Witches and Giants: A NorseQuest Riot Fangame

Noticed I gain two more minor and major twists, since my Hugr improved. I'll add those now:

Major: Still Standing (Improved to 2/encounter)
Minor: Extinguish, Sundersight
[X] Ebbe Tryggrsson Mid Winter 1
-[X] Major Action: Caring for his Livestock (two Pigs [T2 and T1] and one T1 Cow) whilst breeding one two Units of Pigs. (One T2 via Husbandry 2 and one T1 from Productive 1, the T1 Cow produces three T1 Food [Cow Milk]).
--[X] Free Action: Slaughter one of the T1 Pigs for Food and Materials. (Four T1 Foods [Pig Meat/Pork], two T1 Hides [Pig Skins] and two T1 Bones [Pig Bones].)
--[X] Free Action: Slaughter/Sacrifice/Gift the last of the T1 Pigs to ??????.
--[X] Free Action: Send six T1 Food to the Community Warehouse in case the Jarl raids next Summer again. (Three T1 Pork, three T1 Cow Milk)
DiscordOxymoron threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Mid Winter 1 Luck Total: 2
2 2
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Plan for Midwinter
-[X] Major Action: Join Adventure to Kyrksangr village to see if they too were abducted by puffinman
[X] Alfvin Arisson
-[X] Food: T2 Food
-[X] Major: TBD
-[X] Free Action: Do either of Astrid Bjornsdottir or Brenda Beastsoul need rezzing? Alfvin has a discounted Shapecrafting policy for dead people, after all.
Klaus Square stumbles into Finningur, feet bleeding from running from his farm in the hills into town. His field hands are dead. His daughter is dead, Fylgja slain then body eaten. Astrid Bjornsdottir is dead. The Screaming Tree is worse than any had expected.
A piece of hair from an enemy. Maybe an enemy too brash, too hot-headed. But really, Alfvin's options are.. do it himself, or let Klaus pay himself to the bone to do it. The - then he corrects himself - other two would then have to choose to make an enemy of Klaus or make an enemy of Alfvin. Knowingly or not. Hardly seems fair to hoist his problems on them.

Either way if that happened there would be no avoiding a feud spiral with Klaus and Brenda's clan. But if he does this maybe there's a different fate down the line. It's not like he has a choice, does he? This was his own nature. However he rationalizes it, still he will do it. Shapecrafting exacted many prices as his unfortunate compatriots could attest, but not of this.
I'll take it if your offering.
Alfvin doesn't say anything to Astrid after bringing her back to life. His face is still a smile, the same smile he has, though of course that makes it unknown if it's a real smile. Maybe the Shapecrafter has Shapecrafted his face that way. Intentionally? Unintentionally? Shapecrafters, man.

[X] Alfvin Arisson
-[X] Food: T2 Food
-[X] Major: Join The Skittering Tide Quest
-[X] Major: Join the Kyrksangr Vanishing Quest
-[X] Spellcasting: Alfvin Rebuilds Astrid Bjornsdottir presumably after her relative brings a body part over (Apply his Dog's Boon for a strain reduction)
-[X] Spellcasting: Alfvin Rebuilds Brenda Beastsoul (Apply his Dog's Boon.. again...) for Klaus, though he leaves her unconscious and just asks Klaus to wake her up in his stead instead. Wouldn't do to be mauled to death by someone with a grudge against him, after all. That would really suck.

(Strain: 3/6 Personal, 2/2 Lab, 0/2 Boon uses)
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At the boundary-stones marking the reaches of Alfvinsby, one stone, on a path leading to his house is larger than the rest; An introduction-stone, of sorts.

Painstakingly carved on the runestone, perpetually colored:


Visitors Welcome! ^_^
Shapecrafting Services available.
Guests please refrain from Seersight use.

What the Shapecrafter has against Seersight is unclear. Being a Shapecrafter of course, there are surely terrible secrets in lurk on Alfvinsby if you looked at the right places, but it is still most odd.

Past that lies fields of carelessly-tended plants - A great variety to be found, to be sure, and it's said that the plants here are all Shapecrafting experiments. Prodded, Alfvin's response says they're still a work in progress. What exactly a finished product - in the eyes of the Shapecrafter - would be like is still an open question.

If one were to make a detour before proceeding right to Alfvin's home, past the fields of strange and questionable plants, they might come across a strange grove of trees - Doubly strange in fact, for trees are most rare on the Faroes. Perhaps they were shapecrafted to be viable by the Shapecrafter - But what truly draws the eye would be a statue of three most familiar women weaving.. a set of uncolored runes at the bottom. Why does the Shapecrafter own this? If asked, he simply says it was a gift, and refuses to elaborate further with his carved face. The grove is neat, so he must frequent it. What for? To treat with the Nornar?

After all that, lies the Shapecrafter's home and the Shapecrafter Alfvin himself.

Prepared in the traditional Norse style still, is his single-homed house. Leaves grow from the longhouse, plants sprout in here and there inside and outside, like he was doing his best impression of some kind of alive longhouse. Yet, one might yet imagine that Alfvin was not a shapecrafter - until they got a look at him. Carved face (Shapecrafted that way perhaps?), hands with too many digits, here and there the evidence mounts up disabuses notions on normality. What is his Shapecrafter's madness? He declines to answer that question and asks - face a carved smile; What services does our guest wish?
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A Day Gone Wrong

Astrid Bjornsdottir arrived at the Fyrrolog holdings nestled in the hills above her family's land, seeking the renowned farmer Klaus Square. Hoping to secure his expertise in creating a bountiful field, she was immediately struck by the unsettling atmosphere enveloping the farm. The air was filled with eerie growls and wails, and amidst the chaos, Klaus's daughter, Brenda, fiercely sparred with her massive War Fylgja. Klaus greeted Astrid with visible exhaustion and concern, revealing that their land was plagued by a mysterious and menacing Screaming Tree that had been growing more threatening by the day.

Determined to assist and confident in her abilities, Astrid offered to eliminate the sinister tree immediately. Drawing her wand, she channeled her Radiant Aura and unleashed an Incinerating Ray towards the tree's concealed location. To their horror, instead of destroying it, the tree absorbed the radiant energy, causing it to grow exponentially. Twisted branches clawed at the sky as grotesque, humanoid plant creatures sprouted from its limbs, launching a sudden and deadly assault on the farm. One of the fieldhands fell victim instantly, pulled beneath the earth by the tree's voracious roots.

Reacting swiftly, Brenda commanded her Fylgja and charged into battle, attempting to stem the tide of advancing plant monstrosities. Simultaneously, Astrid took to the skies on wings of light, seeking a tactical advantage from above. However, the creatures proved formidable; archers among them targeted Astrid with lethal precision, while others engaged Brenda and her Fylgja on the ground, exploiting the terrain by manipulating the very earth beneath their feet. Despite their bravery and skill, both warriors found themselves increasingly overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught.

Observing the tree's newfound vulnerability to darkness, Astrid conceived a daring plan to invert her light magic into a weapon of shadow. Summoning all her Ordstirr and mastery, she attempted the complex transformation mid-battle. The effort proved too great; as the powerful beam of darkness struck the tree, causing significant damage, the immense strain drained Astrid completely, and she plummeted from the sky unconscious. With Astrid down, the balance of the battle shifted dangerously in favor of the monstrous entities.

On the ground, Brenda continued to fight valiantly but suffered devastating losses. Her Fylgja sustained severe injuries and was eventually overpowered by the combined attacks of the plant creatures. As her loyal companion fell, Brenda herself was struck down, succumbing to the overwhelming force arrayed against them. The once vibrant farm was left in ruin, its defenders defeated and the Screaming Tree continuing to grow stronger by feeding off the fallen and the surrounding land.

The aftermath was grim: Klaus's fields lay desolate, and the malignant presence of the Screaming Tree loomed larger than ever, posing an even greater threat to the surrounding communities. The failed attempt to eradicate the evil had only served to empower it further, leaving those who remained to grapple with the dire consequences and seek new hope in the face of encroaching darkness.
Astra Amuses herself

Astra didn't breathe as she lowered another rock onto the delicately balanced stack, careful not to disturb it or the other stack standing opposite. the rock piles stood as high as her waist, stacked smallest to largest. With slow smooth motions Astra places the rock and leans down for a plank. that too is gently balanced between the two stacks. a small iron plate finds its place on the centre of the plank, with kindling and small slivers of wood stacked on top of that. finally a kettle and teapot are placed either side and a small metal box placed reverently to one side.
"There, Mother's tea will be ready for her when she decides to return to the world." Astra says to herself with a giggle. She looks at the piles of rock again and makes a thoughtful noise

Dozens of piles of rocks stand on the flattest part of the mountain, the houses courtyard. Astra nods with satisfaction and with a deep breath leaps on the first one which is both the shortest and thickest based. She lands with a wobble, but neither she nor the stones fall.
"Alright, just jump from each pile until you get to the last one and you can jump to the roof. nice and careful." Astra says, clearly holding back excited energy. she takes a deep breath to still herself and then leaps for the next one.

When her mother eventually wakes and returns to the house she'll find the courtyard filled with rocks and footprints on the roof.

Haha, even little brats get Omake points.


At the boundary-stones marking the reaches of Alfvinsby, one stone, on a path leading to his house is larger than the rest; An introduction-stone, of sorts.

Painstakingly carved on the runestone, perpetually colored:

What the Shapecrafter has against Seersight is unclear. Being a Shapecrafter of course, there are surely terrible secrets in lurk on Alfvinsby if you looked at the right places, but it is still most odd.

Past that lies fields of carelessly-tended plants - A great variety to be found, to be sure, and it's said that the plants here are all Shapecrafting experiments. Prodded, Alfvin's response says they're still a work in progress. What exactly a finished product - in the eyes of the Shapecrafter - would be like is still an open question.

If one were to make a detour before proceeding right to Alfvin's home, past the fields of strange and questionable plants, they might come across a strange grove of trees - Doubly strange in fact, for trees are most rare on the Faroes. Perhaps they were shapecrafted to be viable by the Shapecrafter - But what truly draws the eye would be a statue of three most familiar women weaving.. a set of uncolored runes at the bottom. Why does the Shapecrafter own this? If asked, he simply says it was a gift, and refuses to elaborate further with his carved face. The grove is neat, so he must frequent it. What for? To treat with the Nornar?

After all that, lies the Shapecrafter's home and the Shapecrafter Alfvin himself.

Prepared in the traditional Norse style still, is his single-homed house. Leaves grow from the longhouse, plants sprout in here and there inside and outside, like he was doing his best impression of some kind of alive longhouse. Yet, one might yet imagine that Alfvin was not a shapecrafter - until they got a look at him. Carved face (Shapecrafted that way perhaps?), hands with too many digits, here and there the evidence mounts up disabuses notions on normality. What is his Shapecrafter's madness? He declines to answer that question and asks - face a carved smile; What services does our guest wish?

This is really, really cool. +1 Omake.

A Day Gone Wrong

Astrid Bjornsdottir arrived at the Fyrrolog holdings nestled in the hills above her family's land, seeking the renowned farmer Klaus Square. Hoping to secure his expertise in creating a bountiful field, she was immediately struck by the unsettling atmosphere enveloping the farm. The air was filled with eerie growls and wails, and amidst the chaos, Klaus's daughter, Brenda, fiercely sparred with her massive War Fylgja. Klaus greeted Astrid with visible exhaustion and concern, revealing that their land was plagued by a mysterious and menacing Screaming Tree that had been growing more threatening by the day.

Determined to assist and confident in her abilities, Astrid offered to eliminate the sinister tree immediately. Drawing her wand, she channeled her Radiant Aura and unleashed an Incinerating Ray towards the tree's concealed location. To their horror, instead of destroying it, the tree absorbed the radiant energy, causing it to grow exponentially. Twisted branches clawed at the sky as grotesque, humanoid plant creatures sprouted from its limbs, launching a sudden and deadly assault on the farm. One of the fieldhands fell victim instantly, pulled beneath the earth by the tree's voracious roots.

Reacting swiftly, Brenda commanded her Fylgja and charged into battle, attempting to stem the tide of advancing plant monstrosities. Simultaneously, Astrid took to the skies on wings of light, seeking a tactical advantage from above. However, the creatures proved formidable; archers among them targeted Astrid with lethal precision, while others engaged Brenda and her Fylgja on the ground, exploiting the terrain by manipulating the very earth beneath their feet. Despite their bravery and skill, both warriors found themselves increasingly overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught.

Observing the tree's newfound vulnerability to darkness, Astrid conceived a daring plan to invert her light magic into a weapon of shadow. Summoning all her Ordstirr and mastery, she attempted the complex transformation mid-battle. The effort proved too great; as the powerful beam of darkness struck the tree, causing significant damage, the immense strain drained Astrid completely, and she plummeted from the sky unconscious. With Astrid down, the balance of the battle shifted dangerously in favor of the monstrous entities.

On the ground, Brenda continued to fight valiantly but suffered devastating losses. Her Fylgja sustained severe injuries and was eventually overpowered by the combined attacks of the plant creatures. As her loyal companion fell, Brenda herself was struck down, succumbing to the overwhelming force arrayed against them. The once vibrant farm was left in ruin, its defenders defeated and the Screaming Tree continuing to grow stronger by feeding off the fallen and the surrounding land.

The aftermath was grim: Klaus's fields lay desolate, and the malignant presence of the Screaming Tree loomed larger than ever, posing an even greater threat to the surrounding communities. The failed attempt to eradicate the evil had only served to empower it further, leaving those who remained to grapple with the dire consequences and seek new hope in the face of encroaching darkness.

Excellent to see Astrid's take on this! Love an after-action report. +1 Omake.

@Aria the Mage ; @Guest99 : For your attempts to persuade the Seeress, +1 Omake to each.
@CoatRackRanger, how does the tier of the provided material/object impact the quality of Filter Seidrcraft? For example, if I weave the magic of potency 3 into a tier 5 object, will the tier of the final artefact use (somehow) both tiers, or will the tier of the object be disregarded? Will the original effects of the object (defence, prestige bonus, etc) be removed from the object?

Also, what would be the difference between providing a material and providing an object for Filter Seidrcraft?
@CoatRackRanger, how does the tier of the provided material/object impact the quality of Filter Seidrcraft? For example, if I weave the magic of potency 3 into a tier 5 object, will the tier of the final artefact use (somehow) both tiers, or will the tier of the object be disregarded? Will the original effects of the object (defence, prestige bonus, etc) be removed from the object?

Also, what would be the difference between providing a material and providing an object for Filter Seidrcraft?

A complicated question that has no definitive answer, unfortunately.

Combat has the most rules in this system because (almost) everyone uses it. The other system, such as Seidrcraft, are much less thoroughly defined.

For the most part, I consider that an object a Filter is placed in limits rather than enhances Filters. So, you need an object of the tier of your seidrcrafting for it to have full effect. Unusual objects specifically for the purpose of Seidrcraft may enhance filters placed in them but, for the most part, the seidrcraft needs a good enough object but isn't enhanced by a better object.

So, overall, it will somehow use both Tiers. For prestige calculations, you'll use the item's tier, unless your Filter is specifically about generating Prestige.

Placing a Filter in an object doesn't remove its original effect. You could put a Filter in armor and still wear it, for example.

Finished objects vs. materials. If you provide a finished object, you also get the benefit of having that finished object.
Wolfsbane pt. 2
-Astrid Keen-Mind
-Astra Silver-Bite
-Orm Ivarsson
-Eydis Glimmer-Gaze

Kyrksangr Vanishing
-Astmund Star-Eyed
-Gunni Galtison
-Alfvin Arisson

The Screaming Tree
-Astrid Bjornsdottir
-Tyrfingr Logger
-Arne Gormsson
-Torvi Sword-Sister

Caring For Livestock
-Ebbe Tryggrsson

Building a Farm

Craft Several Tapestries
-Gyda Dahlberg (@octocalamity )

On Hiatus
-Cythrual Scarhaven (@The Chilly One )
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I'll join the Vanishing group, they probably need some help.

I have been informed that the Vanishing Group probably shouldn't need any help, so I'm going to do Wolfsbane instead.
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Wait... not needing any help? We're still one person short, and I imagine it's a no-go without one more person joining.
[X] Audvin Chainbreaker
-[X] Food: Eat later in the turn.
-[X] Major: Creating a Tier 4 Farm on my plot (using T2 Seeds, T2 Farm Tools, and replacing my Farming 0 with my T2 Valley Plot)