Verified Water Sausage
Well the thing with Huey is that the pod is a main mission and explicitly time sensitive and I really want to get as much of all three as I can. Quiet I think is the one I have the most confidence we can get to next turn.
During Act 2 Huey decides to be an idiot and let's vocal parasites run rampant after one of our african recruits brings some on by accident. He might also have intended to sell some samples I think? Quiet seeing this freaks out and gets worried that her parasites might act up and start infecting other members of Mother Base so she bails hard.
I think the best way to prevent that is to ensure that the outbreak never happens since her motive was not distrust but the threat that her Parasites could kill all of mother base.
Fair enough i guess i felt that if it was more time sensitive than one turn length than Konamikode would have put it in the emergenct section.
Edit: Still think we should keep the vests though we need all the safety for our troops we can get.