That one is highly dependent on the dice roll TBF.
Yeah, but Fractious might have a higher dice roll threshold for success now (aka. less chance for success), which means our only way to increase our chances of success is to double down on the Veiling action.

Could leave it for now.
What do you mean? We don't need to do the Veiling action this Turn?

With serf capabilities as they are I think it can be put off in favor of repairing the Peregin.
I'd like to get back to this. I think if we're already doing the Runic Power Armour action and the Serf-Militarum tech tree then we don't need to add the Repair the Peregrin tech tree. All three tech trees are to ensure we can stomp on anyone in open warfare. If you want to ensure that we could really really really win in any open war, then we can add the Peregrin tech tree.

But I think two tech trees to ensure our military supremacy is fine for now, especially since we only have a limited action economy to pursue multiple tech trees, which are all ultimately for the same purpose of beating anyone up. We could use one of the two Stewardship actions below to continue our tech trees, one of which is also great for stomping on anyone (just in a more "mundane" manner than blasting them from the sky with a Light Cruiser).

[ ] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
While the Serf-Militarum has some mechanised elements, to increase their capabilities these could be expanded further, especially in longer range transport and expeditionary capability so that the Lion Guard can support the Chapter's operations further afield.

[ ] Regularise Uplift
Like many aspects of Imperial rule, the uplifting of populations is largely irregular, shallow, and inefficient. This must be made more regular, with careful attention and planning over time to push the project forward.

I think this is a fine plan too. Lots of synergy and it focuses more on quantity of Space Marines rather than quality (though personally I think the runic Power Armour route is cooler).

Imo, the weak part is the The Data Vaults, Artifical Orbital action because 1. orbit is still a dangerous place IIRC (have we solved how that problem?) and 2. Regularise Uplift sounds like an easier, steadier path to better communications through better roads, more railways and phone lines or whatever it will lead to.
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What do you mean? We don't need to do the Veiling action this Turn?
The runic power armor due to other priorities.

I'd like to get back to this. I think if we're already doing the Runic Power Armour action and the Serf-Militarum tech tree then we don't need to add the Repair the Peregrin tech tree. All three tech trees are to ensure we can stomp on anyone in open warfare. If you want to ensure that we could really really really win in any open war, then we can add the Peregrin tech tree.

But I think two tech trees to ensure our military supremacy is fine for now, especially since we only have a limited action economy to pursue multiple tech trees, which are all ultimately for the same purpose of beating anyone up. We could use one of the two Stewardship actions below to continue our tech trees, one of which is also great for stomping on anyone (just in a more "mundane" manner than blasting them from the sky with a Light Cruiser).
I do feel with the Peregin we get an OCP against Nagash. Leftover ammunition for an orbital bombardment the Peregin can oblige and orbital radar scanning only because I treat Nagash as a serious opponent that requires an OCP.
So many options so many to prioritize...... shit.
That's the whole point lol, but yea, also keep in mind some stuff may or may not be on timers.
Does this mean it's a bad idea to try again without finding a solution first?
I'm going to specifcially not comment on this, it may or may not
I initially thought our influence could continue growing passively in the empire, growing disconentment leaves me in doubt though.
It is to an extent. The marines have been in charge of Solland for a while now. If you were in another province you might have heard about them and feel comfortable with them taking over your province too. If you're a peasant you probably dont care, but if you're a noble maybe you do. So the influence is indeed growing if only by normalisation, stories, exposure to Astartes. I wouldn't necessarily say every person in the Empire has heard of them, but stories of war gods leading the Empire in battle etc have indeed spread, so let's say everyone in a town has at least heard of them, though maybe with innacruate stories.

However, while you might passively get more influence, there are other people actively opposing you. The most obvious example would just be existing entrenched interests, while another example is the other cults.
following the footsteps of one of the Astral claws
Is indeed a reference to them, as the experimental zygote maturation was. I'm not actually sure what the Claws were doing with that, it doesn't seem entirely clear, but nevertheless, their apothecaries were doing something.
Peregrin points
Can you comment on the Peregin? What capabilities do we get besides orbital strikes and scans from above? Is it done with one action or more?
It's a Vanguard Light Cruiser, so it's specialised for void combat. I'll be rolling for which type it is, with the 3 different types having different capacities. One of the loadouts for example has a bombardment cannon, which would be the type with the best capacity for bombardment.

Subsequently, you'll have the option to convert it in various ways. For example, you might just want to turn it into a defence monitor, somethign that can hang aroudn in orbit and fight off anything that attacks you from space. Or, you could install significantly larger hangars so you could put coffin landers in it and be able to deep strike your knights anywhere on the planet rather than them stomping over to the battle. The Peregrin is the easiest to get up into space, it suffered the least damage. Apart from it you've got more light ships and a few big ones.

So broadly speaking, there's a question between balancing void combat and superiority, orbital bombardment, deep strike, and perhaps space resource extraction capabilities.

AdamantGothic CruiserFlight decks and engineerium damaged
UzielDauntless Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
SagosEndeavour Light CruiserModerate damage to several systems
PeregrinVanguard Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
Cardinal of NuviaLunar CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
TorchMissionary vesselModerate damage to several systems
FarsightEndeavour Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
KingmakerOverlord BattlecruiserModerate damage to several systems, heavy damage to cargo bay and lower decks
It's a Vanguard Light Cruiser, so it's specialised for void combat. I'll be rolling for which type it is, with the 3 different types having different capacities. One of the loadouts for example has a bombardment cannon, which would be the type with the best capacity for bombardment.

Subsequently, you'll have the option to convert it in various ways. For example, you might just want to turn it into a defence monitor, somethign that can hang aroudn in orbit and fight off anything that attacks you from space. Or, you could install significantly larger hangars so you could put coffin landers in it and be able to deep strike your knights anywhere on the planet rather than them stomping over to the battle. The Peregrin is the easiest to get up into space, it suffered the least damage. Apart from it you've got more light ships and a few big ones.

So broadly speaking, there's a question between balancing void combat and superiority, orbital bombardment, deep strike, and perhaps space resource extraction capabilities.

AdamantGothic CruiserFlight decks and engineerium damaged
UzielDauntless Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
SagosEndeavour Light CruiserModerate damage to several systems
PeregrinVanguard Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
Cardinal of NuviaLunar CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
TorchMissionary vesselModerate damage to several systems
FarsightEndeavour Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decks
KingmakerOverlord BattlecruiserModerate damage to several systems, heavy damage to cargo bay and lower decks
It would definitely help a lot with planetary operations then.

As there's the issue of the green moon is this where imperial runes can help?
Fleet use commentary
Thought I'd do an info post about the fleet more broadly too. Aware not everyone has played BFG or similar so can give a broad overview of capabilities.

Imperial ships use macrocannons, lances and torpedos to fight. Macrocannons are big guns, lances are energy weapons, torpedos are torpedos. Usually macrocannons batter down shields, lances do the damage once shields are down, and torpedos (and ramming) have a supporting role.

Ships are divided into several categories, strike craft like fighters and bombers fly out from larger ships and control the space or attack ships, escorts screen against such strike craft and also buzz around fighting and escorting larger ships, cruisers are the mainstay of the fleet and do most things, and capital ships usually are the big guns of the fleet.

You will have to balance your desires for different capacities between the ability to defend your little empire from space, and to contest space or anyone hostile that might turn up in a ship. As a note, Bel'akor was supposedly king of the moon at one point so maybe he has space warfare assets up there. You might want planetary bombardment abilities and indeed will probably need these to fight the elves. You might want deep strike or deployment abilities using drop pods, strike craft doing space to surface actions, or even at the higher levels dropping your Knights onto the surface in their coffin landers. Lastly, you might want to build up space industry for some reason.

The Space Marines maintain slightly different vessels, favouring more armour, boarding capacity, and losing lances because Astartes aren't trusted to have lots of space capacity.

Some of your ships are heavily damaged, others are only moderately so. Some are useful for some things, some for others. You could use here to see what the different ships do, or here. You will have to decide whether to use them for their intended purpose, convert them, or potentially scrap them to rebuild others.

You'll have schematics for most escorts and cruisers, and all schematics for Astartes vessels given you're an Astartes chapter. Apparently a Hive World can build a Lunar cruiser in 11 years because they're modular or something, so producing them, or smaller ships, would probably be reasonably easy.

At the minimum, you might want to have a squadron in defence of the planet, one for scouting to see where in the galaxy you are, and perhaps a couple of converted specialist ships for bombardment, Knight deployment etc.

VesselClassNotesWhat's it for
AdamantGothic CruiserFlight decks and engineerium damaged'Lance ship', slow anti-cruiser cruiser.
UzielDauntless Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksFast, long range escort.
SagosEndeavour Light CruiserModerate damage to several systemsSlow, heavy escort.
PeregrinVanguard Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksSee previous post. Astartes vessel, so potentially orbital bombardment or deep strike capacity.
Cardinal of NuviaLunar CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksMost common cruiser, generalist.
TorchMissionary vesselModerate damage to several systemsLong range light transport.
FarsightEndeavour Light CruiserLight damage to engines and lower decksSlow, heavy escort.
KingmakerOverlord BattlecruiserModerate damage to several systems, heavy damage to cargo bay and lower decksBiggest ship you have, powerful guns and fast.
Also there's been some discussion, so voting open. Would still like other people to be discussing too rather than the usual people, but its fine
Can we get it operational in one turn if it does well? If then would it be very useful against any major enemies on planet?

Or would relying on knights or the mechanicus's walkers do the job against Nagash?

Time to review again.

Diplomacy (Choose 1)
Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts.
[ ] Sigmar's Heirs
The Imperium's position among the Sigmarites is relatively strong, but can be improved further. Note how you'd like to do this. This might include pushing for greater control in the Empire, especially among the armed forces, or for a religious council to further exposit the Imperial Creed.

[ ] Southern Realms
While Estalia seems closed for the moment due to Bretonnian machinations, Tilea and the Border Princes lie ripe for persuasion. Guarantee their safety in return for fealty and dispatch a diplomatic mission.

[ ] Sisterhood Training
Relations between the Missonia Galactica and Iterators are somewhat fractious, with unclear roles and responsibilities. This is partly by design, but is still less than ideal. Additionally, the relative lack of skill among many new members of the organisations is causing tensions in areas they're deployed. Now that the Chapter's missionary forces have been expanded, it would be well if they were trained.

[ ] Strigos
The ancient empire of Strigos once ruled over the Badlands as one of the first bastions of Humanity on Mallus, or so it is said in the ancient texts of Araby. The peoples of Strigos are scattered across the Old World, but some yet remain in their capital among the floating villages and fetid towns of the Marshes of Madness. While these places are hardly productive or populous, it is likely they hold great stores of arcane knowledge in their depths, and an initial diplomatic contact, with the promise of the new rise of Strigos under Imperial support, may prove useful.
I'm more of a fan of either Diplomacy choice below, especially with the Vampires getting ready for a shadow war for the Empire. We don't have the action economy atm to work on Strigos me thinks. Maybe the Sisterhood Training would expand our Diplomacy action pool?
[ ] Sigmar's Heirs
I initially thought our influence could continue growing passively in the empire, growing disconentment leaves me in doubt though. Without that being pointed out earllier though I would be deeply torn between sisters and Strigos, essentially between adressing a growing problem or rolling on new one which could end very well. I'm feeling adventurous but The Empire being the heart of the setting hardly lacks that.
More to sisterhood or a sigmar option to keep at it with the Empire given previous discussion.

Stewardship (Choose 2)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] Exotic Resource Extraction
Having identified the mountains around the Sour Sea as a good source of exotic materials such as Gromril, the Mechanicus wish to establish a Forge-Bastion on that decrepit shore.

[ ] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
While the Serf-Militarum has some mechanised elements, to increase their capabilities these could be expanded further, especially in longer range transport and expeditionary capability so that the Lion Guard can support the Chapter's operations further afield.

[ ] Regularise Uplift
Like many aspects of Imperial rule, the uplifting of populations is largely irregular, shallow, and inefficient. This must be made more regular, with careful attention and planning over time to push the project forward.

[ ] Open the Biologis Vaults!
The Divisio Biologis maintain extensive samples of various plants and animals from the wider Imperium. Unleash these vaults, introducing populations of Grox and other Imperial staples to Mallus. Note what sort of thing you want out of the Vaults.

[ ] Repair the Peregrin
The Vanguard Light Cruiser is the vessel in best condition of the Chapter's voidships. If it can be set to rights, it can provide a number of capabilities currently lacking for the Chapter.

[ ] Genetic Restructuring
The Magi Genetor propose genetic engineering the Imperial population in Pharos to emphasise the traits most beneficial to Astartes recruitment. This genetic restructuring will be a trial for other programmes of genetic tampering that the Genetors might conduct.

[ ] Terraforming Survey
Nehekhara is supposedly a cursed land. While the Mechanicus don't necessarily believe that, in any case it will be necessary to survey the Land of the Dead to determine the best way to bring it under cultivation.
[ ] Regularise Uplift
[ ] Genetic Restructuring
As always this section tears me up the most, so so many possibilities, so few actions, so I want to vote for the ones I think will have the best long term results and the strongesst effects that build with improved rolls or at minimum don't make for boring mysterious nothingburger disasters if they fail. I definitely want as with the rest of these at least one acction to be a followup to recent efforts though.
For Stewardship, let's continue what we started last turn.
In light of what people has to we can go with regularising updates. Extracting those resources though depends on the needs of the chapter. Getting the Peregin could be put off in favor of more serf logistics and yet if this can be done in one turn a ship in space can really do a lot more as a result of it being operational unless Nagash has very powerful magic to cast orbital spells.

Martial (Choose 2)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Spawning Pool Heist
The old insult of the Lizardmen is not forgotten, but more importantly, Hath-Horeb desires a Spawning Pool to study, and the only way to get this is to seize it from the Lizardmen city itself.

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Strike the Amputari
The Amputari are adapting swiftly to the 9th Company's tactics, and while the Hunters have slowed their expansion, the Amputari's threat now necessitates a full deployment of a strike force to curtail them.

[ ] Serf Training
The Serf-Militarum have vehicles and equipment now, but ones they're relatively inexperienced in. Through education by Astartes officers, this can be remedied, building the capacity of the Serfs.

[ ] Militia Liaison
Though the example of Kabor Brighthand, the Chapter has demonstrated the utility of mortal forces led by Astartes officers. One in ten of each population under the Chapter's control are under arms, and Kabor has proposed a similar arrangement, with rotating Astartes officers to lead forces and generally have greater oversight of the military affairs of the world. While this would have significant military and diplomatic benefits, it would also necessitate the long term deployment of veterans among the mortals.

[ ] Sigmarite Reforms
Sigmar's 'Holy' Empire has a vast array of military forces, and the state in general remains critically weak due to poor organisation and coordination. Despatch Kabor's Heralds out across the Empire to remedy this issue.
[ ] Spawning Pool Heist
[ ]Sigmarite Reforms
The first potentially expands how we can make marines going forward.
The second allows our allies and a greater manpower pool to strikes at the vitals of the centipedes currently coiled around the cradle of our only barely two continents wide and largely still fuedal imperium.

I really like the serf training and liason options as complimentary and as following the footsteps of one of the Astral claws more sucessful strategies, but the liason thing would currently spread our marines so thin that I think we would lose an action, waiting until we can reach 500 marines and trying to reach that viably as soon as possible would be good for that option.

If i'm wrong about the action thing I'll probably be arguing for it being a military need next turn. combining quality with quantity that way appeals to me deeply but not enough to take away from tithe prepartions.
I struggled to choose which is probably a good thing!
Then for Martial I'd go for any two of these to continue our past actions. Probably the Amputari one and maybe the Sigmarite Reforms, which would sync very well with Sigmar's Heirs on gaining control of the military.
The Ampturai needs to be put down. I hate it's not. Otherwise I think anything else will do.

Intrigue (Choose 1)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] The Head of the Snake
The heretical Middenheim 'Guild of Magic' is a growing threat and must be removed. While an assassination mission is unlikely to be well received in Middenheim, perhaps it's a better option that laying siege to the whole city?

[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

[ ] Wastes Survey
The Flesh-that-Hates may be gone, but the Chaos Wastes still hold horrors. Or at least you assume so, you don't know after all.

[ ] The Black Chamber
While the Chapter presently lacks the capacity to develop an Assassinorum equivalent, Black Nassor intends to create a squad of Astartes dedicated to assassination and secret missions.

[ ] Hunting Nagash
The Lord of the Dead has stolen away the Black Pyramid. Now and only now, there remains a chance to follow the aetheric trail the structure leaves and find out where Nagash has sequestered it.
[ ] Hunting Nagash
This might seem like short sighted vainglory, but this guy has been a threat to life for more than a thousand years, not someone even hath horeb should scoff at in terms of danger, even while weakened.
For Intrigue, I think the Black Chamber action would help ensure the Assassins and Witches and Identify the Roots actions would lead to better outcomes. More assassinating potential means better killing Djincallers and Vampires, when we encounter them in the eventual shadow war.
I really hate this one. Only one intrigue option and we have Nagash on the loose.
Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.

[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.

[ ] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. Having investigated once, Natohk fears what might happen if the Deathspeakers fail again, and counsels against attempting it before the source of the Dreadnoughts' fugue is discovered.

[ ] Study the Abhumans
Study the cultures of the Abhuman populations of Mallus to learn more about them and their origins, as well as to inform future activities.

[ ] Acquire Abhuman Samples
Biological samples of abhumans, especially of those not extensively contacted by the Imperium yet, must be acquired to further study the Mallusian gene-craft.

[ ] Induce… Witchery?
The Spiritwalkers have proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.

[ ] Nehekharan Categorisation
Various artefacts have been seized from the ruins of conquered Nehekharan cities, and these must be examined.

[ ] The First Men
Nehekharans represent the original template for genetic manipulation of humans on Mallus, or so Thalis has concluded from an initial study among the tribes of Nehekhara. Those tribes are gone now, swallowed by Settra's storms, but genetic material is preserved in the various ritual jars and mummified bodies of the Tomb Kings, and much might be learnt from them.

[ ] Veiling
While Amra's form is might and beautiful for many to look upon, the Chapter Master has still not revealed himself publicly to the Imperium-on-Mallus, directing matters from behind a screen or via intermediaries. If there's any hope for the Chapter Master to go out without accusations of heresy, he must have a veil. Hath-Horeb and Khotan set themselves to designing a suit of armour to conceal the Chapter Master's appearance. After failing once, the Chapter must make more significant efforts.
[ ] Induce… Witchery?
[ ] The Data Vaults, Artifical Orbital Communications satelitie designs.
Nothing those can't help without barring things like knife fights and ballroom dances, they are if used right VERY versatile tools that I belive we currently lack.
As for Learning, one of the Nehekharan ones for sure and either teh Item Creation for that sweet, sweet runic Astartes Power Armour or the Veiling though with the "After failing once, the Chapter must make more significant efforts" clause I'd bet we'd need Amra's personal action on it.
The data vaults might be that deus ex machina that would prove useful........ otherwise veiling.

Personal (Choose 1)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Personal Attention
Amra directs an action from the other categories. Actions should be chosen in consideration to Amra's specific appearance and the effects this might have.

[ ] Soulbinding
With the assistance of his officers, Amra intends to attempt to soulbind several psykers to himself, as a proxy for the Emperor of Mankind, and by this safeguard their souls.
For Personal Actions, either Personal Attention on the Veiling action or Soulbinding otherwise.
To soulbind or not to soulbind?
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Can we get it operational in one turn if it does well? If then would it be very useful against any major enemies on planet?

Or would relying on knights or the mechanicus's walkers do the job against Nagash?
Yes the current action will get it operational in a single turn.

Massively depends what you want to do with it. With it's weapons you could do orbital bombardment, which would be able to destroy lots of stuff for sure, but it's a single light ship, it's not going to be able to destroy things that quickly. Lets say it's lances would be able to destroty a single block or large building at a time, and not very accurately. A bombardment cannon meanwhile would be more dangerous.

As for Nagash, I suppose that depends partly on rolls and partly on other aspects. Does the hexagramic wards on the knights prevent Nagash, Lord of the Undead, from just ripping the souls of the pilots out? In character you have no idea of Nagash's capabilities other than through stories etc.
@Zeitgeist Blue on only needing to invest in killing power..... I actually think that even as an imperium we should care about creating hegemonic influences rather than ONLY military force multipliers. They can compliment and the later can be equally globe changing.
Yes it's less horrible for everyone but there is more too it than such. Pragmatically this is useful because any polity that bends the knee is not one eating into resources of weapons production and the like and may even eventually be suplying them, see the Norse-Dwarves and sollanders say, all our projects would be behind by at least a little if we had additional relentless attacks there I think.

If we could have had the Wizard caliph surrendered to us too we likely wouldn't have lost many troops and marines and equipment in the SI's, additionally it goes without saying that having most of Araby cowed in one small battle and all of Medes was also useful.

Actually given the tribute states of Medes, Norsca, allies in Krakka Drak and the Metallican brotherhood(who were initially far more seperate) @FractiousDay I wonder will the headline description of the Lions being ''alone and friendless'' ever change during this games lifecycle? It already reads as an inaccurate advertisement if it is meant to relate to the current scenario.

So how terrible is this as a description for going about this? The Dwarves do in my reading have runes that do similar things just not items as far as I know so I propose for a later turn this:
[X] Item Creation
Chaos/Magic/Warp replant Rune Plating, Hath Horeb investigates if the Norse Dwarves runesmiths can teach the creation of a sheild or door which either acts to ''push away'' excessive warp energies or if not to absorb them in a way that would neutralize their effects, possibley by converting to a very simple spell like effect, Like Illuminate The Edifice.*
He can explain to them hopefully sensibly that as men who spend time in the stars, sommetimes seeking the protection of anything resembling stoneworks is completely unavailable to us because stone flies poorly.

*If successful we might I'd think gain a method though very costly to slowly retrofit things into upper orbit against morrsliebs light.
I was going to build a different plan based maximally around setting up space bound infrastructure but if thats....OH wow what timing for me writing this, I am now writing off of incomplete information.
Ah, looking at this I think it's probably be better to start on orbital expansions until we can raise two ships to at least minimally cover each other, on the other hand a mobile Black Pyramid is something very nasty.
So mayhaps we can stretch that focus towards hunting nagash under two turns, what think the rest of you?

@Invadingcat478 @Roth963

I feel pretty darn sure of some options being good ideas from the point of view of the chapters survival, those already have my votes for this plan. I'm not sure otherwise weather this plan is even optimized towards what I want for that front.

I figure I'll also eventually repeat what worked to stir engagement before and post one based on maximizing excitement/dynamism next since I'm sure there will always be voters that appeals to and the death of the chapter through accident still ought be better than the death of the thread through boredom.

For now though my most up to date proposal:

[X]Plan Guarding In Place, looking towards Space

[X] Sigmar's Heirs

[X]Exotic Resources Extraction
[X] Repair The Peregrin

[X] Amputate the Amputari
[X] Sigmarite Reforms

[X] Veiling
[X] The Data Vaults

[X]Black Chamber


So some small changes in my thinking being less obvious than others. Namely that veiling may not only be something harder to achieve on it's on it's own than thought but may be on a faster timer than I thought with more magical signatures for the worlds wizards to use to gaze on us. That population I'd think would growing by the year!
If doubt for example a team of Khainite assasins who could teleport with the right spells could say actually kill our top officers but they would at the least be a force that could waste a huge amount of our time and resources if directed carefully enough I would think.

*If my estimates of the Druuchi ( who have had a few occasions to glimpse us) based off memory of their top dudes and artefacts are not wildly off in that they'd at least be inclined to try.
The amputari, not that different from things like tyrannids or necromorphs or floodforms i'd think aside from the fact that they seem to only breed like rats rather than multiplly like a well fed bacterial colony and don't seem to yet have been encountered assimilating technology in any form not even biotech yet... and they are in universe nurgle based so presumably they might get weaker the further from the poles they travel? I'd hope.
I am still slightly torn on what the second military effort and learning target should be. So those may be subject to change if I hear a good argument within the next 50 or so odd hours.

EDIT: This is still true but now those have my vote.
I am in no drastic rush.

*Although on rushing things for the sake of speaking clearly I wish I was feeling more cogent and revitalized. I was feeling better than I had in a while yesterday but while taking a stroll I think I breathed in something nasty despite my mask because I encountered a horrible inorganic type smell that lingered over the whole neighborhoood (reminding me of burnt plastic but not quite )and I've had a headache through-ought today coming and going in strength.

EDIT: My pounding headache cleared, what an amazing difference towards, well everything :)

I hope the two are not linked but I can't shake the suspicion. I bet the Metalican preisthood would just ask me to replace my sinuses with some sort of metalocarbonic mesh and my airway with a ferroplatic tube though lol.:)
I don't view this as a tax though as being able to smile and engage ones brain is typically I think a good thing for healing.

BIG EDIT: I have decided with a much more cleared head that I should put in a solid vote for the rest of these even if lacking confidence because I will have time to change it, but an incomplete vote helps no one here practically.

BIG EDIT 2: Changed Hunting Nagash, to Black Chamber in the vain hope of increasing intrigue abilities.
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My confidence at least remains that we can have a next turn full of emotion and change and hope and despair.

Although with this turnout having enough cogent brainpower in this thread to maximize a wise martial-ling of efficient resources towards lancing undead and nuglelite boils and all that...well I wish I had confidence in that and If it becomes restored to me than this plan will very likely vanish in a puff of smoke.

Reasoning: Maximizing Dynamism, Faith and Hope. Much other reasoning presented for more sensible combinations before. Wanting the game to survive, etc. Sometimes throwing things at a wall to see what sticks produces stickier objects than first expected.

[X] Plan Dynamism 2 Elctropriest Hullabaloo!
[X] Southern Realms
Potential new converts can hardly be found in larger numbers anywhere.
[X] Strigos
Potential allies with better spynetworks I couldn't see out of anywhere but a severley crippled skavendom, yes even if only the humans of strigos reach out to us.
[X]Genetic Restructuring
More quality flesh for the mill that is marine production.

[X]Terraforming Survey
Greening of Nehkarha step 2! (Step 0 was forcing S*ttra to retreat, step 1 was driving out the other tomb kings some of whom actually seem to be permadead even.)


[X] Militia Liason
[X] Strike the Amputari

[X] Hunting Nagash

[X] The First Men
[X] Nehekaran Categorization
Knowlege on our latest conquest could be quite interesting and at least leave the marines with some more incidental information on Nagash and construct making/nehekaran soulbinding.

[X] Personal Attention, Strigos
I don't want to give up on amra the glowing angelic boi being a hidden asset, but as an open one where else could his appearence be more dramatic?
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Hmm, but finding Nagash might actually a be red herring when it comes to learning more about him compared with looking through aretefacts which might record information ON him? Don't get me wrong I know why it looks too promising to ignore but our intelligence office/ assaninorum equivalent is our weakest capacity and relying on them alone for such may be as likely to be folly?

I agree completely on the amputari though, even this more fancficul plan includes them, and I think the whole thread might agree on that with certainty if nothing else almost makes it feel silly to not have it be a locked in option the way Amra staying in Norsca was a bit ago.

EDIT: If anyone has any write ins that might help the amputarri situation without significantly harming other options that might be dearly appreciated.
@Exmorri @Invadingcat478 @Belisario @Woltaire Do any of you have any thoughts for write ins for facing an Assimilating Swarm type foe, maybe informing the mountain dwarves about it so they can put in more of an effort to coordinate against a mutual foe? But how would that best be done? Or do any other ideas come to mind.

Second point more on nagash.
Wait, I'm embarassed if that vote could expand our spynetworks if it goes well then I actually could see that as an argument for including using the network (since the strigany and strigoi have such a good one) we have more, sure. I'll change that even in the more fanciful one. :)
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Hmm, but finding Nagash might actually a be red herring when it comes to learning more about him compared with looking through aretefacts which might record information ON him? Don't get me wrong I know why it looks too promising to ignore but our intelligence office/ assaninorum equivalent is our weakest capacity and relying on them alone for such may be as likely to be folly
It won't be if the die rolls well. The last time something was put off the Arabyan sorcerers have settled in Middenheim or other places.

If you want an additional option get Amra on it.
@Zeitgeist Blue on only needing to invest in killing power..... I actually think that even as an imperium we should care about creating hegemonic influences rather than ONLY military force multipliers. They can compliment and the later can be equally globe changing.
Yes it's less horrible for everyone but there is more too it than such. Pragmatically this is useful because any polity that bends the knee is not one eating into resources of weapons production and the like and may even eventually be suplying them, see the Norse-Dwarves and sollanders say, all our projects would be behind by at least a little if we had additional relentless attacks there I think.

If we could have had the Wizard caliph surrendered to us too we likely wouldn't have lost many troops and marines and equipment in the SI's, additionally it goes without saying that having most of Araby cowed in one small battle and all of Medes was also useful.
Agreed, there are many ways to influence different polities though not all of them are non-violent. Sigmar's Heirs and Sigmarite Reforms, Exotic Resources Extraction to Regularise Uplift (which will be chosen eventually), and the Black Chamber all help stregthen our influence over the Empire, create material and demographic supremacy, and ensure our spy network isn't a joke (and is very lethal) respectively.

[X] Plan Supremacy and Influence
- [X] Sigmar's Heirs: Pushing for greater control of the armed forces.
The Imperium's position among the Sigmarites is relatively strong, but can be improved further. Note how you'd like to do this. This might include pushing for greater control in the Empire, especially among the armed forces, or for a religious council to further exposit the Imperial Creed.

- [X]Exotic Resources Extraction
Having identified the mountains around the Sour Sea as a good source of exotic materials such as Gromril, the Mechanicus wish to establish a Forge-Bastion on that decrepit shore.
- [X] Repair The Peregrin
The Vanguard Light Cruiser is the vessel in best condition of the Chapter's voidships. If it can be set to rights, it can provide a number of capabilities currently lacking for the Chapter.

- [X] Amputate the Amputari
The Amputari are adapting swiftly to the 9th Company's tactics, and while the Hunters have slowed their expansion, the Amputari's threat now necessitates a full deployment of a strike force to curtail them.
- [X] Sigmarite Reforms
Sigmar's 'Holy' Empire has a vast array of military forces, and the state in general remains critically weak due to poor organisation and coordination. Despatch Kabor's Heralds out across the Empire to remedy this issue.

- [X] Veiling x2
While Amra's form is might and beautiful for many to look upon, the Chapter Master has still not revealed himself publicly to the Imperium-on-Mallus, directing matters from behind a screen or via intermediaries. If there's any hope for the Chapter Master to go out without accusations of heresy, he must have a veil. Hath-Horeb and Khotan set themselves to designing a suit of armour to conceal the Chapter Master's appearance. After failing once, the Chapter must make more significant efforts.

- [X] The Black Chamber
While the Chapter presently lacks the capacity to develop an Assassinorum equivalent, Black Nassor intends to create a squad of Astartes dedicated to assassination and secret missions.

- [X]Hunting Nagash
The Lord of the Dead has stolen away the Black Pyramid. Now and only now, there remains a chance to follow the aetheric trail the structure leaves and find out where Nagash has sequestered it.
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- [X] Veiling x2
While Amra's form is might and beautiful for many to look upon, the Chapter Master has still not revealed himself publicly to the Imperium-on-Mallus, directing matters from behind a screen or via intermediaries. If there's any hope for the Chapter Master to go out without accusations of heresy, he must have a veil. Hath-Horeb and Khotan set themselves to designing a suit of armour to conceal the Chapter Master's appearance. After failing once, the Chapter must make more significant efforts.
I sometimes forget we can do that too.
Zietgiest thank you, though my body has been better than the end of the semester my clarity of thought has not been what I would like it to be.
Indeed I had not during anypoint recalled that we could double up a two option vote and applying Amra to aiding the largest projects like hunting Nagash.

You've made a very persuasive argument I think.
I do wish it wasn't too soon for more runework but even my most optimistic squinting doesn't see as something that can be done in the next two in game years.

[X] Plan Supremacy and Influence
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So since your supporting the basic idea....

I think one way we might improve miltaries within friendly factions within the Sigmarite Imperials lands might be handing out things like exerpts from the tactica imperialis and any other such materials to those leaders which are literate giving advice on centralizing militaries and using things like gunpoweder more efectively than they will be now? Maybe also giving them somethings like barbed wire might be a fairlhy simple and cheap way to help against things like beastmen and goblin attacks.
We might also give them hidden intel on their rivalies especially Ulricans when we have it?
Zietgiest thank you, though my body has been better than the end of the semester my clarity of thought has not been what I would like it to be.
Indeed I had not during anypoint recalled that we could double up a two option vote and applying Amra to aiding the largest projects like hunting Nagash.

You've made a very persuasive argument I think.
I do wish it wasn't too soon for more runework but even my most optimistic squinting doesn't see as something that can be done in the next two in game years.

[X] Plan Supremacy and Influence
Yeah, upon talking to rx915 there are a few options that I would have liked but didn't make the cut. Sisterhood Training, Serf-Milutary actions, Regularise Uplift, Runic Power Armour, and Soulbinding are those actions.

Tertiary would be anything on introducing hardy and plentiful Imperial agricultural flora and fauna (part of Uplifting), Nehekhara, and increasing our Astartes numbers.
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Okay, if not barbed wire and gained experience in battle than maybe Mechanicus guidance on at least building an analog assembly line for the gear of favored factions already fighting for us like Solland and (maybe?) Marineburg?
At least encouraging a transition back to state troops and away from mostly mercenaries I could see not being harmful, since even if those states later turn on the imperium training them like such at least nets heavy insight on them on legitimate basis.

If none of the above(if you were imagining less military aide in The Empire) maybe a conclave of faith saying that anyone worshiping ''the emperor'' no mater what how that ruling being is depicted (as long as plausibly human) gets a free pass on at least intel-sharing support?

Or maybe just importing say Medicines or Crops we already have on hand to those we want to persuade to move more actively?

(Basically I'm asking you @Zeitgeist Blue what the specifics of your Sigmars Heirs expansion should be at least. Generally, I'm probably being overly detailed but from the description fractious will ask)
Okay, if not barbed wire and gained experience in battle than maybe Mechanicus guidance on at least building an analog assembly line for the gear of favored factions already fighting for us like Solland and (maybe?) Marineburg?
At least encouraging a transition back to state troops and away from mostly mercenaries I could see not being harmful, since even if those states later turn on the imperium training them like such at least nets heavy insight on them on legitimate basis.

If none of the above(if you were imagining less military aide in The Empire) maybe a conclave of faith saying that anyone worshiping ''the emperor'' no mater what how that ruling being is depicted (as long as plausibly human) gets a free pass on at least intel-sharing support?

Or maybe just importing say Medicines or Crops we already have on hand to those we want to persuade to move more actively?

(Basically I'm asking you @Zeitgeist Blue what the specifics of your Sigmars Heirs expansion should be at least. Generally, I'm probably being overly detailed but from the description fractious will ask)
Well, I guess since you asked and already mentioned it, I was thinking something like transitioning towards a more centralized military structure. Maybe we aren't seeing Kabor becoming Lord General of the Empire's armies overnight but overhauling the military structure (which is what the Martial action is for), creating regularised recruitment practices, standardising training, creating some form of professional soldiery, and the forming a Empire-wide body to monitor the raising of levies and assessment of threats are all things Kabor could do.

Edit: Basically, quickly transitioning from the feudalized state of things of that period to the more centralized and professional state the current Empire would be at. There's a niche for the militias, levies, and Knightly Orders still as the current Empire shows so I'm sure they needn't be left out. Or use whatever Sigmarite Reforms we'll be doing then push further so that Kabor gets to be in charge of them, directly or indirectly, and which would definitely have him then indirectly influence the Empire's armed forces.

Oh, and then Kabor has fingers in all those pies. Look at that soft power over the Empire's nascent military institutions.
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If we do encounter any other Named figures within this Soll System how likely actually are our guns to be able to deal with them? I'd probably think not for many of these things like ghost ships probably need prayer seals and or Blackstone to deal with.

''There are hints that there may be lifeforms native to the Dark Moon. Moonclaw is said to have been born from a warpstone meteorite that came down during Geheimnisnacht and has a strong connection to the Chaos Moon.[4c] The Daemon Prince Be'lakor once claimed to have ruled over Morrslieb as a god.[13a] The spectral ship Shadewraith is claimed to have sailed seas upon Morrslieb's surface.[19a]''

I suspect Orkish spores drifting in system are probably also likely but I'm forced to shrug at what might be out there, maybe Star Drakes as per AOS?