Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Okay, this is a good cite that pretty much guarantees he'll teach us the Gates.

I have no idea why everyone was so horrified at Lee knowing the Gates then, but thank you for finding this citation. Have a like.
It's more that he taught him the higher gates so soon in his career, and also that he allowed him to use them in an exam when it wasn't a life-or-death situation i think. To be fair, Lee knew FIVE of them. The first two would have probably been acceptable, 5 is pushing it. It's giving an high-a to s-rank technique to a genin after all. Gai was equally against Sasuke learning the Chidori if i remember right.

My read on forbidden techniques/kinjutsu is that they're dangerous. If you use them carelessly you could kill yourself, and so they are carefull with who learns them and when/how they are used.

Of course there are also the immoral ones, like Edo Tensei, but most of them are simply risky for the user.
Exactly, in the end no one truly knows what it does. Whether it has combat uses or it's something for NG+ I'd rather have her on the team just to be safe. At least that's my reasoning for having her on the team. Along with being True Friends of course.

It cannot possibly be combat based, the thing is a companion slot. There is only one use that I can think of for something called a companion slot, and that's taking her with us in our next life. Of course we'd probably end up discussing it with her, and it clearly isn't relevant currently otherwise Ves wouldn't have withheld how it works.

I highly doubt that you need a companion slot to have your friend use teamwork.
I have no idea why everyone was so horrified at Lee knowing the Gates then
Probably because hes a kid and it would have taken truly inhuman levels of commitment to have even the first gate open by then.

Even Kakashi, the wunderkid, Special Jounin superman, only ever opened one or two gates in the show, and definitely didn't reach Lee's attainments in it by the end whatever his actual highest level was.

Really its the same reason why every jounin in the show isn't a Taijutsu master, Its hard and boring and there are no shortcuts to the actual physical attainments (unlike attainments in technique which definitely have shortcuts (see:dojutsu)), and that goes double for gates.

Edit: Also, you know, guaranteed self damage techniques aren't the best to teach to youngsters.
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It cannot possibly be combat based, the thing is a companion slot. There is only one use that I can think of for something called a companion slot, and that's taking her with us in our next life. Of course we'd probably end up discussing it with her, and it clearly isn't relevant currently otherwise Ves wouldn't have withheld how it works.

I highly doubt that you need a companion slot to have your friend use teamwork.

Huh, I guess so. My thought was that it would give bonus damage to combination attacks if your companion is in your party or something along those lines.

It would be cool if we die and she agrees to accompany us for round 2.
Kek. Companion Slot.

Imagine offering that to Daisuke's future wife.

"In this life and the next," suddenly becomes way too literal.
I sincerely hope that the Companion Slot isn't the ability to take someone with us into NG+, because the very idea gives me Chunin Exam Day flashbacks and, just, ick.

On another side note, I'd actually rather we didn't get put into a team with Ino. Both breaking up the Ina-Shika-Cho tradition and getting our BFF on our Genin team sound cliche.
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I wonder if we can use the slot on Lee if it works like theorised? We're almost fellow disciples anyway, and this way Lee might be able to power up faster and so not suffer as much from using the Gates every time.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
Only choosing this so we dont go team naruto
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
Only choosing this so we dont go team naruto
Ves has said that even if we try for RotY we're not guarunteed to be on Naruto's team

[x] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails
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Old age catch up to you, and if not that, assholes. Assholes will kill you eventually

in the naruto world immortality (or at least eternal youth) IS a thing. We could always give it a try.

I also always disliked how trying for immortality is nearly always portrayed as "bad" and "evil".

Be Orochimaru and you don't have to worry about that! Even after all the assholes after him, he's still kicking at seventy.
and he looks younger the older he gets!
I wonder if we can use the slot on Lee if it works like theorised? We're almost fellow disciples anyway, and this way Lee might be able to power up faster and so not suffer as much from using the Gates every time.
Just press the fucking brakes for a change, forget shiny swords, forget shiny teachers, forget shiny techniques, just wait for the updates and react according to the story.

I hate to repeat myself, but calm the fuck down.

We don't even have Lee listed in our relationships. Maybe Gai didn't introduce us to his team (whoever they are), because he wants to show them, that they have his undivided attention and not some informal apprentice.
Maybe he tought Lee the Gates, because the dude had literally nothing else going for him. Unlike us.

Regarding top spot, I really think three month before graduation to start on this goal is way too late. Please, lets not waste effort for glory when we can use the time to make finishing touches on our style.

For example: This is where I would like to see Daisuke at the time of graduation

Bunshin no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate (You are far more practiced with the technique, and are comfortable using it outside of the training ground and in live combat situations.)
Kawarimi no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate
Henge no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate
Ninjutsu: high Adept
- to flawlessly use during tai-jutsu combat.

Taijutsu: Journeyman
Kenjutsu: Journeyman
Senses: Above Average (For high-speed combat)
Body Flicker Technique D-rank / Ask Gai
We have super high constitution and should be primed to deal with the strain. Even more so with our high level of chakra control. Gai should think so, too.

Genjutsu: high Adept
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique D-rank
This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality.
The illusion doesn't have to be abstract, maybe just show the opponent how we gut him in the most gruesome way for him lose focus in a crucial moment.
An amateur version of Orochimaru's killing intent.

Edit: I believe we had a legitimate shot at top spot with the vote before the timeskip. Now we have three month to catch up to a dude who trained practically since the start of the academy like a madman to kill the biggest genius of a generation. The dude started with the strongest clan teaching him their techniques and had for the rest of the time their whole library (or something) to work with.
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[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.

Don't be blinded by number one.
Okay, so reviewing that chapter...

Naruto was clearly acting out because of jealous and loneliness. He was very invested in trying to spend time with Sakura (god knows why, she's fucking intolerable in Part 1 but then again we've all crushed on people we shouldn't) and he clearly saw Daisuke as an acceptable target to achieve that time. He's probably quite jealous of Daisuke for not only spending time with Sakura but also because he has a strong circle of friends despite being something of a fellow outsider (Iron Country bastard). And of course, Daisuke is proper and respectable looking while Naruto is anything but.

So you know, from one perspective it's all very understandable and logical that Naruto would target Daisuke, especially when you look at how the scene closes out with the girls telling him to go away, Daisuke clearly dismissing him and nobody wanting him around. So I'm somewhat sympathetic to Naruto and I have to applaud Vesvius for getting all that across without mentioning it in Daisuke's periphery or viewpoint. Because that entire scene just screamed "flashback of no one liking Naruto for understandable reasons of him acting out and being childish".

I have to say, I'm very impressed with the restraint it's taken not to present Naruto as being different than what he was at that age, or trying to "befriend" or "civilize him" just yet. It's clear that a friendship with Naruto can be a very slowly built one, developing as both parties mature and perhaps even demonstrate Daisuke's acclimation to the Hidden Leaf in ways that his riding herd on a group of friends might not.
Regarding top spot, I really think three month before graduation to start on this goal is way too late. Please, lets not waste effort for glory when we can use the time to make finishing touches on our style.

I thought Daisuke IC have been aiming for top spot and putting more effort ever since he learn he ranked 5th last year, so it shouldn't far fetched in getting top spot by continue to focus on doing it. I mean, if we're in the middle rank or have a really really horrible score in 1 or 2 subject then it'd be another matter, but it isn't too late for us right now.

On another note, there's all kind of a good synergy that could be form from team outside of doing it like canon. Yui swapping technique would work really well for shikamaru and choji technique. Suddenly swap with rolling choji or have shikamaru pop to shadow lock at close range can do wonder. Naruto mass shadow clone would also work well at being distraction for shikamaru and ino to use their clan signature skill. Hinata would be great spotter for Sasuke to use his bukijutsu or big ninjutsu skills. Sakura being trickier than canon could work with directing kiba and shino to take advantage of their clan skill too.
Regarding top spot, I really think three month before graduation to start on this goal is way too late. Please, lets not waste effort for glory when we can use the time to make finishing touches on our style.
I don't think it's too late, and even if we fail it won't be wasted effort. We'd be raising different skills, that's all.

It's not like we're starting from last place, we're already 5th​.​ The most important things to get to reasonably have a shot at the title are

1) the three academy jutsu at intermediate. They definitely are important, they're the only battle jutsu they teach us after all.
Having one or more of those at advanced would probably help as well

2)enough skills at adept level (the high-genin standard), including all the ninja ones (and we already have those, except fuin that doesn't seem to be taught at the academy). I think getting the genin title (14 skills at adept) would be enough for this.

3)superhuman attributes, in particular intelligence (to help studying).

by the way... @Vesvius what do we reasonably need to raise our rank? what are our weak points in regards to our grading? We're already the top in the taijutsu ring, and we're probably up there in most practical subjects, but where are we beaten by our classmates?

Basically, what would make our trying for n.1 more likely to succeed?

right now i expect Sasuke to have better ninjutsu, techniques and shurikenjutsu, and Shino and Sakura higher intelligence and written test scores
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Date Izumi, are they a girl or a boy?

Because they are in the third place, above Ibo, and could become top kunoichi if a girl, and be on our team along with Naruto were we to get the top spot.
I hate to repeat myself, but calm the fuck down.

We don't even have Lee listed in our relationships. Maybe Gai didn't introduce us to his team (whoever they are), because he wants to show them, that they have his undivided attention and not some informal apprentice.
Dude, talking about the future because I like a certain character is not some cardinal sin. Don't lecture me for a one off line in a post talking about a future possibility. I didn't even ask anyone to vote for it or call for an effort to befriend Lee.

I mean, come on. Stop picking on me for one off lines in a random post. Don't backseat moderate (or whatever this counts as).
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