[X]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solider
[X]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solider

eh. why not. now how does this work again
Pailiniliap threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 2
2 2
Pailiniliap threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 8
8 8
Hmm, I can't remember, were we allowed to delete our previous post and reassign our actions? Because if we are then I could probably guarantee we get tools for gatherers at least.

@Zedalb would it be accurate to assume that tools for gatherers would overflow into tools for crafters?
Alright, reassigning my actions

[X]Stone tools: Gatherers
[X]Stone tools: Crafters

Edit: Okay, we have tools for gatherers, and have made exactly 1 more progress towards tools for crafters.
Dolly Fail Fail threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Gatherers Total: 3
3 3
Dolly Fail Fail threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafters Total: 3
3 3
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On mechanics, omakes, rerolls and my sanity.
Everyone gets 2 actions a turn. Otherwise known as they get 2 votes.
With each vote, you get to roll 1d10 and I will add it's number to the cumulative progress of an action.
EG: You spend both actions/votes on researching underwater basket weaving. You roll 2d10 and get a total of 11. 11 Points out of however many are required are added to the progress.

You can spend both actions on the same thing.

Once per turn someone can generate a single reroll. (The ability to replace one already rolled number with a new die roll, this can be used to replace the result that came after an explosion that was itself not an explosion again)
Omakes, and fanart are worth a reroll, while the are not graded, incredibly short, or low effort things repeatedly is a good way to lose the ability to generate rerolls.
You may also give someone else that reroll.
In this way someone may use many rerolls, even if they can only generate one.
Rerolls do not carry over between turns.

Explosions are when a certain number appears on a die, you get to roll another die, and add the results together. (meaning you can get a result above 10 with a single action).
Explosions happen always on a result of 10, even if it was generated by a dice given by an explosion (ad infinitum, you could theoretically, roll 10,000 on a d10 this way)
Intelligent skeletons may boost an action so that next turn explosions happen on an 8,9 or 10.
Even so 3 consecutive 10's are required for gaining intelligence.

Since 3 consecutive 10's are required for gaining intelligence using the above rules it follows that:
It must be the same action. (Since that action can't end with a 10, since the 10 would trigger another die)
It must be the same turn. (See above)
It does not trigger on other explosions (10,10,10,X only not ,9,8,9, X which could come from a boosted action)

If you wish to change your actions, delete your previous post.
Limit this to once per turn, and please not that often for my own (rather limited) sanity.
You must actually change both actions (no fishing for better die rolls)

If I miss a vote and it's clear I miss a vote let me know and I will fix it.
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So I heard something about spook scary skeletons in here? Also can my skeleton be named Mr. Shin Bones, I've always been strangely partial to that name.
Greeterlings! Welcome to the Bone Zone. Don't forget to post your two actions and roll for them. I'd recommend one of them be:
"[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solder"
Since we only need 2 points in that before we can start making a proper, battle ready army.