King Under the Mountain (Dwarven CK2 Quest)

[x] Plan: Hammer to fall in Hammerhall

So, that was an above-average turn all around.

In the hope of stirring up some discussion regarding future options:
Martial - We know exactly where the goblins are now, there should be minimal losses if we were to attack now. Grudges must be fulfilled

[] Send out patrols to scout the immediate surroundings of the mountain (Intel)
[] We may be few but there are still sturdy warriors among us, have them begin training as the newest members of our army (Gain a small but elite force of warriors) (More population is required to not lose any productivity from dedicated soldiers)
[] Begin working to clear out the nearby Orcs
[] Declare war on the Duke of Verosa for his insult against Dwarvenkind
[] Send the Axe dwarves into the tunnels after the Anklebiters
With the rangers focusing on the Orcs this turn, it seems likely that our next turn will see the beginning of Operation Orc-stermination. If that proves to be a multi-turn investment, well and good, but if it's something we manage to achieve in one turn, do we then move to settle the Grudge with the Duke of Verosa, or focus on patrolling? As I mentioned before, the Duke offered us insult, but not violence, and going straight to bloodshed would set a precedent when it comes to how Hammerhall handles Grudges, one that could come back to bite us.
Diplomacy - Hammerhall wares are now available to be sent out on trade convoys to those that we know. Kurum-Tharaz and Crankspout would make likely trading partners.

[] Send a trade convoy to someone known
-[]What is being sent and where
[] Try to better relations with Duke Ferivos, try to establish some form of trade instead.
[] There once was an Elven kingdom to the north that, while not friendly with you, were at least not your enemy. Find out if they are open to being friendlier, or if their elvish minds have decided to ignore our plight.
[] Send a message to King Ulfraz requesting aid
Hmmm. A question for the GM: @Terenak, do our Trade Goods represent "units" of stock that are expended once sold, or a level of productivity that can be tapped repeatedly? I'm thinking it's the former, but I would like to be sure.

That aside, there's the matter of our now-official Grudge with Duke Ferivos. Should we attempt to resolve this Diplomatically (he demands tribute, we take his money in trade; seems a reasonable redress), or-
Intrigue - There is little that requires the attention of your spies and scouts at this moment. Just the usual suspects

[] More information on the Orcs is always a good thing
[] While dwarves have never been good at spying, we may be able to get information from travelers, bribes would certainly help loosen a few tongues.
[] There was a human Empire that desired our riches, but empires rise and fall constantly, find out if this one has gone like the rest
[] The Wild Elves have never been fans of dwarven kind, raiding our patrols and caravans, always hard to find, but if there are signs of them being out there it's better to know than to suspect.
-should we look to Intrigue to get more information on him first? And if so, which option? Paying travelers could get us some details, but investigating what became of that Empire could also turn out to be very important; if it's still around, the Duke may be part of it, and if it's not, the title he claims might be inherited from it.
Stewardship - With the advent of the Crane new options are available. The gates to the Hold could use some repairs

[]Repair the Entry gates to Hammerhall
[]Begin the construction of new fortifications along the Mountain road
[]The Deep Roads have never had gates or walls, perhaps it is time to build such
[]The Deep Roads have been neglected as of late, it is time that some repairs were made, which will allow easier contact and trade between the dwarven halls
After getting the Gates fixed, I'm inclined to focus on repairing the Deep Roads, so we can more easily stay in contact and trade with Kurum-Tharaz and the Gnomes; also, that goblin-hole needs to be patched *grumble grumble*. Fortifying the Deep Roads might be wise, but should wait until the basic repair work is done. Perhaps a joint project with Kurum-Tharaz?

On a related note: @Terenak, what happened to the Stewardship option to increase mining?
Learning - With the success of the crane multiple scholars are clamoring for investments into their ideas, while the treasury is tight on budget perhaps giving attention to one of the scholars will be enough for them to come up with something

[]A long bearded dwarf is claiming that he has ways of making cave fighting more efficient without unnecessary loss of dwarven life
[]There is a scholar with a braided beard who thinks that they have found a way to utilize magma in new ways
[]A dwarf with a very singed beard and missing his eyebrows claims that he has "Done it"
[] Commune with the Ancestral spirits ask them for their aid

Ahem. With that out of my system, I was hoping to commune with the Ancestors after our raid on the Goblins, either to commemorate the recovery of the lorestones, or to mourn their loss and ask if the Ancestors could help us fill in the cracks in our history.
Personal Actions

[] Add yourself to one of the other actions to increase its chances
[] Study the actions of your ancestors, perhaps they will have guidance for you
[] Train one of your stats, the King is to be the Pinnacle of his race, make it so.
[] Rest yourself This is no time to rest if we are to regain our Glory (Locked until current Ambition is complete)
It's tempting to send Hrogni with the Axes to cut down the Orcs, but martial glory wasn't his major motive, so two back-to-back battles feels a touch excessive. The Goblins are our first big fight and settling a Grudge, while the Orcs are... well, Orcs. Might be a chance to get in some study or training and see how those options work, assuming we don't assign the King to support another task - he would offset the penalty from raising the Militia.
Turn 4 Results
Martial - We know exactly where the goblins are now, there should be minimal losses if we were to attack now. Grudges must be fulfilled

-[X] Send the Axe dwarves into the tunnels after the Anklebiters
--[X] Spend the equivalent of 5 wealth/gold in worker's time and resources to ensure there is only one way in and out of the goblin's lair
-[X] Add yourself to one of the other actions to increase its chances
--[X] Send the Axe dwarves into the tunnels after the Anklebiters

Rolled 99+12+5 = 116

The goblins were caught completely unawares as you and your Axe Dwarves descend upon them. Easily breaking their morale the Goblins attempt to flee but all passages except the one you came through were expertly collapsed. It doesn't take long to wipe out the Anklebiter tribe in its entirety. Reclaiming the treasure they had stolen from Hammerhall as well as elsewhere it is with grim satisfaction that you strike the Grudge from the book as utterly completed.

[Gain 10 wealth, Carried out the Grudge against the Anklebiter tribe completely. Anklebiter tribe utterly annihilated Gain 5 Glory for Completing a Grudge]

Diplomacy - Hammerhall wares are now available to be sent out on trade convoys to those that we know. Kurum-Tharaz and Crankspout would make likely trading partners.

-[] Send a trade convoy to someone known
--[] Hammerhall Mushroom Brew to Crankspout

Rolled 72-5= 67

Your trade convoy returns from Crankspout with news that Hammerhall Mushroom Brew was well received, but the gnomes don't seem to be heavy drinkers. However they are amenable to setting up a constant trade for the Brew. Whether it's because some have taken a liking to it, or they want to run experiments on it the traders aren't completely sure.

Gain 5 wealth, option to set up monthly trade of Mushroom Brew to Crankspout

Intrigue - There is little that requires the attention of your spies and scouts at this moment. Just the usual suspects

-[X] More information on the Orcs is always a good thing

Rolled 54-5= 49

Your scouts report back that nothing seems to be different about the Orcs, they're not preparing for any movement, so thankfully they aren't preparing for a raid, but neither are they moving on to some other territory.

Stewardship - With the advent of the Crane new options are available. The gates to the Hold could use some repairs

-[X]Repair the Entry gates to Hammerhall

Rolled 68-5= 63

Inspecting the once proud gates of Hammerhall you smile behind your beard as you see craftsdwarves running to and fro to rebuild them. You hear discussions among them as to what they could carve on the doors to make them even more impressive than before. You just hoped that the suggestion you heard of a dwarf eating a mushroom wasn't one that was used.

[Attacks against Hammerhall from outside will need to make it past the Gates before they can attack Hammerhall proper]

Learning - With the success of the crane multiple scholars are clamoring for investments into their ideas, while the treasury is tight on budget perhaps giving attention to one of the scholars will be enough for them to come up with something

-[X]A long bearded dwarf is claiming that he has ways of making cave fighting more efficient without unnecessary loss of dwarven life

Rolled 5-5= 0

Apparently the Longbeard's idea involves causing cave-ins. But it's clear looking over his work that he didn't even bother to consider how to control a cave-in or how to keep Dwarves safe during the attempt. The test he carried out caused the loss of a number of engineers and militia. Dismissing him harshly from your halls the last you heard of him he was planning to take up a Troll-slayer Oath to regain his honor.

[Don't gain the benefits of this turn's popularity growth]
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Turn 5 decisions
Martial - Now that the Goblins are taken care of, we should deal with that Duke, my King.

[] Send out patrols to scout the immediate surroundings of the mountain (Intel)
[] We may be few but there are still sturdy warriors among us, have them begin training as the newest members of our army (Gain a small but elite force of warriors) (More population is required to not lose any productivity from dedicated soldiers)
[] Begin working to clear out the nearby Orcs
[] Declare war on the Duke of Verosa for his insult against Dwarvenkind

Diplomacy - It is good that Crankspout is receptive of our wares. We should set up a trade route with them.

[]Set up a Trade route with Crankspout for Hammerhall Mushroom Brew (+5 wealth/turn) (Does not cost an action to set up a constant trade route or modify them)
[] Send a trade convoy to someone known
-[]What is being sent and where
[] Try to better relations with Duke Ferivos, try to establish some form of trade instead.
[] There once was an Elven kingdom to the north that, while not friendly with you, were at least not your enemy. Find out if they are open to being friendlier, or if their elvish minds have decided to ignore our plight.

Intrigue - I don't trust the Orcs just sitting there peacefully, but there is no other information on them that would suggest otherwise

[] More information on the Orcs is always a good thing
[] While dwarves have never been good at spying, we may be able to get information from travelers, bribes would certainly help loosen a few tongues.
[] There was a human Empire that desired our riches, but empires rise and fall constantly, find out if this one has gone like the rest
[] The Wild Elves have never been fans of dwarven kind, raiding our patrols and caravans, always hard to find, but if there are signs of them being out there it's better to know than to suspect.

Stewardship - With the good relations with Crankspout bringing wealth into Hammerhall we should be able to afford even more projects to restore our hold to its proper glory.

[]Build a vault to contain our kingdom's wealth
[]Begin the construction of new fortifications along the Mountain road
[]The Deep Roads have never had gates or walls, perhaps it is time to build such
[]The Deep Roads have been neglected as of late, it is time that some repairs were made, which will allow easier contact and trade between the dwarven halls

Learning - It is a shame what happened to the Longbeard, but that is the consequence of not thinking through one's actions. May he restore his honor with a mighty death.

[]There is a scholar with a braided beard who thinks that they have found a way to utilize magma in new ways
[]A dwarf with a very singed beard and missing his eyebrows claims that he has "Done it"
[] Commune with the Ancestral spirits ask them for their aid

Personal Actions

[] Add yourself to one of the other actions to increase its chances
[] Study the actions of your ancestors, perhaps they will have guidance for you
[] Train one of your stats, the King is to be the Pinnacle of his race, make it so.
[] Rest yourself This is no time to rest if we are to regain our Glory (Locked until current Ambition is complete)
no, I tend to only put those in place for super important decisions (i.e. whether or not to use the Grudge mechanic)
[X] Plan Paid In Kind
-[X] Declare war on the Duke of Verosa for his insult against Dwarvenkind
-[X]Set up a Trade route with Crankspout for Hammerhall Mushroom Brew (+5 wealth/turn) (Does not cost an action to set up a constant trade route or modify them)
-[X] There once was an Elven kingdom to the north that, while not friendly with you, were at least not your enemy. Find out if they are open to being friendlier, or if their elvish minds have decided to ignore our plight.
-[X] While dwarves have never been good at spying, we may be able to get information from travelers, bribes would certainly help loosen a few tongues.
-[X]Build a vault to contain our kingdom's wealth
-[X]A dwarf with a very singed beard and missing his eyebrows claims that he has "Done it"
-[X] Add yourself to one of the other actions to increase its chances
--[X] Declare war on the Duke of Verosa for his insult against Dwarvenkind
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[X] Plan Paid In Kind
-[X] Declare war on the Duke of Verosa for his insult against Dwarvenkind
-[X]Set up a Trade route with Crankspout for Hammerhall Mushroom Brew (+5 wealth/turn) (Does not cost an action to set up a constant trade route or modify them)
-[X] While dwarves have never been good at spying, we may be able to get information from travelers, bribes would certainly help loosen a few tongues.
-[X]Build a vault to contain our kingdom's wealth
-[X]A dwarf with a very singed beard and missing his eyebrows claims that he has "Done it"
-[X] Add yourself to one of the other actions to increase its chances
--[X] Declare war on the Duke of Verosa for his insult against Dwarvenkind
you get an extra diplomacy action essentially if you pick to set up a trade route