Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Oof, that's a tough choice, I always hate having to choose which skills to ignore even if it is necessary. Alright, so my plan is as follows:

[x] Mathematics
[x] Outdoor Survival
[x] Shurikenjutsu
[x] Stealth and Tracking

Since we'll probably get xp in all the skills we don't ignore, I figure a bit of future-proofing is in order:

Shuriken aren't all that great and we can probably find better long range options in ninjutsu, also shuriken are Sasuke's other specialty, so I figure that this is a superior choice to losing out on that sweet sweet ninjutsu xp.

Math is probably useful, but doesn't seem immediately practical as a ninja skill, so that's unfortunately being dropped.

Outdoor survival would be useful, but I figure that we only need basic competence for now and that we'll naturally improve at it as we go on missions, so we don't need to focus on it.

Stealth and Tracking: I'm actually pretty torn on this one. On the one hand, this skill strikes me as supremely useful and a significant hole in our training, so we ought to focus on improving it. On the other hand, we're not very good at it, so we might miss out on the ROTY achievement if we choose to focus on it. Thus, it unfortunately has to be dropped.

As to the skills I'm not dropping:
[] Bunshin no Jutsu: Is probably necessary as a stepping stone to higher level (ie: elemental release) clone skills, which seem pretty damn useful.

[] Chakra Control: This is one of our best skills, we haven't distinguished ourselves in it yet, and it's useful for higher level ninja. Yeah no.

[] Genjutsu: Same as above (check the character sheet, we're at journeyman level)

[] History: Between our mnemonic perk and decent intelligence, I figure we can distinguish ourselves here. Furthermore, I think (but am not sure), that choosing to focus on history might give us the Student of the Past achievement, which is a nice bonus.

[] Ninjutsu: Pretty much the skill that all higher level ninja are good at, also we're not bad at it and have good chakra control, it shouldn't be too hard to distinguish ourselves here.

[] Henge no Jutsu: To be honest, I was planning on voting to drop this since I figure we can recreate the illusory effects with genjutsu, and the non-illusory effects would require a lot of training time that I'd rather be spent elsewhere. However, this is presumably one a pretty damn important jutsu as one of the core three in the academy curriculum. It also strikes me as more useful than the three skills I selected, and the last one I'm proposing we drop (stealth/tracking) we're just not good enough at.
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Jabari stands up from where he was seated. He glances from you to Sakura, a question written on his face. You jerk your head after her, and he nods before jogging after the pinkette. She shouldn't be alone right now, and you can't be in two places at once. Your plate will be full enough once Ino stops being angry and remembers to be hurt.

It takes a while for that to happen. Your friend just stands frozen, glaring at the space where Sakura used to be for a long time. When she finally does speak, it's in the low monotone of absolute control. "We should go. We'll be late soon."

You open your mouth- only to close it as fanfare plays in your head.

Fecking eh, the timing on this was just Fantastic. The System is such a Troll.
[X] Ninjutsu
[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Mathematics
[X] Stealth and Tracking
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[X] History
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu
Why are people voting against shuriken-jutsu or generally weapons? We have just been introduced to Ten-ten, who could be an easy tutor for some stuff.
[X] Ninjutsu
[X] Outdoor Survival
[X] Stealth and Tracking

Our Genjustu and Shurikenjutsu may not be up with our taijustu or kenjustu but they are still among the best in the class if our skill ranks are to be believed. Ninjustu is also in a pretty good place but I feel like we can drop it off to focus on other skills. We should try to reach further with mental skills like maths and history while we still have the academy student perk. I'm not sure that outdoor survival and stealth would be considered as such skills and feel easier to let go off in order to focus on the other skills. We should definitely work on the academy three techniques and make them stand out from our class; just because it looks good and opens up options for us in live combat. There is even an achievement for it.

On another note what was up with Lee calling us senpai? Is it because we were Gai's student first or something. We were Gai's student only informally and Rock Lee is older and an actual genin assigned to Gai's squad. It feels a bit weird to see but I suppose it could be an actual character-based decision he could make about us. I wonder how it will change when we graduate?
dude I love you, no homo.

Wouldn't have worked between us anyway.

On another note what was up with Lee calling us senpai? Is it because we were Gai's student first or something. We were Gai's student only informally and Rock Lee is older and an actual genin assigned to Gai's squad. It feels a bit weird to see but I suppose it could be an actual character-based decision he could make about us. I wonder how it will change when we graduate?

We're his Senpai because we trained with Gai for a really long time. Lee only started training with Gai at somepoint during his academy days.
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[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Henge no Jutsu
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Outdoor Survival

These are our lowest skills, with Henge and Bunshin at Basic and our Stealth/Tracking/Survival being alright. We should take advantage of our Above Average Int on History and Math. Chakra Control is at a sweet Superhuman and Genjutsu is at Journeyman so not impressing there is a weird choice. Shurikenjutsu and Ninjutsu are both at Adept and we have a good in with Tenten to learn Shurikenjutsu from her, with Ninjutsu being easier to look around for I would think.

We are also close to upgrading Int and that will help impressing on History and Math.
[X] Bunshin no Jutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Stealth and Tracking
[X] Outdoor Survival

fuck, forgot about the mnenomics perk. That should make math and history much easier.
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Shurikenjutsu and Ninjutsu are both at Adept and we have a good in with Tenten to learn Shurikenjutsu from her, with Ninjutsu being easier to look around for I would think.

Shurikenjutsu, the most useful skill in the world. Look at all the battles it has won!

Honestly, I feel like it's a little garbage to win via math and history.
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Oh wait. I just realized how Shape Manipulation is immediately useful.

Success Condition Two: Demonstrate competence in at least 3 skills or techniques not taught in the Academy. (1 Currently Demonstrated (Kenjutsu))
Skill(s): Many

We need to show off skills not taught in the Academy, and Shape Manipulation should fall under that category.
Just saying we are already decent at it and have an in with someone who is really talented with it.

Yes, but her talent for throwing thousands of weapons was beaten by a chick with an oversized fan... I also have not seen a time in which a battle was won because Shurikenjutsu played a pivotal role.

I'm just saying, it isn't really something to focus on. It's secondary, supplementary.
[x] Bunshin no Jutsu
[x] History
[x] Outdoor Survival
[x] Stealth and Tracking
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Yes, but her talent for throwing thousands of weapons was beaten by a chick with an oversized fan... I also have not seen a time in which a battle was won because Shurikenjutsu played a pivotal role.

I'm just saying, it isn't really something to focus on. It's secondary, supplementary.
To be fair, Wind just completely fucks up her day and that fight showed why. Just saying it would be easy enough to learn up and maybe get a good trick from Tenten to use to impress.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Nov 1, 2018 at 2:11 AM, finished with 65 posts and 30 votes.