Hmmm.... space marines are the golden men and the tomb kings had afterlife culture of a golden paradise.....

What did the liche priests promise Settra when their immortality experiments failed?
Hmmm.... space marines are the golden men and the tomb kings had afterlife culture of a golden paradise.....

What did the liche priests promise Settra when their immortality experiments failed?
I'm not sure we could make a golden paradise out of the remains of Khemri but turning the place green and fruitful again....yeah thats a barganining chip I hadn't thought of good idea!(I had thought of working on the place but more out of wanting to produce more food and spite nagash) Getting the marines to want to bargain is liable to be the bigger challenge though.

...To the liche priests credit they did actually achieve immortality for themselves and probably would have had the incentive to share it(not being attacked by anyone who knew they were holding such) and it's improvements without nagash being the worst wet fart on this world to ever pretend to be a man.

It's even possible it's been shown for the resurrected to regain muscle mass and fluids and whatnot, see again Nagash but also queen Khalida, and also vampires but the last group cocked up the elixer. All of this technically happened because of the liche priests!
Gamesworkshop could have found a more sensible way to cull the squatts, if tyranids reached the center of the galaxy so fast why have they spent so much time attacking from it's edges?
Most of the hive fleets are coming from the side, i.e. Outward to Core.
Hive fleet Leviathan is coming from below, so it could conceivably have hit the core worlds at the same time as the edges.
Do you suffer no cognitive dissonance suggesting both shooting way more people and also suggesting holding off on shooting way more people, within the exact same post?
It's called moderation. I am suggesting shooting only some people. :p

More seriously, one of the elements I like about this quest is the trainwreck. Space Marines are accustomed to showing up on new worlds with overwhelming firepower and shooting all the xenos while subjugating the humans, and here they're messily getting accustomed to a weird world where they can't and shouldn't do that, rather than smoothly switching to uplift mode. (Which SMs aren't all that good at, but the combination of the Mechanicus expertise and the Imperial Guard perspective should help.) So I'm in favor of a lot of different things at once, some of which are bad decisions given OOC knowledge of the setting.

I imagine the Space Marines feel more comfortable now that we have the Fortress-Monastery and ammo production up, as well as those being things on the planet to protect rather than invade, so I'm open to a diplomatic shift too. :) In addition to the literal Diplomacy category, I'm thinking of defensive Martial write-in option along the lines of "Threat Analysis" or "Specialist Training" that focuses on listing and preparing for this planet's unique threats (that we know of so far) at a level useful for all our troops, not just Space Marines. IC, it would be stuff like showing the troops when to use saturation fire or focus fire, whether to shoot the undead mount or the Necromancer riding it, when to call for combined arms or Librarians, what's immune to bullets and what can burrow into your back lines. Differs from a Learning option in that Learning would be more focused on analysing how these threats came to be and where they get their powers from and whether we can copy some of those powers.

Hmmm. QM, is it legal to spend multiple Stewardship actions in one turn on progressing options like "Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)" ?
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I'm not sure we could make a golden paradise out of the remains of Khemri but turning the place green and fruitful again....yeah thats a barganining chip I hadn't thought of good idea!(I had thought of working on the place but more out of wanting to produce more food and spite nagash) Getting the marines to want to bargain is liable to be the bigger challenge though.

...To the liche priests credit they did actually achieve immortality for themselves and probably would have had the incentive to share it(not being attacked by anyone who knew they were holding such) and it's improvements without nagash being the worst wet fart on this world to ever pretend to be a man.

It's even possible it's been shown for the resurrected to regain muscle mass and fluids and whatnot, see again Nagash but also queen Khalida, and also vampires but the last group cocked up the elixer. All of this technically happened because of the liche priests!
I wasn't really sure what exactly they promised Settra right before he died and was entombed. I thought it had something to do with a golden body upon his return which instead was just embalmed husked flesh and bones compared to the golden men.

It's not a great comparison when marines got their path to immortality differently but this is from past recollection. I don't remember exactly what they promised Settra's body would be upon his return.
Thanks, Exmorri that all makes sense actually. I don't mind a good trainwreck but I admit I am more interested in the sort that doesn't risk the world.

QM: I too am curious about stewardship but my question is a bit different: Namely what circumstances allow for an autocomplete of stewardship actions? Will getting a good dice roll in another category or some such allow it? I am unsure how it happened this time.

I also just had an idea for how the administratum revamp idea could be introduced, we could easily have the idea come through Khotan our master of the forge upon getting a poorly put together report of the materials our vassals are sending us, at least one could plausibly happen given I recall some of the marines thought the supplies that were being sent to us were useless. Such supplies probably were not all useless just unrefined.
I think he'd probably be motivated enough to try and get that to happen after all, if we can't eventually process that material his precious vehicles will eventually not be repairable.
I guess the mechanicus dudes could get involved at some point but even now I get the impression that they'd wait for it to become an issue first before pestering us :-/
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Thoughts on various points here welcome. This is an exercise in worldbuilding, partly for me to justify why I don't like Ultramar, rather than necessarily a serious proposition.
Ultramar being actually competently run, means its production has greater efficiency than your usual Imperium planet.

Less of the military needs to be turned inwards towards your usual Chaos/rebellions and thus able to do something. So it's stable and places around it are stable because the Ultramar has the resources (and ability) to fix the symptom (usually nobles doing something funky) instead of plastering the effect (rebellion because noble sold all the food).

... This being allowed to go on for 10k means someone is cooking the books.
Ultramar being actually competently run, means its production has greater efficiency than your usual Imperium planet.

Less of the military needs to be turned inwards towards your usual Chaos/rebellions and thus able to do something. So it's stable and places around it are stable because the Ultramar has the resources (and ability) to fix the symptom (usually nobles doing something funky) instead of plastering the effect (rebellion because noble sold all the food).

... This being allowed to go on for 10k means someone is cooking the books.
Now that you mention Ultramar again, I have another speculation.
Looking back at the latest update:
"I will first say that since we've now taken several trading cities we have a much better idea of events in the wider world." Hermina spoke then, "My studies, supported by those of the Adeptus Mechanicus Genators, support the Experiment Hypothesis, namely that this planet was used by an unknown group for unknown purposes. The gravity, atmospheric conditions and biological elements of the planet are all similar to the Terran Norm, yet the physicality, and especially the diversity of physicality among the different groups is unusual considering this. Ogryns and other such abhuman strains emerged on high gravity prison worlds, yet here we see large abhumans without the ensuing gravitational variation that produces such size. What we are certain of though, is that none of the abhuman strains so far discovered have been encountered by the Imperium before. The Dawi for example, superficially resemble Homo sapiens rotundus, or the Xenos species 'Demiurg' of the Eastern Fringe, yet from initial samples clear signs of genetic tampering are evident. In truth, I am most concerned by the Elves."
Perhaps Ultramar's population has been genetically tampered with too. The civilians of Ultramar are a borderline-abhuman strain that's been modified in some less obvious way - greater conscientousness perhaps, which is why they have better functioning stable society, and is also why their setup can't be copied so easily for the rest of the Imperium which isn't populated by that strain of humans. The Ultramarines have tabooed this knowledge heavily because of the implications that they're recruiting from abhumans and the abhumans are doing better than the humans. They might have tabooed it so hard they've forgotten themselves. Who's going to check? Who would even be allowed to check?
RE: Ultramar part 2
The Inquisition would be allowed to check but most of them I think have no real reason to want too as long as it's strengthening the imperium at least the ones who still have their heads on their shoulders. All bets are off for what the more rogueish ones might poke at but then again the more liberal ones would have even less to complain about if they did find something.

Most of the hive fleets are coming from the side, i.e. Outward to Core.
Hive fleet Leviathan is coming from below, so it could conceivably have hit the core worlds at the same time as the edges.
Okay, that could be true but if so why has the fleet held off from using that lead to press outwards more from the core if that was the case? Why would the 'nids give up a chance to eat more?

Only, reason I could think of would be building up forces to muster for a larger push but...only tiamet seems tactically flexible enough to stop moving like a wave.

Sorry for going so off-topic when there probably won't be any 'nids or ultramarines in this quest.

Uh better idea lets tally the xeno's the lions are likely to get all disturbed about.

I'm probably forgetting a few races.
Dragons could probably get away with passing themselves off as mere animals for a while, but as soon as the lions hear one talking I imagine a few nerves will be pinched. Which will almost certainly cause problems trying to get anything non-murderous done on the elven side of things. They don't really craft tools at all though so maybe they could be finangled into smart wildlife not worth looking at too closeley a la jokero?

Dragon ogres will probably elicit a screaming fit the moment a shaggoth is seen eating lightning. Oh my goodness I am sure there will be much witehot rage at that nonsense.
Zoats are rare enough and shy enough I'm not sure we will even come across one for many years, so we can breathe easy probably on worries about more magical knowledge being lost to a hasty round of bolter fire.

The Sleeper and his Dreamers/Burrowers(if related) might just lead to EvilNorthamerigroth being melted.

Spites and Dryads, Treekin and other spirit's might just get classified as being the same as deamons as seen with djin, but deamons shouldn't be able to maintain permanant physical bodies like dryads and some others can so inevitably some amusing confusion and horror will likely arise with them.

We already know how they feel about orks. So we probably have at least a dozen species popping about whose origins are liable to not mesh with the lion's plans at least long term, at least of yet.

I recall the GM taking the position of the Skaven as being abhumans so that's a slightly different can of worms, probably.
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As Araby's a desert could some terra forming technology fix that?
I can't answer this directly, as it depends a lot on how advanced tech the Mechanicus have available and how much collateral damage they'll accept, but I'll try to provide some useful context for the GM.

IRL, deserts come in two major groups.
The first type of deserts are those that the rain goes away from. These occur at a certain distance away from the Equator because of wind patterns and the Earth's rotation and a bunch more complicated stuff but I'm trying to keep it simple. Wind patterns tend to carry moisture either pole-ward or equator-ward such that there are two very dry bands between them. The northern dry band runs through the famous Sahara desert in North Africa, as well as parts of Mexico and particularly the Sonora in North America, and the Gobi Desert in China. The southern dry band runs through Australia, the Kalahari in South Africa, and Patagonia in South America.
The second type of deserts are those that the rain can't get to. These may be far inland, or on the wrong side of a mountain range that 'catches' the rain, or both, such as the Taklamakan. The Gobi is sometimes counted as this type too. Evaporated water from oceans doesn't stay up indefinitely, but gradually condenses and rains down, and even if the wind is carrying it in the right direction, it'll be dried out before it reaches the desert area.

Araby is clearly modeled on the IRL Arabia-Egypt-Sahara band that would normally be in the first type, but it's at the wrong latitude according to the semi-official maps of Mallus that I could find. Central and South Araby should be a jungle. Only North Araby, and with it parts of Ulthuan, should be a desert going by latitude. :p That's what you get for writers juggling around the Earth continents a bit without having every kind of something-ologist on staff to consider the implications. Or maybe it used to be jungle in character, and we can blame an evil wizard for cursing the land and altering the climate. ;)
I can't answer this directly, as it depends a lot on how advanced tech the Mechanicus have available and how much collateral damage they'll accept, but I'll try to provide some useful context for the GM.
At the very least they can start with limited hydroponics farming.

Of course I've forgotten something about Araby in it's stereotypical fashion. Much like the dark elves they're into slavery which means the marines will have an intelligence asset to know more about the rest of the world.
The big problem with fixing Nehekhara is that the skaven poisoned the sources of the Nile Great Vitae River with Warpstone fuelled magic so it became the Great Mortis River and the land was poisoned.

Ironically, the Imperium have dealt with a lot worse than the Tomb Kings, and although Settra would never bend the knee the lesser Tomb Kings may. They'd make better governors than most.

I'm now wondering about Settra as Rogue Trader on their original iteration, planetary leaders that were too useful to kill but too dangerous to allow to remain in charge of their home planet during the Great Crusade, who were given a fleet and told to make trouble and contacts ahead of the line of advance.
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Ironically, the Imperium have dealt with a lot worse than the Tomb Kings, and although Settra would never bend the knee the lesser Tomb Kings may. They'd make better governors than most.

I'm now wondering about Settra as Rogue Trader on their original iteration, planetary leaders that were too useful to kill but too useful to allow to remain in charge of their home planet during the Great Crusade, who were given a fleet and told to make trouble and contacts ahead of the line of advance.
Is that before or after he's a tomb king?
Either. The early Imperium nodded through a lot of bullshit on grounds of expediency (see, the Cult Mechanicus). Of course sometimes they also went ultra-purist.
I'm sort of interested in him doing it as a tomb king but either way stinging from his defeat but recognising he doesn't have much options he'd go forth and conquer to his heart's content.
Getting most of Araby means control of the equivalent of the Cathay Silk Road?

Sadly no. The relative locations of Magic Arabia and Magic Egypt are more or less swapped in Warhammer. The Cathay Silk Road passes by well to the east and north of us.
Yea the trade routes from Cathay are much further to the north, though, given the Badlands are the logical next step for conquest after the Southlands, you could still potentially control 2/3rds of the routes. Additionally I assume at least some trade goes by sea around the Southlands, so you could have that too.
Take the tomb kings who have just been brought up, its very likley that not all of them are trying to destroy us many seem like they'd be content being allowed to manage their own city states and that's it.
I doubt it. Some of the lesser ones, perhaps,would be amenable. If you said to Khalida 'we intend to kill vampires do you want to work with us' then that would probably work, but all of them are immensely prideful and I can't really imagine them willingly serving someone outside their culture. Settra battered them into submission and told most of them to go back to sleep while he sorted stuff out, but as we know, Settra DOES NOT SERVE, and without him as the cultural hero of their people, I can't really see the others doing so.

Also, wider point, why would you want them to? There are many disadvantages of maintaining the tomb kings that aren't present for others. For example, you've been converting hte Arabyan priests to your cause, which is fine because they're really useful for controlling the population and sorting stuff out for you. The Tomb Kings don't have populations. Sure, a couple of million free servitors might be cool, but they're hardly a reliable source of labour if they're contingent on the Tomb Kings too.
What did the liche priests promise Settra when their immortality experiments failed?
I think just 'a golden godly body' generally. It was hardly a specific thing.
I'm thinking of defensive Martial write-in option along the lines of "Threat Analysis" or "Specialist Training" that focuses on listing and preparing for this planet's unique threats
Sure, you'd have to actually work out the weaknesses and get the data but sure.
Hmmm. QM, is it legal to spend multiple Stewardship actions in one turn on progressing options like "Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)" ?
Yes. I'm broadly fine with alterations and other such things as long as they're logical. Something like that might symbolise the techmarines helping out etc rather than doing their own thing.
QM: I too am curious about stewardship but my question is a bit different: Namely what circumstances allow for an autocomplete of stewardship actions? Will getting a good dice roll in another category or some such allow it? I am unsure how it happened this time.
Rolls represent and model randomness and agency. If the action is 'have the guard and various other people dig trenches', that would be impossible not to achieve, therefore it would be an autosuccess. On others, actions might be delayed, but they couldn't really fail. For example, the set up actions or the fixing the Serenkai one have the full might of about 50 techmarines, techpriests and assorted other people working on them. Those people have already established that they've got the means to do X, therefore it's just a matter of time to sort it out. Previously I'd rolled to model the crash and the damage to the ship etc, which slowed the action down, but the action didn't fail, so you could take it again. Once Khotan identified that he was having trouble getting everything out etc, he took steps to dissassemble to bullet machine or whatever so he could then get it out of the ship in bits. Autocompletes will happen inother actions as well, eg, unless all the tanks explode or something the armour training one would also be successful.
I also just had an idea for how the administratum revamp idea could be introduced, we could easily have the idea come through Khotan our master of the forge upon getting a poorly put together report of the materials our vassals are sending us, at least one could plausibly happen given I recall some of the marines thought the supplies that were being sent to us were useless. Such supplies probably were not all useless just unrefined.
Yes, that's doable. I'm planning to rework the resources system after the end of this arc.
Perhaps Ultramar's population has been genetically tampered with too.
Possibly but that's moving the goal posts. At any point we might remark 'oh yes but what about this' but it provides no resolution. We might ask subsequently why such gene treatments haven't been issued across teh imperium if they're so effective.
Or maybe it used to be jungle in character, and we can blame an evil wizard for cursing the land and altering the climate. ;)
The main problem as I see it is the Black Pyramid. I don't think it's a natural desert, it's a desert because there's a big Dhar accumulator which is killing everything and polluting the area with Shyish. If it was polluting it with Ghyran instead that would be fine and you'd probably get Catchatan
So reading RoS, Volans (and therefore presumably Teclis) think that all warp entities are daemons, but differentiate between daemons and gods, fae and elementals. Therefore it would seem the Immaterial origins of all those things are evident to the various people observing them. Obviously a wood elf would differentiate between Durthu and Skulltaker, but I'm not sure anyone else would.
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You know, aren't tomb king soldiers just really stripped down servitors when you come down to it? just bolt on some metals to their heads and I think we can convince everyone they are just new servitor models and not undead :V