Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] See if you can get your teachers for approval to work on this instead of reviewing old stuff. Prove you know it already, if you have to!
[X] No, you'll pack up and head to class right now. You haven't missed a day yet and you're not starting now!
What I'm worried about is the fan. Recently stolen by an academy student playing a prank, fan. Family heirloom, passed down by a courtesan, fan.

Can we carry around multiple durable combat fans instead of relying on a single priceless (to us) heirloom?

Hopefully the need for props will be reduced when the technique is mastered.

I'd like to see a genjutsu that activates by the sound of him drawing the sword.
Hmm, on one hand we need to work on this in order to get RotY. On the other hand I don't like skipping classes either. I guess it depends if we think that 3 months is enough. We did get the genjutsu figured out after a day or two of working on it. It should only take a couple more days to get it down.
This will never fly with any teacher. It's disrespecting towards the other students that might need the revision, it's arrogant to practically say that you don't need their teaching and at what point would the teacher draw the line with the other students?

It's not as elegant as a beautiful ringing sound?
I dunno. When I was at school teachers, or some teachers, allowed to take a test early to prove that we have it all mastered. I think Iruka is that kind of teacher. Learning ahead and stuff.

Sakura, if she was ambitious could take advantage of this. But ey, that's why they're, Sakura and Ino shouting at each other constantly. I just want to wrestle both of them and force them to apologize for literally everything.
The Rookie of the Year does not skip class!

[X] No, you'll pack up and head to class right now. You haven't missed a day yet and you're not starting now!
[X] See if you can get your teachers for approval to work on this instead of reviewing old stuff. Prove you know it already, if you have to!
Going Out On a High Note by emberwing
Playing with different notes was an interesting experience, changing the tone even slightly either changed ToD's effect or caused the jutsu to fail entirely.

He was able to cause paranoia, slight fear, euphoria, headaches, boredom and more.

And so far, getting the same result consistently was becoming easier and easier.

It was only during the near final faze of testing that he realised he may have made a small mistake by creating this jutsu.

For one it seemed to have soured his relationship with Ino a little, who gave up being his guinea pig after puking for the third time.

Which had led to Daisuke guilting Naruto into being his willing test subject.

The problem wasn't even that it didn't work, it worked alright, hell it worked too well.

It's just… you know the myth about the brown note? A myth about a certain sound that would cause people to lose control over their bowels?

Well, turns out it isn't a myth in the elemental country.

The proof? Well his poor innocent victimtarget of justified vengeance … delightfully orange lab assistant Naruto was currently running back home post haste a foul odour still lingering where the young jinchiruki once stood.

Effective? Extremely, disgusting? Absolutely, Disturbing to the senses? Yes.

There was no way he'd be using this in a fight, could you imagine the mess?

Then again if Naruto had taught him anything these last few years, it was that humiliation could be a powerful tool.

He could already see himself using it on some military dictator whilst said dictator was giving a speech or perhaps on an oncoming army.

Talk about going out on a high note yeesh…

Wait, that wouldn't that be absolutely disgusting? An entire army just…?

Yeah, it would likely incapacitate anyone who was affected by it, at least for a little while, but by god could you imagine the smell?

Yes, Daisuke quickly decided, this particular variation was one for the scroll of forbidden jutsu, never to see the light of day again.
@Vesvius some more childish humour for you.
Playing with different notes was an interesting experience, changing the tone even slightly either changed ToD's effect or caused the jutsu to fail entirely.

He was able to cause paranoia, slight fear, euphoria, headaches, boredom and more.

And so far, getting the same result consistently was becoming easier and easier.

It was only during the near final faze of testing that he realised he may have made a small mistake by creating this jutsu.

For one it seemed to have soured his relationship with Ino a little, who gave up being his guinea pig after puking for the third time.

Which had led to Daisuke guilting Naruto into being his willing test subject.

The problem wasn't even that it didn't work, it worked alright, hell it worked too well.

It's just… you know the myth about the brown note? A myth about a certain sound that would cause people to lose control over their bowels?

Well, turns out it isn't a myth in the elemental country.

The proof? Well his poor innocent victimtarget of justified vengeance … delightfully orange lab assistant Naruto was currently running back home post haste a foul odour still lingering where the young jinchiruki once stood.

Effective? Extremely, disgusting? Absolutely, Disturbing to the senses? Yes.

There was no way he'd be using this in a fight, could you imagine the mess?

Then again if Naruto had taught him anything these last few years, it was that humiliation could be a powerful tool.

He could already see himself using it on some military dictator whilst said dictator was giving a speech or perhaps on an oncoming army.

Talk about going out on a high note yeesh…

Wait, that wouldn't that be absolutely disgusting? An entire army just…?

Yeah, it would likely incapacitate anyone who was affected by it, at least for a little while, but by god could you imagine the smell?

Yes, Daisuke quickly decided, this particular variation was one for the scroll of forbidden jutsu, never to see the light of day again.
@Vesvius some more childish humour for you.
You could say that this note is a brown note! :V
Ah what the heck

@Vesvius please put my last 20xp into Tone of Discord as well.
[X] No, you'll pack up and head to class right now. You haven't missed a day yet and you're not starting now!

Also @Vesvius I'll put my 60 XP in my favourite skill Sense Motive
...I may have gotten overexcited about the prompts. Um... this one is called Bro-hood.

Jabari waited for the door to open to the Satomura residence, and bowed deeply the instant it did. This was a long established ritual. He would be damned if he spoiled it now, when he'd not had a chance to hang out with Daisuke in weeks. Graduation was coming up. After that, missions would start, and then who knew when they'd see each other.

This was important, damn it.

Daisuke's mom made charmed noises, complimented is manners, and waved him inside. Jabari smiled at her, careful to cover his teeth with his lips (she was a civilian. She wouldn't say anything, but it'd make her uncomfortable), and walked into the sitting room.

Daisuke was already there. He looked up. Nodded with utmost respect. The two came together in the centre of the room.

"Bro," they said in perfect unison, utterly chill, utterly sure in their chillness. And now, what Jabari considered the absolute best bit.

The handshake.

Clasp fingers. Draw back. Bump fists. Slap palms. Slap back of palms (a clever bit of innovation). Grab wrists. Grab forearms. Jump without letting go. Land. Slap other palms (genius. Sheer genius.) And then... a moment of inspiration that bordered on heresy...
...double fist bump to explosion draw back.

God, Daisuke was a good bro. Handshake finished (and hands immediately thrust back into pockets, like peacocks of friendship closing their tails after a badass-peacock-friendship dance) they both dropped onto the couch.

"What's today's movie?" Asked Daisuke.
"Two options," said Jabari, opening his bag. "Deathmatch 2: the Rematch, which is very cool, but..."
"Well, you told me to warn you if it was another lamb follower movie."
"Oh. And it is?"
"There's this bit where they talk about love thy neighbour, but then there's explosions like... immediately after."
"Okay. And the other one?"
"Two Princesses of War. It has Yukie Fujikaze in."
"Oh. Dude. Hoooooot."
"Super hot, yeah. Plus, they had a ninja on staff for the fight coreoghraphy, so the taijutsu actually looks right."
"...No shit?"
"Swear to God."
Daisuke considered. Then, after a minute, "You got a preference?"
"Well... I've seen Deathmatch 2 a few times. I only got Two Princesses today."
"Gotcha. Two Princesses it is."
Jabari busied himself with the DVD player. There was a clink behind him, and he looked up to see Daisuke laying out the evening's dinner.

Oh shit.
His bro may have outdone himself.
"What even are those?"
"Those, my bro, are chipped potatoes fried in vegetable fat. And these are popcorn."
"The corn kernel explosion thing?"
"Uh huh. With chocolate from the store. And fruit juice."
"I know, bro. I know."
They settled onto the couch, and Daisuke fumbled for the remote.

Jabari sighed in contentment. This. This was good. This was what bro-hood should look like.

@Vesvius , I am sorry, I don't know why I keep pushing for Jabari to be a christian, it just keeps happening.

*cough* Um. Any exp into tone of discord, if that's alright.
Not canon, but still enjoyable! 50 XP to ToD for you.

"Do you have time after class?"

She kept her gaze on Sensei Iruka, pretending to listen to his lecture about some battle during the Third Shinobi War.

Was that a note of hesitation he just heard?

"Of course, what for?"
"I'll explain later." Now he was intrigued.


…and that's why Daddy thinks I'm ready."

He wanted to argue, oh how he wanted to argue, but who was he to deny her.
He couldn't stop the slumped posture. Surely Mother would disapprove "Fine."

At least the impromptu hug felt nice. Maybe too nice, he probably should have let go sooner.

Clearing his throat, "so how is this going to go?"

"Well, you stay here and I take a few steps back and use the Shint.."

"No, that's not what I meant."

They would do this the right way, sitting down he motioned for Ino to join him.

"Listen, I trust you" and here he made sure to emphasize, that he really meant it.
"and I trust your skill." A pause.

"But I want you to walk me through the process…" he raised a hand to forestall Ino's reply.

"I don't want to know how you execute the technique or how the jutsu works or any other clan secret, I just want to know what to expect when I'm on the receiving end."

He gave Ino the time to gather her thoughts and watched her nod once.

"Alright, the activation is fairly simple, I will use my Yin-release to transfer my conscious into your body. It's similar to Gen-jutsu in that regard. Given the complexity however the process isn't instant."

Here she paused, looking him straight in the eyes.

"During the whole duration my body will be vulnerable."

He nodded, she could trust him and she knew that.

"When my mind reaches you I don't want you to panic or fight me on reflex. We will be able to communicate and I can stop it whenever you want me to. Do you understand?"

Another nod, somehow this whole thing felt like a new mile-stone in their friendship.
Kinda nice to prove to each other their utmost trust.

"You will feel like in a dream, experience everything, but your actions will have no effect.
This is the part, which might be a bit disconcerting at the beginning."

Now she gave him the time to gather his thoughts, a last chance to back out even.
No, he wanted to help her reach the next step, he wouldn't disappoint her.

"Alright, let's do this!" He moved to stand up, but Ino kept him sitting.

"Let's stay on the ground, I don't want to fall on my face when my body goes slack."

Sitting cross-legged to each other, both took calming breath and nodded once.
This was it.

"Here we go." And with that she sped through the hand-seals. "Shintenshin no Jutsu"

He watched her head nod forwards, her shoulders slumped and …waited.

Then the curtain dropped and he had a guest in his head.

Maybe someone wants to continue the scene?
Enjoyed. Take 60 XP and canon. And if anyone wants to follow this up it'd be great!
Ok, Daisuke had been patient, but this goes beyond the line.

He could just BARELY bear the thought of Kiba ogling his mother like that. She allowed him, and Kiba had kept to his word and helped with his research.

What would NOT stand was that he had heard him talking about how she had such a "perfect rack" and how he'd totally "tap that" once he became an ninja amazing enough to "seduce her".

If he wasn't so angry, Daisuke would actually die of laughter at the thought.

He was tempted to simply to trash him, beat him to an inch of his life... but he was not that violent. And Kiba didn't deserve that.


Really, it would probably be more satisfactory to give him a taste of his own medicine...

It was the first time Daisuke went to the Inuzuka sector of the village.

He had to admit it was a lot cleaner than he expected.

Differently from how the Uchiha compound was once managed, the Inuzuka's district was mostly open to civilians and not-clan members. While the Inuzuka owned most of the houses some were actually the propriety of civilians and clanless ninja, and the local park was a well known place for people to walk around with their pets.

Sometime the Inuzuka ninken went there on their own, and if they were bored it wasn't that unusual to see them play around and mock fight, which was often an interesting show for those people with too much free time on their hands.

They even played a bit with the children there, And there was always at least one clan member keeping an eye on them, just to be safe.

Still, this was not why Daisuke was here. He was here because Hana lived here.

And also because he knew that right now Kiba was on the other side of the village, making this the perfect moment to talk to her.

Hana was really a beautiful woman. Not as much as his mother of course, but she had a sort of "wild beauty" that really suited her.

"So" Hana asked, just to be sure she got it right "you're saying my little brother has been saying... inappropriate things about your mother, and so you want my help in getting even"

"exactly" Daisuke answers back, making an admirable job of keeping his expression and voice calm while Hana's three large Ninken sniffed him and surrounded him

"and how would you go about it?" Hana asked, an amused smirk on her face.

"oh, nothing too drastic. I know all Inuzuka have an incredible sense of smell, so he'll surely know i was here. What I'd like you to do was to put those flowers" he gestured to the bouquet he had brought her, courtesy of Ino "somewhere visible, and when he comes home and asks why i was here, you act all vague about it, subtly bring his attention to the flowers and have him come to his own completely wrong conclusions. Maybe throw some compliment to me, say something that would make him angry or embarassed. I just want you to keep it up for a couple of days, then you can tell him the truth."

Hana was barely keeping herself from laughing "and why would i do that for you, cutie?"

Daisuke blushed a bit, but kept himself mostly composed while answering "because he deserves it. Because it's an older sister's duty to embarass and tease his brother" he hesitated. It was for a good cause, he told to himself "And because I'll do whatever chore you want me to do for a full afternoon in exchange"

"Deal" Hana immediately replied.

It was a shame, she thought while shaking hands, that he was so young.

If he was just a few years older she knew what use she'd have put him to for that afternoon...

I'm not completely satisfied, but here it is

Hmmm. Feels like it's lacking a little something. Still good, still canon, and still take 40 XP, but it feels like something is missing.
Because I've gotten enamored with it, here's an omake of Daisuke trying to develop "One Bleach Z" from the Daisuke Dreams About Swords canonical omake.

It began as a typical morning for Ichiku G Luffy- decking his grandpa in the face in response to his attempt at shinobi training, promising to hang out with his little sister Karima, and then heading out to his training spot.

Unfortunately, today fireballs decided to rain down from the sky. Looking around in shock and surprise trying to find the source, Ichiku's attention is grabbed as he hears a shill feminine cry.

For a second, he didn't understand why the little girl screamed- then he noticed the fireball heading right for her. She had almost-black blue hair like his sister, and before he knew it Ichiku rushed to push her out of the way.

That was when his world became fire, and as the darkness encroached Ichiku wordlessly apologized for breaking his promise to Karima- then, unconsciousness.


Groggily waking up, Ichiku felt... oddly okay after getting hit by a fireball. "Oh, maybe I'm still dreaming? Guess that makes sense." Standing up and stretching out his back, the young man stopped as he noticed.

All around him, buildings had been damaged and the ground impacted. There were even people gathered around some burnt up... thing? Might as well go ask them.

"Hey, what that thing suppose to be? I'm kind of surprised nobody got burned." Nothing, no looks his way, no reaction to his words. Uh... okay, maybe it was someone? Still, kind of rude not to explain.

"Wasn't this Luffy-sensei's boy?" "Yeah, poor boy sacrificed himself to save my granddaughter." … "Wait, what? T-that's suppose to be you? N-no way, you're standing here just-"

Freezing, Ichiku notices a ship right outside the village entrance. That makes no sense, how did that get there!? It certainly wasn't there when the fireballs were raining, and how could a ship even make it on land!?

Then, from above, a large mass leaps down- and Ichiku could see an annoyed look on their face. Then, the figure spots Ichiku, and smirks. "Well well, it seems my crew did hit someone after all."

H-huh? Looking around dumbly, Ichiku finally points at himself and calls out. "Are, are you meaning me?" The giant bellows loudly, yet still no one is paying attention. Come on, they can't be that be dumb!

Focusing on the giant as they approach, Ichiku begins to realize their skin looks bone-white. Then, as they swing forth a massive club from nowhere, the figure bellows once more.

"Now come boy, either pledge allegiance or be absorbed! I don't have all day!" … On the one hand, Ichiku really didn't know what to do. Was he really dead? What if this was just a dream?

Yet, Ichiku kind of wanted to fight. Mean, look at that dude! Ten feet fall, probably weighs a ton or five, even having a massive club! Fighting them would be amazing training!

Then, the giant snarls, and slams the club into the ground. "Don't just stand there gawking! I'll start killing others if you do!" That causes Ichiku to freeze, and properly process things.

Dream or not, he knew fireballs rained down and that when he woke up this person claimed responsibility. Who just threatened to kills others like they did him if he kept doing nothing...

Fists clenching, Ichiku points at the giant and calls out firmly "You won't hurt anyone else, you giant ugly brute!" That causes the giant to look utterly incensed, and yells with their booming voice.

"Can't you tell I'm a beautiful and slim woman!? You idiot men are always trying to insult me!" … Eh? Like, really? That is, uh... huh. Then, the giant charges at Ichiku, club swinging ready to hit.

Jumping backwards to dodge, the club sends up a dust cloud on impact- and the noise draws people's attention, yet no one is leaving. How can they not see the rampaging giantess!?

Noticing the giantess in question having trouble pulling her club free, Ichiku rushes in and punches- only for the giantess to look down and smile madly. Then, with a surprisingly fast fist of her own, Ichiku is sent flying into a nearby building.

Pulling himself up from the shattered counter that politely became a bed of rubble, Ichiku frowned. "She's... way stronger than anyone I've ever fought. What am I suppose to do!? Karima and Gramps are in danger!"

Looking out to see the giantess glance over at the people surrounding his, his body, something inside Ichiku snaps as he sees the giantess line up her club to hit them.

Then, Ichiku bursts forward with incredible speed, and smashes his fist against the giantess' face- and she suddenly barrels over from the force, look of utter bafflement on her face. Then, as she glances at Ichiku, her tone becomes oddly quiet- in comparison to before, anyways.

"You, you have Super Devil Ki? H-how does such a worthless town have someone like you!" Huh? Looking at his hands, Ichiku flinches as he sees golden-yellowish fur covering them...

And running up his arms, framing his face, even covering his legs. Oh, and apparently there's a tail now? Looking at the giantess, Ichiku just had to know. "What is Super Devil Ki!? What's going on!?"

The giantess, however, just snarls as she stands back up. "Don't play games with me, you already have one of the 7 Soul Keys don't you!? Ha, hahaha! Perfect, perfect! One step closer to entering the Soul Society! Whatever your wish is, it doesn't matter boy! Your Soul Key is mine!"

That is so unhelpful! Getting into a defensive pose, Ichiku could feel his arms... coil? Thinking about it... his legs did feel weird when he jumped. Maybe, he could do something similar with his arms?

Leaping high into the air as he dodges the giantess' charge, Ichiku tries to restrain his surprise. Yet, he's definitely faster and more agile now... twisting in mid-air without even meaning to, Ichiku lands behind the giantess.

Seeing her look around in confusion, Ichiku 'coiled' his right arm as he pulled back. He just hoped this would work... running low, Ichiku unleashed an uppercut to her chin.

Seeing her head pull back by the force, Ichiku notices a glow of some kind surrounding his arm- and suddenly the giantess is flying as his right arm extends by five feet.

Watching the giantess crash into her ship, Ichiku could hear faint panic before it- takes to the sky!? Just what is going on, and why is his five feet long!?


"Uh... Daisuke, what is this?" Looking at Ino as she reads the notebook, you take a few seconds to consider your response. You didn't think she'd have that much trouble deciphering your experimental Genjutsu notes.

"Like I said, I'm working on a brand new Genjutsu, it should be expla-" Twisting the open notebook at you, Ino responds slowly. "So... how exactly were you planning to make someone think they're Ichiku?"

T-that wasn't the, you were, gah. Valiantly preventing yourself from blushing in embarrassment, and composing yourself, it is a simple matter to explain.

"Sorry about that, that's unrelated, just something I was working on during breaks." Watching Ino as she looks over the notebook again, she 'hmms', before turning back to you.

"Well, it has some potential, but it really needs to be fleshed out. Maybe pair it with drawings? It isn't really clear what Ichiku or the giantess are suppose to look like, just vague descriptions."

Is, is Ino critiquing your work? "Then there's Super Devil Ki and those 7 Soul Keys, which sound like they're for accessing that Soul Society place? You definitely need more detail there, like is Ichiku doing something normal for Super Devil Ki wielders or is it unique per person?"

She's definitely critiquing your story. "Overall you should spend more time fleshing out Ichiku, so we know why his family is so important. Because I'm getting the impression that's why Ichiku suddenly developed Super Devil Ki, right?"

Okay, huh... "Yeah, currently the reason anyways. To be honest I've been toying with this story for a while, more so after the theater performance. I only really started working on it when I hit a stumbling block regarding the research I've been doing. See, there's a page torn."

Ino's face lights up as she notices the clean removal, and sets the notebook down. Yet, she looks like she still wants to comment on it, if her thoughtful expression is anything to go by.

"I think you should introduce a female character as Ichiku's ally, maybe someone more knowledgeable and skilled? You're definitely going to need a reason he gets things explained to him."

Huh... you had been trying to remember who the, love interest? Who the first-important-good-female character was suppose to be. Initially it seemed like Karima, but-

No, wait, you're getting distracted. You got a Genjutsu to experiment with, you can talk shop with Ino later! You just hope she doesn't share it, One Bleach Z is nowhere near finalized. Still, maybe Jabari could help plan out the fight scenes...

Basically, I wanted to see Daisuke try writing a story, so the omake isn't too unrelated. Mainly though, I just really wanted someone to expand on it at least a little, which is why I even tried.
Hah! 60 XP for you.
Playing with different notes was an interesting experience, changing the tone even slightly either changed ToD's effect or caused the jutsu to fail entirely.

He was able to cause paranoia, slight fear, euphoria, headaches, boredom and more.

And so far, getting the same result consistently was becoming easier and easier.

It was only during the near final faze of testing that he realised he may have made a small mistake by creating this jutsu.

For one it seemed to have soured his relationship with Ino a little, who gave up being his guinea pig after puking for the third time.

Which had led to Daisuke guilting Naruto into being his willing test subject.

The problem wasn't even that it didn't work, it worked alright, hell it worked too well.

It's just… you know the myth about the brown note? A myth about a certain sound that would cause people to lose control over their bowels?

Well, turns out it isn't a myth in the elemental country.

The proof? Well his poor innocent victimtarget of justified vengeance … delightfully orange lab assistant Naruto was currently running back home post haste a foul odour still lingering where the young jinchiruki once stood.

Effective? Extremely, disgusting? Absolutely, Disturbing to the senses? Yes.

There was no way he'd be using this in a fight, could you imagine the mess?

Then again if Naruto had taught him anything these last few years, it was that humiliation could be a powerful tool.

He could already see himself using it on some military dictator whilst said dictator was giving a speech or perhaps on an oncoming army.

Talk about going out on a high note yeesh…

Wait, that wouldn't that be absolutely disgusting? An entire army just…?

Yeah, it would likely incapacitate anyone who was affected by it, at least for a little while, but by god could you imagine the smell?

Yes, Daisuke quickly decided, this particular variation was one for the scroll of forbidden jutsu, never to see the light of day again.
@Vesvius some more childish humour for you.
Extra childish! Very nice. 40 XP for you.
[X] See if you can get your teachers for approval to work on this instead of reviewing old stuff. Prove you know it already, if you have to!

Getting permission to self study more advanced material sounds exactly like rookie of the year material
Subtle Revenge Part Two by Enetious (canon)
@Vesvius @Pittauro A potential part two to this omake. Let it be known that I don't know how to properly quote.

Ok, Daisuke had been patient, but this goes beyond the line.

He could just BARELY bear the thought of Kiba ogling his mother like that. She allowed him, and Kiba had kept to his word and helped with his research.

What would NOT stand was that he had heard him talking about how she had such a "perfect rack" and how he'd totally "tap that" once he became an ninja amazing enough to "seduce her".

If he wasn't so angry, Daisuke would actually die of laughter at the thought.

He was tempted to simply to trash him, beat him to an inch of his life... but he was not that violent. And Kiba didn't deserve that.


Really, it would probably be more satisfactory to give him a taste of his own medicine...

It was the first time Daisuke went to the Inuzuka sector of the village.

He had to admit it was a lot cleaner than he expected.

Differently from how the Uchiha compound was once managed, the Inuzuka's district was mostly open to civilians and not-clan members. While the Inuzuka owned most of the houses some were actually the propriety of civilians and clanless ninja, and the local park was a well known place for people to walk around with their pets.

Sometime the Inuzuka ninken went there on their own, and if they were bored it wasn't that unusual to see them play around and mock fight, which was often an interesting show for those people with too much free time on their hands.

They even played a bit with the children there, And there was always at least one clan member keeping an eye on them, just to be safe.

Still, this was not why Daisuke was here. He was here because Hana lived here.

And also because he knew that right now Kiba was on the other side of the village, making this the perfect moment to talk to her.

Hana was really a beautiful woman. Not as much as his mother of course, but she had a sort of "wild beauty" that really suited her.

"So" Hana asked, just to be sure she got it right "you're saying my little brother has been saying... inappropriate things about your mother, and so you want my help in getting even"

"exactly" Daisuke answers back, making an admirable job of keeping his expression and voice calm while Hana's three large Ninken sniffed him and surrounded him

"and how would you go about it?" Hana asked, an amused smirk on her face.

"oh, nothing too drastic. I know all Inuzuka have an incredible sense of smell, so he'll surely know i was here. What I'd like you to do was to put those flowers" he gestured to the bouquet he had brought her, courtesy of Ino "somewhere visible, and when he comes home and asks why i was here, you act all vague about it, subtly bring his attention to the flowers and have him come to his own completely wrong conclusions. Maybe throw some compliment to me, say something that would make him angry or embarassed. I just want you to keep it up for a couple of days, then you can tell him the truth."

Hana was barely keeping herself from laughing "and why would i do that for you, cutie?"

Daisuke blushed a bit, but kept himself mostly composed while answering "because he deserves it. Because it's an older sister's duty to embarass and tease his brother" he hesitated. It was for a good cause, he told to himself "And because I'll do whatever chore you want me to do for a full afternoon in exchange"

"Deal" Hana immediately replied.

It was a shame, she thought while shaking hands, that he was so young.

If he was just a few years older she knew what use she'd have put him to for that afternoon...

I'm not completely satisfied, but here it is

Kiba finished the errands that his Mom assigned to him, grumbling while carrying groceries back to the compound. "Why do I have to do this crap, I'm training to be a ninja, not a delivery boy!"

As he entered the compound, the familiar scent of the Inuzukas and canines filled his nose. 'Home sweet home, I guess…' he thought.

He kicked open the door to his home, shouting a quick "I'm home!", before kicking off his shoes and setting the groceries down in the kitchen. Mmm, he swears he could almost smell the scent that's in Ms. Satomura's home. 'That's one hot babe!'

Busying himself putting away the groceries, moving a vase of flowers, he froze. He sniffed the the air. Sniffed it once more. 'What the-'

"Oh hey, Kiba," said Hana as she walked into the living room. "Be careful not to drop those flowers."

Kiba looked at the vase of flowers, and back to Hana, and sniffed the air once more. A moment passes.

"That bastard!" he shoves the vase back on the table. "Who gave you these?!" He points to the vase.

Hana pointedly looks at him. "A guy, what of it?"

"I'm gonna kill him, that bastard!" KIba mutters to himself. Hana turns away for a second barely holding in a bout of laughter. She turns back.

"You know," Hana starts, "there's nothing wrong with me dating who I want, right? Especially a hot guy who happens to brings me flowers." Kiba lets out a whine of anger at this statement, clenching his fists and shaking a bit.

Hana inwardly smirked. 'And there's my end of the bargain, Daisuke. 'Cause that's all your getting.' Now what to use that afternoon of chores for…
* * *
Kiba just about stomped into class the following day, a primal rage exuding from his body language with each step. He'd gotten here earlier than usual in hopes of confronting Daisuke before class started, but he saw he wasn't here yet. 'Damn…'

Ino quickly appeared in his vision, walking towards him with a conspiratory grin on her face. She looked both ways to make sure no one else was within ear-shot and leaned in to tell him something.

"Hey Kiba, have you heard? I hear Daisuke finally got himself a girlfriend! And an older one at that too!" Ino said this with a wide smile. Kiba shouted in rage at the heavens above, disregarding the presence of the other students in the room.

A man clearing his voice behind him was heard. He turned to see an irate Iruka standing a couple meters away from him. Kiba's face still burning with rage, he muttered a quick apology and went to sit down in his seat.

Daisuke had a face of utter satisfaction the entire class, feeling the anger-filled stare at his head the entire time. He made sure to thank Ino for the great assist as well.
* * *
Two days later…

"Aha! I finally caught you alone, you bastard!" yelled out a snarling Kiba. His ninken barked angrily at Daisuke after Kiba said this, responding to his master's hostility. Kiba had tailed Daisuke all the way to this training ground. He couldn't do it the past couple days due to Daisuke's friends usually being around him all the time.

Daisuke smirked. "So, how does it feel Kiba? To have a relative ogled at by a classmate?"

Kiba ran at Daisuke swinging a fist, only to hit a straw man instead. A voice resonated out from his left. "Not the best feeling, is it? To have a loved one taken not out of love, but out of how they look." Kiba hit a wooden dummy this time, probably bruising his fist this time.

"What the hell are you yammering on about?!" yelled Kiba as he shook the fist that hit the wooden dummy.

Daisuke appeared in a flurry of straw men a ways in front of him. "Kiba…" he let his name drag out. As Kiba was about to charge once more, he continued. "Stop treating my mother as a piece of meat. Your sister and I played a trick on you."

Kiba faltered and his fist fell to his side. "W-what?! … Are you kidding me?!" Daisuke shook his head and looked at him with a frown.

"You've been treating my mother like you thought I was treating your sister. In reality, I bribed your sister with the promise of doing chores in order for you to get a taste of your own medicine. Do you see why your behavior towards my mother was wrong, now?"

Kiba shook, partly in rage, partly in relief. Partly in realization as well. A realization he couldn't have come to without experiencing the problem himself.

"... I'm not forgiving you for this, Daisuke," stated Kiba. "But I guess I understand now, why you've been mad with me looking at your mom." Like a piece of meat, Daisuke had told him. Was he really that bad towards Daisuke's mom?

Daisuke sighed then walked towards him. "Then how about this, we stop this nonsense with our relatives and we treat others in the future like people, not like playthings, alright?" Daisuke held out his hand.

Kiba stared at the hand for a few moments, before grabbing it and uttering a simple, "Alright".
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@Vesvius @Pittauro A potential part two to this omake. Let it be known that I don't know how to properly quote.

Kiba finished the errands that his Mom assigned to him, grumbling while carrying groceries back to the compound. "Why do I have to do this crap, I'm training to be a ninja, not a delivery boy!"

As he entered the compound, the familiar scent of the Inuzukas and canines filled his nose. 'Home sweet home, I guess…' he thought.

He kicked open the door to his home, shouting a quick "I'm home!", before kicking off his shoes and setting the groceries down in the kitchen. Mmm, he swears he could almost smell the scent that's in Ms. Satomura's home. 'That's one hot babe!'

Busying himself putting away the groceries, moving a vase of flowers, he froze. He sniffed the the air. Sniffed it once more. 'What the-'

"Oh hey, Kiba," said Hana as she walked into the living room. "Be careful not to drop those flowers."

Kiba looked at the vase of flowers, and back to Hana, and sniffed the air once more. A moment passes.

"That bastard!" he shoves the vase back on the table. "Who gave you these?!" He points to the vase.

Hana pointedly looks at him. "A guy, what of it?"

"I'm gonna kill him, that bastard!" KIba mutters to himself. Hana turns away for a second barely holding in a bout of laughter. She turns back.

"You know," Hana starts, "there's nothing wrong with me dating who I want, right? Especially a hot guy who happens to brings me flowers." Kiba lets out a whine of anger at this statement, clenching his fists and shaking a bit.

Hana inwardly smirked. 'And there's my end of the bargain, Daisuke. 'Cause that's all your getting.' Now what to use that afternoon of chores for…
* * *
Kiba just about stomped into class the following day, a primal rage exuding from his body language with each step. He'd gotten here earlier than usual in hopes of confronting Daisuke before class started, but he saw he wasn't here yet. 'Damn…'

Ino quickly appeared in his vision, walking towards him with a conspiratory grin on her face. She looked both ways to make sure no one else was within ear-shot and leaned in to tell him something.

"Hey Kiba, have you heard? I hear Daisuke finally got himself a girlfriend! And an older one at that too!" Ino said this with a wide smile. Kiba shouted in rage at the heavens above, disregarding the presence of the other students in the room.

A man clearing his voice behind him was heard. He turned to see an irate Iruka standing a couple meters away from him. Kiba's face still burning with rage, he muttered a quick apology and went to sit down in his seat.

Daisuke had a face of utter satisfaction the entire class, feeling the anger-filled stare at his head the entire time. He made sure to thank Ino for the great assist as well.
* * *
Two days later…

"Aha! I finally caught you alone, you bastard!" yelled out a snarling Kiba. His ninken barked angrily at Daisuke after Kiba said this, responding to his master's hostility. Kiba had tailed Daisuke all the way to this training ground. He couldn't do it the past couple days due to Daisuke's friends usually being around him all the time.

Daisuke smirked. "So, how does it feel Kiba? To have a relative ogled at by a classmate?"

Kiba ran at Daisuke swinging a fist, only to hit a straw man instead. A voice resonated out from his left. "Not the best feeling, is it? To have a loved one taken not out of love, but out of how they look." Kiba hit a wooden dummy this time, probably bruising his fist this time.

"What the hell are you yammering on about?!" yelled Kiba as he shook the fist that hit the wooden dummy.

Daisuke appeared in a flurry of straw men a ways in front of him. "Kiba…" he let his name drag out. As Kiba was about to charge once more, he continued. "Stop treating my mother as a piece of meat. Your sister and I played a trick on you."

Kiba faltered and his fist fell to his side. "W-what?! … Are you kidding me?!" Daisuke shook his head and looked at him with a frown.

"You've been treating my mother like you thought I was treating your sister. In reality, I bribed your sister with the promise of doing chores in order for you to get a taste of your own medicine. Do you see why your behavior towards my mother was wrong, now?"

Kiba shook, partly in rage, partly in relief. Partly in realization as well. A realization he couldn't have come to without experiencing the problem himself.

"... I'm not forgiving you for this, Daisuke," stated Kiba. "But I guess I understand now, why you've been mad with me looking at your mom." Like a piece of meat, Daisuke had told him. Was he really that bad towards Daisuke's mom?

Daisuke sighed then walked towards him. "Then how about this, we stop this nonsense with our relatives and we treat others in the future like people, not like playthings, alright?" Daisuke held out his hand.

Kiba stared at the hand for a few moments, before grabbing it and uttering a simple, "Alright".
i like it. especially Ino's involvement. I didn't think of that :oops:.

EDIT: i nearly forgot

[X] See if you can get your teachers for approval to work on this instead of reviewing old stuff. Prove you know it already, if you have to!
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I'm torn between throwing my 60 XP at either Tone of Discord or Journeyman Ninjutsu. On one hand, an achievement and less time Daisuke needs to show off his Genjutsu skill. That's 100 to rank up.

On the other, Journeyman Ninjutsu is going to be required for an Achievement anyways, and Journeyman improves Daisuke's odds of successfully creating his Original Ninjutsu- which Ves confirmed in Discord isn't Chakra Flow. However, that's 260 XP to rank up.
@Vesvius @Pittauro A potential part two to this omake. Let it be known that I don't know how to properly quote.

Kiba finished the errands that his Mom assigned to him, grumbling while carrying groceries back to the compound. "Why do I have to do this crap, I'm training to be a ninja, not a delivery boy!"

As he entered the compound, the familiar scent of the Inuzukas and canines filled his nose. 'Home sweet home, I guess…' he thought.

He kicked open the door to his home, shouting a quick "I'm home!", before kicking off his shoes and setting the groceries down in the kitchen. Mmm, he swears he could almost smell the scent that's in Ms. Satomura's home. 'That's one hot babe!'

Busying himself putting away the groceries, moving a vase of flowers, he froze. He sniffed the the air. Sniffed it once more. 'What the-'

"Oh hey, Kiba," said Hana as she walked into the living room. "Be careful not to drop those flowers."

Kiba looked at the vase of flowers, and back to Hana, and sniffed the air once more. A moment passes.

"That bastard!" he shoves the vase back on the table. "Who gave you these?!" He points to the vase.

Hana pointedly looks at him. "A guy, what of it?"

"I'm gonna kill him, that bastard!" KIba mutters to himself. Hana turns away for a second barely holding in a bout of laughter. She turns back.

"You know," Hana starts, "there's nothing wrong with me dating who I want, right? Especially a hot guy who happens to brings me flowers." Kiba lets out a whine of anger at this statement, clenching his fists and shaking a bit.

Hana inwardly smirked. 'And there's my end of the bargain, Daisuke. 'Cause that's all your getting.' Now what to use that afternoon of chores for…
* * *
Kiba just about stomped into class the following day, a primal rage exuding from his body language with each step. He'd gotten here earlier than usual in hopes of confronting Daisuke before class started, but he saw he wasn't here yet. 'Damn…'

Ino quickly appeared in his vision, walking towards him with a conspiratory grin on her face. She looked both ways to make sure no one else was within ear-shot and leaned in to tell him something.

"Hey Kiba, have you heard? I hear Daisuke finally got himself a girlfriend! And an older one at that too!" Ino said this with a wide smile. Kiba shouted in rage at the heavens above, disregarding the presence of the other students in the room.

A man clearing his voice behind him was heard. He turned to see an irate Iruka standing a couple meters away from him. Kiba's face still burning with rage, he muttered a quick apology and went to sit down in his seat.

Daisuke had a face of utter satisfaction the entire class, feeling the anger-filled stare at his head the entire time. He made sure to thank Ino for the great assist as well.
* * *
Two days later…

"Aha! I finally caught you alone, you bastard!" yelled out a snarling Kiba. His ninken barked angrily at Daisuke after Kiba said this, responding to his master's hostility. Kiba had tailed Daisuke all the way to this training ground. He couldn't do it the past couple days due to Daisuke's friends usually being around him all the time.

Daisuke smirked. "So, how does it feel Kiba? To have a relative ogled at by a classmate?"

Kiba ran at Daisuke swinging a fist, only to hit a straw man instead. A voice resonated out from his left. "Not the best feeling, is it? To have a loved one taken not out of love, but out of how they look." Kiba hit a wooden dummy this time, probably bruising his fist this time.

"What the hell are you yammering on about?!" yelled Kiba as he shook the fist that hit the wooden dummy.

Daisuke appeared in a flurry of straw men a ways in front of him. "Kiba…" he let his name drag out. As Kiba was about to charge once more, he continued. "Stop treating my mother as a piece of meat. Your sister and I played a trick on you."

Kiba faltered and his fist fell to his side. "W-what?! … Are you kidding me?!" Daisuke shook his head and looked at him with a frown.

"You've been treating my mother like you thought I was treating your sister. In reality, I bribed your sister with the promise of doing chores in order for you to get a taste of your own medicine. Do you see why your behavior towards my mother was wrong, now?"

Kiba shook, partly in rage, partly in relief. Partly in realization as well. A realization he couldn't have come to without experiencing the problem himself.

"... I'm not forgiving you for this, Daisuke," stated Kiba. "But I guess I understand now, why you've been mad with me looking at your mom." Like a piece of meat, Daisuke had told him. Was he really that bad towards Daisuke's mom?

Daisuke sighed then walked towards him. "Then how about this, we stop this nonsense with our relatives and we treat others in the future like people, not like playthings, alright?" Daisuke held out his hand.

Kiba stared at the hand for a few moments, before grabbing it and uttering a simple, "Alright".
Nicely done! Take 50 XP and canon for your part as well.
I'm torn between throwing my 60 XP at either Tone of Discord or Journeyman Ninjutsu. On one hand, an achievement and less time Daisuke needs to show off his Genjutsu skill. That's 100 to rank up.

On the other, Journeyman Ninjutsu is going to be required for an Achievement anyways, and Journeyman improves Daisuke's odds of successfully creating his Original Ninjutsu- which Ves confirmed in Discord isn't Chakra Flow. However, that's 260 XP to rank up.
My opinion Nin it improves our chances of crating the thing as you said.
@Kkutlord I'm willing to invest 50 XP in whatever your going to be investing in, whether it be Tone of Discord or Ninjutsu.

Quote me for whenever you tag Vesvius, so that he can invest mine too.
So that's potentially 110 XP out of 260 for Journeyman Ninjutsu, whereas Tone just needs 40. Any others interested regarding Journeyman Ninjutsu?