Witches and Giants: A NorseQuest Riot Fangame

@Bass11 @Shard

Seems like Skittering Tide isn't getting the requisite number of players. Would you like to move to a different adventure or perform other, non-adventure Major actions?
Alfvin will go join on the Kyrksangr Vanishing quest, on rumors that the puffinmen were interesting to a Shapecrafter.

I've edited my major post to that effect: Witches and Giants: A NorseQuest Riot Fangame
- [X] Major action: Gyda weaves three tapestries with different images. Her trait tier is 3, the instrument (Fylgja form) is tier 2, and the materials she uses are 1 tier 2 wool and 2 tier 3 wool. This should produce 1 tier 4 and 2 tier 5 textiles. Tier 4 tapestry depicts a high, isolated hill with steep rocky sides. The next one captures the previous season's battle with the stone monk. Alfin(@Shard) can choose the image of the final tapestry since that would be the payment for his Shapecraft service.
Alfvin asks for Gyda's best impression of either Yggdrasil or the Allthingtree.
3 sets of Tier 2 Tools (various kinds): 9 oz. silver each

Audvin will put his shapeshifts into attractiveness upping his Social Skills to, I believe, a 4, and attempt to buy a set of T2 Weaving Tools, he's brought along T2 Wool from Astmund, some T2 Food from our livestock this turn, and some silver. He expresses mild interest in T2 Shields or T1 Cloth Armor as well, but only if they're not too expensive.

Also, sound him out on how much he'd pay for T3 Food, though we don't have any right now we will in future and would be interested what he'd trade for it. Or T4 food, for that matter, while I'm asking.

EDIT: Also asking what kind of metal that is that he has.
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And we're committed to the majors for the Season.

Will likely resolve the non-adventure Majors tomorrow but get openings together on the majors tonight.
Hallþorra, social skills 1.5 with shapeshifting, will attempt to trade a set of T3 Blacksmithing tools for at least one of the T3 Metals.
Astrid shapeshifts 2 beauty before talking with Kijje. So Astrid's Social Skill should be 5.

Astrid walks up to Kijje and says "Hello Kijje, I came across a pack of wolves last summer and collected wolf bones and pelts from that encounter. I also have a farming plow and spare food from a successful harvest. How much silver will you part for these goods and would you be willing to trade them for either the horse or some of that jewelry. Though I admit, I am quite curious about that map I hear you have. Also, do you have anything for light kunna users, or at least general kunna usage."

Want to Sell:
T1 Wolf Bone
3x T1 Wolf Pelt
T2 Farming Plow
4x T2 Food
2x T1 Food

Want to Buy:
T4 Horse
T2 Jewelry
Treasure Map
Kunna improving items like wands

Kijjie is uninterested in food. He'll trade Wolf Pelts for Cloth Armor. He will buy the T2 Plow for 7 oz. of silver. These prices/deals reflects negotiation and is the highest you can get him to go.

On a 5 for luck, Kijjie shows you a chunk of crystal that glows with magic to your Seeing Eyes. He says that it will refract Light tricks used through it. He says to make him an offer.

LMK what deals you'd like to make!

Arant is happy to spend 9 Oz hacksilver for T2 carpentry tools.


Audvin will put his shapeshifts into attractiveness upping his Social Skills to, I believe, a 4, and attempt to buy a set of T2 Weaving Tools, he's brought along T2 Wool from Astmund, some T2 Food from our livestock this turn, and some silver. He expresses mild interest in T2 Shields or T1 Cloth Armor as well, but only if they're not too expensive.

Also, sound him out on how much he'd pay for T3 Food, though we don't have any right now we will in future and would be interested what he'd trade for it. Or T4 food, for that matter, while I'm asking.

EDIT: Also asking what kind of metal that is that he has.

The buying prices are set, social skills will not affect that. They will affect the price you can sell things to him for.

He's uninterested in food, although speaking of food up to Tier 4 he may buy that if it was put in front of him. He'd be willing to buy that for around 15 oz. silver.

He'll purchase the Wool for 5 oz. of silver, as said above, this reflects the highest he is willing to go with your Social Skills.

The metal is iron.

LMK what deals you'd like to make.
Hallþorra, social skills 1.5 with shapeshifting, will attempt to trade a set of T3 Blacksmithing tools for at least one of the T3 Metals.

Kijjie will trade one unit of T3 Metal for the tools but not the second unit. He says that another item, not from the special stock and of a lower tier, can be thrown in to sweeten the deal, however.
Can you clarify what you mean?

Is this information valuable to him to make a "What port am I going to next" decision?

Trading: The damage to the ship forces you to return to port earlier than expected; the Winddancer may not survive an extended trip. You are only able to hit a handful of Icelandic villages before your return. Along the way, Audvin is able to get the best possible prices.

Iceland is almost as poor in wood as the Faroes but there is much more space for farming.

-Tier 1: 1 oz. silver
-Tier 2: 4 oz. silver
-Wood is triple price; fish materials are half-priced; wool is half-priced.

-Tier 1: 2 oz. silver
-Tier 2: 8 oz. silver
-Fishing Tools are half priced.

Sheep and wool are plentiful in Iceland. Offer is 8.6 oz. of silver.
-Fish oil is plentiftul in Iceland. Offer is 3 oz. of silver.
-Shore-walker are much-hated in Iceland, their bones fetch a good price! Offer is 2.4 oz. of silver!
-Ironwool has never been seen before in Iceland! Offer is 19.2 oz. of Silver!
For the Crystal, would all 3 of my T1 Wolf Pelts, T1 Wolf Bone, T2 Plow, and a promise to provide my services once for free to help him until he doesn't ask me to hurt my allies or ask for anything I own.

He'd agree to that bargain on the condition that you complete the Lost in Transit quest before the end of next Winter. When he returns next year, before he leaves at that time, he wants the property back on his ship. If it is not, he expects you to return the crystal.
He's interested in the information but doesn't seem like he'll pay a great deal for it. He tells you that he'll buy the information as a matter of principle. He offers 2 oz. of silver for it.

Counteroffer: a similar description of the last Norse speaking port of similar or larger size he has visited before us.

((This taking Coat a season to actually write and get to us is A ok))

If that offer isn't amenable, 2oz silver will do as it is *checks notes* more than nothing.

Add T3 Quartz Prism (Kunna Refraction) to your inventory.

T3 Quartz Prism (Kunna Refraction)
3/season, if you are holding this item, you may apply one of the following effects to an eligible trick:
  1. Focus: Remove the [Area] descriptor from a Trick to increase its damage.
  2. Refract: Add the [Area] descriptor to a Trick and reduce its damage.
Counteroffer: a similar description of the last Norse speaking port of similar or larger size he has visited before us.

((This taking Coat a season to actually write and get to us is A ok))

If that offer isn't amenable, 2oz silver will do as it is *checks notes* more than nothing.

Yeah, he'll take that action. Remind me at some point about needing to write this.
1 Locked Coffer Covered in Unfamiliar Runes: make him an offer
Offer to create a set of runed bone jewelry using at least tier 3 materials bringing fortune and wealth to be given to him upon the next time he here for trade in exchange for the Coffer. Additionally, offer a set of explanations for how the runes covering the coffer work, what they do, and how they can be replicated upon my own discovery of these things.
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Offer to create a set of runed bone jewelry using at least tier 3 materials bringing fortune and wealth to be given to him upon the next time he here for trade in exchange for the Coffer. Additionally, offer a set of explanations for how the runes covering the coffer work, what they do, and how they can be replicated upon my own discovery of these things.

Taking one look at the box, you, as a Runesmith, realize that these are unfamiliar runes because they are not Norse writing.

He's willing to make that trade but wants collateral. What can you give him to ensure that, when he returns next year, you will come back to pay for the box?