Mankind is considered the apex predator in outwalking our prey and skeletons can do that better and possibly at full run...

Afaik, it's because humans have a unique ability to sweat, thus able to regulate body temperature and cool-off and.. something else; long story short, they can catch most animals over long distances cuz sweating allows them to keep going. Alas, skeletons don't have that exact boon (we just don't stop or slow down naturally).

So, something like a cheetah skeleton would be nigh impossible to escape from without magic - it's as fast as normal cheetah but unlike it, skeleton is not bound to 2 minute chases.
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="Astra Myst, post: 11778770, member: 23757"]Right. I thought we were being attacked. Gomennasai Idol-chan. Okay
Edit: Do I Roll?
Edit 2: Do I get Idol-chan's bonus for combat and reroll?

[X]Lead 40% of the remaining forces to climb thr village and ambush the madafakas by climbing the hill, if chased try to throw off by not going in a straight line
[X]Be prepared to give pursuit to escaping carts
[X]Lead in the front

So the carts are going the opposite way of the village.

Your going to have to really prioritize on or the other.
Which will it be the attack or the carts?
Hmm, question. Would it be correct to assume that an Intelligent Crafter can't make new equipment designs, even if it's within their specialty, just make more of what we already have?
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Hmm, question. Would it be correct to assume that a crafter can't make new equipment designs, even if it's within their specialty, just make more of what we already have?

I think a crafter is a hero unit capable of creating epic/legendary equipment within existing technology. It's not exactly more of the same mook spears (that are honestly sticks with pointy stone tips), it's like... "you're struck with inspiration and decide to make a spear entirely out of stone and by random chance the stone you picked was a magical stone able to invoke black fire" - it's the same spear design but it's not even comparable to pointy sticks.
Hmm, question. Would it be correct to assume that an Intelligent Crafter can't make new equipment designs, even if it's within their specialty, just make more of what we already have?

Varder got it for the most part.

A crafter could make something special, or higher quality, they just can't do so in mass, so they are restricted to giving it to other intelligent skeletons.
Unless they do just research new things, and start new unit researches.
Alright if I counted well Astra has about 332 unarmored skeletons and about 8 punchers under her command

Sin has something like 120 rock throwers

I have 48 rock swingers and around 341 unarmored guys.

Dogs? No clue. We know they don't like the Rock throwers too much though and there's probably not a whole lot of them. Besides the civies are a non-factor as combatants, so the dogs are all that is left. I would propose Sin helps me and send 3/4 of her Rock throwers to assist Astra. I can handle my front without the additional rock throwers, so long as Sin gives that Halfling shield wall a nice big death ray. I am a regenerating warrior, that should count for something or I could just taunt them a bit.
[X] Follow The Undying Warrior
[X] Follow The Undying Warrior

so close and so far...
Zaratustra threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Follow The Undying Warrior Total: 41
9 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 3 3
Zaratustra threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Follow The Undying Warrior 2 Total: 7
7 7
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Was going to split between fighting and Idle Hands, but it looks like we just finished that so I get to be selfish and stick to the rerolls.


[X] Follow The General
[X] Follow The General

Edit: can't win em all. @Zaratustra , if my break at work comes in before vote lock I'll try to write you a rerolls omake since you're hanging on 2/3 There.
OneArmedYeti threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Follow that general, punching Total: 2
2 2
OneArmedYeti threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Punch 2, Punch Harder Total: 6
6 6
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[X] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [40-100]: All punchers will become brawlers, learning to use their knees, elbows and head as other striking points and increasing their CP to 1.
[X] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [40-100]: All punchers will become brawlers, learning to use their knees, elbows and head as other striking points and increasing their CP to 1.
Locos_Docos threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Action1 Total: 8
8 8
Locos_Docos threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Action2 Total: 7
7 7
Hey @Zedalb , random question. In the OP you have 6 bonuses for intelliskellies, but in the Intelliskelly thread mark you have 5, cutting Special. Was that intentional? Sorry if I missed you answering that in or above the post.
Hey @Zedalb , random question. In the OP you have 6 bonuses for intelliskellies, but in the Intelliskelly thread mark you have 5, cutting Special. Was that intentional? Sorry if I missed you answering that in or above the post.
The op lists them in a generic sense where as the treadmark gets more specific about what they do.
Special skelies have a post of their own for the specifics and can have write ins.
That said he does need to thread mark the specials post (and thread marks for omakes would be nice.)
The op lists them in a generic sense where as the treadmark gets more specific about what they do.
Special skelies have a post of their own for the specifics and can have write ins.
That said he does need to thread mark the specials post (and thread marks for omakes would be nice.)

If necessary, I could collect the links to the omakes? Just let me know
Day 6
Dwarves (0-2 Days until found!)

[70] Follow The Idol

[X] Raise the Dead during battle.
[X] Raise the Dead during battle.
[X] Blast holes in enemy shieldwall with "Friendship Beams"

The foremost obvious group of skeletons surrounds The Idol. The intelligent skeleton lets the horde of mindless skeletons charge forward as it prepares to raise the dead. Which is when first problem arises. A single female paladin floats into the air just above and behind the shield wall, low enough they can still offer her some protection and she starts to channel golden energy around her free hand.
The first golden lightning bolt she conjures kills a dozen skeletons in a flash. The Idol, knows this can not stand and starts to cast a death ray and the floating target. When a bird crashes into the musically inclined skeletons hands, ruining the spell and causing a small explosive misfire of magic. (-10 of 70).
Still this is an intelligent skeleton, a quick wave of a hand allows them to examine the magic in the area. There are magical wards, however they matter not, they village is protected with magic related to luck, cursing attackers, but it loses most of it's effectiveness against the skeletons, one can not truly curse the already dead. It does however provide luck to the defenders, and thus the bird. It means that they have to be overwhelmed, and you have to be careful.
The idol stops singing blending into the crowd of the mindless skeletons, even as others charge, the first defender to die is quickly resurrected and pawing at the mages foot trying to drag them down. It fails dying to the blades of what was previously it's comrades. Still the distraction lets the wave of mindless push harder killing another few that are quickly resurrected. Each that dies provides a distraction, making their shield wall start to fall apart even quicker and allows the mage to stay busy, holding the line, rather than blasting away at your forces. Not a win yet, but took them from being as much of a threat as they could be.

The idol, can continue this until the end of the battle, however the important parts are happening closer to the front.

[78] Follow The Undying Warrior

[X] 879 The Undying warrior attacks the Halflings with group A.
[X] 879 The Undying warrior tries to steal a Halfling weapon during battle.
[X] Set fire to the watchtowers using burning pieces of wood.

The battle is going well for the The Undying Warrior the halfling weapons damaged them numerous times, but never even close enough to kill them for good. The fires are blessed by the halfling mage, turning them gold and growing them. A few mindless skeletons are killed instantly, but it hardly matters you are pressing the shield wall and every time they kill one beside you another takes it's place, the same can not be said for them. Then a barrage of rocks fly over your head at the shield wall, injuring a few, and distracting some of the others. The intelligent bloody skeleton gets his hands on one dragging him out of the shield wall and into the horde where he is ripped apart, it does however provide a halfling short sword, practically speaking a large dagger.

With renewed attention and a continued barrage of rocks, the mage falls behind the shield wall, not dead, but at least injured and tired. It's only been several minutes, but combat for the living is exhausting, more so with magic. The bloody skeletons dagger finds a neck behind a shield and kills another. It's slow butchers work, but as another one dies, it raises as the undead and attacks its former comrade, the shield wall is all but collapsed. Even with only three left guarding their mage who has resorted to healing them, they hold. Brave.

When the allied force who went the other way charge them from behind. only to fall into a large pit trap, another half dozen skeletons lost. They laid a pit trap behind themselves, gave themselves no ground to give, they knew this was a final stand. This is just bitterly taking as many as you can with them. If the undead could respect the living the bloody skeleton may very well feel that way. Instead they charge with so few remaining, they have no need to flank. They can overwhelm here. Three reaming and then by numbers, their shield is yanked away and they die a moment later. The second to last of the shield wall, charges with a roar, killing two with sudden violence before a dozen skeletons hand rip them to death.

The last one stands defiant. He takes his stance, and raises his shield. "UNTIL THE END I SWEAR TO FIGHT!" The night explodes with light as a single shaft of golden energy descends from the heavens circling the last warrior.

A dozen skeletons die just from being close to the light. The bloody skeleton flies back from the energy making them explode.(-100 of 78) Scattered to pieces the bloody skeleton would surely be dead if not for it's regeneration slowly piecing it back together. Not fast enough, it can do nothing but watch as the last halfling warrior cuts through skeletons, the glowing golden sword cutting through them like butter, and clawed hands melting as they touch it's golden aura.

"I am Lucky, The Paladin. I have been chosen by the gods, now die by my hand " it reaches where the body lies of one of the few intelligent skeletons. A dark death ray hits The Paladin but does nothing but diminish it's aura greatly. The sword comes down on the bloody skeleton to finish it off. When an icy hand grabs the blade. In a moment of need to protect one of the leaders, a skeleton awoken fully to sentience and now fights the last of the halfling warriors alone.

For moments they duel, other mindless skeletons dying when they get to close, by either a flare of aura or getting caught in the swing of a shield or sword. They even dodge the thrown rocks without interrupting their fight. It quickly becomes apparent the icy skeleton is outclassed, and be destroyed, when a blood covered halfling short sword stabs at the halflings neck. Together the bloody and Icy warrior fight, with the occasional death ray taking a shot at the halfling. It loses ground backing up, until it is touching the mage again and near pit trap that cover their rear.

The mage touches The Paladin and whispers. "Greater teleport" and with a flash of blue energy the mage is left alone. She sighs. "Sorry, I know that was supposed to save myself, but your more important than I am now" In a moment she is ripped to shreds. The front is won.

[177] Follow The General

[X]Lead 40% of the remaining forces to climb thr village and ambush the madafakas by climbing the hill, if chased try to throw off by not going in a straight line
[X]Be prepared to give pursuit to escaping carts
[X]Lead in the fron

The flanking maneuver starts smoothly. It does not stay that way for long. In the dark the numerous pit traps on the hill. The large spikes that stop large scales charges show a second nefarious purpose halflings will lay on them, until something tries to move past then ambushing them with a dagger or spear, quickly running away afterwards to find another shadowy spike to hide on. The pursers find put traps more often than they catch one. Even when they do not fall to a pit trap, they often run into spots that have had oil poured on them, where the archer in the tower will shoot a flaming arrow. All of this restricts movements, destroys a number of skeletons and generally slows down the flanking maneuvers.

However The General is no fool one of the spikes in the ground is pulled out by a number of the mindless skeletons, and rolled in the burning oil on the ground, it takes a team of five to carry it, but it's worth it as the large burning stake is stabbed into the tower. In a few moments the tower is a burning fire.
The skeletons are organized into a small column finding a path, through the hill with out pit traps or fires. They are still harassed, but the damage is limited, and every so often one of the skirmishers is grabbed and killing by a hundred undead hands ripping at them. Once over the hill, a large number are sent to the homes to look for others, as the main group goes to flank the shield wall, and rapidly a dozen fall into a large pit trap, they had built behind their own shield wall. Fuckers.

The skirmishers are chased down one at a time, they after all do not have unlimited fatigue, however the manage to set quite a few buildings on fire before their deaths. The General burns the other towers down with their archers inside, and orders the skeletons to move more slowly, they had other traps in their own town and looting needs to happen quickly, but they also need to lose as few skeletons as possible.

Battle End
New Skeleton Unit Type "Scavenger"!
+6% Scavengers.

Gained metal weapons and leather armor for all intelligent skeletons.
Gained 20 Corpses from halflings
Gain 52 Corpses from losses.
Gained New Research From looted Materials.


Shield wall: 24 Mindless (losses minimized by intelligent skeleton support)
The Paladin: 36 Mindless 16 rock throwers
Mage: 9 Mindless
Skirmishers/Traps: 20 Mindless

105 Losses
Half Converted back to corpses and can be re-raised.
+6 New Posters
+7 Auto Awaken

[] Deeper into the cave [98-100]
[] Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings[0-100]

Awaken other Skeletons (757 Awake/ 101,119 Remain asleep/72 Corpses) (1 will be awakened automatically for every new poster)
[]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons

Construction Projects!
[]Stone Blockade[7-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.

Unit Research

[] Primitive Spear-men[20-50]: Basic Warriors who will use the long read of a simple stone spear to stab at enemies.(CP:2)+2 When in a formation lead by an intelligent skeleton.
[] Primitive Axe Users[0-50]: A simple Warrior class who will charge forward with a primitive stone axe. (Cp:3) Has a +1 attacking wooden fortifications.
[] Primitive Javelin throwers[0-50]: An early Ranger class that will throw shorter spears (CP:2)
[]Primitive Archer:[0-150]: Even a primitive archer has greater range and maximum ammo than a javelin thrower, at the cost of being much more complex. (CP:2) +1 at longer ranges.
[] Primitive Knife Assassin[59-50]: The first rogue class, who rather than fight directly will look for holes in defenses, or wounded/unarmed individuals and kill them. (CP:1)

Tech Research
[] Fire: [0-50]: The ability to make fire, will unlock research that improves primitive equipment and allow further research.
[] Trap Studies: [0-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
[X] Primitive Tools[55-50]: Stone axes, picks and baskets, Allows three levels of improvements for gathers and crafters, improving them beyond the current 10-1 ratio.

Horde Improvements
[] Auto Awakening Level 2 [80-100] Increase the auto-awakening to 2% of all currently awake skeletons.
[]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[] Idle-Hands [502-500]: You no longer need to train gathers, instead all unassigned skeletons will act as gathers until assigned.
The Horde!
Gathers: Each Gather collects raw material for crafters. At the current level every 10 gathers enables 1 crafter.
Current percent: All unassigned.
[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow gathers to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 gathers to enable 1 crafter.

Crafters: Each Crafter takes raw materials and makes into the various unlocked equipment, as well as repairs and replaces equipment. At the current level every 10 Crafters enables 1 Armed skeleton.
Current Crafter percent: 1%
Current maxed armed skeletons: 0.1%
[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solider
[] More Crafters [2-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as gathers
Less Crafters [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.

Scavengers(CP:0-4): These skeletons will have collected random weapons armor and other things from battle. They are as likely to swing a magic sword, as a spatula. As such they provide a random CP in battle.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Special: Can not be trained
Special: Can not be given shields
Current percent: 6%
[] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [0-100]: All Scavengers will only collect things of a minimum weight, stopping them from fighting with things like flowers or papers increasing their minimum CP to 0.5.


Stone Blade Assassins (0:CP): These skeletons will prowl battle fields or other areas in the dark seeking to kill anything or one they can.
Current percent: 0%
[]More Stone Blade Assassins [9-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Stone Blade Assassins
Less Stone Blade Assassins [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.

Rock Skirmishers(CP:1): These skeletons will throw all but their last rock which they will then use in close combat.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Current percent: 22%
[] More Rock Throwers [2-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Rock Skirmishers
Less Gathers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.

Punchers (CP:0.5): A simple unarmed and unarmored class, that focuses on fighting with punches rather than any form of weaponry.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Current percent: 1%
[] More Punchers [8-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as punchers
Less Punchers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.
[] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [55-100]: All punchers will become brawlers, learning to use their knees, elbows and head as other striking points and increasing their CP to 1.
[] Unit Improvement: Staff [0-250]:The unarmed combatant line will receive +1 CP as the equip themselves will all types of staves.

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[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
Shard threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Shields Total: 5
1 1 4 4
[X] Stone blockade
[X] Stone blockade
Drepson threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Blockade 1 Total: 9
9 9
Drepson threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Blockade 2 Total: 8
8 8
[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!

[X] Deeper into the cave [98-100]
10ebbor10 threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
10ebbor10 threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
[X] Auto Awakening Level 2 [80-100] Increase the auto-awakening to 2% of all currently awake skeletons.
[X] Trap Studies: [0-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
Varder threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: skeltons Total: 9
9 9
Varder threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: traps Total: 12
10 10 2 2
[X] Raise Dead
[X] Raise Dead
[X] Raise Dead

Basically I'm going to focus on reviving as many of the fresh corpses as possible.

Edit: 63 corpses raised.
Sinsystems threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Raise Dead 1 Total: 31
8 8 4 4 10 10 9 9
Sinsystems threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Raise Dead 2 Total: 15
5 5 1 1 7 7 2 2
Sinsystems threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Raise Dead 3 Total: 19
5 5 8 8 6 6
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[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X]Uni Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow gathers to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 gathers to enable 1 crafter.

I really hope this works! This time...
Kito (Kan) threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Shields Total: 17
8 8 8 8 1 1
Kito (Kan) threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Stone Tools Total: 7
7 7