Hope and Change in America - A Parliamentary Political Quest

[X] Respectability & Reliability

Guiliani doesn't have a stance on Guiliani! Possibly pro-Guiliani? Vote for Reform instead!
Given how decisive the vote has been, I'll shutter things and get to work on the first turn! Hope you've all enjoyed so far!
I'm working on the campaign poster right this moment, so if any of you would like to suggest a picture for the Player Character, I'd appreciate it!
I like that suggestion! I'll leave the placeholder poster I made in place for the moment, just in case other people want to make their own suggestions. The Campaign page is done for the moment, if you want to have a look at where you stand, politically! It'll be updated with polling numbers for quick reference once, y'know, you guys have polling numbers to work with!
Alright, the character page is also done. Leaving just the update itself, and then the final parties document :D