Skelebros this is bad, can we put it out somehow? If this continuez whatever charge we make through the gate we'll get funneled and shot at by archers
Well we just have to take out the archers, we're flanking for a reason after all.

I'm sorry for bad writing but I'll give my reroll to @Failbird105 if this counts as an omake
I thank you for the offer but I'm not really sure I need it, at least not right now. I'm more likely to get a worse roll than I am a better one, and getting two more 10s with one reroll is rather a stretch.

I was talking about like, if you manage to roll another triple-10.
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Exactly correct.

rerolls let you pretend that dice didn't happen and redo it.

Explosions lets you add more to that dice.
Really? Ugh. Two different things and they're both talked about by saying 'reroll' in QM posts. Could you edit the Intelligent Skeletons tab and how you refer to the effects in turns as Explode rather than Reroll? It'd prevent misunderstandings like this and make the system a bit easier to parse.
I mean, even if people don't support Idol&Undying they still have 60% of the horde with them, right?
[X] Follow The Undying Warrior
[x]Shields [0-250]: +1 CP to the warrior classes as they fight with a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other.
moon-llama threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: wariorrr Total: 3
3 3
moon-llama threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Shieldssssss Total: 2
2 2
I will try this write in stuff.

879, The Undying Warrior's plan of attack:
Group A: Forthy rock smashers and 879
Group B: Twenty skeletons who are ordered to pick up flaming torches
Group C: Remaining troops divided into three equally big segments. In case of succesful breakthrough they will spread out across the village in different directions. In case that there is trouble with breaking through the Halfling line they will reinforce the frontline.

Is this good enough for write-ins or do I need to word it differently?

Edit: wow that reroll of attack just failed epicly. From 6 to 1 Dice roller what the hell.

[X] 879 The Undying warrior attacks the Halflings with group A.
[X] 879 The Undying warrior tries to steal a Halfling weapon during battle.
[X] Set fire to the watchtowers using burning pieces of wood.
TheShadowOfZama threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Attack Halflings Total: 15
6 6 2 2 6 6 1 1
TheShadowOfZama threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Loot weapon Total: 19
9 9 4 4 2 2 4 4
TheShadowOfZama threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Set watchtowers aflame Total: 30
10 10 1 1 3 3 9 9 7 7
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Really? Ugh. Two different things and they're both talked about by saying 'reroll' in QM posts. Could you edit the Intelligent Skeletons tab and how you refer to the effects in turns as Explode rather than Reroll? It'd prevent misunderstandings like this and make the system a bit easier to parse.

Edit for clarity.

Also added rule that if you roll three 10's you can choose someone other than yourself to make intelligent.
Edit for clarity.

Also added rule that if you roll three 10's you can choose someone other than yourself to make intelligent.
Thank you. And I apologise for phrasing the request more abrasively than I probably should've. Just a bit of spur-of-the-moment annoyance.
[X] Follow The General
[X] Auto Awakening Level 2 [46-100] Increase the auto-awakening to 2% of all currently awake skeletons.
Radvic threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Follow the General Total: 6
6 6
Radvic threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Auto Awakening Total: 7
7 7
[X] Follow The General
[X] Follow The General
Drepson threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Slaughter Total: 2
2 2
Drepson threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Slaughter 2 Total: 15
9 9 6 6
[X] Follow The General
[X] Follow The General
My Skelly has trouble with singing and I like the idea of sneaking behind the village to attack.

AFTER ROLL REACTION: Not that my luck says anything nice to me!
Kito (Kan) threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: First Action Total: 5
5 5
Kito (Kan) threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Second Action Total: 1
1 1
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[X] Follow The Idol
[X] Follow The Idol
Huh. What are the odds of that...
bdun140 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: And a ONE! Total: 5
5 5
bdun140 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: And a TWO! Total: 5
5 5
Omake 879, The Undying Warrior: A motivating speech

He felt giddy when he stepped out of the cave for the first time in years, decades, centuries? He found himself not caring a lot, for they were marching to war. 879 longed to fight once more, to spread the Master's will like he had done before he went to sleep. He had been pleased when the others had received his suggestion to attack as soon as possible with interest and approval, they had drawn up a plan and together they would see it come to fruition. The moonlight illuminated his blood red bones, a stark contrast to his white brethren. The cause of the blood red colour was the regenerative power that coarsed through his bones. It flared up as if to tell him it was ready for the fight that laid ahead.

The Halflings to his annoyance seemed to have been tipped off to their existence just as the scout report had already made him believe. How he did not know, perhaps they had heard the song? Perhaps a skeleton had been spotted? It mattered little how it had happened, it was as it was. The Halfling cavalry harassed the Horde a bit on their march, but they had very little success. When the village finally came into sight he saw the shield wall ready for his attack. His intelligent colleagues had already left him to deal with their own part of the plan and organise their own troops. The General was out of sight, but he could still see the Idol. He had the majority of troops under his command and almost all of the trained fighters.

He had already divided his troops into different groups, each with their own objectives to fullfill. There was no need to rehearse the thing for the orders were as simple as could be and if needed he would be close by enough to order them himself. He turned around and looked at his troops, all ready to attack and see their mission through. He decided that a bit of extra motivation could not hurt, so he walked to the front of his troops and with a roar got their attention.

"Listen here," He roared. "And listen well! You know what to do tonight! Kill everything and everyone alive and loot all they have. The Master may not be here with us, but he's always watching over us, make sure he's not ashamed!" The skeletons roared in approval, some hoisting their rocks over their head. Whilst their intelligence varied, not a single skeleton wished to shame the Master, they would rather be destroyed than have the Master be ashamed of them.

"Do you want to make the Master proud?!" He roared. The skeletal warriors roared in acknowledgement.

"Then let's kill them all! For the Master!" He roared once more holding his crude stone 'club' in the air. The loudest thunder would have been no match for the unholy roar unleashed by the skeletons in front of him. It was good he had no eardrums that could burst. If his troops weren't fired up before, they certainly were now. The moment the Idol gave the signal he set his own plan into motion.
[X] Follow The General
[X] Follow The General

Edit: Not too shabby.
Phigment threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Follow follow follow follow Total: 15
10 10 5 5
Phigment threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Follow the skeleton general Total: 9
8 8 1 1
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