Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


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Because he was wearing clothes, so he obviously wasn't naked.:V
Because the spoopy goast man realizes that the horny boi in front of him isnt the angery boi he died to because HE'S A GOAST. he can prolly see souls n stuff and without mantis to egg him on he doesnt ignore that fact?
Now you just made me think of a missed Kojima moment. Just like in Snake Eater he grabs Venom by the crotch and realises it isn't that Snake.
Oh, kinda thought he just saw him, looked down, grabbed him by the balls and collar to smash him and then realized "Oh wait, you aren't Naked, cause your junk is not the one I touched/molested/felt up/claimed all those years ago, it's too small, I know these things because I am a professional." :V
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Oh, kinda thought he just saw him, looked down, grabbed him by the balls and collar to smash him and then realized "Oh wait, you aren't Naked, cause your junk is not the one I touched/molested/felt up/claimed all those years ago, it's too small, I know these things because I am a professional." :V

President Bill Clinton would later learn from volgins example in the metal gear universe.

Man I love these things.
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Did you guys know that it was possible to one hit kill The End in metal gear solid 3 in the actual boss fight and not when he was in his wheelchair? shot him once at the very beginning of the fight into the head and cutscene started. I was like WTF!? It was like my fourth playthrough.

I got a the sniper rifle and was looking for the End's scope glare but could not find it, then I suddenly saw something in the tall grass. I saw three wavy line things that blended in perfectly with the grass, looked just like it was suppose to be there.

I thought "Hey, it can't be his wrinkly forehead right? No way the game devs made a mistake right? Oh well why not I can't find him anyway and I can dodge a return shot." BOOM! Instant cutscene. Full health to nothing in one hit.
Did you guys know that it was possible to one hit kill The End in metal gear solid 3 in the actual boss fight and not when he was in his wheelchair? shot him once at the very beginning of the fight into the head and cutscene started. I was like WTF!? It was like my fourth playthrough.

I got a the sniper rifle and was looking for the End's scope glare but could not find it, then I suddenly saw something in the tall grass. I saw three wavy line things that blended in perfectly with the grass, looked just like it was suppose to be there.

I thought "Hey, it can't be his wrinkly forehead right? No way the game devs made a mistake right? Oh well why not I can't find him anyway and I can dodge a return shot." BOOM! Instant cutscene. Full health to nothing in one hit.
Never knew that. I wanted his stuff so I held him up and brought down his stamina gauge.
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It's those smaller details that make replays fun if you want to do it. Like Snake getting a cold.
Is it true that if you just hide during the End boss fight he'll eventually die on you?
Yup there's a cut scene where if you just save and wait a long time including by editing playstation time then it'll happen.
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Is it true that if you just hide during the End boss fight he'll eventually die on you?
If you save the game and come back a week to it he'll die from the passage of time yes.

And only a week for if you do it under it he'll snipe you as soon as you get back to the game since it triggers a cut scene of snake waking up from sleeping.
but who the heck do that

he an old man, he want to go down fighting

what sort of honorableness cur would just hide and wait until he keel over
but who the heck do that

he an old man, he want to go down fighting

what sort of honorableness cur would just hide and wait until he keel over


edit: On another mgs3 random thing I did, I played CQCed Volgin in a knife hold just to interrogate him. He just said to put that thing away (the knife) before CQCing me out of the knifehold. Didn't try to slit his throat though which I would like to try one day.
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Question how does Volgin realize Venom is not Naked? :V
There's a kind of dumb/brilliant theory that (probably subconsciously) knew Ishmael was Big Boss because Volgin actually spends most of his time in the prologue focusing on him rather then Ahab.

There's also how he would have realized who you were if not for that Truck interrupt.

Oh and for real MG3 establishes that the ghosts of those you killed recognize you as their killer even if you didn't alert them. So there's some precedent in bullshit ghost powers...

It's weird how this part draws more attention then the fact he's a ghost on fire who accidentally hooks into a Russian child's psychic powers by his want for vengeance.
...I highly doubt that considering she's spent more then decade fighting with the contra's to overthrow the Colombian government. She's given too much to that war to just run away and join up with us.

On the one hand, I am Colombian and so I have personal experience with the FARC and the other assholes doing the whole communist revolution dance. That is to say, I loathe them and that colors my perception of Amanda. This is personal to be sure, but I don't like her no matter how well the game presents her.

On the other hand....

[ ] PMC Ops 6: Contra War
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP

Mission Brief: Boss, we've just received a call from Amanda… she sounds good, yeah. But this is business Snake. The Anti-Sandinista Counter Revolution, or Contras have renewed their offensive in Nicaragua. The FLSN are backed into a corner after thinking that the Contras had lost their staying power after the last major offensive in '83.

Politically Boss, I don't know if there's even a 'right' side to this conflict, but I guess that's par for the course. Personally getting involved in a counter revolution against a recently successful revolution sounds like a bad time. Both sides are corrupt, except one is currently in power and the other is backed by it. However, we have history with Amanda. Is that enough for us to get involved in another proxy war between democracy and communism?

Hooooooooly shiiiiiiiiiit....

Ok guys, hear me out. You know who should be around these parts IF the setting is mixed up like I think it is?

This guy.

The best and most lethal member of Black Chamber, Slasher Hawk. Yes, I know Ghost Babel is an alternate reality to the main canon of the games, BUT there is the slight chance that he is here nonetheless given the timelines present. I asked Kona if this particular character would be showing up and he told me that, paraphrase him, it was plausible*.

Now, why would we want him? Because, you see, that giant boomerang he has? He can tear through rows of armored elite soldiers with it. And he should be recovering from having been the last survivor of his group from a good ol' ultra violent rogering from John and his boys. As in, he survived getting into a fight with Big Boss and his boys.

So while I don't want Amanda, man, Slasher Fucking Hawk.....

*in comparison to the other plans he had on the line.:p Not a complete assurance, I know, but man just the chance to have this guy...
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So, just a wwwwwwe bit of an anncountment, to prevent any possible confusion down the line.

I'm not doing the Ocelot Ghost In The Machine omake, I just can't get into the guys head, but someone else did agree to give it a shot instead. I'm not naming names, so that way in case it doesn't work out, nobody can blame anyone else or something similiar.

Instead, I will now be trying to finish my Huey Omake, if not tonight then tomorrow, cause writing that was actually relaxing.
In the hypothetical event that Gecko is infected by Dread Dust and succumbs, she would want her inevitable boss fight form to be called "Dust Devil"

In the even more hypothetical event of Gecko being infected by Dread Dust and making the nanomachines succumb to her will so that she could use their mutagenic powers for (sorta?) good instead of evil, she would like to have her codename changed to "Dread Gecko." (You hear that @konamikode?:V)

If Gecko knew that Dread dust was a thing In character, she would submit this request to the bosses.

Just a random Lazing Gecko blurb.
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Re-reading the updates and I found a thing.
But that means nothing. In the end, all I am is a shadow of Big Boss.

A copy.

A lesser replacement of a man deemed the greatest soldier in the world.

I hated it.

"No. If he wants to acknowledge my existence, he can do it himself-"
So, Eil is thinking the above right, well Naked Snake is about to show up on Motherbase personally, while Eli is here. So someone is going to have to explain the Phantom Situation to the kid, and then before he has time to process that, Naked Snake is going to say that HE isn't Big Boss anymore. Ahab EARNED that title while he proved himself unworthy of it.

Eli.EXE is going to crash hard enough to make Y2K flinch in horror.
Well, I've got work early tomorrow so I'm gonna go to bed. You all have a nice night thread.

Who knows, maybe when I check in the morning I'll see the review so I can stop freaking out all silly like.