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  • Anaja


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No elf would ever consider it, and for dwarves or halflings it would have been pointless. As such, technically, nowhere in the laws of the Empire of Sigmar was it written that only humans could become members of the Colleges of Magic.
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Norgrim Grimsson hates the idea of danger in any proximity to his person, that's why he chose to become a Dwarf Ranger and brave the untamed, deadly wilderness of the outside world. He is a Dwarf of many contradictions. He also talks to some nebulous audience in his mind and sometimes in public without realizing and gets the side-eye because of it. He is in the eyes of many, himself grudgingly included, at least a little bit insane.
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Cast adrift in a foreign world, his boon companions far from his side and strange local customs to navigate? Must be a Thorsday. This is a companion quest to 'A Soldier Adrift: Captain Westeros', which can be found here and here. Thor crash lands on Mallus at a time which has yet to be revealed, deep in the mountains of Norsca. I have left the votes in to provide context to people reading the story only versions. I write it elsewhere, and intend to post to various forums when I have a...
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The fire may have faded, but a spark remains, buried within war-torn ash.
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A/n: I have a bunch of this written already, I'll be posting it in chunks until I run out, then...
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A Beastman rages against the foolish destruction of its kin, and seeks to bring peace back to the forests
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What washes off stains more? The blood of others, or yours? After fighting for her existence, Jeanne finds herself in a seemingly malformed singularity: The World That Was.
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Mallus, the world that was, is but dust, lost to the laughter of cruel gods. The Celestial Dragon Emperor of Grand Cathay managed to save two of his children; Zhao Ming and Miao Ying ... and yet, that was not the end of the story. Remnant, a world in peril is now home to the blood of the Celestial Emperor. Now with a new family, can the Dragons of Cathay find peace here, or will they be brought down?
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In our darkest hours, the brightest lights will shine. Votes occur on the Spacebattles thread.
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Erza just wanted to go home and eat cake, how did she end up with a Kingdom? How did this happen? And why are there massive rats everywhere?
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This is our home
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A thief, a fake noble, and a graverobber are absolutely the best people to send out on a heist. Just ignore the glowing warpy signals on the grand journey to steal the silverware. Who knows, the Old World may be irreversibly changed due to actions of the greedy, arrogant, and idiotic. Fate hasn't seen them coming, yet these three bumble in all the same.
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Exactly are the title suggests. A cheeky space mammal decides to screw with an intensifying American election campaign. Hilarity and universal disruption ensues.
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"Expand your horizons. Go forth and seek discovery... as the bearer of Azem's crystal, you may consider it your duty to see at least that much." And so the Warrior of Light journeys onward, to new worlds and new horizons. To a world lit by twin moons, where monsters lurk in every shadow and thirsting gods hunger for mortal souls. To a world in dire need of heroes.
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Apparently dealing with an genocidal space whale wanting to destroy every version of earth it can find is the prologue. Now, watch as I try to punch away my problems in warhammer fantasy and sort of succeed. What do you mean they are building a temple to me?!
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From distant shores arrives a foreigner upon the shores of the Old World, bringing with them change and chaos that not even the Weaver of Fate could have foreseen. Crossposted from SB
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This is what it says on the tin-another "Island in the Sea of Time" thread that Beer and me...
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Synopsis: "The Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane finds herself in The Warhammer World after escaping from the kingdom of Liones and evading the Holy Knights' pursuit and ends up running into Magnus the Pious and his army. With no knowledge of the unknown land, she offers her services as a Giant Clan warrior and tags along with them. Now if only those humans stop staring at her Gideon."
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The WHF version of Europe replaces the real life continent.
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Can't an ancient monster from before the coming of elves, dwarfs, and man get her beauty sleep?
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Trying to see if I can write a planeswalker story. Your criticism is welcome.
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An ex-warehouse worker-turned-starving writer finds himself transported to the Old World, to the Land of Chivalry, and embarks on a quest to sup from the Holy Grail so he can return home.
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Little Varian was having a very normal day, a little boring but normal. Luckily he had his lollipop with him. There was nothing special that day, nothing to indicate what was about to happen soon. The only thing that could be called "special" were the two brutes captured by the guards he had glimpsed, but nothing more. So why was the Little Varian with a hideous giant rat in his bedroom? And why only could he see it ?! Oh! Maybe it's his imaginary friend !? "Ikit Claw no friend! Nobody...
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Chaos is all things, not just the bad. Is it so wrong to try to changes things for the better instead of changing for the worse?
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This is basically part of my world building project where Seiros and the four Saints from Fire Emblem: Three House arrive in Warhammer fantasy during the time of Sigmar and establish their own nation in the Border Region.
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Fear of failure causes Louise to seek the knowledge that insures she succeeds in her summoning ritual. Though sometimes failure is the best teacher, no matter how far it takes you because some knowledge is best kept hidden.
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AN: I can't concentrate on writing what I should be writing since this idea won't leave me...
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An Elf on a journey. How did he get where he ends up? Its anyone's guess really. **Disclaimer: Take what the MC says with a grain of salt, as he is simply describing things from his point of view. Nothing he says could be considered 100% right as he has his biases**
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Looking to escape the meddling reach of the Council of 13, Skritch, leader of Clan Gnawmak builds a portal in secret that will bring them to a distant land away from their influence. However, this gate brings them not to a new land but to a new world entirely, a land called Tamriel. Despite the uncertainty of the unknown, Skritch only sees opportunities to found his own Ender-Empire. Will a hero of Tamriel rise to the challenge of stopping the Skaven menace, or will they all succumb to the...
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Let's see if this style of a story can work. a strategic gamer as it were.
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