[X] Punch [30-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands.
[X] Punch [30-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands.

Edit: Rerolls courtesy of @Rotekian, @TheShadowOfZama .
Locos_Docos threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Punch1 Total: 1
1 1
Locos_Docos threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Punch2 Total: 37
10 10 10 10 3 3 6 6 8 8
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[X] Punch [30-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands.
[X] Punch [30-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands.

Look at that 2 10s already
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Radvic threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken 1 Total: 4
4 4
Radvic threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken 2 Total: 33
9 9 10 10 8 8 6 6
And I am late. Meh, still enough time to post!
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Throw Rocks [27-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave.

...Okay, seeing as I wrote my skelly holding a floating head, my vote sounds bad... meh.

AFTER ROLL REACTION: ...yeah, going to be making an omake for this. Mostly for the Awakening. Because that's at least going to give me a better chance for an intelligent skelly. If I roll right.
Kito (Kan) threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Awakening! Total: 17
3 3 9 9 5 5
Kito (Kan) threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Throwing Total: 12
8 8 4 4
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To Shape Stone​

The sage had set itself a task, to put rock against rock, stone against stone; to wear down one or both to sharp blades with which to cut all enemies. The latest stones to be shaped with well applied violence were curious specimens. For with each strike a spark leapt and one thousand firefly echoes danced. One thousand maybe more stars unfolded from the dark cavern walls their lustre unfaded. Such beauteous distractions that he found his task forgotten, his focus the grinding of rocks for the light they gave.

Yet on and on yet, is the relentless patience of a skeleton. Thus in time were those stones put aside before their amusement value wavered. New stone and rock picked up and set to work. To form a worthy axe, his arm the lever, the sharp stone in his hand the blade. That they might form worthy weapons against worthy foes, be they the living or unshaped stone. As a rock can be a hammer so too can an axe a chisel.

Creating a reroll for @Locos_Docos.
Alright, so by my calculations we now have researched gathering, searched the right, 73 progress to Smashing, somewhere in the realm of 60 progress for punching, and have a boost to researching throwing next turn.

I'm not even going to try to count how many skeletons are being woken up. I'm just going to roll.
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons
[X] Smash with Rocks

Edit: Of course I roll low on making actual progress for our troops, but roll a 10 on adding slightly more numbers to the fucking mountain we're already waking up.
Dolly Fail Fail threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Arise Total: 13
10 10 3 3
Dolly Fail Fail threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: and SMASH Total: 2
2 2
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Title: Tone-Deaf (Self)
It heard the song. The skeleton started to look around some more, to share the song.

Maybe it should practice? Yes. It drew closer to the source. The Idol sung a sad song... It wanted to add to it somehow. If it knew how to...

It hummed. Trying to match the pitch.

It blinked. That didn't... it was too low. How did singing work? It tried again, only it felt that it was too high. The others around it struggled with the slightly tinged song they sang, disturbed by what it tried to do.

The others skeletons stared at it. It was unnerving.

It left in shame, vowing to practice more.
All awaken rolls in order:

Page Five: 6, 10, 6, 4, 5, 10, 5, 10, 3, 7, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8, 6, 7, 2, 8, 4, 4, 10, 2, 8, 4, 8, 5, 9, 8, 3, 2, 10, 4, 9, 8, 9, 7, 3, 7, 8, 4, 8, 6, 4, 1, 8, 7, 2, 7, 2, 2, 6, 7, 3, 10, 3, 2
Page Six: 4, 9, 10, 8, 6, 3, 10, 3

399 total raised thus far, according to my count.

I pledge to pick warrior and giant, and rampage as a T-Rex skeleton.

Don't you get my hopes up >_>;
[X] Smash with rocks [70-100]: Unlocks melee skeletons who...Smash things with rocks found in the cave
[X] Smash with rocks [70-100]: Unlocks melee skeletons who...Smash things with rocks found in the cave

Gathering is very done, on to advanced smacking
Chlof threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Smack 1 Total: 16
10 10 6 6
Chlof threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Smack 2 Total: 4
4 4
Gah, just need 7 more and we'll have armed skeletons. Then we need to make our unarmed skeletons capable of fighting properly.
I'm going to just say this: I will be making as many omakes that I need in order to get my skelly to be a Diplomat Leader (or a Special Skeleton with a calming aura or something like that...) because... well, that hypothetical I remember from earlier in the thread about the skeletons fighting each other because of a difference in opinions is bothering me.

...and then it turns out that never get three tens ever. Somehow.

Also, my skelly is sort of getting a sense of self in a way. He's not an intelligent skeleton, but I'm getting sick of writing "it" all the time.

Also, I apologize in advance to the floating skull.

Title: ...Probably Shouldn't Have Done That.
Another skeleton woke up, only to screech at him. It wandered over to the other cavern.

Oh great... it happened again. He collapsed against the wall, despairing at his lack of progress in that one thing.

He tried not to scream. How did he scream? He was a skeleton-- where did that come from?

There should be some progress. The skeleton had practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced-- why wasn't it working? He woke the others up, sure, but that was all he was able to do...

He couldn't join in on the song. The one that woke him was cheerier, sure, but it was still a song that woke him up, and one that he managed to teach to others before.

He blindly threw the object in his hands, only to realize too late that the sole item in his hands was a floating skull. The one that he picked up... some time ago.

As soon as he realized that, the skeleton scrambled after the skull, bones rattling this way and that in his hurry. It flew very far away.
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Smash with rocks [70-100]: Unlocks melee skeletons who...Smash things with rocks found in the cave

meh, I hoped to make use of the 8+ boost, but whatever.
Yanez threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken Total: 2
2 2
Yanez threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: SMASH Total: 5
5 5
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This is the kind of glorious insanity that a riot quest SHOULD BE. I have missed this, yes I have.
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!

//compile awaken_skeletons

As he waited for the code to compile DEAD C0DE ran over it in his head looking for bugs and errors. This would be the third iteration of the code he had compiled in a row. The earlier iterations having various bugs that caused the skeletons he was controlling to suddenly stop as the program crashed or get stuck in infinite loops. The one where he had forgotten to iterate a variable during a loop was particularly embarrassing, causing the program to try awakening the same skeleton repeatedly even after it had awoken. That had been an amateur error and had caused him to waste precious time trying to find the problem.

As the testing protocols began the skeleton began to move, slightly slower than usual but unnoticeably so. The protocols would automatically track the current state of various variables, write them into a log in memory for later review and if the program crashed generate an error report containing information about the reason for the crash. As the skeleton began awakening its brothers DEAD C0DE's attention was distracted from the scrolling lists of variable numbers by an alert.
<"Rise and shine sleepy bones!">

DEAD C0DE grinned internally at that, this would make his task far easier. The song would mean that each individual skeleton would take less time to awaken. This would in turn allow for more skeletons to a awakened in the same time frame. As the test report for his program came back he decided to use it immediately despite the fact that there were more improvements he could do to it. Good enough would do for now, taking advantage of the song's effects immediately rated a higher priority. He could always work on the code later but the song had a finite duration.
//run awaken_skeletons

/list current goals
ConfusedPotato threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: awaken_skeletons Total: 38
10 10 6 6 8 8 7 7 7 7
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More Throwing! We need ranged attackers so that we can throw random things from a high vantage point! Because nothing says fun in war other than decimating the enemy without getting a single casualty beyond the purely accidental ones!

...That sounded wrong...
Next turn there likely will be a flood of people who do that.
[x] Improve roll: Throw Rocks

[x] Create new research: Stone Hand Axe
I don't see why you would not get five dice for this. If you are allowed to do it at all.
Sad that I missed seeing this going up as riot quests tend to be fun. Going to continue the awaken train.

[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!

Edit- one ten but the second one went very well.
Void Stalker threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
Void Stalker threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken roll Total: 9
8 8 1 1
Void Stalker threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken roll 2 Total: 34
9 9 10 10 9 9 6 6
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Omake, The Undying Warrior 879: A Song from the Past

After a lot of effort 879 had found a rock he liked. It was not perfect, far from it. It felt weird as something he planned on using as a weapon, but it was decent and he also doubted he would find a better rock just laying around. Still as he wandered around through the cavern with rock in hand, suddenly a song erupted. He did not know the song, yet it stirred something inside of him and he felt as if he recognised it. It sang of the past, of the Master. The song contained sadness, love, hope, sorrow and loss, it was simply beautiful. Other skeletons joined in as well and he could almost feel the song's magic permeat through the air, causing dormant ones to awaken in large numbers as the awakened ones joined together to spread the song. The urge to join in became overwhelmingly and almost unconsciously he put his right hand over his ribcage and joined the singing.

He lost himself in the beautifulness of it all; the song, the bond it caused between his colleagues and himself. He only noticed almost all of the skeletons in his close vicinity awakening when they were already clawing to their feet. It had to be close to a hundred! Had he been responsible for awakening them, despite his meagre success at awakening dormant ones earlier? The Idol was singing, he was singing, many of his colleagues were singing and in the end he was enjoying himself too much to think too much about it.

Their numbers were growing and 879 found himself liking that thought quite a lot.

1). I would like to offer my re-roll to @Locos_Docos
2). Small question OP (QM, GM?), a giant is obviously tall, a Vined one obviously has vines, does my character have some sort of special look because of his regeneration? I am asking because you called it 'Bloody.' It's up to you, but I just thought I should ask.
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Omake, The Undying Warrior 879: A Song from the Past

After a lot of effort 879 had found a rock he liked. It was not perfect, far from it. It felt weird as something he planned on using as a weapon, but it was decent and he also doubted he would find a better rock just laying around. Still as he wandered around through the cavern with rock in hand, suddenly a song erupted. He did not know the song, yet it stirred something inside of him and he felt as if he recognised it. It sang of the past, of the Master. The song contained sadness, love hope, sorrow and loss, it was simply beautiful. Other skeletons joined in as well and he could almost feel the song's magic permeat through the air, causing dormant ones to awaken in large numbers as the awakened ones joined together to spread the song. The urge to join in became overwhelmingly and almost unconsciously he put his right hand over his ribcage and joined the singing.

He lost himself in the beautifulness of it all; the song, the bond it caused between his colleagues and himself. He only noticed almost all of the skeletons in his close vicinity awakening when they were already clawing to their feet. It had to be close to a hundred! Had he been responsible for awakening them, despite his meagre success at awakening dormant ones earlier? The Idol was singing, he was singing, many of his colleagues were singing and in the end he was enjoying himself too much to think too much about it.

Their numbers were growing and 879 found himself liking that thought quite a lot.

1). I would like to offer my re-roll to @Locos_Docos
2). Small question OP (QM, GM?), a giant is obviously tall, a Vined one obviously has vines, does my character have some sort of special look because of his regeneration? I am asking because you called it 'Bloody.' It's up to you, but I just thought I should ask.
Your bones leak blood dying you red.
[X]Gathering [64-100]: Unlocks gathering skeletons who will collect rocks or other materials in the area.
[X]Gathering [64-100]: Unlocks gathering skeletons who will collect rocks or other materials in the area.
trekbook threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Gathering 1 Total: 6
2 2 4 4
So I'm interested in this, and I'm trying to think of a special skeleton to add to our ranks.

I was thinking something along the lines of a physical and magical restoration focused character? To clean and fix the skeletons and make them that bone white we know and love?

If youd rather I think of something else I can, my other choice was something along the lines of a warrior/necromancer hybrid who isn't as good at either.
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Aerrow Shadow threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken Total: 30
8 8 10 10 8 8 4 4
Aerrow Shadow threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken Total: 3
3 3
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
EDIT: originally threw a six sided die, sorry
wrecksalot threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: 2 Total: 6
6 6
wrecksalot threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 25
9 9 9 9 1 1 6 6