@Zedalb, like was rightfully noted, dice explode on 10. So if the action has a normal reroll of 8+, do I get a second dice? One for reroll, on for explosion?

No, the explosion just happens on anything 8+ instead of only 10.

It's WOD/NWOD style.
Curse of the Blessed

He crept through the ranks of his brothers, sisters, and those still sleeping. For his was a simple roll, to empower his people, and to strike from the shadows. Thus as he crept passed the bones of his kin seemed to knit and unsplit with quicker speed, all while concealed from direct perception.

Making his way through the ranks of humans futiley struggling against his endless family. Each shaking for some reason aside from the attack by his family seeking to grow by the death of mortals...life temporary and fleeting, and their family eternal in it's love and life.

He shook himself from his musings, for the one commanding these...confused humans was ahead, shouting something or another about how his unmerciful good would site them down with his own hand.

This decidedly was bad for his siblings, and so he placed bladed finger ones between his ribs to stop the loud man's ramblings. Another day, another angry man calling for his father to save him struck down...life was good as a spooky scary skeleton.

@Zedalb is this worth a re-roll CX?

You don't have to ask, because then I'd have to make a lot of post saying yes or no and why, etc etc.
So yes always. (unless they start getting stupidly short, then I may say something)
[X] Stone Knapping [0-50]: Unlocks Stone Blades, and allows a large variety of new stone and wood related research
[X] Stone Knapping [0-50]: Unlocks Stone Blades, and allows a large variety of new stone and wood related research
Drepson threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Research 1 Total: 9
9 9
Drepson threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Research 2 Total: 4
4 4
[x] Crafter: [0-100]: Crafters turn raw material into whatever equipment you have unlocked for your skeletons.
[x] Stone Knapping [0-50]: Unlocks Stone Blades, and allows a large variety of new stone and wood related research
[x] Create New Research: Stonecutting
Note: I'm aiming at two separate things here.
* The cutting of stone blocks for larger construction projects and sculpture
* Gem Cutting for the creation of special equipment
Rotekian threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafter Total: 15
2 2 1 1 5 5 5 5 2 2
Rotekian threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Stone Knapping Total: 40
10 10 9 9 8 8 5 5 2 2 6 6
Rotekian threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Stonecutting Total: 8
5 5 1 1 2 2
Three consecutive 10's with no breaks in-between them equals intelligent skeleton yes? Also dear God our master was terrifying, look at the exponential power and the unique empowerment of each fully awakened skeleton 0_0 also, while I appreciate long term development ideas Dwarves are marching on us right now, probably because we awakened....I dread what that encounter will look like.

Random thought of the day, if we kill the halflings will we have small sized brethern?

Also damn! Any re-rolls no one needs so I can boost Crafter more? Having our equipment generation would be cool.
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Three consecutive 10's with no breaks in-between them equals intelligent skeleton yes? Also dear God our master was terrifying, look at the exponential power and the unique empowerment of each fully awakened skeleton 0_0 also, while I appreciate long term development ideas Dwarves are marching on us right now, probably because we awakened....I dread what that encounter will look like.

Random thought of the day, if we kill the halflings will we have small sized brethern?

If you kill the halflings you can take everything they have.

Their bodies can join you ranks.
You can take their arms and armor. (or have them wear it as they fight for you since it's sized for them)
You can take their forges and raw materials.

If you can take them out before the dwarves come it could be a nice power boost, but that is a risk VS reward question...
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[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Hearts Nine threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: action Total: 7
1 1 6 6
I just want intelligenceeeeeee

[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Magnive threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Mighty art of rock-throwing Total: 15
10 10 5 5
Magnive threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mighty art of rock-throwing #2 Total: 1
1 1
[X] Crafter: [0-100]: Crafters turn raw material into whatever equipment you have unlocked for your skeletons.
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Let's spook these fuckboys.
bdun140 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 17
10 10 7 7
bdun140 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Throwing Total: 5
5 5
[X] Crafter: [0-100]: Crafters turn raw material into whatever equipment you have unlocked for your skeletons.
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Let's spook these fuckboys.

Yes! Crafters for the win xD gotta supply that war effort lol.

Crafter is at 38/50
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He... She... It.... Yes, it.

It threw.

It's been doing it for the last... since the sounds started. Not the beautiful... thing that the other was doing, no, something much more ugly. They came from the outside and were clashing with the beautiful thing, the rythmic pounding almost big ... loud enough to distract it.

Pick the... rock up and throw it. Repeat. Repeat.

Something was not there. It didn't understand what it was doing wrong, but its instincts were screaming at it about something... Something required. Something that would bring success.

Oh, right. It should aim before throwing.

Pick the rock up. Aim at...

How does one aim?

Pick the rock up. Look at where it wants to throw. Throw it. Wrong. Pick the rock up. Imagine how it wants the rock to fly. Throw it. Wrong. Pick the rock up. Turn its entire body so it faces the target. Throw it. Wrong.

It wasn't frustrated at the failures. Now that it knew what it had been missing, the success was... imminent. It had all the time to keep trying.

If only the sounds would stop.
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[X] Crafter: [0-100]: Crafters turn raw material into whatever equipment you have unlocked for your skeletons.
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Astra Myst threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafter Total: 7
7 7
Astra Myst threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Rock Throw Total: 5
5 5
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Zaratustra threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Throw Rocks Total: 22
9 9 7 7 6 6
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Phigment threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Rock tossing Total: 5
5 5
Phigment threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Rock chucking Total: 1
1 1
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Throw Rocks [35-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Radvic threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Throw Rocks 1 Total: 2
2 2
Radvic threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Throw Rocks 2 Total: 3
3 3
Interlude: Dwarves
The Dwarves are holding court. Four of them stand in a circle wearing matching long grey robes. Through thick bears, and large robes, most people would struggle to tell them apart, except for two of them. One who wears a crown and another with bandaged arms.

The King starts, "We are holding this session today, because The Captain here has put in an award of valor for this solider" he says looking over to the one with bandaged arms. "And yet...such a thing that should not have reached such a high level of court, interrupted not just my own work, but several others as well..." The pause speaks of a certain kind of quiet anger and frustration to be here. "So then, cite your grievance."

"The Captain seeks to ruin me, he continually puts in these high ranking awards for my Ghilman, so I may no longer receive their salary. He is not acting as an officer but as an opposing lord, a lord who holds no land" Many of their heads turn to look at one particular dwarf that a discerning eye may notice seems to be a fair bit stockier even through the baggy robes.

"I assure you lord, I hold ground, where you would not risk treading"

The King quickly coughs into his fist, and all of the lords assembled are two disciplined to laugh. The crown wearing dwarf, shakes his head. "You are accused of abusing your station to bring about financial ruin to an opponent"

"Then, I take this as a matter of personal honor and request we settle it with a honor duel, I witnessed the mans courage personally, and will not be called a liar, nor will I stand in front of my king and other lords and be accused of not just plotting but given my position of treason. Surely none here will deny such a list of accusations is worthy of blood"

The room is silent for a long long moment.

"I... formally withdraw my complaint"He says with all the venom in his voice he can muster. The lord who spoke does not waste another second and storms out of the hall.

The king gives a small nod to The captain before turning to the bandaged dwarf"I here bye recognize you as a free dwarf, and no longer does slavery follow you and your descendants. " The bandaged dwarf falls to his knees holding back tears. The captain walks up and places a hand on his shoulder "You were enlisted under me as a slave, now a free man I ask, will you enlist again, and will you fight to protect the kingdom?"

"My lord, you have given me freedom and had me recognized for great honor, I will follow you, I swear on my axe, my beard and my ancestors"

The captain smiles and nods. "Then welcome to first company, my personal guard, the elites and my problem solvers, here you will need this curative potion" He pulls out a glowing green vial from a pouch.

"My lord, no! such an honor I am not worthy of, and such a thing is worth a hundred times it's weight in gold"

"I saw you break an oil lantern on your shield, and spread the burning oil on your axe blade as well, and fight the deepest foulest creatures of the mountain, alone and in the dark, a slave, with the worst equipment and burning your own arms to hell, You held the line. You choose to stand and fight to your last, to be a dwarf when being a dwarf was the hardest thing you could of chosen to do. You have earned this, but trust me when I say, this is no gift. You will have little rest under my command, history is shaped by a few and I am protecting this nation, you will be working hard to aid that. Now drink the potion, we have work to do today."

The solider nods and opens the vial, frowning at the stench but downing it in one swallow.
"My lord, what do you require of me"

"Captain will do, and I require you to deliver a message to a halfling village"
[X] Punch [75-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands
[X] Punch [75-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands
Locos_Docos threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Punch1 Total: 9
9 9
Locos_Docos threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Punch2 Total: 5
5 5