What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 4 hours, 10 minutes
I've been posting a lot, if I'm taking up too much of the oxygen in the room just let me know.

I wanted to game plan out a budget of how many actions we likely have before the Free Duchy War is begun by Van Zandt cracking down on our Voxx movement. The idea is we can then prioritize the actions we absolutely need to have finished before that (this will be like a cat herding other cats). This is based off this comment during the 700.M42 turn, making 800.M42 or the turn after the deadline. Of course, could be earlier or half a century later. I am very open to corrections.
They are not okay with you doing that to prepare for something that will likely not happen within the next century/century-and-a-half.

Action Budget
Assume at 700.M42 a 100-150 year countdown to Free Duchy War starts.
We just voted on 740.M42 with a Voxx action, mandatory every other turn
750 – 3 free actions
760 – 2 free actions, 1 mandatory Voxx infiltration
770 – 3 free actions
780 – 2 free actions, 1 mandatory Voxx infiltration
790 – 3 free actions
800 – ??? 2 free actions, 1 mandatory Voxx infiltration (not sure if war would start here or turn after?)

13 free actions – 15 if Free Duchy War starts the turn after 800.M42
6 SBG actions - 2 for Werewolf SBG, 4 for 4th​ SBG
3 for Voxx food production research
1 for Voxx Secundus Agriworld Infiltration
- I see the above as the bare minimum to have a dominant Navy and enough Voxx infrastructure to support our population there. I'm sure not everyone will agree with me.
- This leaves minimum 3 free actions for other essentials, I'll list my top picks. I'm not sure how much other Voxx infrastructure we need to have built before it all pops off versus what we can get away with building after.
4 for Civ Ind XV
2-4 SAG improvements
1 for Irrita terraformation consult. +x to start terraforming efforts
X for Space Habitats
1 for Evacuation Fleet Design, +minimum 1 for build
1 Combat and/or Protection Song

I might make another long post laying out my thoughts on why improving our SAGs is so essential but I'll put the cliff notes. With ideal circumstances, we will 'churn through' ~20 SAGs per turn fighting to conquer Voxx Primus. We can raise max 18 SAGs per turn at 6 SAGs per action. To the best I can tell, our total ground forces are 27 SAG, 9 War-Packs (12 more by 800.M42), 10 Lamenter Companies.

As is, we will lose our entire ground army in 3-4 turns.

Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.
What does 'churn through' mean specifically? That those SAGs will take so many casualties as to be effectively destroyed or disabled? Or maybe that is the minimum we would need on the battlefield to put up a fight?

@HeroCooky assuming we have at least double our current Chameleon carrier fleet, would we be able to include infiltrating the Agriworlds as part of our usual Voxx Primus write in or will it take its own action? When it is infiltrated, will we be able to include its upkeep as part of our usual Voxx Primus write in?

@HeroCooky Will novel/experimental armour and weapons research only affect Infantry SAGs or is it more ground troops in general, like Mechanized/Augmetic SAGs, voidship boarding troops, etc as well?

If this is too many questions or an annoying way to ask just let me know, I'm not sure of the etiquette.
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game plan out a budget

Lotta meat here, definitely interested in going through it for an idea of what's up. Good questions too.

we will 'churn through' ~20 SAGs per turn fighting to conquer Voxx Primus. We can raise max 18 SAGs per turn at 6 SAGs per action.
I made this mistake earlier. As far as we can tell, this just means that at least 20 SAGs will be tied down on Voxx for 5-10 turns, not that we need to churn through like 80 SAGs too stand a chance of taking the place. But would be good to have QM confirmation.

3? We're at 12.
-[] Civilian Infrastructure XIII (0/2)

2-4 SAG improvements
I don't think these are necessary at all. We have knights, and well-equipped high-morale armies. I think this is fairly low priority. It'll be a grind either way, and we're not actually short in ground combat capacity, which also will replenish itself.

1 for Irrita terraformation consult. +x to start terraforming efforts
Definitely! Should be prioritized for *soon* just so we know the investment/reward in terms of housed populace/action to compare it to building space habitats.

1 for Evacuation Fleet Design, +minimum 1 for build
This should be a priority. We need those ships for both supplying Voxx and spreading the new population to existing and new planets+habitats. It unlocks most of our other solutions.

Wait do we need a 4th SBG? 3 feels like enough to start the war with. Especially if we can infiltrate the enemy fleet and defense stations. We can always build more after the war starts. They definitely have other fronts they can't abandon.

It's also been confirmed that building SBGs will get cheaper in just a few turns as our new colonies finish development. I kind of wish we could have waited on the current fleet-building but we need to be ready in case they attack next turn.

Another thought is that it might be worth spending more actions on Voxx infiltration, especially if it lets us take those void platforms without having to fight them. Can you imagine flipping the enemy battlestations in the middle of the pivotal battle?
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I made this mistake earlier. As far as we can tell, this just means that at least 20 SAGs will be tied down on Voxx for 5-10 turns, not that we need to churn through like 80 SAGs too stand a chance of taking the place. But would be good to have QM confirmation.
That would be nice. I think they have billions to throw at us along with their own elite units. We took over 30% casualties fighting the chaos planets that were surrounded on three fronts, had centuries in war and had no time to fortify after uniting. This is the first time we're fighting a near peer.
2 actions per development point so 6 actions needed, the ISC gives us 50% more development so it cuts down to 4 actions.
I don't think these are necessary at all. We have knights, and well-equipped high-morale armies. I think this is fairly low priority. It'll be a grind either way, and we're not actually short in ground combat capacity, which also will replenish itself.
War pack is equivalent to a SAG, we have elite tier troops. They will also have elite troops like shock Guardsmen, Psykers, Mechanicum, maybe Sisters along with endless human waves. We're setting ourselves up to fight a peer that way outnumbers us, we need to be better than their best. But even if I'm being a doomer just getting Templars will buff both our SAGs and the infiltrators.
This should be a priority. We need those ships for both supplying Voxx and spreading the new population to existing and new planets+habitats. It unlocks most of our other solutions.
We need at least some ships to get started but I think worlds/habitats are more important after that. We wont be moving everyone at once and I don't see housing on our developed planets as a good solution. QM said moving even just 2 billion to each of our worlds would cause massive civil problems and thats barely a dent in them. We might be able to do a good chunk of this after the war starts, I'm unsure.
Wait do we need a 4th SBG? 3 feels like enough to start the war with. Especially if we can infiltrate the enemy fleet and defense stations. We can always build more after the war starts. They definitely have other fronts they can't abandon.
Right now they have greater than 3 SBG forces in system, mostly their defence orbitals. We don't know how much infiltration will swing the fortifications.
It's also been confirmed that building SBGs will get cheaper in just a few turns as our new colonies finish development. I kind of wish we could have waited on the current fleet-building but we need to be ready in case they attack next turn.

Another thought is that it might be worth spending more actions on Voxx infiltration, especially if it lets us take those void platforms without having to fight them. Can you imagine flipping the enemy battlestations in the middle of the pivotal battle?
That'd be sweet but seems like a long shot.
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We complete a century long theological crisis.
We recieve three powerfull actions as a reward.
We recieve a free action, so that we can take at least one of these actions without interfering with prior plans.

We ignore them uttery.

Why bother finishing the heresies, to then stop at the precipipe of reaping the rewards?

Instead the leading plan is going for new boarders, when those are basically unused throughout our entire fleet. (Seriously, just 5 ships use them, and 4 of those deploy the minimum allowed amount)
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Honestly if I was going to do any faith action this turn I would do Paladins cause they were mentioned as potentially being very effective on Vox for being strong units that can fight and inspire in equal measure

Edit: Correction Paladins are a military actions. Also fuck it putting my money where my mouth is and making a Paladin plan. Don't expect to win the vote but I think its better than the winning plan.

[X] Plan: The Wolf Howls for Paladins
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
-[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
--[X] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
-[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins

-[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
--[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
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[X] Plan: Prepare the ships
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
-[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[X] 1x Andromeda (8 FP)
--[X] 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier (48 FP)
--[X] 3x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (12 FP)
-[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[X] Evacuation Fleets - (Ship Design Write-In) (0/?)
-[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
--[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
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[X] New Boarders for a New Age
This seems like an absolute waste of a fourth action.

We have only 1 ship design that uses boarders, and it's our Heavy Cruiser, who only has them because it's obligated to carry some smallcraft by doctrine.

The Lamenters won't see much benefit, because while they do do boarding, they don't use boarding craft. They use boarding torpedoes and teleportariums. Any benefit is thus tangential at best.

And meanwhile we're up against an enemy which we know prefers smaller ships. This means that our heavy cruiser is unlikely to do much boarding. Any enemy it wants to board is likely to either die under it's guns before the boarders have suited up, or will just run away.

Spending an action on boarders while ignoring both the new and powerfull faith actions, as well as the powerful Vox Primus special actions, is just a bad choice.
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The Lamenters won't see much benefit, because while they do do boarding, they don't use boarding craft. They use boarding torpedoes and teleportariums. Any benefit is thus tangential at best.
The Lamenters heavy cruiser has 2x Heavy Hangars (Boarding) and one of their frigate designs(they have three of them) has 2x Boarding Batteries that might be boarding craft as well. the other frigate design has 2x Boarding Torpedoes only.
The Lamenters heavy cruiser has 2x Heavy Hangars (Boarding) and one of their frigate designs(they have three of them) has 2x Boarding Batteries that might be boarding craft as well. the other frigate design has 2x Boarding Torpedoes only.
Pretty sure the boarding batteries are not boarding craft, so that means that a single lamemter ship might benefit a little bit.

Because, even if they do have boarding craft, ours and their needs are not the same. A boarding craft for space marines and one for regular soldiers have different design criteria.

And you still have the problem that the vast majority of the enemy fleet will either be obliterated by or easily outrun that grand cruiser.

And consider what we're giving up for this.
We contacted the Irrita for very potent food aid, and we're just not going to use it?
The enemy is doing a mass press gang/raid. That means people fleeing, displacement, disruption of food production. An excellent opportunity, just ignored for a concern that is neither pressing nor major.

We have terraforming, which even for the Irrita, takes decades. But that gets delayed for equipment that can be rolled out instantly.

We have all those faith actions, with untold promise, just being ignored.

Two different sets of actions, where after paying the cost we refuse to reap the rewards.
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Agreed the way to help the Lamenters is not better shuttles but if we are allowed designing them a light cruiser and then building enough of those to replace their current frigates.
Their Lantern Bearer-Class Commandeering Ship would cost 3DP to design now for example to show how outdated those are.
Something like this(the Boarding Torpedos cost is a guess)

[] [Light Cruiser] Class Name 25 DP
-[] Length - 4.400 Meters -1
-[] Width - 550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities -1
-[] Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull -1
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons - 2x Boarding Torpedos(4)/1x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries(3)/1x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Turrets(3)/2x Medium Hangars (Boarding)(2) (Total: XXX Boarders) = 12
-[] Equipment - Armored Prow(1),Auto-Loaders(2),Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations(1),Dedicated Ortillery(2),Light Teleportarium(4) = 10

Or a version that relies more on teleporting marines:
[] [Light Cruiser] Class Name 25 DP
-[] Length - 4.400 Meters -1
-[] Width - 600 Meters -1
-[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities -1
-[] Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull -1
-[] Shields - One Matrix
-[] Weapons - 2x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries(6)/1x Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Turrets(3)/1x Medium Hangars (Boarding)(1) (Total: XXX Boarders) = 10
-[] Equipment - Armored Prow(1),Auto-Loaders(2),Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations(1),Dedicated Ortillery(2),Large Teleportarium(5) = 11
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The QM has confirmed that New Boarders For A New Age would improve Lamenter survivability and effectiveness in void combat.

I will note - when war with Voxx comes, it's probably in our interest for them to star the war by attacking us, since it'll give us the advantage of the static defenses at Sigritta. If their fleet breaks against our fortress, then we can assault Vox.

Still, taking orbital space will not be enough. We will need both a massive planetary rebellion in our favor and an extremely strong army of our own to take the planet. Probably ought to spend 2-3 Research actions on ground forces (militarized servo skulls, better infantry weapons, better infantry armor...). And probably an appropriate Song, too.
Big difference between "it does something" and "it does enough to be worth the massive opportunity cost".

Also, got to remember that we're not the Lamenter's design agency. They seem to be doing fine in space, they can clearly innovate on their own(see, grand cruiser), and we have a massive list of priorities and opportunities that we're ignoring in favor of this.

Eternal Promise-Class Temple Ship
(Gain: Sub-Turn to create, and get access to the template of, a unique Temple Ship.)

Like, why not pick the option to get a whole grandcruiser instead? That would benefit both of us more.

[X] Plan: Remember the Harvest
-[X] Irrita Rush Terraformation (0/?)
-[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
--[X] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
-[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers

-[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
--[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them
--[x] Take advantage of new food vats to recruit and shelter those fleeing pressganging. Surely it tastes better than corpse starch?

A balanced plan, aiming to capitalize on our new Irrita stuff while also getting terrafirming sorted. A nice spread between foreign and domestic action, military and civilian.

[X] Plan: Temple Terror
-[X] Irrita Rush Terraformation (0/?)
-[X] Tetratek ARc Cannonade
- [x] The Hallowed Armada

-[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
--[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them

If we need to crush orbital defenses, why not with archeotech weaponry on a trye temple vessel?
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What does 'churn through' mean specifically? That those SAGs will take so many casualties as to be effectively destroyed or disabled? Or maybe that is the minimum we would need on the battlefield to put up a fight?

@HeroCooky assuming we have at least double our current Chameleon carrier fleet, would we be able to include infiltrating the Agriworlds as part of our usual Voxx Primus write in or will it take its own action? When it is infiltrated, will we be able to include its upkeep as part of our usual Voxx Primus write in?

@HeroCooky Will novel/experimental armour and weapons research only affect Infantry SAGs or is it more ground troops in general, like Mechanized/Augmetic SAGs, voidship boarding troops, etc as well?

If this is too many questions or an annoying way to ask just let me know, I'm not sure of the etiquette.
In order;
'Churn Through' means that 20 SAGs will be effectively rendered combat ineffective or wiped out in the Best Case Scenario during a Voxx Prime invasion. This means that you then need to assign 20 more SAGs the next Turn to keep the invasion going. Also, a reminder here that a wiped out SAG takes a Turn to be replenished but loses its veterancy progress.

You would, but it would cost an Action like Voxx does. And no, you would infiltrate three worlds at once, that is a different thing that requires a seperate Action.

It will boost all non-air/tank Units that have infantry.

And you aren't asking too many questions, but pinging someone multiple times with the @ is frowned upon as far as I know.
In order;
'Churn Through' means that 20 SAGs will be effectively rendered combat ineffective or wiped out in the Best Case Scenario during a Voxx Prime invasion. This means that you then need to assign 20 more SAGs the next Turn to keep the invasion going. Also, a reminder here that a wiped out SAG takes a Turn to be replenished but loses its veterancy progress.

You would, but it would cost an Action like Voxx does. And no, you would infiltrate three worlds at once, that is a different thing that requires a seperate Action.

It will boost all non-air/tank Units that have infantry.

And you aren't asking too many questions, but pinging someone multiple times with the @ is frowned upon as far as I know.

Hmm, are Blazing Suns potentially more resistant to being churned through as opposed to committed?
In order;
'Churn Through' means that 20 SAGs will be effectively rendered combat ineffective or wiped out in the Best Case Scenario during a Voxx Prime invasion. This means that you then need to assign 20 more SAGs the next Turn to keep the invasion going. Also, a reminder here that a wiped out SAG takes a Turn to be replenished but loses its veterancy progress.

You would, but it would cost an Action like Voxx does. And no, you would infiltrate three worlds at once, that is a different thing that requires a seperate Action.

It will boost all non-air/tank Units that have infantry.

And you aren't asking too many questions, but pinging someone multiple times with the @ is frowned upon as far as I know.
out of curiosity, what would have happened if you chose [] The Lament ,[] The Spirit or [] The Squid instead of [] The Child ?
We have 26 worlds that have SAG's, Droma has 3 and Quintura Diablo has two for a total of 29 SAG if the churn is 20 per turn and they recover in a turn we need 40 in total.
We have 9 Warpacks and gain 4 per turn
things will get better but i am not sure how long it would take for our final 6 worlds to get a SAG and leaves us still 5 short of the needed amount to maintain the churn(Warpacks will be able to cover some of the difference but there will be parts of the hive where they do not fit)
We have 26 worlds that have SAG's, Droma has 3 and Quintura Diablo has two for a total of 29 SAG if the churn is 20 per turn and they recover in a turn we need 40 in total.
We have 9 Warpacks and gain 4 per turn
things will get better but i am not sure how long it would take for our final 6 worlds to get a SAG and leaves us still 5 short of the needed amount to maintain the churn(Warpacks will be able to cover some of the difference but there will be parts of the hive where they do not fit)
We could always do terraforming, if we it fast enough they might have sags ready...
True but it is something to plan for as we also want a SAG for each of the agricultural worlds so should plan for two actions(as i like to send more then the minimal numbers as that often leads to lower losses)
Hmm, are Blazing Suns potentially more resistant to being churned through as opposed to committed?
No, but they are more effective in force concentration against heavily defended targets (like Hives) than a regular SAG.
out of curiosity, what would have happened if you chose [] The Lament ,[] The Spirit or [] The Squid instead of [] The Child ?
Lamenter Honor Guard, Pissed-Off Servitors, Tzeentch.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jun 25, 2024 at 2:01 PM, finished with 43 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Wolf Howls for Refitting! v 1.2
    -[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
    --[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
    --[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
    --[X] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
    -[X] New Boarders for a New Age
    -[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
    --[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
    --[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
    [X]Plan: SBG, Militarize and Start Voxx Research
    -[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
    --[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
    -[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
    -[X] The Laurent's Voxx Primus Write In
    [X]Plan: SBG, Militarize, Artillery and Chameleons with Voxx
    -[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
    --[X] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2)
    -[X] Laurent's Voxx Hive action
    [X] Plan: Interest Compromise
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
    --[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
    --[X] 7x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X] New Boarders for a New Age
    --[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
    -[X] Laurent's Voxx Hive action
    [X] Plan: Ready the Fleets.
    -[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
    --[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
    --[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
    --[X] 7x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X] New Boarders for a New Age
    -[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
    [X] Plan: The Wolf Howls for Paladins
    -[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
    --[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
    --[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
    --[X] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
    -[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
    -[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
    --[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
    --[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
    [X] Plan: Prepare the ships
    -[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
    --[X] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
    --[X] 1x Andromeda (8 FP)
    --[X] 6x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier (48 FP)
    --[X] 3x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (12 FP)
    -[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
    --[X] Evacuation Fleets - (Ship Design Write-In) (0/?)
    -[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
    --[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
    --[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
    [X] Plan: Remember the Harvest
    -[X] Irrita Rush Terraformation (0/?)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
    --[X] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
    --[X] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
    -[X] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
    -[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
    --[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
    --[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
    --[x] Take advantage of new food vats to recruit and shelter those fleeing pressganging. Surely it tastes better than corpse starch?
    [X] Plan: Temple Terror
    -[X] Irrita Rush Terraformation (0/?)
    -[X] Tetratek ARc Cannonade
    - [x] The Hallowed Armada
    -[X] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, both spies and preachers, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
    --[X] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
    --[X] If the situation permits, those within the structures can try to convert people, but in the end for these purposes, a live spy is better than a dead martyr, and so caution is to be the watchword and is to be drilled into them.
Voting will open in 4 hours, 10 minutes