[X]Stone Blockade[7-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.
[X]Stone Blockade[7-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.
HeWhoAdds threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
HeWhoAdds threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
Who is being blockaded, by the way?

The dwarfs seem like they're attacking from the same exit as the halfling village, given that they're in communication with the halflings.
[X]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [0-50]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solder.

Edit: Can someone else roll for me my SV knowledge and bbcode is weak.
UponALotusBlosom threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Stone Tool Roll 1 Total: 14
8 8 6 6
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[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!

DEAD C0DE watched impassively as the reduced skeleton hordes came back form their assault on the halfling village. While the things carried by the skeletons indicated that the assault was a success. There seemed to be fewer skeletons coming back than had set out.
//list awake skeletons

That confirmed it then, they had taken about 10.7% losses during the encounter. While being skeletons and having The Idol as a necromancer able to raise fallen skeletons, this was still not an acceptable or sustainable rate of losses in battle. This was a problem that would need to be rectified. While having leaders for different parts of the horde in battle reduced casualties there were still many ways to reduce them further. Looking at the incoming skeletons he noticed that some of them were holding items, presumably to swing with, despite the uselessness of some of those items (who the hell uses the remains of a patch of dandelions as a weapon?) there was some merit there. But as he saw it one of the best ways to improve the odds of survival for the horde was to strengthen the front line. If a warrior couldn't get to the back lines because they were stuck hacking at a chunk of wood they couldn't kill those back lines. Turning on his heel he went to fetch the first batch of crafters he could find. They would be creating shields for the foreseeable future, first to find the best type and then to equip the entire front line.
ConfusedPotato threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Blocking is a thing you know Total: 29
1 1 9 9 2 2 8 8 8 8 1 1
[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
[X]Shields [2-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!
SereneNebula threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Shields Total: 10
5 5 5 5
Day 7
Dwarves will attack from inside the caves tomorrow!

With the halfling village destroyed and some skeletons armed you go back to preparing your forces.
Most importantly of the day the skeletons get deeper into the cave system finding a giant cavern, a dozen feet tall and a few dozen wide, it's a great spot for fortifications and at the end of it it splits into a variety of other tunnels which seem to have different materials and ore. Limestone may be used for concrete and some of the tunnels seem to have metal ores, not that you know how to work them.

The dwarves warsongs and thunderous marching seems close, very close there is only so many off shots and you are sure you will see them tommorow.

+6 New posters
+16 Auto Awakening
[] The six point split[1-100]
[] Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings[12-100]
[] Deeper into the cave [101-100]

Awaken other Skeletons (842 Awake/ 101,119 Remain asleep/9 Corpses) (1 will be awakened automatically for every new poster)
[]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons

Construction Projects!
[]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.

Unit Research
[] Primitive Axe Users[6-50]: A simple Warrior class who will charge forward with a primitive stone axe. (Cp:3) Has a +1 attacking wooden fortifications.
[] Primitive Javelin throwers[0-50]: An early Ranger class that will throw shorter spears (CP:2)
[]Primitive Archer:[90-150]: Even a primitive archer has greater range and maximum ammo than a javelin thrower, at the cost of being much more complex. (CP:2) +1 at longer ranges.
[] Primitive Spear-men[59-50]: Basic Warriors who will use the long read of a simple stone spear to stab at enemies.(CP:2)+2 When in a formation lead by an intelligent skeleton.

Tech Research
[] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
[] Fire Hardened Tools:[0-100]: Increases max level of tools to 4.
[] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps
[] Basic Metal Working [0-500]: Unlocks basic metal working theory.
[] Simple Concrete [0-250]: With limestone you can make actual concrete and that means much stronger stone structures.

[] Fire: [69-50]: The ability to make fire, will unlock research that improves primitive equipment and allow further research.

Horde Improvements
[] Auto Awakening Level 3 [70-150] Increase the auto-awakening to 3% of all currently awake skeletons. Boosted this turn only explosions on 8+

[]Shields [254-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
[] Auto Awakening Level 2 [156-100] Increase the auto-awakening to 2% of all currently awake skeletons.
The Horde!
Gathers: Each Gather collects raw material for crafters. At the current level every 5 gathers enables 1 crafter.
Current percent: All unassigned.
[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 2 [0-100]: basic stone tools allow gathers to be much more efficient. Making it take only 3 gathers to enable 1 crafter.
[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [50-50]: basic stone tools allow gathers to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 gathers to enable 1 crafter.

Crafters: Each Crafter takes raw materials and makes into the various unlocked equipment, as well as repairs and replaces equipment. At the current level every 5 Crafters enables 1 Armed skeleton.
Current Crafter percent: 8%
Current maxed armed skeletons: 1.6%
[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 2 [12-100]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 3 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solider
[] More Crafters [1-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as gathers
Less Crafters [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.
[]Unit Improvement:Stone Tools 1 [73-50]: basic stone tools allow Crafters to be much more efficient. Making it take only 5 Crafters to enable 1 Armed Solider


Primitive spear-men(CP:3+2 when lead in formation) Simple spear using warriors capable of keeping the enemy at a small distance.
Current Percent:0
[] More Spearmen [8-10]1% more of all awoken skeletons will be spearmen.
less spearmen [0-10]

Scavengers(CP:0-4): These skeletons will have collected random weapons armor and other things from battle. They are as likely to swing a magic sword, as a spatula. As such they provide a random CP in battle.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Special: Can not be trained
Special: Can not be given shields
Current percent: 6%
[] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [0-100]: All Scavengers will only collect things of a minimum weight, stopping them from fighting with things like flowers or papers increasing their minimum CP to 0.5.


Stone Blade Assassins (0:CP): These skeletons will prowl battle fields or other areas in the dark seeking to kill anything or one they can.
Current percent: 1%
[]More Stone Blade Assassins [4-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Stone Blade Assassins
[]Less Stone Blade Assassins [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.

Rock Skirmishers(CP:1): These skeletons will throw all but their last rock which they will then use in close combat.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Current percent: 22%
[] More Rock Skrimishers [2-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Rock Skirmishers
[]less rock skirmishers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.

Brawlers (CP 1: A simple unarmed and unarmored class, that focuses on fighting with punches rather than any form of weaponry.
Special: Does not require Crafters
Current percent: 1%
[] More Punchers [8-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as punchers
Less Punchers [0-10] Not unlocked until entire horde is trained.
[] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [1-150]: All Brawlers will become Martial artist, learning to use techniques involving momentum and parrying. and increasing their CP to 2
[] Unit Improvement: Staff [0-250]:The unarmed combatant line will receive +1 CP as the equip themselves will all types of staves.

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[]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.

[] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
[] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps

My initial impressions tell me to bee-line for this, since we're in a cavern and they have to breathe, when we don't...
[X] Scouting: Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings[12-100]
[X] Scouting: Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings[12-100]

Keep on keepin on.
Floom threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Scouting Total: 6
4 4 2 2
[X]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.
[X]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.

No boosted action so working on the blockade now

Edit- ugh only minor progress, blockade is now at 84/100
Void Stalker threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Blockade Total: 5
4 4 1 1
[X]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.
[X]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.

Edit: 91/100. One or two more people can finish it up!
HeWhoAdds threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
HeWhoAdds threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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[] Unit Improvement: Upgrade [101-100]: All punchers will become brawlers, learning to use their knees, elbows and head as other striking points and increasing their CP to 1.
Could we get the next upgrade?

[x] Improve Rolls: Auto Awakening

[] Auto Awakening Level 3 [70-150] Increase the auto-awakening to 3% of all currently awake skeletons.
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I'll push that way too then

[X]Stone Blockade[79-100] A barrier of piled stones to protect the path deeper into the cave sealed with primitive mortar, provides a defensive boost against attack from deeper into the caves.
[X] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
Pandemonious Ivy threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Blockade Total: 2
2 2
Pandemonious Ivy threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Traps Total: 1
1 1
Okay stone blockade at 93/100 after pandemonious so maybe one more user

Maybe awaken more skeletons? We did get 1% spearmen and need more crafters or better crafters to increase that percent but if we can get to 900 skeletons that adds another spearmen to our forces. (need 58 on awaken, 42 if auto awaken happens before dwarf attack)