What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Your powers of pessimism are impressive, because I'm almost certain that @HeroCooky 's point was exactly the opposite, that their economy is in Turbo War Mode, or was, whereas we've been taking it easy.

I guess I'm just intimidated by seeing a Neon sized power but not actually distracted by Chaos or some other power and centered around and industrial and economic powerhouse able to support at least one Hive World.
I know this is a bit behind, but wouldn't the VZs have navigators and still be able to take that connection back to Droma too? Think we'd need to build that up as well

I mean, if they want to risk losing half or more of their fleet due to fucking it up, yes. It's like jumping to a Pirate Point in Battletech. Yes, you can do it, and it gets you a big advantage if you can pull it off. But no, you're probably not going to have everyone show up on the other end, or at the same time, or anything along those lines. Major fleet movements are generally only possible along Stable routes for that reason, too much risk of getting scattered otherwise.
Oh wow, that's a big sub-sector. Bigger than Amratar, although I didn't count. And a lot of those systems have more than one world.

@HeroCooky do we know if they have another Hive World in that sub-sector?

edit: I'm also a big fan of 'Sub-sector Sectorus.' The Administratum must've been working overtime to come up with that one.
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[] [Voxx Primus] Send infiltrators, social manipulators, and further elite troops in small numbers (enough to hide their involvement) to get involved in the gang wars to come. Focus on finding gangs that can be either recruited or bribed off... and utterly destroying those Underhive gangs that cannot, using those Gangs willing to bend the knee as a cover for expansion, transforming them from within and without through the power of being the ones with the guns, industry, and food. Infiltrators are to work on undermining those gangs that cannot be made to bend the knee from within, setting them up against each other and against themselves from within, with the Voxx Primus rebels always ready to sweep up the pieces of a gang civil war, rescue the survivors, and expand that way if needed. Additionally, while sending in these other covert experts and so on, also send in five Choirs covertly to strengthen communication and aid in this push, operating carefully and secretively--better not to be noticed than to be noticed when it comes to Psykana

This is good, and after this we dig ourselves deeper beneath the Underhives. When we're dug in there I'm certain we'll be in a great position to start damaging the higher ups of the Hive.

We are going to get some good shit from this guys.

Edit: That's a big friggin polity. We're in for a fun time, given we'll have this whole nation's undivided attention. This where we start breaking out the infantry research?
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Ahahahahaha, holy fuck, yeah, it's Super Neon, like I feared, just that instead of being in the boonies, it's a regional industrial and economic hub.

We'll have parity with their mobile forces once all three of our SBGs are online, which is amazing, but they're also depleted after a long and grinding war, and we have no idea what their replenishment rate looks like.

Bluh yeah looks like we're in for another couple centuries of war. I wonder if there's a win condition here that's not just military conquest. It definitely feels like subverting Voxx is the first step though. We can take them, it just means a lot of fighting.

Also, please note that Van Zandt has just gone down from over a century of war to peace-time in a no-holds-barred xenocidal war as a 5/5 Dogmatic Nation against a peer power just now. And you haven't.
Hmm. Maybe this means we have a couple turns of buffer to build up Sira as a serious fortress before they actually start to throw down. I'd also like to do the next round of refits if possible. Maybe a design action next turn to update the Libra & Crux's before we build out the next battlefleet? They won't throw their entire fleet strength against us immediately.

As far as I see it, we have two options here. First, less risky (and the default) is to stay on the defensive. Spend an action on Voxx every other turn, build up Sira as a fortress world and spend spare actions on redesigns, psykana etc. to improve our qualitative advantage and win the efficiency war over a long period of time.

Or, we could shovel actions into Voxx at a rate of 1-2 a turn while building up as much military as possible, with the goal of blitzkreig directly into their core systems the instant Voxx falls. That feels like it could grant some absolutely insane strategic surprise, flipping their bastion Hive world without warning and then storming into their critical areas to cripple them, maybe before they even fully mobilize in our direction.

One other thing to call out is that we can't leave Droma completely undefended. They can probably take unstable warp routes too, even if it's risky as hell. I'd prefer not to have a surprise battlefleet completely uncontested in our capitol system.

[] [Psykana] The Celestial Orrery (0/2)
Cool, psyker ship equipment! I'm curious what the progression on this looks like - is there a linear chain? It's a little surprising there's no more research options here. Do we have any idea what's next? I think the two things I'm interested in are planetary & ship equipment that improve the power of our songs (like letting us assign more choirs to spark of genius, or turning the Andromedas into Psyker power amplifiers for combat songs.)
Also to note, currently the smaller than SBG fleet in Voxx Primus is... four Cobras. I'm pretty sure four of our own Destroyers could see them off, let alone the SBG about to park in Ultima Sigritta.
Okay, caught up. Here's my comments:
1. Yes, you can pre-place SAGs on a planet without an Action, disregard my prior comment.
2. The Knights will gain an Auto-Ticker Action next Turn.
3. Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.
4. Upped the SAG and Knight production rate. The Knights will only be there this Turn.
5. Added more BSGs to build.
The Genesis of Candle Keeper Station
It's too late for me to read right now, I'll decide if Canon or not tomorrow.
Can we assign the Centaur SBG as a non-action, though? Assign being, "Not a mission, just this is your base/port of call." I remember those sorts of movements being free-ish, usually?
Yeah, you can do that.
The Laurent said:
Your powers of pessimism are impressive, because I'm almost certain that @HeroCooky 's point was exactly the opposite, that their economy is in Turbo War Mode, or was, whereas we've been taking it easy.
It's exactly as you have written.
Speaking of which, if the Kil'drabi were still a protectorate what would their trait be?
Extremophiles - Can colonize Arctic/Vulcanic Planets as if they were Habitable.
@HeroCooky do we know if they have another Hive World in that sub-sector?

edit: I'm also a big fan of 'Sub-sector Sectorus.' The Administratum must've been working overtime to come up with that one.
They have not. And yes, the Administratum decided upon that name after the casualties in the naming committees reached the triple-digits.
What species where they in war with?
And are any of those xenos still alive so we could go and Save them?
Unknown. You only have their propaganda to go on, and that is...sketchy at best.
I'm curious what the progression on this looks like - is there a linear chain? It's a little surprising there's no more research options here. Do we have any idea what's next?
Nope and no to both of your questions.
So just to be sure our next war target is the free duchy right? Given they seem a typical extreme imperial succession state with all that includes? And we'll probably start that war with Voxx and go from there.
So just to be sure our next war target is the free duchy right? Given they seem a typical extreme imperial succession state with all that includes? And we'll probably start that war with Voxx and go from there.
I don't think there's any other option. We could've tried to start something with the Black Ash Clan if we had more time (who by the way, have a fleet equal to an SBG in Mogteolt now), but as is we have to give the Free Duchy our full and undivided attention if we want to be able to face them.
3. Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.
... BTW, how many War Packs are equal to one SAG?

To keep the numbers straight.
[] Plan: The Hammer and the Anvil, Part 1
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Centaur (1/2)
---[] When completed, Battle Group Centaur is to be assigned to Ultima Sigritta.
-[] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[]Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons)
---[] Ultima Sigritta/Sira is to be colonized as a primarily military colony, with focus to be given as a priority on building defenses, shipyards, and SDF.

-[] [Voxx Primus] Send infiltrators, social manipulators, and further elite troops in small numbers (enough to hide their involvement) to get involved in the gang wars to come. Focus on finding gangs that can be either recruited or bribed off... and utterly destroying those Underhive gangs that cannot, using those Gangs willing to bend the knee as a cover for expansion, transforming them from within and without through the power of being the ones with the guns, industry, and food. Infiltrators are to work on undermining those gangs that cannot be made to bend the knee from within, setting them up against each other and against themselves from within, with the Voxx Primus rebels always ready to sweep up the pieces of a gang civil war, rescue the survivors, and expand that way if needed. Additionally, while sending in these other covert experts and so on, also send in five Choirs covertly to strengthen communication and aid in this push, operating carefully and secretively--better not to be noticed than to be noticed when it comes to Psykana... a good choice would be the use of the Perception Melody in order to gather intel about the opposing gangs, but generally the Choir's instincts within these bounds are to be trusted.
-[] [Free] Place 1st Barbarun SAG, 1st Ikatun SAG, 1st Diablan SAG, 1st Brigach SAG, 1st Semumrum SAG, 1st Valhidem SAG, 1st Lights SAG & 1st Labors SAG on Ultima Sigritta for defense against incursion.
-[] Switch to [New Dawn R&D]

Added some SAG stuff! Eight SAGs in Ultima Sigritta should be enough in the unlikely case that there is an invasion coming, and if not it'll be enough to fortify the ground as we're about to fortify the system above.
(Looks at all the planets within the new Sub-Sector)

... There's no backwater world named Van Zandt so far.

Disappointing. Maybe one will be discovered via New Dawn R&D?
The Eternal Sunset of the Knightless Mind - [Non-Canon]
The Eternal Sunset of the Knightless Mind

Skuld was vibrating on her feet, restless with excitement. The time had finally arrived, the grand celebration about to commence. Conscription day had been celebrated her for as long as the town had existed, serving first the old empire, and then the light of the glimmering Federation. The latter had abolished the conscription, but the town would not so easily abolish it's legacy. And so, every spring, in the midst of March, the youths would gather and sign up for the future military careers. It was a grand spectacle, and if many of them signed up for the reserves or local PDF, then everyone knew not to complain.

Skuld however, was not looking for such an easy assignment. She wanted to be in the fight proper, liberating people as the Glimmering Federation had liberated her home, writing the same legends which she grew up hearing every day. Some of her friends had chosen similar careers, joining up with the SAG's or the Navy, or in the case of one hopeless romantic, trying to become a fighter jock. But not her. She had a higher aim. Her grandfather had told her the stories his grandfather had told him, of the great god machines, the awesome power of the walkers that could turn the tide of the battle, and the sheer fortitude of the pilots who lashed their minds to those systems. She'd been enamored, and even if all she'd seen of them was a blurry, yellowed pict snipped from an old propaganda leaflet, she still knew what she wanted to do.

And so she trained, to meet the rigorous standards. She learned, to understand the angles of fire, to do in her head the mathematics that would guide missile and claw, that would direct tonnes of steel and tear the enemy asunder. She put the strength of her mind against machine, even if the local mechanicus was mystified why a laywoman showed such interest in dealing with machines even they considered to obstinate and worthless to fix. And 6 months ago, she wrote to the capital, to the fortress of The Order of the Blazing Sun, to request that they send their representative to the festival, so that she might show her merit.

And they came. They came.
A heavy cargo shuttle had flown over the town 2 days ago, setting down in a nearby field. Since then, she'd been watching the knights, setting up their gear. Part of her, (a foolish part, she chided herself) had hoped they'd bring a knight, but of course those god machines had better things to do than judge the merit of simple applicants like her. Instead, they had brough a weird and complex apparat, and had been spending all day and knight setting it up. A Training Throne, to test the recruits of their worthiness. And in just a few minutes, she might sit upon it, and prove her worth.

Those last minutes were agone. One by one, the names of children were announced, and one by one, men and woman would stand up, pledge their oaths, and walk onwards to the assembled recruiters. But then, absolution. She stood up, walked as fast she dignifiedly could, to the stand. She delivered the oath, pitch perfect, with not a vowel of second wasted. And then, she was a child no longer, and she was off. Leaving the baffled mayor behind, she jogged (dignified, but fast), towards the recruiters, bullied her way through the signup lines of the militia and the SDF, past the navy booth -they had, she was suprised to notice, actually send a Thule- , and then into the depths of the camp. The knights, late arrivers, were all the way back. It was quiet here, with only a handful of conscientious objectors to be seen, signing up for engineering, or Mil Ind positions.

"Ah, Miss Skuld, I presume", the kind voice of an old man behind her derailed her train of thought. "I was informed that you would seek to join our order." He continued.
"Walk with me, and we can get you sorted". They entered the big tent, and saw the throne within. "Normally, we would request that recruits come to our fortress for the proceedings, but it's rare for us to see one so dedicated, and the weather's lovely out here this time of the year".
"Now, the doctor has send us your physicals and test results, so we can skip that part of the test. Hasn't been used in decades really, what with malnutrition being going, and everyone learning his letters. What matters is right here" He tapped his head.
"Whether you can connect with the engine, to maintain stability of mind. That is the skill all knights should have. Now sit down, and we'll have you rigged up in a minute."

Connecting the training pilot engine did not take long, the old knight being efficient in his work, and having access to a wide array of connectors and convertors to attach the machines crude old dataport to the transcranial datalink beneath her temple.
"There. We'd have to get you fitted for something more fitting later, but for now, this'll do." he finished. "Now, you just relax, and I'll turn the machine on. Focus on the square in front of you, and try to maintain your sense of self. Remember, you are flesh, not metal."

And then, with the push of a button and the whine of electric capacitors, the machine activated, and she fell. She fell into the darkness, feeling her arms turned into claws, her legs pumping into the mud to try and free herself from the march in which she'd been trapped. She felt the sting of lasers hitting her frame, her ears filled with the rattling of bullets upon her hull, and out of every eye upon her body she saw the green of orks, as they crawled on top of her. She lashed out, a claw tearing Orks asunder, but the sudden action just made her sink further. A blast of a cannon gave a moment of respite, but before she could think on how to start righting herself, the Orks were flowing in again. She started to panic, to fear, but then the words of the Old Knight came to her again. She was flesh, not metal. She was more than the machine. And she got it. With a simple, mental command, she confirmed it. She took a moment to direct the final databurst, the last goodbye of a god engine, and then the link cut out, the engines fired, and her pilot pod shot away from the wreckage.

"Excellent job, my girl", the old knight congratulated. "You made a great connection, reassured the old machine quite well. Remind me of myself in my prime, you do. Now, I figure you want to tell your parents, and I have to get this whole show back onto the road, so I'll see you tomorrow. We depart at 9, if the weathers favorable and the port's not too busy".
Before he could walk into the tent, Skuld interjected "Just a moment, sir, of your time please."
She had heard rumors of the Order, fears that even those worthy might never pilot or see an engine, due to their great rarity, and so she had to ask.
"Do we have an engine on this planet? I would love to serve the other, even if I never pilot one, but I so long love to see one." The priest look, so mixture of compassion and pity on his face.

"My dear girl, didn't you know?" He removed part of the covering of the throne, revealing a shattered hull panel beneath, and half a handprint. "You've already piloted an engine."
"This here is all that remains of Shimmer of the Exalted Sword, after her fall against the Orks 90 years ago. They haven't made new engines, let alone new parts in centuries. The factory line has been lost to the years, we don't even know where to get the machines to make the parts. All we do, all anyone in this order does, is to connect to the machines, let them dream of the battles past, and how they could have saved the pilots they lost. "
[] Plan: The Hammer and the Anvil, Part 1
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Centaur (1/2)
---[] When completed, Battle Group Centaur is to be assigned to Ultima Sigritta.
-[] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[]Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons)
---[] Ultima Sigritta/Sira is to be colonized as a primarily military colony, with focus to be given as a priority on building defenses, shipyards, and SDF.

-[] [Voxx Primus] Send infiltrators, social manipulators, and further elite troops in small numbers (enough to hide their involvement) to get involved in the gang wars to come. Focus on finding gangs that can be either recruited or bribed off... and utterly destroying those Underhive gangs that cannot, using those Gangs willing to bend the knee as a cover for expansion, transforming them from within and without through the power of being the ones with the guns, industry, and food. Infiltrators are to work on undermining those gangs that cannot be made to bend the knee from within, setting them up against each other and against themselves from within, with the Voxx Primus rebels always ready to sweep up the pieces of a gang civil war, rescue the survivors, and expand that way if needed. Additionally, while sending in these other covert experts and so on, also send in five Choirs covertly to strengthen communication and aid in this push, operating carefully and secretively--better not to be noticed than to be noticed when it comes to Psykana... a good choice would be the use of the Perception Melody in order to gather intel about the opposing gangs, but generally the Choir's instincts within these bounds are to be trusted.
-[] [Free] Place 1st Barbarun SAG, 1st Ikatun SAG, 1st Diablan SAG, 1st Brigach SAG, 1st Semumrum SAG, 1st Valhidem SAG, 1st Lights SAG & 1st Labors SAG on Ultima Sigritta for defense against incursion.
-[] Switch to [New Dawn R&D]

Added some SAG stuff! Eight SAGs in Ultima Sigritta should be enough in the unlikely case that there is an invasion coming, and if not it'll be enough to fortify the ground as we're about to fortify the system above.
Why change Green Horizons Colonization LTD for New Dawn R&D if you want to colonize Ultima Sigritta/Sira?
Also, something to note is that while the Free Duchy is definitely way bigger than us, they have a pretty solid chance of getting their heart ripped out by a Chaos rebellion under the wrong circumstances. I remember we thought we were going to spend centuries more on the war against Neon than we actually did before their entire sub-sector exploded into a series of Chaos rebellions. Obviously this doesn't change anything for our current course of action, we can't depend on something like this happening, but Imperial remnants look solid right up until they aren't.
So we have 29 SAGs total.

We should probably try to raise that number to 40 before we try to conquer Voxx.
Yeah, that makes sense. Although we should definitely finish filling out our SBGs before we start working on SAGs. Which works just fine, considering that we don't want to do any kind of invasion of the Free Duchy before we have a rebellion in the underhives nice and ready.
3. Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.
Yeah, we'll clearly need to get a better army to get through this. We've neglected it a bit. We'll need to spend some actions building Knights and SAG, for one, and researching those new Infantry weapons and armor would also be a good start.
I feel like that can kind of wait, not to the very end, but towards the latter end of our scheme. Since to even get that far we'd need the naval forces to punch on through to the planet, and we'd need a local resistence ready to begin its Final Rebellion, and right now we have NEITHER.
2. The Knights will gain an Auto-Ticker Action next Turn.

Nice! Happy to hear that Cooky!

4. Upped the SAG and Knight production rate. The Knights will only be there this Turn.


Guys please, we could get 8 war-packs at once, but we gotta do it now. We could jump from 15 Knights to 135 with one action. Surely we can put off a Vox action for one turn? We just did one...two turns ago I believe? Come on, please, I'm begging here, it'll be a titanic boost to our ground-fighting capabilities, and we'll need more boots on the ground for the war against the Free Duchy.
[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [12 FP Banked]
Ships are produced at these rates: Scouts at 1 FP, Destroyers at 2 FP, Frigates at 4 FP, Light Cruisers at 8 FP, and Heavy Cruisers at 18 FP.
You can refit for 19 FP: One Leo-Primus to One Leo-Class Vanguard, Two Libra-S to Two Libra-T, Three Crux to Three Crux-S, and Four Taurus into Four Taurus-S in one Turn.
(Gain: Chosen Fleet.)
Oh @HeroCooky I'm fairly sure there's a mistake here, it should be 10 FP per refit like it was before this update. Otherwise we might as well never refit and always build.
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