Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

So... just to be clear, the update said votes are in task format not plan. So no one plan will win, just the option for each task that has the most votes?

Like if Plan A has the most votes and includes leaf spinning but the combined tree walking votes in Plans B and C are higher then tree walking will win.

At least if I understand things correctly.
Tree-walking is useful beyond just a chakra control exercise. It also provides a speed boost that should stack well with our Ken-taijutsu.

Canonically, tree walking allowed Sasuke to keep up with Haku, before the ice mirrors.
I don't know why people keep saying that we need to actually Master Tree Walking. Getting it to Basic (250XP) would be enough for demonstration purposes, and Intermediate (500XP) is enough to use it in combat situations. Going for Mastery (1000XP) would bring it to the level of grabbing mud off the ground with your feet to throw it into people's faces with a kick, or landing a kick, using chakra to grab onto them, and then flinging them in a different direction, or how about being able to deliberately overload the technique to cause explosive kicks?

Demonstration tier Tree/Water Walking is a lot closer than you all are making it sound like.

Y'know, that's probably where Tsunade got the inspiration for her own technique, for the explosive strength at least.
Tree-walking is useful beyond just a chakra control exercise. It also provides a speed boost that should stack well with our Ken-taijutsu.

Canonically, tree walking allowed Sasuke to keep up with Haku, before the ice mirrors.

I think we're already doing that.

[] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
I don't know why people keep saying that we need to actually Master Tree Walking. Getting it to Basic (250XP) would be enough for demonstration purposes, and Intermediate (500XP) is enough to use it in combat situations. Going for Mastery (1000XP) would bring it to the level of grabbing mud off the ground with your feet to throw it into people's faces with a kick, or landing a kick, using chakra to grab onto them, and then flinging them in a different direction, or how about being able to deliberately overload the technique to cause explosive kicks?

Demonstration tier Tree/Water Walking is a lot closer than you all are making it sound like.
Because the option for it says master treewalking.

Granted, treewalking may not a technique anymore than leaf spinning but that's why I mentioned mastery because the option for it did.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaalright- Now that I'm awake here's my read on the choices presented (and write-ins thrown in @Vesvius are these fine?). They're collectively broken down between ease, uniqueness, and consequence of failure:

[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
[] [GENJUTSU] The most essential part of Genjutsu is being able to get out of them. So you'll hone your release methods, practicing every way you can think of.
[] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
[] [HISTORY] You know what teachers like? Comprehensive research papers about their leaders! You'll do all the research you can on the Third Hokage- you've always liked the man for some reason- and write a thorough paper on his life and history! It's time consuming, but they'll eat it up.
[] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
[] [NINJUTSU] Outside of the Academy Ninjutsu, you've got nothing. That cannot stand. You need more options, and mastering an outside technique will put you on a more level playing field grade wise. You'll go research what you can at the Archives. You know there has to be something there perfect for you.
These are your workhorse options. Nothing very unique about them, but they're relatively simple and don't have much in the way of consequences should we fail/succeed. All in all, I'd call them the closest we have to 'gauranteed' options to get The Rook.
Honestly, I'm not a fan of most of these, but I think any plan should take at least one of two. Generic they may be, but they're still useful down the line, etc.

[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Everyone still does the Leaf Spinning exercise for training but most only use one leaf. What if you used a dozen? That would look impressive, and be a great workout too!
[] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
[] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
[] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
[] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
[] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
This is your rarer stuff, Daisuke stepped somewhat outside of the box. Overall, these are pretty cool, certainly they'll stand out from the safeset which are likely what most RotYs do. While the chance of failure is larger, these also don't have a ton of consequences upon failure.
These also aren't necessarily going to be useful down the line (unlike most of the workhorse options) since by being outside of the box they're off the beaten path. On the other hand, due to being off said beaten path, they have to potential to be much more useful than the safeset. So...*shrug* it can go either way.

[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] One of the things you've noticed that you do is flare your chakra when you're preparing a technique. If you could get that under control then you would be able to use jutsu without anyone who doesn't have a direct view of you noticing!
[] [GENJUTSU] You don't have any offensive Genjutsu, and that's a problem. You'll seek out some techniques in the Archives. Sure, the best stuff is restricted, but you should still be able to find something worthwhile in the Cadet sections. And if not… well, if they didn't want people to sneak into a place, they wouldn't restrict it, right?
[] [HENGE] The primary use of Henge is to change your appearance to look like someone else, but a truly advanced user can look like anything. You'll work on transforming into inanimate objects and hiding yourself in places people won't ever think of looking!
[] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!
[] [MATH] Budgets are important, even if just thinking the word makes your eyes roll up into the back of your head out of sheer boredom. So what could be a better way to prove your skills than by trying to save the Academy some money? It would involve a lot of research and a lot of estimations, but if you're right, it's a guaranteed way to move up the ranks.
[] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
Of the options presented these are the ones that will make Daisuke stand out the most, but also the ones with the greatest risk of failure or the worst consequences upon failure (or possibly on success in the case of the HISTORY option).
These are, by nature, pretty damn risky. BUT, success will make Dai stand out that much more. I think that any plan should have one or two of these. That said, no plan should have ALL of these, that's waaaay too risky.

[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Maybe sort of Invert the Leaf Spinning exercise. Rather than spinning a leaf on yourself, spin yourself on a leaf! No, that sounds dumb. But! It gave you a good idea. use your chakra to hover just above the ground. Do this right and you'll glide majestically and silently over the ground! (until you're out of chakra anyway)
[] [GENJUTSU] Genjutsu hijacks the senses and hacks the brain. A good way to do both is sight, since eyes are like a direct connection to the brain. Why not take advantage of that? You could create a genjutsu tied to flashes of light off your blade and the swirl of motion of your hoodie.
[] [HENGE] It's a bit of a stretch, but what if instead of using Henge on used it on other people? Like Yui learning to swap with other people, you could learn how to (literally) turn people into weaker versions of themselves.
[] [HISTORY] Talk about Hanzo the Salamander, it was impressive how effectively just one man kept The Big 5 out of his home.
[] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layo-. NO WAIT. Better idea! Design a rocketjump path, to quickly circle your enemy in a spar. You'll figure out where to put explosive tags, and where to put yourself, so that you'll rapidly ragdoll around into your opponents back.
[] [NINJUTSU] Attempt to Reverse-Summon Yourself

Finally, we come to my write-ins. Can't be sure what'll be allowed and what won't, but my focus was on standing out. Again, I wouldn't pick all of these.
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Edit: it actually needs 295 more exp, why? Do you want him to be a bishie? Or maybe... a trap?
Even on hardmode, people can't resist the meme builds. And this is one heck of a meme build. Maybe my suggestion ages ago to have a streaker with maxed APP stuck in their subconscious mind?

More seriously, 90% of the fanwork XP in APP is the work of one person. It's not a voted policy or anything, though I suspect that most vocal threadgoers enjoy it to some degree.
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@Vesvius how much would a Random Trivia Perk cost?

Something like "A Kumo Swallow or an Iwa Swallow?: Due to a wide variety of reading that you've done for Academy projects, you know little bits of random trivia from areas all across the Elemental Nations, which is useful for developing cover stories, making diplomatic overtures to visiting foreigners, and annoying your friends in riddle constests. Effect: % chance to know relavent minor details to the situation at hand."
Depends how useful you want it to be. The more utility it has, the more XP it costs. As always, format it up and pitch it to me and I'll give you the cost.
[] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.

[][NINJUTSU] We can already make basic shapes out of chakra, and spheres seem particularly easy, now let's see if we can't put a little spin on it.
Basically the same as the above write-in, just attempting to remake the Rasengan Stage One and for Ninjutsu instead of Control. Accepted, but not likely to succeed.
Would it be possible to do more than 1 option per categories to ensure the success by using Exp to help?
No. One option per task. Remember, you only have around 88 days left. Attempting to split your focus means you just do both tasks poorly.

Is it possible to simply buy a jar and jelly beans identical to Iruka's? The usual answer to challenges like these is to fill up your own jar with jelly beans and count them. There's still be math involved in calculating the jars size.
Heh. Would be doable, but it would add more challenges.
This is threadmarked now, so are we paying XP to look like an elf? I like the clothing, and the arms, but if you sharpened his ears he could be Legolas' brother lol. Even has the smug look. 10/10.
Alright, I'm just going to use this post as a opportunity to address all the complaints about approaching Pinnacle Appearance. First, I threadmark all the art. Every piece of it. So don't think that just because it's threadmarked means that that's 100% how everyone looks.

Second, all the people who assume Pinnacle Appearance means Dai is going to look either androgynous or like a woman. I'm not really sure where everyone keeps getting that idea. Do you think that just because someone is pretty it makes them less masculine? Have you ever seen an attractive man before? They exist. And while the complaining is hilarious, it should probably stop before someone gets over excited and gets banned.
...So what you're saying is just don't get caught.

Seriously, we're a ninja.
Heh. I refuse to confirm or deny if this would work.
Does Henge actually change mass and form? Or is it just an illusion? And thus... a Genjutsu?
No. Nope. I just got complained at for this. Not going back.
is task format the same as plan format? i didn't think so.

I thought it was every task for itself.

@Vesvius can you confirm? also
It is TASK FORMAT, not plan format. You can organize your votes into plans, sure, but everything is being tallied by individual task. That means all write-ins must have the relevant [TASK] to be counted.
I was just pointing out that masculine men are a thing in Naruto so you don't particularly have to worry about us becoming a trap just because we're becoming more attractive.

it actually needs 295 more exp, why? Do you want him to be a bishie? Or maybe... a trap?

I don't want to derail the thread, but can we please not use transphobic language? The term 'trap' is generally used to denote transwomen who have not had their gender affirmed through surgery, and thus have a phallus instead of a vulva. It also implies dishonesty on their part, and reinforces the stereotype that transwomen are deceitful or malicious. It's a harmful term that I strongly dislike seeing bandied about.
I don't want to derail the thread, but can we please not use transphobic language? The term 'trap' is generally used to denote transwomen who have not had their gender affirmed through surgery, and thus have a phallus instead of a vulva. It also implies dishonesty on their part, and reinforces the stereotype that transwomen are deceitful or malicious. It's a harmful term that I strongly dislike seeing bandied about.
It's been used to refer primarily to crossdessers/men passing as women for like a decade.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Maybe sort of Invert the Leaf Spinning exercise. Rather than spinning a leaf on yourself, spin yourself on a leaf! No, that sounds dumb. But! It gave you a good idea. use your chakra to hover just above the ground. Do this right and you'll glide majestically and silently over the ground! (until you're out of chakra anyway)
Hilarious to picture, but not practical. I'll approve it but it's not likely to be usable within your 88 day time limit.

[X] [GENJUTSU] Genjutsu hijacks the senses and hacks the brain. A good way to do both is sight, since eyes are like a direct connection to the brain. Why not take advantage of that? You could create a genjutsu tied to flashes of light off your blade and the swirl of motion of your hoodie. would be even more effective if you had more color to work with, you might want to pick up a colorful scarf or something.
I see your attempt to get the Technicolor Hoodie and I ignore it. I have plans for how Dai's getting it. But the actual meat of the write-in works. Accepted.

[X] [HENGE] It's a bit of a stretch, but what if instead of using Henge on used it on other people? Like Yui learning to swap with other people, you could learn how to (literally) turn people into weaker versions of themselves.
Not possible. Henge requires anchoring on the user's body, and can be dismissed by the user at will. Another jutsu may be used for that, but not Henge. Rejected.

[X] [HISTORY] Talk about Hanzo the Salamander, it was impressive how effectively just one man kept The Big 5 out of his home.
Possible. Hard to research for. Hanzo isn't exactly lauded around Konoha for obvious reasons. Accepted.

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layo-. NO WAIT. Better idea! Design a rocketjump path, to quickly circle your enemy in a spar. You'll figure out where to put explosive tags, and where to put yourself, so that you'll rapidly ragdoll around into your opponents back.

[X] [NINJUTSU] Attempt to Reverse-Summon Yourself
Not a thing. Rejected.

[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!

[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!

[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.

[X] [GENJUTSU] The most essential part of Genjutsu is being able to get out of them. So you'll hone your release methods, practicing every way you can think of.

[X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!

[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[X] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
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[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!

[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] One of the things you've noticed that you do is flare your chakra when you're preparing a technique. If you could get that under control then you would be able to use jutsu without anyone who doesn't have a direct view of you noticing!

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.

[X] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!

[X] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!

[X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
[X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
I don't want to derail the thread, but can we please not use transphobic language? The term 'trap' is generally used to denote transwomen who have not had their gender affirmed through surgery, and thus have a phallus instead of a vulva. It also implies dishonesty on their part, and reinforces the stereotype that transwomen are deceitful or malicious. It's a harmful term that I strongly dislike seeing bandied about.

I seriously never heard of this though I never did dig around to find where the word originated from. People just use it for girly guy in Jap anime/manga/doujin that it become the new norm now I guess.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
Adhoc vote count started by Gigaplex on Nov 2, 2018 at 9:54 AM, finished with 6874 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
    [X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
    [X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
    [X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
    [X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.
    [X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
    [X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
    [X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
    [X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Write-In
    [X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
    [X] [GENJUTSU] Write-In
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] One of the things you've noticed that you do is flare your chakra when you're preparing a technique. If you could get that under control then you would be able to use jutsu without anyone who doesn't have a direct view of you noticing!
    [X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
    [X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
    [X] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!
    [X] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
    [X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
    [X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
    [X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
    [X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.

Adhoc vote count started by Gigaplex on Nov 2, 2018 at 9:55 AM, finished with 6875 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.
    [X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
    [X] [HENGE] A Henge is only good as long as you can do it quickly. And what slows down Henge the most? The hand seals! It's a three-seal jutsu, so with enough practice you should be able to shave a few seals off of that. Maybe even do it without if you work hard enough!
    [X] [HISTORY] It's hard to believe, but there was a time before Hidden Villages. You can't really picture it, but old tales from those days have survived. You want to know more. You'll assemble a presentation on the time before villages, the Warring States era, and present that to the class.
    [X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Now that you have begun exploring Shape Manipulation, it's time to show off your already superior chakra control. Concentrate your chakra to one point on your body and make a ball out of it. You've already done this in training, and even this basic excercise is enough to prove your prowess.
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] Write-In
    [X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] One of the things you've noticed that you do is flare your chakra when you're preparing a technique. If you could get that under control then you would be able to use jutsu without anyone who doesn't have a direct view of you noticing!
    [X] [GENJUTSU] Write-In
    [X] [NINJUTSU] You vaguely remember that elemental ninjutsu are considered more difficult to learn and master than the ordinary type; that's one of the reasons Sasuke is running away with the Ninjutsu ranking. You should match him and learn your own elemental techniques. Of course for that, you need to know what your element is. There's paper for that, right? You could buy it- or steal it, if it comes down to it.
    [X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.
    [X] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!
    [X] [MATH] Iruka-sensei has had a challenge going on for years: guess the number of jelly beans in the jar on his desk and you get extra credit. You have to be exact- can't be off at all, even by one bean. No one's gotten it so far, but you think you can calculate it!