Do we have any ideas on how many Dwarves will be attacking next turn and how much experience they have against Skeletons in caves?
Do we have any ideas on how many Dwarves will be attacking next turn and how much experience they have against Skeletons in caves?

'a lot' and 'about average really' i think, what with that old dwarf in the interlude who was around when the skeleton hordes were first ravaging the land, he's probably done a decent job speaking up about how the dwarves need to fuck us up now while we're still using rocks as weapons
I'll be sure to roll one for fire and one for traps.
[X] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps

[X] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.

......:o:o I'm so sorry, Note to self just roll for one option instead of two.:cry::cry:
Shadow-86 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire Total: 1
1 1
Shadow-86 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Trap Total: 2
2 2
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I'll be sure to roll one for fire and one for traps.
[X] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps

[X] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
@Zedalb I hope it is a mistake and it gets us more crafters than gatherers.
Then we would have crafters that aren't contributing instead of gathers that don't contribute. I don't worry much about having a little too much

'a lot' and 'about average really' i think, what with that old dwarf in the interlude who was around when the skeleton hordes were first ravaging the land, he's probably done a decent job speaking up about how the dwarves need to fuck us up now while we're still using rocks as weapons

They have some. The king certainly knew that he can't give us even a week of time to start ramping up.
We literally knew about their approach before we saw the halflings. Why would the dwarves spend 5 days warning skeletons that they are coming?
I would say it would be a messenger and his guard. Enough of a guard to see him to the halfling village, not an invasion forces. Still Dwarves though.
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We literally knew about their approach before we saw the halflings. Why would the dwarves spend 5 days warning skeletons that they are coming?

You mean drums? It's important to keep morale high and marching music is one way to do that. And to cower the enemy - doesn't work against undead but who knows what other monsters are there also.

Then we would have crafters that aren't contributing instead of gathers that dont contribute. I dont worry much about haveing a little too much

That's a good point.

We can have 0.6% more armed skeletons than we have now, so we also need more spearmen or assassins. People, let's not waste crafter's work, vote for spears!
[x] Create Special Equipment: The Stone Crown
A simple band of stone encrusted with gems.
[x] Simple Concrete [0-250]: With limestone you can make actual concrete and that means much stronger stone structures.
[x] Simple Concrete [0-250]: With limestone you can make actual concrete and that means much stronger stone structures.
Rotekian threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Create Equipment: Stone Crown Total: 34
10 10 6 6 5 5 10 10 3 3
Rotekian threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Concrete 1 Total: 27
8 8 3 3 8 8 7 7 1 1
Rotekian threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Concrete 2 Total: 32
10 10 4 4 2 2 8 8 2 2 6 6
[X] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps
[X] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps
Semi-Autogyro threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire! Total: 4
4 4
Semi-Autogyro threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hellfire! Total: 11
10 10 1 1
[X]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons
Chlof threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: For the horde Total: 5
5 5
Chlof threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: For the horde Total: 5
5 5
You mean drums? It's important to keep morale high and marching music is one way to do that. And to cower the enemy - doesn't work against undead but who knows what other monsters are there also.
I got that, but if you were the dwarf general off to fight skeletons would you risk them finding out about you 5 days before you got there?
Knowing that you would be attacking them on their terms with plenty of preptime for the inexhaustible skeleton armies. Every day that they know ahead of time is a day that they can prepare to fight you specifically and prepare the field to the best of their ability. If they know you are there, they can, depending on the circumstances, either grow their numbers or leave, in which case, you could never catch up to them.

Also, WOG on day 5 is that they did not know about us.
Also how did the Dwarves find us?
Edit they haven't yet if I forgot to move the timer.
[X] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
[X] More Punchers [8-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as punchers
Vanestus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Traps Total: 2
2 2
Vanestus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Punchers Total: 5
5 5
[X] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps

[X] Weaponized Fire [0-100] Unlocks options like flaming arrows or fire based traps
LloydAbsolon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire1 Total: 5
5 5
LloydAbsolon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire2 Total: 1
1 1
[X] More Crafters
[X] More Crafters
Someone else do Spearmen please
Edit: Well shit.
bdun140 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafting 1 Total: 2
2 2
bdun140 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafting 2 Total: 4
4 4
If people funnel most of their attention into going over the 10+/10 limit, could you tell roughly what it'd look like as a bonus?

A little bit of quick spreadsheet work tells me...

The current sweet spot is 2% of our force devoted to combat units which require crafted weapons, 10% crafters, 50% unassigned (meaning gatherers), 38% fighters which do not require crafting support.

That starts from our current assignments as a base, where we have a lot of non-craft fighting skeletons already. 29% of our existing forces are stone skirmishers, punchers, or scavengers.

Each 1% of our force devoted to fighting skeletons that require crafted weapons accounts for an effective 31% of our army: 1% fighters, 5% crafters to supply fighters, 25% gatherers to supply the crafters. Thus, our current hard cap on armed fighting skeletons is 3% of forces; that ties up 93% of the entire horde, leaving 7% for miscellaneous non-supply-consuming skeletons.

Our soft cap is 2%, because we've already got 29% of the horde allocated to non-supply fighting skellies. Getting supplied skellies up to 3% would mean converting 22% of the horde from fighters to non-combatants, and our best supplied fighters, the primitive spear-fighters, are good, but not 22 times as good as the best trainable non-supply fighting skellies, the rock skirmishers. Scavengers are (usually) stronger than rockers, but have an element of chance, no ranged ability, and we can't train more.

So, since we've already got 1% of skellies assigned to be stone knife assassins, and 1% assigned to spear carrying, we shouldn't increase either of those forces much higher without decreasing the other, or we'll be unable to support their full numbers.

For crafting, we want to get to 10% crafting skellies, and we do not want to exceed 11% crafting skellies, or we outrun our gatherers and waste capacity.

For fighting skellies, to maximize combat power, we want to leave our current stone blade assassin and spearman levels where they are, or possibly reduce assassins to 0% and increase spears to 2%, then try to convert another 9% of the horde to rock skirmishers.

Alternate plan: Reduce assassins to 0%, leave spears at 1%, increase rock skirmishers by 40%. I don't think we've got the action economy to achieve that before the fight starts, though; even 9% will be tough, so might as well keep the assassins.

Also, this would be an excellent turn for one of our leaders to make a defense plan.
Is the amount of stuff we're going to be able to get done going to increase as our population does? It won't be much good to have thousands of skeletons if we still have the same number of people rolling D10s to build a wall.
[X] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
[X] Trap Studies: [39-100]: A basic understanding of common traps and how to detect and counter them, unlocks research for sappers.
djd threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Traps Total: 12
6 6 6 6
djd threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Traps reroll Total: 7
7 7
More Spearmen 16-10
Scouting: Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings 16-100
Stone Blockade 116-100
Trap Studies 89-100
Weaponised Fire 63-100
Awaken Skeletons 34
More Crafters 20-10
Auto Awakening Level 3 92-150
Simple Concrete 59-250 (Five explodes on it? Did it get a leadership reroll action or something? If the rerolls don't count it's 35-250)
More Punchers 13-10

Current state of the numbers, as near as I can tell.
More Spearmen 16-10
Scouting: Outside the Cave Immediate surroundings 16-100
Stone Blockade 116-100
Trap Studies 89-100
Weaponised Fire 63-100
Awaken Skeletons 34
More Crafters 20-10
Auto Awakening Level 3 92-150
Simple Concrete 59-250 (Five explodes on it? Did it get a leadership reroll action or something? If the rerolls don't count it's 35-250)
More Punchers 13-10

Current state of the numbers, as near as I can tell.

Accepting all these numbers as true, we're right where we want to be on crafting skellies and crafted-weapon fighting skellies.

If you're interested in immediately improving the horde's combat power, future voters would do well to prioritize converting another 8% of our skellies to rock skirmishers or punchers, or to awakening more skellies directly. Ten points of effort towards conversion gets us 8 fighters, and ten points of effort towards awakening gets us three fighters, but also some logistics.

Or, work towards whatever research you like the sound of most. It's all useful.
I'd recommend a large overrun on Trap Studies, in the hopes that it slips over into actually setting up the traps. We won't have time for that before the Dwarves arrive, if we need to do that.
difference is awakening enough skellies gets us more spearmen who have higher cp then the rock skirmishers and punchers

Yeah, but you have to awaken 100 sleepers to get one additional spearman. (Depending on rounding.) In the process you'll also get 22 rock skirmishers and 2 brawlers, and those 24 skeletons, although individually less badass, are collectively more dangerous than the spear skelly.

The way @Zedalb explained the combat math, a CP10 unit has about even odds against 5 CP1 units if there's no particular terrain advantages.

A spear fighter, led by an intelligent commander, is CP5. A rock skirmisher or a brawler is CP1. So, the spear skelly is considerably more badass, but the skirmishers and brawlers have a serious edge in fighting power. (Conditions on the ground probably matter, though. A unit of spears is much more concentrated, so they're probably going to benefit a lot more from constricted terrain and the like.)
[X]Primitive Archer:[90-150]: Even a primitive archer has greater range and maximum ammo than a javelin thrower, at the cost of being much more complex. (CP:2) +1 at longer ranges.
[X]Primitive Archer:[90-150]: Even a primitive archer has greater range and maximum ammo than a javelin thrower, at the cost of being much more complex. (CP:2) +1 at longer ranges.
Froggo Fantastic threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Bow n' Arrow Total: 14
7 7 7 7
[X]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons
[X]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons
Shard threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken Total: 10
4 4 6 6