Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] You know what? They can settle it themselves. They're big girls. You'll just redouble your efforts to ignore them.
[x] Give them a common enemy. Point out someone in class that deserves it more and let them unite against the poor sap.

Okay. I admit, it was cool to watch Daisuke ruthlessly exploiting his achievement rewards. So... looks like achievement hunting is like opening treasure boxes. A lot of the time, it's not that big a deal. Sometimes you get something awesome.

I will say, if we do wind up dying, and we get a New Game+ and achievements carry over, we should focus on achievement hunting next life.
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

When Yui said she wanted to switch out organs, my first thought was Law from One Piece. Did anyone else also thought of that?
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[X] You know what? They can settle it themselves. They're big girls. You'll just redouble your efforts to ignore them.
[X] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

So from whats been said so far, Sakura is no longer the top female student, and Naruto is still dead last, and potential alone, and I have yet to read or see anything otherwise. Truly we are a good person.
[X] Make them too embarrassed/outraged to fight. "You sound like an old married couple."
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.
[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance! If we investigate, we'll know things, and KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! And various other pithy cliches that generally reference the fact that understanding your problem/dilemma is helpful before you try and headbutt it to death.
[x] Give them a common enemy. Point out someone in class that deserves it more and let them unite against the poor sap.

Two birds, one stone.
Daisuke, Enter the Dragon by Knight Radiant
So every since we picked the dragon sign for the chakra unlock I have had this image in my head of Daisuke forming the sign with a eastern dragon made of chakra starting from his hands and flowing around him, winding up looking over his shoulder or off to the side. Unfortunately my art skills are non existent but if someone needs an idea for fan art.
So I can't take credit for the Dragon part but here is what I came up with.

Tried to make him look more Noble, figured Hanzo's hairstyle fit since it's Samurai like and fits the dragon theme.
Ooh, fun update to read. I'm still not quite sure about Jabari yet, but we did get more sketches of Yui's character and oddities. Still lots of stuff to fill in for Sakura too--though considering what this vote is about, I presume we'll see more of her in the next update. :)

As for the fight, I particularly enjoyed and appreciated seeing the training dummy techniques in action. That was hype!

I'm hoping more of the achievements have weird entertaining rewards too. Most of the achievements have entertaining names and descriptions, so why not make more of their rewards weird & entertaining too? :p

[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.

I'll vote this for now. I'm kinda hoping for an interesting (yet still reasonable) write-in.
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[x] Before anything else, you need to figure out what the issue actually is. Between classes, you're going to draw the two aside separately and get them to talk about their issues with your best impression of Mother you could muster. You will figure out the root of the issue, and then deal with it from there.