@Sinsystems - what are you naming your backup dancers/singers? The deadbeats?

EDIT: Can one of our necromancers kill and resurrect the die roller? It seems to be cursed!

[X] Wood Working [0-50]: Improved practice with wood allows for new research of things like primitive shields, bows, atlatl, and staves.
[X] Wood Working [0-50]: Improved practice with wood allows for new research of things like primitive shields, bows, atlatl, and staves.
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: It's log, it's log! Total: 3
3 3
Semi-Autogyro threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Its big, its heavy, its wood! Total: 8
1 1 7 7
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The Master Is (Not) Without Mercy!

Two attempts at Project Make A Shield.

Two utter failures.

Third time's the charm, right?

Perhaps, little skeleton.


This time, after unbinding the knotted vine, the skeleton laid it out on the floor, and set a single plank of wood down on top of it, perpendicular to the plant. Three more pieces of wood followed, at right angles to the first and fitted closely together, and then a fifth on top of them, aligned with the first. Then, moving carefully so as not to dislodge the whole, the skeleton began to wrap the vine around the center of the collection of lumber several times, before tying off the knot once more.

The skeleton regarded its work. The topmost and bottommost pieces should keep the pieces between them from shifting out of alignment, and the vine was tied tightly enough to keep those pieces from shifting as well.


There was only one way to be sure.

Slowly, hesitantly, the skeleton reached for the shield.

Surely, this time, the Absent Master would find favor with the efforts of this lowly skeleton...
Have a reroll for your 1, @Semi-Autogyro. As long as it's a 2 or better, Wood Working should be completed.

Edit: Half a moment. I rolled a 7, which was one shy of the target number. My last reroll was a 5, and that plus Semi's 3 should have done it...
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Another omake!
Title: I Have a Weapon, but the Other Guy has Less Ribs (Part One)

So maybe that wasn't the best idea... He rubbed at the makeshift bandage around his lower ribs. Okay, that hurt and he can't really harm himself by grabbing at his bones without causing a lot of damage...

'My poor ribs...'

But hey! At least there were still some inanimate skeletons around. Maybe he should just get his stabbing weapons there. He could even sharpen the edges and tie it nice and tight to a branch or tie it to his hands. Yeah, that would work.

He could even ask the Stone Sage-- wait, that could lead to an awkward conversation about where he got those rib bones...

DIY it is!

He dragged an unawake skeleton into the shadows, a sharp stone in hand. With a straight expression, he started to slowly carve the rib bone away from the skeleton's spine.


EDIT: ...Aw come on! Another 4?!
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All right if someone will compile all the unanswered questions I will do them all at once.
First time taking part in a Riot Quest. New Skeleton waking up now! And wandering off into the caves.

[X] Scouting: Deeper into the cave [29-100]
[X] Scouting: Deeper into the cave [29-100]

EDIT: Well then. That's a reroll.
Floom threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Scouting Total: 5
1 1 4 4
Floom threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Reroll Total: 1
1 1
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How about an omake to make up for those... rolls.

Wandering into the Dark

There is little to greet the newly awaken except a grand pile of unawakened bones, and darkness.

Such was the nature of the cave that the skeleton army came to be in. Luckily, the few skeletons with their wits about them were quick to organize their lesser brethren upon their awakening, but such was not always the case. Before they organized, before the first few steps of progress were made, there were a few who awoke without guidance.

Who saw only dark on regaining consciousness. And so they returned to the dark, shambling off into the depths of the caves.

Sometimes, they wandered back. Perhaps a bone or two less.

Sometimes they crawled back, their legs gone, shattered upon a bad fall, or perhaps devoured by some strange beast.

Sometimes they carried fungi atop them, as opportunistic molds hitched temporary rides on shambling platforms, spreading their spores far and wide across the cave.

Sometimes they carry trinkets. Pretty stones, shimmering ores, even the occasional fossil, or carved stone.

Remarkably, there was once a skeleton that returned, half-petrified. Or perhaps fossilized. At the time, there was no one to tell the difference.

And sometimes, the skeletons simply disappeared, never to be seen again.

Perhaps they are still shambling about in the dark, waiting to be found by their brethren.

Or perhaps a stranger fate awaits them...

All that is known is the ever-yawning darkness of the caves, the stray skeletons that wander it's unknown depths.

Even now, if one strains their hearing, the sounds of rattling and rumbling echo ever distant down the dark corridors. Waiting to emerge.

EDIT: Gonna go ahead and use this re-roll now
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Well. That's a fuck ton of omakes, @Zedalb since I became an intellegent skeleton this turn do I get another action or do I delete my post and reroll everything?
[X] Idle-Hands [18-500]: You no longer need to train gathers, instead all unassigned skeletons will act as gathers until assigned.BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X] Idle-Hands [18-500]: You no longer need to train gathers, instead all unassigned skeletons will act as gathers until assigned.BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!

DEAD C0DE sighed as he stared at the line of current beta testers for his throw_rocks program. Sure they could throw rocks but after they ran out the program crashed and they just stood there, doing absolutely nothing. He had tried to program the skeletons to pick up rocks when they ran out but here he ran into a rather large problem. When picking up objects they had a very bad idea of what a rock was and if he tried to program in the necessary code for suitable rock identification and gathering he simply ran out of active memory to use. Sure he could have them store all the programs in memory compressed when not in active use, but uncompressed, they could only really feasibly run one program at a time. At least if you didn't want to cause large amounts of glitches, crashes and lag.

After the tenth time he had needed to force quit the program to avoid the skeletons doing things they really shouldn't (picking up and throwing each other or parts of each other, falling over as they forgot how to walk, swapping the targeting data for friendlies and enemies, moving too slowly, moving in bursts and sudden stops, etc.) he did the mental equivalent of throwing up his hands and decided to approach the problem from a different angle. He had noticed that there were a lot of skeletons standing idle after they had been woken up. Standing there as they didn't have any orders. If all of them were gatherers they could easily gather up enough appropriate rocks of the rock throwers to use, unfortunately they didn't have any orders to gather just defaulting to standing there.

Wait... defaults... yeah... that could work. If he could change the default settings on the skeletons so that if they didn't have any orders they would gather materials instead of standing there it would eliminate quite a bit of overhead. Sure fiddling with default settings on skeletons was a lot of work, after all you don't want to break the code for other default things like walking. The fact that there was a gather_materials program already made this a whole lot easier. He could just copy a lot of the code from one program to another. Now in a far better mood DEAD C0DE closed the throw_rocks program in deeprot and opened up the gather_materials one.
ConfusedPotato threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: idle hands Total: 14
2 2 6 6 6 6
An Unscientific Method to Punching


One does not start skilled, they must put forth the effort in gaining experience and sorting out what works and what does not work. For the army this is no different, except in their case it's more of a "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" sorta method. Some of the first attempts for punching were exceedingly incompetent.

Attempts #11-59: Several tries in throwing straight punches resulted in overreaching to the point where the entire skeleton fell over and collapsed onto the ground. Sometimes there was chattering (laughing) from the jaws of those still standing when this happened.

Attempt #82: One skeleton had unintentionally launched a haymaker into one of the rock gatherers. This knocked the skeleton into a nearby skeleton, which fell on another of his gathering buddies, which fell then created a chain reaction that knocked down another 20 there lined up in a row. One of the leaders had a field day reprimanding the skeleton for that stupidity.

Attempt #136: A particular gut punch attempt trapped one skeleton's hand inside another's torso and had to be forcibly disconnected. This took 25 minutes.

Attempt #175: A wild uppercut sent another skeleton's jaw flying right off their body which then got wedged into the wall. The skull-less skeleton was helplessly looking for its skull while more chattering came from those around him.

Attempt #177: We do not talk about Attempt #177.

Attempt #242: One random skeleton went for a running jab & straight combo. See Attempt #82.

Attempts #250-368: Success is almost in sight. There have been fewer incidents compared to the first 200 attempts and---

Attempt #369: The assumption of success was premature. As far as failure severity goes, the latest attempt makes Attempt #177 look like Attempts #82 and #242. Nearly three hours of experimentation have proven pointless.

After the initial four hundred attempts, it was decided that we will uniformly focus on one move at a time and practice this over and over to reduce catastrophe and not cause other Horde members additional problems. And so we continue working and experimenting as to what works and what causes collateral damage to happen.


Using this to reroll my first action back on page 13.
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How much fan content can we generate about a bunch of leaderless skeletons mucking about in a cave?

A lot, it would seem.
Day 5
Dwarves (1-3 Days until found)

Some would question why the dwarves would be so quick to go to war against one of the lost skeletal legions. Those people do not understand. The skeletons do not sleep, they do not get tired, they do not slack off, they do not stop. Ever. What this means is from the moment they awaken from their magical slumber once they start working, they do not stop. They will march in any weather, never slowing. They will gather and forge weapons from anything, and they will go to war with no end. In 5 days, they went from the first of their kind awakening to nearly a thousand marching with nothing more than rocks. In another 5 days they are likely to have archers, spear men and shield walls. What will they have in a month? What will happen if because of the coming winter, the armies that would oppose them wait an entire season?

They attack for no reason other than because they think they can win. They do not fear battle or death, they can not be parlayed with, they do not hesitate in the way mortal living creatures do. The only answer to such an enemy is immediate and all out of war. The dwarves understand this, but that is because every few hundred years a dwarf comes along who can not die of old age, growing quite old, but never aging physically beyond that. So some still remember, not many but enough. They remember a man, who tried to be good and was betrayed a man who when he broke, nearly broke the entire world with him. A man who even now has minions reawakening and looking for battle in his name.

The Battle Starts

You march out to attack the halfling village.
The halflings do not wait idle, instead you are ambushed near the end of the woods. It's nearly silent save for the foot steps of hundreds of skeletons when with a single blow of a horn a dozen halflings mounted on large dogs charge your rear. They inflict a few casualties, lances not being ideal for killing your kind, but not terrible either.​

They do not fight long, the armored warriors and dogs, are quite resistant to your weakest number but soon the rock throwers are upon them and with another blow of the horn they retreat. They are faster in the short term, so there is nothing you can do without forgetting your attack. So you continue on the way to the village. It should be dark, but they have set large fires around the entrance of the village. Slowing down how many can charge in at once. They have a shield wall with swords, maybe a dozen strong. The cavalry, is however escorting a few carts away, which are already a good distance. They were forewarned and ready to leave already. As you start to approach you notice something, the shield wall seems to be made of older halflings.

Begin planning operation "Super cute Debut performance!!", the idea is that she will lead her 'fans' (IE about 60% of the mindless skeletons) in a frontal assault at night on the halfling village as a distraction with a a rough battle plan of the Rock Swingers being the center of the frontline with Undying Warrior-san (@TheShadowOfZama) leading them from the front with their only job being to push forwards, the flanks will be generic mindless skeletons who's only job is to encircle the halflings and mob them and finally the Rock Throwers are behind the frontline pelting the defenders with Idol-chan singing from the backline using her song to raise anyone who gets killed and occasionally firing a Friendship beam (IE Death Ray) at anyone who looks to be in charge. But secretly while everyone is distracted General-san (@Astra Myst ) will lead the remaining 40% around the back, including all of the Punchers, to climb the halfling's hill and hit them from behind.

All boosted 8+
[] Follow The Idol
[] Follow The Undying Warrior
[] Follow The General
+6 Rolls
+5 New Posters
+8 Auto Awaken

[] Deeper into the cave [43-100]
[] Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings[0-100]

Awaken other Skeletons (848 Awake/ 101,119 Remain asleep) (1 will be awakened automatically for every new poster)
[]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons

Unit Research

[] Primitive Spear-men[15-50]: Basic Warriors who will use the long read of a simple stone spear to stab at enemies.(CP:2)+2 When in a formation lead by an intelligent skeleton.
[] Primitive Axe Users[0-50]: A simple Warrior class who will charge forward with a primitive stone axe. (Cp:3) Has a +1 attacking wooden fortifications.
[] Primitive Javelin throwers[0-50]: An early Ranger class that will throw shorter spears (CP:2)
[] Primitive Knife Assassin[48-50]: The first rogue class, who rather than fight directly will look for holes in defenses, or wounded/unarmed individuals and kill them. (CP:1)
Primitive Archer:[0-100]
[] Crafter: [100-100]: Crafters turn raw material into whatever equipment you have unlocked for your skeletons.

Tech Research
[] Primitive Tools[46-50]: Stone axes, picks and baskets, Allows three levels of improvements for gathers and crafters, improving them beyond the current 10-1 ratio.
[] Primitive Mortar: [53-50]: Allows write in construction of simple stone structures and unlock further tech down the path.
[] Wood Working [62-50]: Improved practice with wood allows for new research of things like primitive shields, bows, atlatl, and staves.

Horde Improvements
[] Auto Awakening Level 2 [46-100] Increase the auto-awakening to 2% of all currently awake skeletons.
[] Idle-Hands [445-500]: You no longer need to train gathers, instead all unassigned skeletons will act as gathers until assigned.
[]Shields [0-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
The Horde
Gathers: Each Gather collects raw material for crafters. At the current level every 10 gathers enables 1 crafter.
Current percent: 4%
[] More Gathers [8-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as gathers
Less Gathers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.
No improvements available

Crafters: Each Crafter takes raw materials and makes into the various unlocked equipment, as well as repairs and replaces equipment. At the current level every 10 Crafters enables 1 Armed skeleton.
Current percent: 0%
[] More Crafters [0-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as gathers
Less Crafters [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.
No improvements available




Punchers (CP:0.5): A simple unarmed and unarmored class, that focuses on fighting with punches rather than any form of weaponry.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Current percent: 1%(8)
[] More Punchers [1-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as punchers
Less Punchers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.
[] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [40-100]: All punchers will become brawlers, learning to use their knees, elbows and head as other striking points and increasing their CP to 1.
[] Unit Improvement: Staff [0-250]:The unarmed combatant line will receive +1 CP as the equip themselves will all types of staves.

Rock Skirmishers(CP:1): These skeletons will throw all but their last rock which they will then use in close combat.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Current percent: 22% (186)
[] More Rock Throwers [2-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Rock Throwers
Less Gathers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.

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[X] Deeper into the cave [43-100]
[X] Deeper into the cave [43-100]
Huh, I tend to try to get a complete view of the area in most games.
Bass11 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Spelunking Total: 5
2 2 3 3
[X] Primitive Knife Assassin[48-50]: The first rogue class, who rather than fight directly will look for holes in defenses, or wounded/unarmed individuals and kill them. (CP:1)
[X] Follow The Idol
djd threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Assassian Total: 5
5 5
djd threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: follow Total: 1
1 1
You get two actions, one of those can be following someone. (or following someone twice if thats really what you care about)

[X] Follow The Undying Warrior
[X] Idle-Hands [445-500]: You no longer need to train gathers, instead all unassigned skeletons will act as gathers until assigned.

Edit: WHat the Hell?
Artemis1992 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: FOLLOW TO WAR! Total: 2
2 2
Artemis1992 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Idle Hands Total: 36
10 10 10 10 10 10 6 6
[X] Raise the Dead during battle.
[X] Raise the Dead during battle.
[X] Blast holes in enemy shieldwall with "Friendship Beams"
Sinsystems threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Raise Dead 1 Total: 15
2 2 3 3 9 9 1 1
Sinsystems threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Raise Dead 2 Total: 23
6 6 9 9 6 6 2 2
Sinsystems threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Friendship Beam Total: 22
2 2 2 2 5 5 9 9 4 4