Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

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Hello all, I am your QM (Quest Master) for the upcoming "Mammoth Apostate versus the World"...
Senpai Open_Sketchbook gave a like!!!


The third monkey...
Somewhere 'near' Atlanta Ga
Hello all, I am your QM (Quest Master) for the upcoming "Mammoth Apostate versus the World" Episode 1: 'Lost in the Mist'. It is my salute to "Pacific Rim" / "The Mist" movie based on Stephen King's Novella / "Hellboy" / "Cabin in the woods" and many other sources too numerous to cite here.

-----Edited in: This alternate universe is to be considered science-lite, I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes science/biology/genetics/etc... for narrative purposes wherever you smell techno-babble bullshit, roll with it -or- if it offends you to your core move along, this is not the quest for you. My intent is to entertain to the best of my limited ability with giant robots punching giant monsters.

As the question often arises "Did Open_Sketchbook give you permission to run his (original intellectual property) game?"
I found a post giving permission to all and sundry to have at it, and links to the necessary resources to make it all possible.
In Which Sketch Makes Games - Megathread - Pen & Paper | Page 85

I will warn you I'm a wordy rascal and brevity is a trait I lack.

As you might expect it is one more in a long list of contenders to carry on in the grand tradition of "Cherno Alpha vs the World".
It is inspired by; BUT is not quite the same world, mine is a dark and brutal world where "Although it takes a Jaeger to cancel the apocalypse,the common soldiers can be heroes too."

WARNING: there will be more RP, more logistics (mostly on my end), and a bit more grim/dark feel at times than the average vs the world quest.

I would like to thank:
My partner in crime who handheld me throughout my entire creative process. Thanks Highwind, I owe you a world.

Special thanks also go out to:
Open_Sketchbook (Cherno) for starting my obsession & creating Hardbroiled that mutated into Jaegerbroiled, Fyrstorm (Tacit Ronin) for allowing me to participate in his Quest, and borrow the Altitude System,Killbles(Horizon Brave)and use of their grapple system, and in no particular order: Supersonicsound (Verde Morous), Jace911 (Romeo Blue), Fallenworldful(Crimson Typhoon), ShirowShirow (Wild Ronin)& all Cherno's other spiritual successors.

Being a variant world the rules -generally- follow the Jaegerbroiled bitter vets both know and love. But being my brainchild I am taking the liberty to add my spin to those of the QM's who came before me, building on each, and borrowing liberally from those great Quests.

Enough of the introductory yammer, lets get in to the GAME!!!
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It is now 2026. Shit is fucked.

The world has suffered through years of incursions from the massive, alien Kaiju, invading our world through a wormhole in the depths of the Pacific. The Pan-Pacific Defense Force, and it's giant, metallic warriors, the Jaegers, have slowly been worn away, Jaegers falling and being left to rust in their watery graves, facilities closing, and budgets repeatedly slashed, as the politicians fund a different solution: a wall around the Pacific.

Then, the war takes a turn for the worse. Just as the last remaining Jaegers are mustered for a final assault on the Breach in the depths of Challenger Deep, a second breach opens in the Atlantic Ocean's Puerto Rico Trench. The PPDC, already operating on a shoestring budget because of the 'Wall of Life' debacle, now scrambles to open Shatterdomes along the Atlantic Coastlines, and founds a new branch: The Pan-Atlantic Defense Forces.

Humanity's defenders find themselves suddenly being forced to open dozens of new Shatterdomes around the Atlantic, and, suddenly refit is no longer viewed as prohibitively expensive, but a necessity. They rush to repair the fallen Jaegers, but, even so, supply cannot keep up with demand. Where once a Shatterdome might house and service four to six Jaegers, two become the new standard. A new threat also emerges, as small pockets of Kaiju-like organisms spring up around the world. But the worst was yet to come...


Amongst the fallen retrieved from the graveyards of Oblivion Bay and Santa Monica is Mammoth Apostle. Mammoth Apostle was a originally Mark-IV American Jaeger, stationed at the Los Angeles Shatterdome, until its closure in 2024. Shortly after being transfered to a new facility, on October 4, 2024, Mammoth Apostle was deployed alongside fellow Mark IV Striker Eureka, from Australia, to fight the Kaiju that emerged from the breach in Kuching, Malaysia.

During the battle, Mammoth Apostle was gutted from reactor up, the Kaiju's claws slicing through it's chest, and then the monster crushed Apostles head into it's torso, forcing superheated reactor plasma into the Conpod. After Striker Eureka finally killed the Kaiju, Pan Pacific Defense Corps retrieved the twisted remains of the Jaeger, which were then sent to the Santa Monica scrapyard, the final resting place of forgotten and neglected Jaegers.

Once retrieved from it's resting place, Mammoth's frame is bustled off for rebuild to the incomplete Shatterdome in Savanna, Georgia. But before it can be repaired, events again intervene. The world trembles as the first Category V Kaiju emerges from the deep, and the sky dies under flood of radioactive particles.

The end of the world as we knew it had arrived.

Fast forward three months from the sky rending appearance of the Cat V, Codenamed: 'Apocalypse'.

It took over a month after the skies died before Mammoth Apostle's frame was able to be fully cleansed of the radiation from the death of it's reactor. It's fitted with a new Hypercompact reactor, and new weapons, though both of these pale in comparison to what it once had. The newly reborn Mammoth Apostate is a Mark II, and much weaker than it's predecessor. Mammoth Apostate was intended to trade blows toe to toe and come out on top, but no one knows how it's improvised refit will affect this. He never got beyond a functional frame until two month ago...never saw combat until forced to make the Atlanta exodus.

(Mammoth Apostle is a Cannon Jaeger but devoid of ANY artwork, info on weapons, or stats). Visual description my AU: More heavily armored 'Striker Eureka' style chassis no visible reactor , oversized buckler bracers, 2 reinforced & weaponized dorsal (chest/torso) fins that run belly button to nipple with the tusks tips rising just over the shoulders('the Mammoths tusks') based off the success of Romeo Blues design, head sits lower than shoulders peering above a gorget like collar (Chest/neck) Horizon Brave inspired. these are designed to help mitigate head strikes. Although the recessed head and gorget give the con pod 1 additional unbreakable AP the Jaeger gains a design flaw; Limited field of vision 180 degree frontal and nothing at point blank below his knees unless he stoops.


You and your fellow PODC council members are currently holed up in what remains of the city of Atlanta, Georgia, after being forced to retreat from Savannah, due to the approach of a coordinated band of five Kaiju: Four Cat IIs, and a Cat IV. More than your forces could reasonably handle. Your evac had to be done without the benefit of your carryall squadron as they were currently down for maintenance, due to the radioactive particles choking their engines from their last deployment.

Your motorcade convoy would have never made it away in time except for your Shatterdome's second Jaeger; the veteran Mk V "Bracer Phoenix", piloted by the base's senior officer, Marshal Jeannette Deveraux, and her co-pilots Michael Casey & Ian St. John. They used themselves as bait to draw the deadly group away from the city, to open up the escape route you and forces, including Mammoth Apostate, took to Atlanta.

30 miles out, you lost radio contact with Bracer Phoenix. At last word, the Marshal was staying ahead of the pursuing Kaiju, and she was looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta and the Varsity's hot dogs and onion rings would be on you... nearly 2 weeks have passed and she hasn't arrived yet.

Your own trip was not without incident. Your forces had to kill two Cat 0s that attempted to ambush the rearmost vehicles in the caravan, and an overly confident Cat 1 that charged your Jaeger from the forest beside the highway.

You have one slightly battered but still functional Jaeger, a handful of former Anti-Kaiju military units, some civilian militia, an improvised mobile 'mini' shatterdome (in reality no more than a fleet of semi tractor trailers with scaffolding, cranes, armor bits, and a downscaled set of auto jigs to fabricate parts and perform -most- repairs on the fly), and two wings of helicopters, 1 scout squadron / 1 attack helicopter squadron.

You have gathered an immense group of camp followers, numbering well over 9,000. When your convoy left Savannah, it was in charge of almost 1,000 PPDC techs, scientists, engineers and their families. These non-military personnel are intent on staying as close to the last functioning Jaeger they know of, as best they can. So far they can't be dissuaded by anything short of lethal force to stop following you and have actually pulled their weight foraging and scouting for you.

Your mission, as a member of the leading council of one of the remaining fragments of the PODC, is to survive, and, hopefully, reclaim your Shatterdome, your country, and perhaps, even your world...

The Kaiju invaders have always carried what seemed to be parasites, along with plant spores, from their native universe. At first these were regarded as merely curiosities, these lifeforms dying within hours. No one gave them much thought, that is until someone realized they were *adapting*. Hours became days, then weeks, and, eventually, persistent nests.

These stable Anteverse biomes, usually referred to as 'nests', seem intent on replacing our biosphere with one more suitable for it's inhabitants. All sample of both plant and animal life found in them are predatory in the extreme, and they cause environmental damage to the area surrounding the nest, denuding and devouring all terrestrial life they encounter, and growing larger all the while

While to a Jaeger, they may seem inconsequential, it's an entirely different story for a civilian encountering a single bulldog-sized organism out for blood, much less a pack of them. And far worse creatures lurk within the nests. If an infestation is left alone for too long, a dominant creature will eat most of its nest mates and grow larger still.

At first, these larger, dominant Anteverse creatures are too small to fit the Serizawa Scale, and are dubbed "Category 0's", but there have been Category I Kaiju found without the radiation consistent with Breach exposure. Thus, it seems that these nests if left to grow can actually produce earthborn Kaiju.

Even the smallest creatures produced by the nests can be deadly. They roam the world, wantonly attacking small villages, travellers, and native lifeforms. Whenever they find a food rich environment, they then start their own nests, which further threatens their surrounding environment. These small bands of creatures have been given the designation by PPDC command as 'Anteverse Parasitic Infestations', abbreviated as API's. The soldiers in the field call them 'Gribblies' or 'Gribs' to the consternation of Command.

API's are generally too small to effectively engage with Jaegers. Think of it like using a shotgun to kill houseflies, it CAN work but is massive overkill and in no way effective to do so. Collateral damage is guaranteed. As such, using Jaegers against such foes is not recommended.

Most conventional forces can engage somewhat more effectively, but, again, due to the shear size and power of Kaiju effective weapons, especially pitted against API's able to use cover and concealment, they are less than optimal solutions. Air and armored units engage at a penalty when engaging in anything but open terrain with good sight lines. In urban combat, Kaiju scale weaponry risks causing extensive damage and civilian casualties.

The best solution to such pests is to call for the infantry. Conventional Infantry equipped with human-scale weapons can engage and by using envelopment and flanking, can effectively engage these smallest scale combatants face to face, house to house, door to door.

Large concentrations of people 1,000+ risk drawing the attention of Kaiju on a weekly basis.

Smaller settlements > 1,000 might not draw the colossal kaiju, but the roaming vermin of an Antiverse Parasitic Infestation find them quite enticing.

Hamlets of less than 100 people are mostly ignored unless of course they just happen to be along a migration path to somewhere bigger.

(OOC: Drive thru snackage anyone?)
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Your forces:

Improvements that span your territories and boost the entirety of your Protectorate.

  • Atlanta / Macon / Wadely ( stop yet to be Added) / Savannah Railway

  • Original Efforts by the Commodity Exchange Caravan to clear the major highways between Atlanta & Savannah has now been assumed by PODC Combat Engineers (with a surprising amount of assistance from locals along the route). Roads may now be travelled in relative safety.

Rioting/Panicked/Unease/Steady/Calm/Enthusiastic 6/10/2019

Dead/Devastated/Unstable/Stable/Growing/Thriving 6/10/2019

Rioting/Panicked/Unease/Steady/Calm/Enthusiastic 6/10/2019

Dead/Devastated/Unstable/Stable/Growing/Thriving 6/10/2019

Composite Outpost Morale Score
Rioting/Panicked/Unease/Steady/Calm/Enthusiastic 6/10/2019

Super Heavy Units:

Conventional Military Units:

Outpost & Allied City States:
Known Threats

Inventory: Here is where you can find your resource bank, research tokens, participation awards, and the quartermaster keeps you physical items.

Rule changes from standard 'JaegerBroiled'

Downtime Actions

Build Sheet

Item Stat Sheet


Freely editable research ideas
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Helpful reading for newer players

@aledeth 's Giant Robots And You (a short Vs. The World guide)

@KnightDisciple 's The Spirit of The Jaeger (a look at the development and personification of the titular machines)

Mammoth Apostle Narrative Archive (Story Only) Need to catch up in hurry? This links for you...

The below is one of the best examples of a VS the World quests done right. Ran by @Fyrstorm

@LostDeviljho 's amazing Tacit Ronin vs. The World Grand Archive (an all story thread of the quest thus far)

Smithsguild's Rulez: These are my personal rules pertaining to this quest.
Rule #1 This alternate universe is to be considered science-lite, I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to science/biology/genetics/etc... for narrative purposes wherever you smell techno-babble bullshit, roll with it -or- if it offends you to your core move along, this is not the quest for you. My intent is to entertain to the best of my limited ability with giant robots punching giant monsters.

Rule #2 You may ALWAYS write in a better solution, if it gains consensus we will run with it.

Rule #3 regarding research; "You can research ANYTHING..." is a long standing VS the world tradition. The rolls may not be easy, you may need many ongoing successes, or it may have multiple prerequisites steps needed for success but sky is the limit.

Rule # 4 The rule of Cool. If a thing is not covered by existing mechanics, but would ultimately make for cinematic opportunity of epic coolness -ASK- cool can accomplish the amazing.
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----Edit: Content has -nearly- all been brought up to date.

In the interim however I think I've made enough information available for you all to have a general idea of my intent.

I'm sure you may have a question or ten by now and before the actual quest kicks off it might be best to open the floor for some general questions or requests for clarification on certain points.

This Quest is now 'officially' opened for business; once I open it up however I'm taking myself to bed and will respond to questions before we get to an actual first narrative/vote. Probably will start answering questions 10:00 AM EST and once I feel that your initial questions are addressed I'll move the story along.

For those awaiting the signal; I swore I'd make it as unambiguous as possible so here goes:

'Greenlight Go...'
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Okay so we can't build anything, our forces are shit and we can't repair major damage because we have no base.

[X]Plan: Rebase
-[X] Search for a good place to set up shop
-[X] Send out the scouts to search for Bracer Phoenix

Going forward we should get those militia units upgraded to AK brigades if possible and rush for pop 10 once we get a base.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, and that strategy was definitely sound in other vs Quests, but we are nowhere near planning or voting just yet... I have some vital narrative information to share after a chance for others to get their Q&A out of the way.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, and that strategy was definitely sound in other vs Quests, but we are nowhere near planning or voting just yet... I have some vital narrative information to share after a chance for others to get their Q&A out of the way.

Oh, sorry you said go and I thought it was voting time, I'll delete it.

EDIT: It's deleted.
Lol actually yes...

Although the menu is a quite a bit leaner and the portions are miniscule, you can get most of the staples...

It seems almost a matter of pride amongst the locals. How could Atlanta 'really' be Atlanta without the Varisty's greasy spoon cuisine.


Ease of access however doesn't seem to be a priority; for about a block around the Varisity most of the approaches are blocked by impromptu walls of vehicles that are stacked haphazardly. These are patrolled grimly by men and women that carry a hodgepodge assortment of firearms and impromptu melee weapons.

The Varsity's large parking area is crammed to capacity by your convoy and camp followers in pop up tents, Rv's, & school busses. Most of the staff of the Varisity are intent on following Mammoth when you leave.
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(OOC) I am truly surprised that with the glut of information I've provided that I've not generated any questions regarding the new mechanics I'm instituting. Either I've done a stellar job explaining things beyond the need to clarify (I'm dubious), or we're assuming this is 'just another'tm ​versus the world in a new package (hopefully I'm better than that).

I figured the rules variants for personalized 'Elites' or "Civilian Casualties" might raise an eyebrow or two or elicit a comment. Leaving things open for Q&A until 12:00 EST and then posting some more on the narrative.


I also wanted to draw attention to the fact that MA's second pilot is still an amorphous, non-entity and without them MA faces combat short one pilot perk. If discussing rules aren't appealing we can open discussion for getting Keerat a companion in the Conn-pod.

Generate a name, 2 personality traits, maybe a small background for flavor? And then I can assign you a second perk. (See Keerat on MA's sheet for an example if needed).
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I'll gladly throw in a suggestion for Ranger #2 once I get a good chance to read over the links in detail. Same with suggesting a plan. In the meantime, though, I'll just have to wait and see.
I am truly surprised that with the glut of information I've provided that I've not generated any questions regarding the new mechanics I'm instituting. have posted the thread with a comment that basically amounted to "will edit in content later".
That's not the best way to start the thread. I am not sure people have even noticed the new content since not eveyone renews their page to see if it is there yet.
Call to vote have posted the thread with a comment that basically amounted to "will edit in content later".
That's not the best way to start the thread. I am not sure people have even noticed the new content since not everyone renews their page to see if it is there yet.

A valid point, edited old confusing message out. This being my first Quest on SV (or any forum as I'm more an RPG in my living room guy) I'm sure that will be the least of my errors. All I can ask for is your kind indulgence as I work my way into this. Thanking all in advance for their patience.


[Timeline post Apocalypse (Cat. 5) , 3 months 14 days]
Your Commander is now two weeks over due, you've had no communications with any outside forces.

As the interim leadership the council has a rough decision to make.

Dig in temporarily at Atlanta and wait for Bracer Phoenix? The Combat Engineers are confident they can improvise the foundation of a more permanent settlement and even if you abandon it later the citizens of Atlanta will benefit from your hard work -or- should you attempt to recover your Shatterdome & find the Commander in Savannah?

Even as you begin to convene to hash these matters out someone approaches and demands to personally speak with whomever is in charge. When asked what this is about he states simply his time is valuable and he doesn't want to repeat himself endlessly to a bunch of underlings. He needs to speak to the decision makers...

An expensively dressed Gentleman awaits, a little crumpled but with a sense of purpose and authority that are tangible in the air around him.

[ ] Send him away. You're way too busy to waste time on indulging some rich guys sense of self importance.
[ ] Hear him out.
[ ] write in... have posted the thread with a comment that basically amounted to "will edit in content later".
That's not the best way to start the thread. I am not sure people have even noticed the new content since not eveyone renews their page to see if it is there yet.
Well, that, and some of us were involved in the beta testing. And/or asleep.

Mammoth is very well armored, but that's almost necessary if we're starting out unable to repair Major Wounds. I'm very inclined to head out to Savannah and recover what we can from the Shatterdome, if not retake the city. That might be biting off more than we can really chew, though. We'll have to see about getting some data on what's there.

Anyways, we should probably talk to the guy. Worst case scenario, if he wastes our time, we can verbally rake him over the coals for some catharsis.

[X] Hear him out.
When one posts in a thread, it is automatically put on their watch, and they get notified when an update arrives.
So you want your first post to be interactive and prompt posts in responce so that people would then receive notifications when something changes in the thread. If they don't see a notification, they don't know to come back.

A notification alert only triggers once a new post goes up in the thread. Editing the post does not trigger the alert again. Just the way the forums work.

[x] Send him away. You're way too busy to waste time on indulging some rich guys sense of self importance.
API's are generally too small to effectively engage with Jaegers. Think of it like using a shotgun to kill houseflies, it CAN work but is massive overkill and in no way effective to do so. Collateral damage is guaranteed.
I prefer explosive flypaper. The sharp snap and cloud of purple smoke produced by nitrogen triiodide crystals going off is so satisfying. Just be careful when making it. NI3​ is safest (though not entirely safe) when wet. Dry, it goes off if you tickle it with a feather.
When one posts in a thread, it is automatically put on their watch, and they get notified when an update arrives.
So you want your first post to be interactive and prompt posts in responce so that people would then receive notifications when something changes in the thread. If they don't see a notification, they don't know to come back.

A notification alert only triggers once a new post goes up in the thread. Editing the post does not trigger the alert again. Just the way the forums work.
To be fair, since there's another quest running a similar system, and several of us from there knew this quest was going to happen, Smith's got something of a built-in player-base.
Just calling on more experience heads how long should I leave a vote open to allow you time to reach consensus? I know it is based on how large a readership base I've generated but currently I have no yardstick to measure that.

I'm arbitrarily setting it at checking for a consensus in 8-10 hours to allow our later in the day readers some wiggle room . Will adjust as I have a firmer grasp on our pacing.
(There are a few typos in the infopost, mostly in the form of the wrong homophone being used—your instead of you're, their instead of there, etc. It's still comprehensible, but the typos make it look less "professional".)

The battered shell was retrieved, sent to the Santa Monica scrapyard as the damage the repair teams found was excessive...The refit cost were deemed prohibitive.
[stuff happens] Suddenly refit is no longer viewed as prohibitive, but expedient.
Huh? In 2024, the cost of refitting the ruined Jaeger were "prohibitive," but in 2026 it was deemed necessary. What changed? Were they just not replacing lost Jaegers in 2024? Were some critical Jaeger-construction facilities damaged by 2026? Is a large chunk of Jaegers' construction cost the raw materials and not the human time and skill required to assemble them?
Is this something inspired by a bit in one of the films that wasn't well-explained there, either?

A stable and aggressive Antiverse biosphere usually referred to as 'nests' seem intent on replacing our own. All sample of both plant and animal life are found to be predatory in the extreme and they cause environmental damage surrounding the nest by denuding and devouring all earth based biomes they encounter.
If those parasites didn't include producers of some kind, I question the stability of their biosphere...and if they did, I question why they evolved to be parasites.
(Also, the evolution is going ridiculously fast, but it doesn't rely on evolutionary levels so it's better than a lot of sci-fi.)

(OOC) I am truly surprised that with the glut of information I've provided that I've not generated any questions regarding the new mechanics I'm instituting. Either I've done a stellar job explaining things beyond the need to clarify (I'm dubious), or we're assuming this is 'just another'tm ​versus the world in a new package (hopefully I'm better than that).
Personally, I know too little of the base mechanics to really comment on the changes or anything. But with that in mind, the mechanics changes seem straightforward. Generic mooks can become named elite mooks, civilian casualties and sniper rifles are a thing, some rules tweaks.
I'm kinda surprised that civilian casualties are so low. When I think of Kaiju-scale attacks causing collateral damage, I think of destroying buildings and killing hundreds. Am I missing something scale-wise?


[X] Hear him out.
What's the worst he can do, annoy us?
(There are a few typos in the infopost, mostly in the form of the wrong homophone being used—your instead of you're, their instead of there, etc. It's still comprehensible, but the typos make it look less "professional".)

Huh? In 2024, the cost of refitting the ruined Jaeger were "prohibitive," but in 2026 it was deemed necessary. What changed? Were they just not replacing lost Jaegers in 2024? Were some critical Jaeger-construction facilities damaged by 2026? Is a large chunk of Jaegers' construction cost the raw materials and not the human time and skill required to assemble them?
Is this something inspired by a bit in one of the films that wasn't well-explained there, either?

If those parasites didn't include producers of some kind, I question the stability of their biosphere...and if they did, I question why they evolved to be parasites.
(Also, the evolution is going ridiculously fast, but it doesn't rely on evolutionary levels so it's better than a lot of sci-fi.)

Personally, I know too little of the base mechanics to really comment on the changes or anything. But with that in mind, the mechanics changes seem straightforward. Generic mooks can become named elite mooks, civilian casualties and sniper rifles are a thing, some rules tweaks.
I'm kinda surprised that civilian casualties are so low. When I think of Kaiju-scale attacks causing collateral damage, I think of destroying buildings and killing hundreds. Am I missing something scale-wise?


[X] Hear him out.
What's the worst he can do, annoy us?
(There are a few typos in the infopost, mostly in the form of the wrong homophone being used—your instead of you're, their instead of there, etc. It's still comprehensible, but the typos make it look less "professional".)

Huh? In 2024, the cost of refitting the ruined Jaeger were "prohibitive," but in 2026 it was deemed necessary. What changed? Were they just not replacing lost Jaegers in 2024? Were some critical Jaeger-construction facilities damaged by 2026? Is a large chunk of Jaegers' construction cost the raw materials and not the human time and skill required to assemble them?
Is this something inspired by a bit in one of the films that wasn't well-explained there, either?

If those parasites didn't include producers of some kind, I question the stability of their biosphere...and if they did, I question why they evolved to be parasites.
(Also, the evolution is going ridiculously fast, but it doesn't rely on evolutionary levels so it's better than a lot of sci-fi.)

Personally, I know too little of the base mechanics to really comment on the changes or anything. But with that in mind, the mechanics changes seem straightforward. Generic mooks can become named elite mooks, civilian casualties and sniper rifles are a thing, some rules tweaks.
I'm kinda surprised that civilian casualties are so low. When I think of Kaiju-scale attacks causing collateral damage, I think of destroying buildings and killing hundreds. Am I missing something scale-wise?


[X] Hear him out.
What's the worst he can do, annoy us?

Firstly, I apologize for my poor grammar. I am no English Major, and my educational level is self educated beyond obtaining my G.E.D.

I endeavor to appear functionality literate, but sometimes I am guilty of as Weird Al calls them "Word Crimes". If my failures make my quest untenable for you I am sorry to have wasted your time. I will try to better my posting but I can guarantee nothing and this was meant as my humble attempt to entertain...

Secondly, the second breach in the Atlantic, located in the Puerto Rican Trench makes getting every Jaeger possible mobile as we are now fighting a war on two fronts changes the model for what was prohibitive / expedient.

When I stated there would be additional logistics I did not mean spreadsheet levels of minutiae. This is purely my spin on how an Atlantic breach suddenly exposes a lot more of the world to the dangers of Kaiju attacks and necessitate the construction of many new Shatterdomes. Which in turn means a metric shit-ton of Jaegers.

Regarding the parasites and spores, lets view them as engineered organisms designed to adapt as a form of ongoing biological attack to further terraform the planet and be another layer to the Precursors extermination campaign.

Actually the original draft of the casualty rules are much harsher, and I scaled them back. Remember the dice rolls are per strike above the armor provide by a defensive perimeter... with explosive dice in the mix that can become horrendous quite quickly .
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Also wanted to point out new things that are being introduced such as the casualty rules are subject to adjustment. I will show the courtesy to announce any such changes in advance, and hear feedback before acting.
Adhoc vote count started by Smithsguild on Jul 1, 2018 at 7:46 PM, finished with 25 posts and 7 votes.