@Zeitgeist Blue on only needing to invest in killing power..... I actually think that even as an imperium we should care about creating hegemonic influences rather than ONLY military force multipliers. They can compliment and the later can be equally globe changing.
Yes it's less horrible for everyone but there is more too it than such. Pragmatically this is useful because any polity that bends the knee is not one eating into resources of weapons production and the like and may even eventually be suplying them, see the Norse-Dwarves and sollanders say, all our projects would be behind by at least a little if we had additional relentless attacks there I think.
If we could have had the Wizard caliph surrendered to us too we likely wouldn't have lost many troops and marines and equipment in the SI's, additionally it goes without saying that having most of Araby cowed in one small battle and all of Medes was also useful.
Actually given the tribute states of Medes, Norsca, allies in Krakka Drak and the Metallican brotherhood(who were initially far more seperate)
@FractiousDay I wonder will the headline description of the Lions being ''alone and friendless'' ever change during this games lifecycle? It already reads as an inaccurate advertisement if it is meant to relate to the current scenario.
So how terrible is this as a description for going about this? The Dwarves do in my reading have runes that do similar things just not items as far as I know so I propose for a later turn this:
[X] Item Creation
Chaos/Magic/Warp replant Rune Plating, Hath Horeb investigates if the Norse Dwarves runesmiths can teach the creation of a sheild or door which either acts to ''push away'' excessive warp energies or if not to absorb them in a way that would neutralize their effects, possibley by converting to a very simple spell like effect, Like Illuminate The Edifice.*
He can explain to them hopefully sensibly that as men who spend time in the stars, sommetimes seeking the protection of anything resembling stoneworks is completely unavailable to us because stone flies poorly.
*If successful we might I'd think gain a method though very costly to slowly retrofit things into upper orbit against morrsliebs light.
I was going to build a different plan based maximally around setting up space bound infrastructure but if thats....OH wow what timing for me writing this, I am now writing off of incomplete information.
Ah, looking at this I think it's probably be better to start on orbital expansions until we can raise two ships to at least minimally cover each other, on the other hand a mobile Black Pyramid is something very nasty.
So mayhaps we can stretch that focus towards hunting nagash under two turns, what think the rest of you?
@Invadingcat478 @Roth963
I feel pretty darn sure of some options being good ideas from the point of view of the chapters survival, those already have my votes for this plan. I'm not sure otherwise weather this plan is even optimized towards what I want for that front.
I figure I'll also eventually repeat what worked to stir engagement before and post one based on maximizing excitement/dynamism next since I'm sure there will always be voters that appeals to and the death of the chapter through accident still ought be better than the death of the thread through boredom.
For now though my most up to date proposal:
[X]Plan Guarding In Place, looking towards Space
[X] Sigmar's Heirs
[X]Exotic Resources Extraction
[X] Repair The Peregrin
[X] Amputate the Amputari
[X] Sigmarite Reforms
[X] Veiling
[X] The Data Vaults
[X]Black Chamber
So some small changes in my thinking being less obvious than others. Namely that veiling may not only be something harder to achieve on it's on it's own than thought but may be on a faster timer than I thought with more magical signatures for the worlds wizards to use to gaze on us. That population I'd think would growing by the year!
If doubt for example a team of Khainite assasins who could teleport with the right spells could say actually kill our top officers but they would at the least be a force that could waste a huge amount of our time and resources if directed carefully enough I would think.
*If my estimates of the Druuchi ( who have had a few occasions to glimpse us) based off memory of their top dudes and artefacts are not wildly off in that they'd at least be inclined to try.
The amputari, not that different from things like tyrannids or necromorphs or floodforms i'd think aside from the fact that they seem to only breed like rats rather than multiplly like a well fed bacterial colony and don't seem to yet have been encountered assimilating technology in any form not even biotech yet... and they are in universe nurgle based so presumably they might get weaker the further from the poles they travel? I'd hope.
I am still slightly torn on what the second military effort and learning target should be. So those may be subject to change if I hear a good argument within the next 50 or so odd hours.
EDIT: This is still true but now those have my vote.
I am in no drastic rush.
*Although on rushing things for the sake of speaking clearly I wish I was feeling more cogent and revitalized. I was feeling better than I had in a while yesterday but while taking a stroll I think I breathed in something nasty despite my mask because I encountered a horrible inorganic type smell that lingered over the whole neighborhoood (reminding me of burnt plastic but not quite )and I've had a headache through-ought today coming and going in strength.
EDIT: My pounding headache cleared, what an amazing difference towards, well everything
I hope the two are not linked but I can't shake the suspicion. I bet the Metalican preisthood would just ask me to replace my sinuses with some sort of metalocarbonic mesh and my airway with a ferroplatic tube though lol.

I don't view this as a tax though as being able to smile and engage ones brain is typically I think a good thing for healing.
BIG EDIT: I have decided with a much more cleared head that I should put in a solid vote for the rest of these even if lacking confidence because I will have time to change it, but an incomplete vote helps no one here practically.
BIG EDIT 2: Changed Hunting Nagash, to Black Chamber in the vain hope of increasing intrigue abilities.