little simplicity, because sweet lord I can't wait for 2025.
The first chapter of Deltarune is a solid 8/10 in my book, and I honestly cannot wait for the full game to be released.
That seems to be a rather common sentiment among people who find my stuff, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Eh, whatever. Welcome to the party!
Currently, MEM Up is winning by roughly five times as much as the second vote, but despite that, I'm going to leave the votes open to tomorrow evening, sometimes around 6 o'clock GMT.