This won me overPros: Sasuke eats dirt, Achievement unlocked
Cons: Less time to stop Ino and Sakura from fighting, Global Attention (iron lord bastard rookie of the year and possibly ends up on the same team with Leaf's Jinchuriki, politics unavoidable)
I don't know, the text of the achievement isn't very pleasant. It's probably hyperbole, and our relationships might not actually degrade in pursuit of the reward, but I'm not sure if it's worth the risk.
It is not a definite guarantee, but it makes it much more likely than it would otherwise be.[X] Yes. You'll go for the Rookie of the Year spot, the achievement that goes with it, and everything it entails.
@Vesvius, is being Rookie of the Year guarantee we will be on Team Naruto? Or could Kakashi be pulling strings in the background to get Sasuke AND Naruto, which means the tradition would be avoided this year?