Note: This is the first time ever I take part in a riot quest, also the first time I am using the die option, so...if I screw up please notify me.

[X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons

[X] Smash with rocks [0-100]: Unlocks melee skeletons who...Smash things with rocks found in the cave

Edit: I just did a bunch of stuff and I don't know what exactly. So did I awaken 3 skeletons and have now 3 melee fighters?
TheShadowOfZama threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: [X] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Total: 3
3 3
TheShadowOfZama threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: [X] Smash with rocks [0-100]: Total: 45
10 10 10 10 5 5 7 7 10 10 3 3
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I just did a bunch of stuff and I don't know what exactly. So did I awaken 3 skeletons and have now 3 melee fighters?
You awakened 3 skeletons, and then added 25 progress to researching (primitively)armed melee fighters.

Also, Rotekian hasn't had any luck yet with four rerolls, but now we've got a new 2 10 set here. Mayhaps we should start offering rerolls to this person instead?
Also, Rotekian hasn't had any luck yet with four rerolls, but now we've got a new 2 10 set here. Mayhaps we should start offering rerolls to this person instead?
As a symbolic gesture that we will support anybody who hits double 10 in a given turn in the cause of advancing more intelligent skeletons that would make sense. It is ultimately up to the writers of omakes how they want to spend that advantage of course.

I know if I succeeded in the present situation I would be interested in picking up Researcher and Crafter.
Omake: It began with a rock

As the Eldritch energy inside it awakened it finally awoke from its slumber. There was confusion for it knew not where it was, but even though its mind was mostly blank, it had an objective; waging war with the mortals. It was not the first to awaken. Plenty of its colleagues were already shambling about, awakening others, exploring,.. The cave was already a hub of activity. It saw a skeleton awaken more dormant ones. It should do that too! Its efforts were not well rewarded though, as it only managed to awaken three of its brethren and that was only after a lot of effort.

Numbers aplenty, but only so few were actually capable of defending themselves, perhaps it needed to think about this differently. If they couldn't use their numbers, then they needed something else to defend themselves with. It noticed a skeleton sorting through different materials, mostly various types of rocks. Another one was busy punching rocks. The skeletons had given it an idea. Maybe the rocks could be the answer it was looking for. They seemed to be sturdy enough to withstand the punches for the time being after all. One of his colleagues was collecting rocks, another one punching them, maybe he could weaponise them.

'8-7-9, Hold the line!' Those words echoed through its mind. Holding the line that sounded good.

1). Is this a good omake?
2). If I understand correctly I am now allowed to throw another die in an attempt to get three tens correct?

Edit: well, it turned out to be a seven, instead of a ten. So now I have twenty-seven progression on primitive infantry right?
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As a symbolic gesture that we will support anybody who hits double 10 in a given turn in the cause of advancing more intelligent skeletons that would make sense. It is ultimately up to the writers of omakes how they want to spend that advantage of course.

I know if I succeeded in the present situation I would be interested in picking up Researcher and Crafter.

Omake: It began with a rock

As the Eldritch energy inside it awakened it finally awoke from its slumber. There was confusion for it knew not where it was, but even though its mind was mostly blank, it had an objective; waging war with the mortals. It was not the first to awaken. Plenty of its colleagues were already shambling about, awakening others, exploring,.. The cave was already a hub of activity. It saw a skeleton awaken more dormant ones. It should do that too! Its efforts were not well rewarded though, as it only managed to awaken three of its brethren and that was only after a lot of effort.

Numbers aplenty, but only so few were actually capable of defending themselves, perhaps it needed to think about this differently. If they couldn't use their numbers, then they needed something else to defend themselves with. It noticed a skeleton sorting through different materials, mostly various types of rocks. Another one was busy punching rocks. The skeletons had given it an idea. Maybe the rocks could be the answer it was looking for. They seemed to be sturdy enough to withstand the punches for the time being after all. One of his colleagues was collecting rocks, another one punching them, maybe he could weaponise them.

'8-7-9, Hold the line!' Those words echoed through its mind. Holding the line that sounded good.

1). Is this a good omake?
2). If I understand correctly I am now allowed to throw another die in an attempt to get three tens correct?

Edit: well, it turned out to be a seven, instead of a ten. So now I have twenty-seven progression on primitive infantry right?

Since I am having to shut half the quest down (SB doesn't have a die roller).

Im offering you both up to 3 free rerolls!
Yep pick 2 of the "classes"

Special Skeleton: You are more than an intelligent skeleton, you are different by your very nature, you may bleed and regenerate, or have vines inside you that follow your command, or be a giant or some other "Racial" bonus

Warrior: You are an incredible fighter, a once champion raised with all of their skills. You are worth a 100 normal skeletons on your worst day.

I would like to have these two classes. Could you give me some more information about what sort of bonusses I am allowed to choose? Those vines and regeneration sound nice.
Special Skeleton: You are more than an intelligent skeleton, you are different by your very nature, you may bleed and regenerate, or have vines inside you that follow your command, or be a giant or some other "Racial" bonus

Warrior: You are an incredible fighter, a once champion raised with all of their skills. You are worth a 100 normal skeletons on your worst day.

I would like to have these two classes. Could you give me some more information about what sort of bonusses I am allowed to choose? Those vines and regeneration sound nice.
Why not make yourself a Skeletal amalgamation that is formed from dozens of Skeletons.
Special Skeleton: You are more than an intelligent skeleton, you are different by your very nature, you may bleed and regenerate, or have vines inside you that follow your command, or be a giant or some other "Racial" bonus

Warrior: You are an incredible fighter, a once champion raised with all of their skills. You are worth a 100 normal skeletons on your worst day.

I would like to have these two classes. Could you give me some more information about what sort of bonusses I am allowed to choose? Those vines and regeneration sound nice.

Well special skeleton is "racial" in that rather than skills it provides some inherent bonus.

Bloody: Regeneration, not much more to say skeletons have a host of advantages anyway regenerating on top of it all means, you have to take a ton of damage very quickly to actually be put down for good.

Vined: You have vines growing intertwined with your skeleton that you can control, provides some mass and "Soft armor" as well as letting you attack with them, pull people and things to you, grow thorns. Etc

Giant: You can be a giant skeleton of some form, offensive combat bonuses, but your a big target, but... you can do things like lift go over small walls or lift skeletons over small walls and gates. You can personally attack gates etc etc.

Winged: Can Fly

You can also propose a type you would find interesting to me, and I'll work with you.
Well special skeleton is "racial" in that rather than skills it provides some inherent bonus.

Bloody: Regeneration, not much more to say skeletons have a host of advantages anyway regenerating on top of it all means, you have to take a ton of damage very quickly to actually be put down for good.

Vined: You have vines growing intertwined with your skeleton that you can control, provides some mass and "Soft armor" as well as letting you attack with them, pull people and things to you, grow thorns. Etc

Giant: You can be a giant skeleton of some form, offensive combat bonuses, but your a big target, but... you can do things like lift go over small walls or lift skeletons over small walls and gates. You can personally attack gates etc etc.

Winged: Can Fly

You can also propose a type you would find interesting to me, and I'll work with you.

Do basic skeletons have a base regeneration or are we going to have to resort to looting bones or magical doctors to fix us up?
I though the turn was supposed to end today. Was I wrong?

Edit. And threadmarks? Are they gonna appear?
Special Skeleton: You are more than an intelligent skeleton, you are different by your very nature, you may bleed and regenerate, or have vines inside you that follow your command, or be a giant or some other "Racial" bonus
-Bloody: Regeneration, not much more to say skeletons have a host of advantages anyway regenerating on top of it all means, you have to take a ton of damage very quickly to actually be put down for good.

Warrior: You are an incredible fighter, a once champion raised with all of their skills. You are worth a 100 normal skeletons on your worst day.

There's so much fun stuff you can do with this, but...regeneration sounds powerful. Really tempted to go with vines, but I think I am just going for the guy that's just insanely hard to kill for the time being. Perhaps I can get some magic later on in the quest.
Pardon me OP, but just for clarification. If I am not misunderstanding I have 33/100 points required to get melee skeletons right now, correct?

Also woohoo, we got three intelligent skeletons. Quite good for a first turn.
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Pardon me OP, but just for clarification. If I am not misunderstanding I have 33/100 points required to get melee skeletons right now, correct?

Also woohoo, we got three intelligent skeletons. Quite good for a first turn.
No, the progress is for everybody. It's shared between all players. By my estimation we've, as a group, have made somewhere in the realm of 70-80 out of 100 progress towards getting armed melee skeletons.
No, the progress is for everybody. It's shared between all players. By my estimation we've, as a group, have made somewhere in the realm of 70-80 out of 100 progress towards getting armed melee skeletons.
We've also awoken a ton of skeletons this turn and will likely do the same next turn, speaking of which @Zedalb what sort of effects will our NPC skeleton hordes have?
Intelligent Skeletons
Intelligent Skeletons

Gain a 3rd action every turn
Improve their base rolls from 1d10 to 3d10
May Spend an action to improve everyone's rolls on a chosen action next turn. (Explode 9+)
May attempt write in votes.

Actions spent improving everyone's rolls are even stronger (Explode 8+)
Write ins based on leading will be more successful
May make battle plans prior to battle.

May convert corpses into allied skeletons (3d10 per action)
May shoot a Necromatic Death Ray
May attempt to take down magical wards or otherwise interfere with opponents magic.

Massively increased combat ability
Actions spent improving everyone's rolls for an attack or battle are even stronger (Explode 8+)
May lead parts of the horde, allowing more complex tactics like flanking, skirmishing etc etc.

Actions spent improving everyone's rolls for a research project are even stronger (Explode 8+)
May attempt to create new research
Gain an additional 2d10 on research for 5d10 per action

Can start Construction projects
May attempt to create new research related to chosen material
Can create special arms and armor

Current Intelligent Skeletons:
The Idol: Leader/ Necromancer

The Stone Sage: Crafter/Reasercher

The Undying Warrior: Warrior/Special

Astra Myst
The General: Leader/Warrior
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Day 2
+32 Awoken Skeletons (posters)
+127 (Votes)
+1 (1% of awakened)

[6] "left" [0-100]
[45] "Right" [0-50]

Awaken other Skeletons (160 Awake/ 101,119 Remain asleep) (1 will be awakened automatically for every poster)

[] Awaken 1d10 Skeletons Leadership BONUS: This Turn only Reroll any number 8 and above and add it to the total cumulatively until you roll below 8!


[]Gathering [64-100]: Unlocks gathering skeletons who will collect rocks or other materials in the area.
[] Throw Rocks [27-100]: Unlocks ranged skeletons who... throw rocks found in the cave
[] Smash with rocks [70-100]: Unlocks melee skeletons who...Smash things with rocks found in the cave
[] Punch [30-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands
[] Auto-Awakening Level 1 [50-50]: Every turn 1% of all your awakened skeletons will awaken 1 other skeleton.
[] Auto Awakening Level 2 [33-100] Increase the auto-awakening to 2% of all currently awake skeletons.

You have yet to find any exit to this cave though you think you are getting close in one direction. Otherwise the barren stone walls seem almost mocking, with how they lock you away from your cause. You can not wage war or find The master like this you can only collect rocks and awaken your fellow skeletons. Still, some of you wage an epic war on what little life you find, a dozen skeletons form a wall of stomping feet to crush a pair of rats underfoot. Another few throwing rocks at various small bugs and moss that are scattered around. When The Idol Starts to sing, a call to action, a call to pull others from their slumber a song, that resonates in the stone and a hundred skeletons throw their heads back joining the wail. It sounds of sadness for time lost for a purpose lost. For a group with no home, no name, no meaning, nothing left but hatred and an eternal war.

It works though, they will rouse by your call. This day you can awaken many, you can bring to the world many more of your kind if you do it as you do all things, together.