[X]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons
[X]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons

Gonna go simple with this one

E: Damn, that first 10 had me excited haha
Pandemonious Ivy threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Awaken Total: 17
10 10 6 6 1 1
From some talk earlier in the thread, I figure that this isn't the first quest of this type. Does anyone know how fighting works in the quests like this?

Would be cool if that would be like another action we need to accomplish in a single turn, but those who roll, say, less than 8 total for this action die.
[X]Awaken 1d10 Skeletons
[X] Stone Knapping [0-50]: Unlocks Stone Blades, and allows a large variety of new stone and wood related research
Yanez threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: WAKE UP Total: 2
2 2
Yanez threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: POINTY ROCKS Total: 6
6 6
I think you guys are making assaulting this village a bit more difficult than it actually is. Assaulting it isn't really all that difficult.

500 Halflings (a lot probably ill suited for combat) vs 800 or so skeletons (badly armed and trained, but still combat ready)
The Halflings probably don't have more than twenty or so dedicated guards for a village like that.
The defences exist out of an earthen wall reinforced by wood with spikes around it and five wooden towers.
Skeletons have excellent night vision (we can see in a cave with no natural light as far as I am aware).
Skeletons are armed with sharp rocks and possess some rock throwing abilities (no slings as of yet though)

Additional bonusses:
-A Necromancer/leader: Idol-chan Increases coordination of the skeletons and can fire a deathray (can be used to clear out the walls. Could it also be used to destroy the gate?)
-A Warrior/Special: 879 (my skeleton a.k.a the Undying Warrior) is both a warrior and has regeneration making him a pretty good option to use as part of a Forlorn hope, also combat buffs/rolls and tactics.
-A Researcher/Crafter: The Stone Sage can perhaps get us both ladders (would need wood and rope though) and preferably slings (to make the rock throwing a bit more effective) in a relative short amount of time

1). We gather a lot of rocks to throw and arm our troops with some sharp rocks
2). We research and build some ladders
3). We advance under the cover of darkness and try to use suprise to our advantage
4). We rush the village from a couple of directions trying to overrun the defenders before they can properly organise a defense on the walls proper. Considering their gate is just wood we could also send a unit trying to chop it down (this was done in real life).
5). Should the defenders manage to organise on the walls our throwers will try and force them off the wall for our 'Forlorn hope' units to make a breach Forlorn hope - Wikipedia
6). We overrun their remaining defences and kill them all. (no witnesses)

Attack or not?
-We destroy the nearest settlement near our position thus reducing our chances of detection.
-We gain loot (metals, tools, ideas for research,...)
-We could raise additional troops (their small height might be usefull).

-Their dissapearance will be noted sooner or later
-People might investigate (though they may write it off as a bandit attack or so).
-Casualties will probably be incured by our forces (A necromancer could resurrect them though and the severety might not be too high).
-If we raise them all people might wonder why there are no bodies.

Anything I missed?
[X] Punch [75-100]: Unlocks Special skeletons who competently punch things rather than racking and pulling at them with boney hands
[X] Stone Knapping [0-50]: Unlocks Stone Blades, and allows a large variety of new stone and wood related research
Vanestus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Punching Total: 1
1 1
Vanestus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Stone Knapping Total: 7
7 7
They don't have a wall so much as a hill:
Their homes are covered with dirt, then grass grown over them. They do something similar with a village wall a round hill circles around the village into almost an entire circle, the "wall" has wooden spikes poking outwards all over it. Stopping large numbers from attacking from any direction together. Five wooden towers can house archers, one at each side of the entrance and the other three separated equal distance apart.
and no mention of any gate. We don't need ladders to climb a hill.
edit: although I guess it depends on how steep the hill is.
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If we overwhelm them soon enough, we could be looking at a fortified skeleton army on one end of the dwarves along with continuously rising skeletons hitting them from behind in dribbles. Might be worth having a leader up front and one hidden in the back to best coordinate?
So no wall and no gate? ....Yeah unless we got a Gandalf or so hiding in there, I definitely think we should do less thinking and more killing and looting.
Also I think knaping has been pretty wel researched, I wonder how far the next research has gotten. Perhaps I should help invest in some more troops.

Also, the dwarf will come to the Halfling village, but it's a solitary dwarf right and he doesn't know there are undead. Maybe we can dodge the Dwarf sized bullet by being clever enough?

Edit: Reroll courtesy of @theflyingbiscuit
[X] More Rock Swingers [0-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Rock Swingers
[X] More Rock Swingers [0-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Rock Swingers
[X] More Rock Swingers [0-10] 1% more off all awoken skeletons will work as Rock Swingers
TheShadowOfZama threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Rock Swingers Total: 5
3 3 1 1 1 1
TheShadowOfZama threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Rock Swingers Total: 7
1 1 1 1 5 5
TheShadowOfZama threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Rock Swingers Total: 43
10 10 5 5 10 10 9 9 2 2 7 7
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Nobody is actually voting to attack tho, which only the leaders/High Skellies can write in...

I completely forgot that. I don't know if I am allowed to edit that out though. I am willing to change it if @Zedalb allows it.

As for your other idea of using the Halfling 'fort' against the dwarves...at the moment it doesn't sound all that impressive, but with some time to fortify it, the plan has merits.

As for your other plan...you know you could do some interesting stuff with skeletons playing dead.
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Aargh! The person who is already an intelligent skelly rolls multiple 10s! The universe is fundamentally cruel and unjust!

Also, I think you're due for another reroll die, Zama.
A panicked Halfling runs into the village.

"Chief we have a problem!" he says running into the largest abode.

"Ulyas, what is the matter?" the Chief asks.

"An army of skeletons is carving down trees with rocks!"

"The guard will get right on that."

"No, there are almost a thousand of them!"

"Did you see what they were doing?"

"They seemed to be building ladders and rams. For what I don't know."

"Call the rest of the village, we need to have a talk!" The chief orders.

The army of bones and black magic drags itself over to the village. Rocks as sharp as swords and ladders held as black banners held by bones with ill intent in mind. Rows of trebuchets with large rocks are dragged through the forest as trees are knocked town to make room. The centerpiece of the army was a ram of burned and hardened wood with marks exalting their unknown master and celebrating triumphs yet to come.

Apon seeing the village, the first thoughts of those few capable of it was,
"Where are all the halflings?" and "Couldn't we just walk into it? Why did we build everything?"
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I'm honestly not in a hurry for intelligence atm. We now need some crafters and researchers, and I know I'm not interested in that.

There's only glorious h2h for me.
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I went through and collected quotes of everyone with at least a single roll of 10, since Turn 3.

I marked those that are already intelligent, from those who aren't.

Personal suggestion? Rerolls before Turn 4 get prioritized to djd, then Sin and Zama so they can grant intelligence to whomever.

That way, with as little extra effort as possible, we double the amount of intelligent skellies we have to help with this upcoming turn.