The Perfectly Normal High School: A Slice of Life Quest! (Defunct)

This no write-ins clause is really bothering the fuck outta me. :V

The three of us are a unit, but right now that means Silas has to trust Yumika and Hana to be able to push past whatever's sticking in their friendship gears right now, at least for the moment; and as the third wheel it's possible he might interfere with that if present. So my game, then, would be to let the girls have a chance to hash things out in the ferris wheel while we check on our phat l00tz, then return afterwards and wander around the con for a bit, hopefully with a happier atmosphere. If not, then we can still interfere later.

Unfortunately I can't say all that in a vote, so I'm just going to vote for the closest one to that scenario. Although the Hana-date is very tempting to me, for a number of reasons, and getting Big Sis to snap us up a credit card is definitely an option. I just don't know if they're the best option, since we don't know what Silas will do after the Ferris Wheel issue is resolved.

If we don't go, will he actually duck into a portable to check the book, or wander away? Leave, feeling lonely? Will the girls reconcile?
If we go with Hana, what will we talk to her about? Her problem with Yumika? Her powers? Her three sizes? Her smexy ara-ara of a momma?
If we go with Yumika, will we even manage to talk to her about something worth talking about, or will she continue to deflect like the Shield of David?
If we all three go, will we be a third wheel and cause problems, or a mediator that helps bring two good friends back on good terms? Silas getting dual-Chuu~'d in thanks by the girls would be both saccharine as fuck and also probably really funny for his reaction.

I honestly don't know what to vote for. But (sensitive) is generally a good indicator that the option isn't horrible AFAICT.
[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Sensitive) "Hey, you know what, I'm k-kind of tired… how about you two ride without me?"

They clearly need to have a talk. I'd like to be there to mediate, but I don't think the BS price is worth it.
Okay so lets look at how each of them impacts the problem:
-Hana - She needs to be on the ride, because down here in the crowd its literally making her sick, and that means she's on edge, about to vomit rainbows, and thus a terrible debater.

-Yumika - We know she puts up a front in front of Silas. She keeps it going even when she doesn't need to. This was literally what sabotaged her efforts to explain, she tried and then reflexively segued into being super duper cutesy, which physically sickens Hana from the flavor. This means that she's not going to address the problem while with Silas and does not intend to start.

-Silas - Silas has no context on the whole argument, but knows that they have a preexisting and normally healthy relationship, only Hana is upset because Yumika is being self sacrificing again and completely disregarding any risks to herself in what we know is an emotional backlash to the movie incident.

Ergo, we have two things we need to remove for them to come to some kind of resolution:
1) Remove Crowds
2) Remove FakeYumika
2.1) FakeYumika is maintained only in front of Silas

Once both of these are removed, Hana is a lot more likely to actually listen rather than lash out because seriously she wants to hurl.
The sweeper stopped, seeming confused, before slowly rotating its body around and extending a goofy-looking thumbs-up.

"Just doing my part, citizen," the sweeper said.

"Of course. Don't overextend yourself!"

"Just doing my part, citizen," the sweeper repeated itself. It paused for a moment. "But thank you."
What are these sweeper things? The way Silas refers to them, they seem to be non-human, probably robots, but have enough intelligence to recognize a compliment and respond in a way approximating being flattered.
  • Whatever happened to make the Student Council into members of the Foundation, it has affected its members to the point that Yumika thinks there is a discrepancy in their personalities.
Isn't there a memetic device that makes a person always have been a member of the foundation? Like, implanting false memories and codes, etc. If somebody stumbled across that memetic device and began to use it, then, well, that might explain it.
Student Council President
SCP is the Student Council President. I can't tell if this is a subtle hint or just a coincidence.
It took me till here to wonder "these might not all be ours. I guess Nanami just lives here now"
...I hadn't thought about that.

What no CHA bonus? its cute1!11!!!!
Cute, but on a hat whose aesthetics are fundamentally opposed to kawaii. That negates the cuteness.

So Silas is dealing with reflexively repressed trauma that gave him an inferiority complex along with anxiety and guilt, and it relates to him living alone.
Going to go with Dead Parents creating an AI to help their Son because they were Important People and were targeted by Government Assassins.
I've mentioned that I...know someone who also reflexively apologizes for every little thing, worries too much about how he negatively affects people around him, etc. He doesn't have dead (or important) parents, an AI, or a history with government assassins. These things don't need a melodramatic backstory, they just need someone to be aware that they suck at interacting with people and to want to make sure as little of the suck affects other people for, you know, moral reasons.

Edit: Also, might be a reasonable opportunity to slip into a porta-potty or something and glance at that book Yumika gave us. There's almost definitely something contained in there. Something important. And a portable toilet is probably the least likely room to be bugged in all of Miyao.
That's a good idea. Can we add this to the vote somehow?

Then why are we cutting ourselves off?
We have to cut someone off, and it seems Silas-ey to cut himself off before the others.

You'll be owing the bank 500-en afterwards. Which you will be expected to pay, because BS does not do credit card fraud.
It's a good thing we have a job that pays...something!

What are these sweeper things? The way Silas refers to them, they seem to be non-human, probably robots, but have enough intelligence to recognize a compliment and respond in a way approximating being flattered.
I'm guessing that it's four parts modern street sweeper, three parts self-driving car, and one part the doors from the Heart of Gold.

SCP is the Student Council President. I can't tell if this is a subtle hint or just a coincidence.
Or a coincidence that LuciD is leaning into.
Adhoc vote count started by GreatWyrmGold on Oct 22, 2018 at 12:28 PM, finished with 1130 posts and 5 votes.
I thought the street sweeper was a guy, but on further review it *does* seem that they are sub-sapient AI.

@LuciDreamer has Silas met any AI besides Big Sister who are able to hold a conversation? Disregarding the possibility of the street sweepers being smarter than they need to be.

Asking because I want to know if we should consider Big Sis a potential SCP or otherwise a Specially Able person.
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I thought the street sweeper was a guy, but on further review it *does* seem that they are sub-sapient AI.
The narration explicitly refers to it as 'it'.

As for sapience, I can't really tell. It paused before thanking Silas, so apparently it can respond to non-standard queries not programmed into it.

In an era where everything is connected to the Net, it could easily be connected to something that is sapient. Like the delivery drones aren't sapient by themselves, but the Big Sister controlling them is.
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A few, though it depends on your definition of "A.I." A number of choice NPCs in Tale of Merika, for one, are highly sophisticated chatbots that Silas plays around with occasionally. The news service News 39 occasionally experiments on a personal NewsRiku service that Silas has interacted with on occasion through his SmartTV - though he finds NewsRiku rather primitive and samey. A lot of autonomous worker bots in Mihoku are connected to a Neural Network that collects mountains of data from unknowing passersby and instructs the bot to respond to human conversation in a way that vaguely resembles regular speech, but even that tends to break down upon extended prompting.
So Big Sis is exceptional, as thought. Good to know.

IIRC we were planning on introducing BS to the girls while here anyway. Might still be a good idea; She's in a similar boat to Hana after all.
[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Sensitive) "Hey, you know what, I'm k-kind of tired… how about you two ride without me?"
I've mentioned that I...know someone who also reflexively apologizes for every little thing, worries too much about how he negatively affects people around him, etc. He doesn't have dead (or important) parents, an AI, or a history with government assassins. These things don't need a melodramatic backstory...

That's absolutely true, but the degree at which the self-loathing seems to coincide with memory repression suggests this isn't mundane untreated anxiety.

Also considering our childhood friend is Outside reality and our new friend consumes emotions, I'm not willing to draw a line at melodrama.
Yeah there's pretty much no way narratively that Silas isn't a SCP in some manner.

I think he might possess some memories from before the Flip, personally. If it was fairly recent, and his true memories interfere with implanted post!Flip memories, it could explain some of the weird repression stuff in this update. Perhaps he's memetically resistant, sort of like Maeda?
[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Sensitive) "Hey, you know what, I'm k-kind of tired… how about you two ride without me?"

This does seem like the most in-character for Silas, and it may be the most beneficial for the problem that he's run across.
[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Sensitive) "Hey, you know what, I'm k-kind of tired… how about you two ride without me?"
...Wait, how will Hana stay in contact with the rest of us if she doesn't have a phone?
She does have a phone.
Yumika: The two of you r on thew ay, right?
Mom: Yes, I am on the way. I agree it is cold outside.
Hana: You two must be kidding. It was actually worse earlier.
She is using her Mom's phone. Which is probably very inconvenient. I think even if we won't do it now, we might want to open that credit card account anyway, buy our own phone, and then work to pay for it.

So Silas is dealing with reflexively repressed trauma that gave him an inferiority complex along with anxiety and guilt, and it relates to him living alone.

Going to go with Dead Parents creating an AI to help their Son because they were Important People and were targeted by Government Assassins.
I am getting a different vibe entirely.

When a foreign girl who is scarily adept at remaining unseen recognizes you on sight and pays for dinner that could stave off the entire famine in Spicelands by itself, and when your parents have resources to create a one-of-a-kind AI (if that's what happened), you'd think the Government Assassins would be working for them.

See, even the smell of gunpowder has context to it. It is what reminds Silas of homeland. If it were by itself, I could consider it a traumatic experience - say, an explosion or something tainting the memory of the place. But there is also a mention of 'rifles with kind faces'. That's not a single occurence, that's something that has been going for a while, almost as inherent to his thoughts of home as the sound of crashing waves and the smell of seasalt.

Given that people outside are doing a performance commemorating the Great War (?), I think that might be what has happened, or maybe a civil war? My hunch would be the latter, because the Great War has ended a while ago (how long ago was it, exactly?), but for some reason Silas still can't come back.

Edit: on second thought, browsing the thread I found mentions that the Great War was some 40-50 years ago, which rules it out as a cause for Silas' exile.
Waves crashing. They made a loud noise. It blotted out everything else. It was his fault they were here, in this position. They had every right to hate him, after all. He's an awful person, wasn't he? Breaking everything he touched, severing anything he reached out to mend, he hurts people by doing things, why should he bother, it's not like anything matters anyway, you're stupid, you're insignificant, you can't even -
I am wondering what is going on there, though. It does sound like a flashback to his life before he got here. Stupid and insignificant I can get, but why does he think he hurts people?
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[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Big Sister) "A-Actually, I do have a credit card account…"
Creating a credit card account should be stupidly easy… right? Surely, Big Sis can pull through on this one. Silas wouldn't want to leave either of his friends behind. Besides, he really needs to make sure everyone is communicating so the Conspiracy can take off…

This is literally the very easiest thing BS could do for us, and you know she's overjoyed that we finally have not one but two girls to go with us on the ferris wheel. Lets just continue taking the lead and go talk conspiracies.
Given that people outside are doing a performance commemorating the Great War (?), I think that might be what has happened, or maybe a civil war? My hunch would be the latter, because the Great War has ended a while ago (how long ago was it, exactly?), but for some reason Silas still can't come back.

Edit: on second thought, browsing the thread I found mentions that the Great War was some 40-50 years ago, which rules it out as a cause for Silas' exile.

I am wondering what is going on there, though. It does sound like a flashback to his life before he got here. Stupid and insignificant I can get, but why does he think he hurts people?
We don't know much about Ozzetch too, despite Silas recognizing it as his homeland. It's possible it had some kind of revolt or revolution while near/docked with Mihoku, and the Yamigawa's were caught up in the fighting. Silas was sent to ground to avoid the war, with Big Sis to watch over him, and at some point he got left behind when the Ozzetchi flew away or whatever they do.

Doesn't quite explain why or how the memories got repressed, though.
He almost looked like an adult. Imposing, classy, confident. Almost.

Abruptly, Silas thumped his fist to his chest. "Long live the Revolution!" he barked.
And there goes the adult image. Hasn't lasted long, I see.

You know... I just noticed. Silas is very infatualed with the idea of the Revolution and the Tale of Merika, but I am not entirely sure it's because of his otaku side.

Do you remember 'Lost in the Valley of the Night'? There was a dream of Silas and Yumika - pardon, Mika - being trench buddies.
The Revolution had finally come to him. Perhaps it was an inevitability; perhaps he could have done something to prevent it; perhaps he could have ran. It's not like the Revolutionaries persecuted those who ran from the front lines, for there were always more willing, voluntary bodies for them to throw against the Eastern oppressors.

But then again… if he kept on running forever, he'd never be able to look at himself in the mirror ever again. Himself, or his Big Sister.

The thought that Big Sis was rooting for him brought a bit of color back to his face. He gripped his Everyman rifle a bit tighter, and his fingers clenched more securely around a tiny metal gear - a good luck charm from Big Sis.
At first, I thought it just a vivid dream caused by too many sleepless hours in front of the monitor, and the theme song blaring through the earbuds.

But there are things there that give a different context to that dream. First off, 'the Eastern oppressors'?
"Long Live," he says. It's the old Merikajin revolutionary chant.

Silas smiled tentatively. There was only one proper, patriotic and customary response. "...L-Long Live the Republic."
An old Merikajin chant? But Merika is fictional in Silas-verse, and the events of the game describe the Revolution as it is happening! When did it grow old?
Someone - a girl - was singing an old patriotic song. Something about 'cold, wintery slopes.'
An old patriotic song about cold wintery slopes? Sounds like we may know a certain Republic that fits.
Once he crossed the threshold, there would be no going back, and that thought made him mortified for a second... but inside, he was met by a deluge of smiling faces. So many smiling faces.
That settles it, doesn't it? This wasn't just a random piece of trivia put up in the middle of an update for no reason. It is definitely a page from Silas' past, whether from this 'verse or an alternate one.

So what, is Silas a refugee, or maybe a deserter? Plausible. But then, how is Yumika here? Is it even her? I mean, Mika was a field medic, and Yumika is...
In the incredibly unlikely event that Yumika is put in charge of a Saisei-era military regiment, +15% morale damage and +15% morale defense

It would certainly explain his feeling of guilt and inadequacy, though.

"Your neighbors are too busy mostly not existing to hear anything, Silas," Big Sister replied succinctly. She paused. Somehow, Silas felt her virtual eyes going over his outfit. " look positively dashing. Did you visit the Hypermall while I wasn't looking?"
I am most upset at her being unable to virtually straighten our tie, then the illusion of a household would be complete.
"Yeah…" Hana let out a sigh. "...I have a… really weird effect on emotions. You got lucky; usually, when I feed off insecurity, what comes out isn't so… yeah…"

"I-I guess my LUCK stat's really high!" Silas laughed. His laughs quickly died away. "...sorry. Bad joke."

"It wan't a bad joke, though. Will you stop apologizing?" Hana said, looking a bit cross. But she was grinning. "I never thought…" Hana shook her head. "I mean… I didn't think that your home would be so close to mine."

"M-Me neither," Silas affirmed. "If you live there - " he pointed at the overhead map " - that means you're - w-what - a ten minute's walk from me?"
I must protest. What does usually come out when you feed on insecurity? Is it something even more brazen, or why did you call Silas the lucky one? Inquiring minds want to know!

Also, all I am hearing is that we will be changing our schedule shortly. If they live within ten minutes of each other, they can take the train to school and back together, dammit!

What does Nanami's jealousy taste like? :oops:

And I just realized this, but for a boy who wasn't even homeschooled - because Big Sister certainly wasn't teaching him much - and was thrust into a 2nd grade of high school... Silas is actually pretty brilliant to keep up with his studies. I guess that's one example of him not knowing his own talents.
She briefly glanced in his direction, her gaze hovering over his forehead for a millisecond, before quickly looking away again. "You're very hard to miss. You know what I mean?"
No, no I don't. Explain.
Hana thought for a moment. ", I don't think that. But you can't just forgive people on the basis that they might be a better person under different circumstances, can you?"

Silas hesitated. He acquiesced, "I guess…"

In truth, he wasn't quite satisfied with that answer. Something felt… wrong about that judgement, somehow.
Ah. Hitting too close to home, maybe? The readers know he can be a completely somewhat different person in different reality rewrites. Does he suspect that too? Is there something in his memory that wants to disagree with that assessment?

But... his own repressed memory causes him to calls himelf useless. Is he then trying to justify his past actions here?
A RikuRiku performer brandishing a long wakizashi was facing off against a dark-skinned man in some sort of olive-green military fatigues, who appeared to be using his bayonetted rifle as a melee weapon. They were flanked by what looked like two very colorful armies - one decked in imposing olive suits and bearing red flags, and the other one dressed in traditional kimono and waving teal streamers.
Is it a reenaction of the Great War setting? I am not imagining it, right? The bayonets versus wakizashis, olive fatigues versus kimono, red flags versus teal ones? Looks very much like a Pravic-Mihokujin conflict. I wonder why the other performer is dark-skinned, though. Not a lot of them up North.
But now the crowd seemed deathly quiet; breaths were being held in anticipation. Silas craned his neck; the RikuRiku from before was sprawled on the ground. Her allies were hunched; a single teal streamer was flying from a pole held up by a prone street performer. One of the Red soldiers was kneeling before her, hand outstretched, and she reached to take it.

There was a sudden, deep, guttural roar. Silas yelped; a bear's face, propelled forward by two sets of feet, was rushing through the crowd. He felt someone's hand jerk back; he felt the air brush against his cheek as the bear head leapt into the ring, followed shortly by its body, and then its legs. It was a monstrous thing; growling, clawing, grasping. The crowd erupted; the performers all rose abruptly, with RikuRiku using the Red soldier's arm as leverage to lift herself up; and all readied their weapons.
I have no idea what that is supposed to be about. Did Chii-kun write the scenario for this one too?
Almost immediately, another student, one with her hair tied up in a net, burst from behind a drapery and pulled her aside, whispering something fiercely into her ear.

For some reason, her eyes seemed to flash over Silas's forehead more than once.

"I mean, of course, w-we're seating people right now!" the girl said suddenly, as the other one dashed back inside.
I'd like to highlight an oddity in Ami's behavior.

For someone who has the strength of personality to boss the entire class around and force them into working overtime while underprepared and out of ingredients (Hiro left our booth with a promise to yell at the foreing classmate... when he returned he was standing at attention all but shouting 'sir, yes sir!' in the general direction of the hallway), she was surprisingly skittish around Silas, always darting out of sight. Did she recognize us? Well, I mean, of course she saw something in us. But her actions... was it bad for us to recognize her? Her staring at our forehead - did she try to avoid meeting our eyes?

But then Hana also had that look when she said we were hard to miss...

At first I thought Silas was someone important, or related to one, but the dream made him sound as a simple rank and file, just a Private First Class. Now I am confused.

Edit: hahaha, Private First Class of Platoon 4-1. How did I not recognize it before?
So he deserted not just from his platoon, but from his entire reality?
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Well, I mean, of course she saw something in us. But her actions... was it bad for us to recognize her? Her staring at our forehead - did she try to avoid meeting our eyes?

But then Hana also had that look when she said we were hard to miss...

At first I thought Silas was someone important, or related to one, but the dream made him sound as a simple rank and file, just a Private First Class. Now I am confused.

It's his Bishie Sparkles, of course.
The forehead thing is because we're actually the Chosen One, and in the near future we will be tasked by an old gay arch-mage to kill a lich with 7 phylacteries and an army of magic Nazis.
[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Sensitive) "Hey, you know what, I'm k-kind of tired… how about you two ride without me?"

Very conflicted vs. going with Hana/sending the girls alone, mostly due to lack of information about what might happen if we're not there. However, trust has to start somewhere, and it seems like an action that Silas would take.

Now whether it's an option that the girls will let him take remains an open question. Hopefully they pick up on at least a little bit of the nudge that we're trying to give them.
I'd like to highlight an oddity in Ami's behavior.

For someone who has the strength of personality to boss the entire class around and force them into working overtime while underprepared and out of ingredients (Hiro left our booth with a promise to yell at the foreing classmate... when he returned he was standing at attention all but shouting 'sir, yes sir!' in the general direction of the hallway), she was surprisingly skittish around Silas, always darting out of sight. Did she recognize us? Well, I mean, of course she saw something in us. But her actions... was it bad for us to recognize her? Her staring at our forehead - did she try to avoid meeting our eyes?

But then Hana also had that look when she said we were hard to miss...

At first I thought Silas was someone important, or related to one, but the dream made him sound as a simple rank and file, just a Private First Class. Now I am confused.
I figured it was his bright blue hair that everyone was staring at, or that Big Sis had put some kind of electronic marker in his forehead or something.
As for Ami, I assumed she had a crush on him. Although I don't know how she would have gotten it, as he didn't seem to recognize her. A stalker, maybe?

[X] [Eye of Miyao] (Sensitive) "Hey, you know what, I'm k-kind of tired… how about you two ride without me?"