Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
Efficient time usage. Achievement wise, we can go full ham on student skills another life. Let's focus on our social and physical strengths now, since intelligence definitely isn't a weakness to be shored up here. We haven't actually explicitly committed to being no.1 in a vote either, so this isn't giving up.

I don't really think well about seriously considering Naruto's short term lack of social skills as a reason for avoiding him. In this world of death and horribleness, that is a really trivial to take into account. Even more so when Daisuke knows that Naruto won't stay like that for more than a year or so.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

If we're on a team with natuto, we can deal with that. Frankly we don't know enough about team or teacher assignments to predict anything.

I want that achievement. I want those skill and stat gains from training hard.
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[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

This is not only getting an achievement but also improving our jutsu.... there are 0 downsides than losing relax time and time with friends who I am sure will understand.
Two big reasons to push for No 1 spot for me. 1st, a better teacher, the more potential and ability to show the more likely we are to get a better teacher as they will want us to excel. 2nd, it is a culmination of all the sweat and blood we have poured into training, a sense that we are going to push to the top, to be the best that we can be. I can only hope that in doing so that we can make our mother and friends and ancestors proud. Some smaller reasons are lets see what that achievement does (got to know what a tougher achievement will reward) and also Tokei tried to stop us from being a ninja, we have had other obstacles in our path as well, can we overcome that, can we without any clan bloodline or techniques beat out someone like Sasuke.

Besides trying to fix that we are on so and so's team or not on someone elses team right now is tough as we have already cast some stones into the pond and the ripples are going. Both Ino and Sakura are more capable then they were OTL for one. Not to mention the two OCs that are our friends as well.
[x] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

This will get us a sensei and possible get Naruto someone other than Kakashi to train him. Kakashi seemed like a pretty shit teacher who mainly focused on Sasuke to the exclusion of the rest of the team.
Kakashi got Naruto because Kakashi was a gennin under Minato - Naruto's dad.
That reason still exists in this timeline.

Kakashi got Sasuke due to the sharingan.
If we take a spot on that team, we'd be replacing Sakura.
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[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

Kakashi would be ideal, since he and Gai are the top two Jonin and Gai already has a team. But, we are unlikely to get him as pointed out, he's practically required as a teacher for Sasuke and maybe Naruto due to the Sharingan having some influence over the Kyuubi, so he can reign Naruto in if he ever loses control.

Asuma is my next preference, as he can teach us Chakra Flow/Hien which will work really well with our sword.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

I don't want to be on the same team as Naruto but other than that, there's no reason for us not to do our best.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
Guys, going for the top spot probably won't improve the skills we care about—it's going to be improving academics, which to be honest we don't really need. We're fifth, that's good enough.

Sure, Naruto will mature but right now he's gonna be a social burden, and that'll take time away from improving ourselves. It'd be better to get on a team with, ideally, people we already have a good relationship with (teamwork!), or at the least, with people we don't have beef with.

(And why are people wanting to help him improve? He can help himself improve! It's not like he died in canon or something, he does fine. Let's focus on ourself.)

Also, remember the political shitstorm that came out of us joining the academy in the first place. We're still on very hard/insane. Sure, we'd probably like to become notorious later, but maybe once we've some field experience, when we can more easily defend ourselves against very hard/insane level opponents? We don't need to keep the lowest cover in the world, but fifth is good enough.
Also, Sakura's definitely into us.

And is Okimi dead? Apart from Tokei she's the only one crossed out in the relationship list (and she had "has forgotten about you" for a while before that I think, so it's likely not due to that).
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

I want For Daisuke to be the Best and one of the things needed to be that is a Great teacher which The Rookie of the Year is more likely to get
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
Kakashi got Naruto because Kakashi was a gennin under Minato - Naruto's dad.
That reason still exists in this timeline.

Kakashi got Sasuke due to the sharingan.
If we take a spot on that team, we'd be replacing Sakura.
Vesvius has said that getting the top spot wouldn't necessarily put us on the same team as Naruto, nor would it mean that Kakashi is our teacher even if it did, so I'm not buying it.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

This is our first life, and worse than that, we are on the prepare to die edition of it from the get go, fooling around and not trying our best will get us really dead, really fast, hell, trying our best might still kill us, but we at least take whatever benefits we conquer in this life with us to next one.

The academy years are the safest for us to acquire experience and get as many benefits as we can, after that, as per Naruto's world shenanigans we will be risking death even on supposedly safeish missions.

So yeah, try our best while we can, we will be too tired avoid death to do as well later on.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.

I don't want to lose the Naruto/Sasuke dynamic
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.

Why waste time being a swot? This pretty much guarantees we're on Naruto's team, with Sakura or Ino. Even without Sasuke it is still gonna be dysfunctional af.

Getting a more harmonious team is worth more than shooting for a random achievement.
Guys, going for the top spot probably won't improve the skills we care about—it's going to be improving academics, which to be honest we don't really need. We're fifth, that's good enough.

Sure, Naruto will mature but right now he's gonna be a social burden, and that'll take time away from improving ourselves. It'd be better to get on a team with, ideally, people we already have a good relationship with (teamwork!), or at the least, with people we don't have beef with.

This isn't about skills.
This isn't about Naruto.
Its about sending a message.

Fig 1.1 Get outta here kid.

(im sorry)