The Real Adventures of Norgrim Grimsson, Exasperated Recluse (Warhammer Fantasy SI)

AN: You what would be really funny? Making this lull a fake out. :^)
I want to enjoy this, it's so well written, but HOLY FUCK IS IT DEPRESSING. Every chapter he monologues in his head and I get the same feeling if I'm watching the news where I want to pull out the hard liquor and a fucking rope. This isn't a good thing, this is the opposite of escapism which is what I read fiction for. This is worse then the world being out to get the MC like with Dresden, or 40k's Cain, because while the world is shitting on him he is shitting on himself even more. Do you think you could tone it down a notch so I'm not constantly thinking the miserable fuck would do himself a service if he tripped neck first onto his axe?
I think the angst is appropriate, personally. Just might not be the right story for Lancelot right now.

I liked the hard bread. Did a good deal of showing for why the frostbeards are looking at him as they are.
Norgrim is not a naturally cheery dwarf and recent events have not helped his overall mental state.
Even in the chapters before that he was depressing to the point that I don't know why he didn't go slayer and commit suicide by dragon, or ork army. I know dwarfs sad, but holy fuck Gotrek, and others in the various decent books aren't nearly that bad, and Gotrek is actively trying to die.
I want to enjoy this, it's so well written, but HOLY FUCK IS IT DEPRESSING. Every chapter he monologues in his head and I get the same feeling if I'm watching the news where I want to pull out the hard liquor and a fucking rope. This isn't a good thing, this is the opposite of escapism which is what I read fiction for. This is worse then the world being out to get the MC like with Dresden, or 40k's Cain, because while the world is shitting on him he is shitting on himself even more. Do you think you could tone it down a notch so I'm not constantly thinking the miserable fuck would do himself a service if he tripped neck first onto his axe?
I think that rather than demanding that a story that is, at least partially, about the fundamental depression at the heart of many a dwarf in the modern Karaz Ankor and the perspective of a modern human on such, should change from the ground up to please you, you might want to simply read something else. There is no shortage of more uplifting stories out there.

Especially if it is really taking a toll on your mental state. There is no medal for working yourself through a story you do not enjoy.
Even in the chapters before that he was depressing to the point that I don't know why he didn't go slayer and commit suicide by dragon, or ork army. I know dwarfs sad, but holy fuck Gotrek, and others in the various decent books aren't nearly that bad, and Gotrek is actively trying to die.
Oh he intends to become a Slayer. He just has to get his affairs in order before he takes the oath.
Soon we'll be safely behind the walls of Everpeak, I'll get Alrika home, grovel before the High King for a tax break for my Clan or something, deal with my surviving family, then spend my time figuring out who exactly is responsible for killing the rest so that I can do the expected thing and relentlessly chase them until either they or I die.
He's got four things on his bucket list before charging off into the wilderness to kill his target/die trying.
I think that rather than demanding that a story that is, at least partially, about the fundamental depression at the heart of many a dwarf in the modern Karaz Ankor and the perspective of a modern human on such, should change from the ground up to please you, you might want to simply read something else. There is no shortage of more uplifting stories out there.

Especially if it is really taking a toll on your mental state. There is no medal for working yourself through a story you do not enjoy.

I'm not demanding anything the closest I got to that is ASKING if if you could turn it down a notch or two. No words in my mouth, or post that weren't there please.

He's got four things on his bucket list before charging off into the wilderness to kill his target/die trying.
A slayer doesn't focus on one target it's a oath to find things to kill and to keep killing until their dead. That is a bit different from focusing on a singular target to take it out or die trying, and to do so as a slayer would likely break his oath to a fucking Ancestor.
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Oh he intends to become a Slayer. He just has to get his affairs in order before he takes the oath.

He's got four things on his bucket list before charging off into the wilderness to kill his target/die trying.
I don't think he's going to be a Slayer. He wants to kill the culprit or die trying, but if he lives through it I think he'd be willing to go back to his clan and his life.
It was nice to see how Norgrim is still coping with everything. At least from now on everything will be alright and nothing bad will ever happen again :V

Also Alrika is most likely Thorgrim's aunt but what if she is actually his mother? Do we have anything on this whether canon or soulcake's word? Imagine Norgrim's reaction to this: a few decades after this current arc/business his old friend princess Alrika and her princely husband call him to celebrate their son's birthday, high king's eldest nephew. It turns out they decided to name him Thorgrim.
Huh. I was going to suggest that it'd be a bit young for him, but you're right. He was born around this time to one of the High King's daughters.
Oh he intends to become a Slayer. He just has to get his affairs in order before he takes the oath.

He's got four things on his bucket list before charging off into the wilderness to kill his target/die trying.
That doesn't read as slayer to me. That reads as more standard single minded grudgeness, along the lines of Bugman against Git Guzzler or Belegar's obsession with the eight peaks. Where you are expected to right an especially grievous wrong as priority #1, but if you succeed you can theoretically resume your normal life. Note that he sees killing the creature responsible as something which would end his hunt.

(This can lead to slayerdom, but isn't guaranteed to. During the time of Mandred Skavenslayer, a dwarf had his brother killed and ancestral weapon stolen by a skaven warlord. He swore to hunt the skaven down and that either him or the skaven would die. This resulted in several years of hunting, but he only actually swore the slayer oath after crossing blades with the skaven, getting knocked aside, and the skaven leaving with both of them alive).
I'm not demanding anything the closest I got to that is ASKING if if you could turn it down a notch or two. No words in my mouth, or post that weren't there please.
If your asking involves telling an author that their work makes you suicidal, it tends to get seen as more forcefully than politely asking.

You know, due to the unspoken "or I'll kill myself".

You tend to use some pretty strong language in your request as well, and I've never really seen a polite request ended with "also you Self Insert you made in your image would be better off dead".

If that isn't what you intended I apologize, I don't tend to have the best grip on hyperbole purely through text, so I tend to take people at their word when they say they want to get a rope.

My point remains though. If you don't enjoy a fundamental pillar of the story, instead of asking the author to make it worse for all the readers who enjoy the story for what it is (by, you know, changing the thing you are asking to be changed), you could just find a story you enjoy.

I get criticising execution of themes or any particular writing decision, but "an accurate look into the mind of a beardling who just lost most of his family and is at risk of getting the rest exiled from their home is not a fun time" seems to be pretty integral to the premise to me.
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Norgrim got messed up but he's still alive and that's what matters. He seems to have gotten a good reputation for helping the princess and surviving, but there's also the fact Baraz wants a Ranger's view on what happened.
I think Norgrimm is avoiding the obvious question in how they look at him. How was he the only dwarf not to succumb to the sleep effect? He's told his story honestly so they know what happened, I think, but that means he looks either supernaturally lucky, prescient, or to actually be a secret badass hero.
Thanks for the chapter!

I like the idea that Norgrimm is absolute shit at cooking Dwarf stuff but if you give him stuff that he would have cooked with in his last life he isnt half bad.
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Is he going to faint everytime there is a big fight? I understand the first time and the avalanche but... again? Really? He is going to get a cruel nickname if that keeps happening, something like 'The Sleepy Ranger' maybe. Even at the end of this chapter it looks like ihe is going to fall sleep just from a little walk, he is a DWARF, he can take that punishment easily.
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