Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

Have to say I''ve been enjoying your characterisations a lot so far @Vesvius. The canon characters especially feel true to the original manga.

Edit: as for the vote I don't see why we shouldn't try our best, especially since there's no guarantee we'll even get first place.
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[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.

With graduation coming up, we should focus on getting our skills up to snuff.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

Nice nod to Naruto's crazy henge quality.

I don't really care about being on a team with Naruto other than the general desire to not leave a kid in a bad spot when you know about it and can help, but Sauceboy can go eat dirt.

Pros: Sasuke eats dirt, Achievement unlocked
Cons: Less time to stop Ino and Sakura from fighting, Global Attention (iron lord bastard rookie of the year and possibly ends up on the same team with Leaf's Jinchuriki, politics unavoidable)
Oh Vesvius, this is a tough one. On the one hand, top spot is what we want, what we should strive for. Would we really be who we are if we tried for anything less? On the other...Naruto. Konoha's number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja...he's going to be a headache if we are teamed with him. His taijutsu is nothing to write home about but he is, if anything, a powerhouse. Boundless stamina and neigh endless chakra reserves pairs quite well with our overwhelming offence style. If we could mesh our styles especially with the third member of our team, there's nothing to say it can't be a solid team.

But if we are rookie of the year, a cool seemingly dispassionate taijutsu expert, who Naruto has attempted to impersonate to get close to Sakura, I feel like we will be taking the place of Sasuke narrative wise. On the other hand, we are more level headed than Sasuke (though not by much) and I can imagine at least trying to help him improve, but as of right now it doesn't seem like he wants to improve.

I'm torn. Anyone have any thoughts to add?
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

There is no way we're not giving it our all to be number one, if that puts us in the same team as Naruto so be it, we can deal with that, and even if it's not guaranteed that we get Kakashi....can you imagine if we do? It would be amazing, just for the reaction to having one of Gai's pupils as one of his students.
[x] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

It's a goddamn limited time achievement, of course we should get it. Even if we fail well at least level our skills and attributes immensely.
Pros: Sasuke eats dirt, Achievement unlocked
Cons: Less time to stop Ino and Sakura from fighting, Global Attention (iron lord bastard rookie of the year and possibly ends up on the same team with Leaf's Jinchuriki, politics unavoidable)
This won me over

[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

@Vesvius, is being Rookie of the Year guarantee we will be on Team Naruto? Or could Kakashi be pulling strings in the background to get Sasuke AND Naruto, which means the tradition would be avoided this year?
What Does It Take To Be Number One
Study groups. Hard work. No friends. Nothing but books and papers. But it was all worth it to stand at the front of the class and have everyone admit you're the best. It's all downhill from here!
Unlock Condition: Rank first at Academy Graduation
Reward: ???
Status: LOCKED

I don't know, the text of the achievement isn't very pleasant. It's probably hyperbole, and our relationships might not actually degrade in pursuit of the reward, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

I don't know, the text of the achievement isn't very pleasant. It's probably hyperbole, and our relationships might not actually degrade in pursuit of the reward, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk.

Our friends will definitely be supportive. They won't reject us just because we trained our hardest to get to the top. Sure we'll have three months where we are focused mostly on training, but what is three months compared to years of friendship?
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[x] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.

I really don't want to be on a team with Naruto, and I somehow doubt that the player-base will be on board with sabotaging Naruto's "remedial exam" to ensure that doesn't happen.
[X] No. You have far better things to focus your time on than forcing your grades up past four more people. You'll let this one go.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.

@Vesvius, is being Rookie of the Year guarantee we will be on Team Naruto? Or could Kakashi be pulling strings in the background to get Sasuke AND Naruto, which means the tradition would be avoided this year?
It is not a definite guarantee, but it makes it much more likely than it would otherwise be.