I wonder if we can use the slot on Lee if it works like theorised? We're almost fellow disciples anyway, and this way Lee might be able to power up faster and so not suffer as much from using the Gates every time.
Just press the fucking brakes for a change, forget shiny swords, forget shiny teachers, forget shiny techniques, just wait for the updates and react according to the story.
I hate to repeat myself, but calm the fuck down.
We don't even have Lee listed in our relationships. Maybe Gai didn't introduce us to his team (whoever they are), because he wants to show them, that they have his undivided attention and not some informal apprentice.
Maybe he tought Lee the Gates, because the dude had literally nothing else going for him. Unlike us.
Regarding top spot, I really think three month before graduation to start on this goal is way too late. Please, lets not waste effort for glory when we can use the time to make finishing touches on our style.
For example: This is where I would like to see Daisuke at the time of graduation
Bunshin no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate (You are far more practiced with the technique, and are comfortable using it outside of the training ground and in live combat situations.)
Kawarimi no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate
Henge no Jutsu (Ninjutsu): Intermediate
Ninjutsu: high Adept
- to flawlessly use during tai-jutsu combat.
Taijutsu: Journeyman
Kenjutsu: Journeyman
Senses: Above Average (For high-speed combat)
Body Flicker Technique D-rank / Ask Gai
We have super high constitution and should be primed to deal with the strain. Even more so with our high level of chakra control. Gai should think so, too.
Genjutsu: high Adept
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique D-rank
This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality.
The illusion doesn't have to be abstract, maybe just show the opponent how we gut him in the most gruesome way for him lose focus in a crucial moment.
An amateur version of
Orochimaru's killing intent.
Edit: I believe we had a legitimate shot at top spot with the vote before the timeskip. Now we have three month to catch up to a dude who trained practically since the start of the academy like a madman to kill the biggest genius of a generation. The dude started with the strongest clan teaching him their techniques and had for the rest of the time their whole library (or something) to work with.