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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


It is the 41st Millenium. For more than a hundred centuries you have sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Terra and guided humanity through carefully wrought visions and subtle blessings. Now, in the Eye of Terror, the forces of Chaos are gathering once more under the banner of Abaddon the Despoiler for a 13th Black Crusade. But through your guiding hand, the Imperium will be ready for them. Cadia will stand. Abaddon will fall. So you have decided and so it will be.
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Welcome to the Big Apple. Life expectancy for a contractee is short and brutal, and most of the place has long since been carved up by different, often changing, groups. It's rather unfortunate, then, that you don't have any other options to get what you want, especially when you consider what you really are.
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The Spire is a painful place. You think you're going to shatter its ugly mug.
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The year was 1956 and the palace stood empty. For almost thirty years the nation of Atontierra had been under the rule of Presidente Alvar Vergara before death claimed him with no successor in sight. Now a new Presidente takes charge of the nation. Will he lead the small Latin American nation to greatness or to ruin?
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Dawn breaks a brilliant red over the Elemental Nations. An ill omen, to those who know the saying. Take warning, a storm approaches. The world turns, steadily approaching the culmination of a thousand different factors. One of the most important moments of this world’s history will take place within your natural lifetime. But you don’t know much about that. You’re just a genin, staring down at the newly minted forehead protector in your hand, and the symbol upon it…
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There are many things that people might want to get out of their lives; There are those who harbour ambitions of changing the world, those who perhaps yearn to find their true love, and then there are those who just want to get filthy rich. What you want in your life is simply to live. Unfortunately, not only are you a mere familiar: one of the most pathetic things around and best known for dying in droves against all but the weakest of Magi; You are a familiar in Mitakihara. So, good...
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Be the planeswalking magical girl! Explore new worlds! Practice healthy self-immolation! Learn all the magic! Deal with the irritating crises before you! (slowly deal with your issues)
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On the House of Fëanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East, and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also. Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed shall they be for ever.
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It is the 41st Millennium, and after centuries of isolation the Kalgra sub-sector is once again part of a cruel galaxy.
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For more than five thousand years man has scrambled in the dust of the dead Federation and the chaos of its fall. For more than five thousand years has your sector endured, degraded and wartorn though it may be. There are new challenges and inheritors now, claiming the unity of Old Earth and demanding the allegiance of man. What will you do? Will you bend the knee to the golden man? Or will you fight - for liberty, for equality, for fraternity. For all the ideals of man, will you fight...
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Homura Akemi has seen dozens of failed timelines. Sometimes, strange things happen in them, like strange girls who know too much suddenly appearing. Homura Akemi does not like surprises, which does not bode well for you. Mitakihara is a terrible place to put an isekai story, which isn't stopping me in the slightest.
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Some call it the most beautiful planet in the cosmos: ranks of desolate plateaus broken by...
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An unfortunate SI is dropped into a D&D world. Literally. As the Audience gets to vote on the challenges, I think his lifespan will be measured in days weeks.
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Disclaimer: Spoiler Warning for Lostbelt III. Turn back now if one wishes to not be spoiled...
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Hope and Change is an election quest set in an alternate United States run under a parliamentary system. Come and follow along as we navigate the trials and tribulations of running for political office!
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You are Crytus Aedetheir, King of the Meledli, Lord of Antenella and Metella and Master of...
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In this quest you play as a Devil trying to do the impossible, become good.
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Welcome new CEO to Umbrella! After Spencer's untimely death (read: planned death) you are now the new head of Umbrella, ready to take on anything that may bring harm to the company's bottom line, image, or problems that may come your way.
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For the longest while, the old man gazed into the flames of the campfire, listening more to the...
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The halls are silent, not even the echoes of the great forges ring out anymore, they haven't for...
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Hunk has been contracted by the BSAA to kill or capture one of Umbrella's runaway researchers, aboard the strangely quiet Queen Anne. Descending into the depths of the ship, he will complete his mission no matter what dares stand in his way.
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Documentation of Alessandra Schwarzgeist's life in the Black Hawk Division of the Sateran Armed Forces.
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You are Sophia Hebert, the only living Troll on the ruins of Alternia, hiding from your ancestor, Khepri. Your life is in the hands of unknown entities whispering advice to you. You hope they lead you well.
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There is a single rule that all must follow: With every action, there is also an opposite...
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Cornelius Hawking, former worshiper of the "One True Goddess" and current Dark Lord, seeks to change the world for the better. Now, if only people would accept his help...
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Jaune Arc just broke the chains of the multiverse, what will his destiny be now?
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As the last known Jaeger active in Anchorage, it's up to Gipsy Danger to be the shield this land needs...It's time, time to head into the Danger Zone. This quest will chronicle the adventures and actions taken by Gipsy and the Shatterdome
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Your name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. You are eleven years old, your orphanage is basically your own...
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You know how people wake up with a hangover after a night of partying, missing their keys and...
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Author's Note: Gonna get rid of some writer's block that's been plaguing me for weeks, so here's...
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